Read Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2) Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #menage romance, #Paranormal Romance, #erotic romance

Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2)
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Thorn hooked his thumbs into her panties and yanked them down, but didn’t remove them entirely. There was the rustle of clothing, followed by a thud, and then she heard the tearing of packets. More thumps and noises, and then she was nudged forward.

“I’m going to pick you up. Thorn and I are here for you. Be with us; stay with us. Do you understand?”

Sera let his words sink in. “You want me to focus on you two and nothing else?”

“Yes.” Carver picked her up and Thorn supported her arms. She placed her hands over Thorn’s and gripped them. She was settled on her knees on a hard surface and she bent forward to place her hands on Carver’s chest. She felt lube poured onto her ass. Then Thorn parted the cheeks and began to work a finger into her back passage.

“You are strong and beautiful.” Carver sat up. The muscles of his thighs moved as they slid to the end of the table. Thorn stopped them with a hand on the base of her back.

“And you are sexy and powerful,” Thorn added, as he withdrew his fingers and pushed them back in.

Carver repositioned her and then brought her down onto his shaft. She cried out as he drove in until he was balls deep. Carver lifted her up and lowered her back down. He repeated the process until tears streamed down her face and she couldn’t take it.

“Please,” the word came from the very the center of her being.

“Not yet.”

Thorn continued his ministrations in her ass, driving her further and further off the deep end. She tried to push her hips back but Carver held her still.

“We love you as you are, not for what you can give us.” Carver punctuated that statement with kisses across her collarbone. “Not for what you can do for us.”

“We want you for your beautiful curves, as well as your imperfections, and all.” Thorn traced a finger along her spine.

“I love how you savor your coffee.” Carver pressed his lips over her pulse point.

“I love how you take your time to eat. You don’t rush a good meal.” Thorn nipped his way along her shoulders.

Sera was at a loss for words. Tears soaked through the blindfold, but she didn’t ask to have it removed.

“Your laugh is infectious.”

“You give without thinking of yourself. You say please and thank you without expectation.”

Their voices and words merged as they brought her back to the pinnacle of pleasure. Carver thrust upward and Thorn continued his prep of her ass.

Everything stopped when Thorn withdrew his fingers.

Carver’s hands glided up her sides to cup her ribs as Thorn gripped her hips. She felt his cockhead at the entrance of her anus. He pushed in and pulled away, repeating the action until he was seated inside of her from root to tip. When Thorn pulled out Carver drove up. Not once was she left without one of them inside of her.

“We love every inch of you.” Carver latched onto one nipple, biting the tip as he sucked it into his mouth. One of Thorn’s hands curved around her hip to delve between her thighs and dip into her folds until he found her clit.

“And we will always love you, no matter what you do,” Thorn whispered as he worked the sensitive bundle of nerves.

There was no urgency. They took their time, nudging her toward the pinnacle. They didn’t let her come just yet. She begged, pleaded, and cried to no avail. At one point she even used her manacled hands to tease the base of Thorn’s cock as he drove into her. Still they wouldn’t give her relief.

“You have us tied to you. We are tethered to you and only you.” Thorn placed openmouthed kisses along her shoulders. He scraped his teeth down the back of her neck. She shivered as sweat slipped down her body, adding to the sensations coursing through her.

Time stopped again as they stilled. Her body hung in space, neither man inside of her.

“Tell us you know.” Carver’s tone was deep and rich, like plush velvet. It slid over her skin and stoked the fires that burned in her body. “Do you know, Seraphena?”

The use of her name was a command. A demand for an answer without hesitation or thought. She shivered, unable to resist. Without a thought, relaxed from all stress, without emotional boundaries keeping her in check, she answered with a single word. “Yes.”

Carver and Thorn pushed inside of her in unison. They pushed her higher and higher until she was sent soaring, the orgasm crashing into her, pulling her under a riptide of pleasure. She couldn’t even get any words out. Any noise she could have made remained trapped in her throat. Her heart felt as if it would explode, and her lungs burned from lack of air. Her body ceased to function, caught in a moment when everything crystallized.

Pain and desire merged into one shining, white-hot second. A roar filled her ears as awareness returned and her muscles spasmed. Tendons jumped and her body twitched. She had returned to the land of the living. She felt Carver come first, filling her with his fire. Then Thorn followed, adding cold to temper the heat.

Aftershocks rocked her body as she came again. Woman and feline were sated. “I’m all yours,” she whispered.

Darkness fell as she lay down on Carver’s chest.

“No matter what, we’re in this together.” Carver and Thorn both said the words as Sera lost consciousness.

From now on that’s how it would be, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.





The circle of torches flickered in the darkened wood, painting shadows that danced in and out of the group. They stood waiting, watching, all their attention focused on the five people standing on a raised dais, close to the shimmering lake. Only the snap and crackle of fire could be heard.

Werewolves prowled the area, already in wolf form. Lion shifters lay on boulders, watching the action with lazy flicks of their tails. The occasional pixie flitted into the light, only to flutter away like butterflies under the full moon.

Sera could feel elven magic drift along on the breeze. Behind her, Carver and Thorn stood in their full demon glory, a study in fire and ice and nightmare made real. Carver’s skin had a dark red flush; his crimson, bat-like wings were extended to their fullest, their cracked, blackened bones shimmering as if still roasting in the heart of a conflagration. His eyes were utterly black. None of the light that entered them was reflected back. His sharpened features looked chiseled out of granite.

He flexed his fingers, fingernails grown knife-sharp. His tail brushed back and forth in a lazy pattern. Bare from the waist up, flame tattoos shimmered in the low light, as if drinking from the heat source. Sera felt as if she were standing next to a fireplace.

To Carver’s left stood Thorn, an ice sculpture brought to life. His milk-pale skin glimmered as if encased in crushed diamonds. His wings were marble white. As they flexed, they gave off a cold wind that cooled Sera’s skin. The pale bones shone silver in the moonlight. His horns, like icicles, curved up into the air, slicing through the cool night, and his visage looked as if it were made of glaciers. There were patches of blue, gray, and white on his cheeks and brow. His normally red tresses had become the color of newly fallen snow, without even a trace of warmth.

Thorn was also naked from the waist up. Both men wore leather pants, tight enough to show off their muscular thighs. They shifted from side to side but said nothing. They looked like gods staring down on the festivities with neither pleasure nor disinterest. They were just there.

Bridget, Mysta, and Lana stood next to Thorn, dressed in various shades of black, their faces expressionless. Only their eyes showed curiosity.

Sera glanced at her mother. She was dressed in an elegant business suit with flats. She wore no jewelry and her visage was a mask of stoicism. Sera’s sister Vivi stood among the throng of watchers, naked and ready to shift. She had no interest in vying for the leadership position.

Those who wanted to replace Francine stood under the dais, clumped together.

All gazes turned to Sera. She took a deep breath and began. “I have sent out the call. Our leap is in peril, headed down a dangerous path that will surely lead to destruction. We need new guidance, a strong leader, a future filled with possibility rather than stagnation. We must throw out the ideas that nearly destroyed us decades ago. With this in mind, I call for the deposition of my mother, Francine Lenore Courtney, and for a battle royale to commence. A new leader shall be determined by combat. Only one can emerge the winner. Let the bloodshed begin!”

Sera held her breath and waited for the fighting to commence. No one moved. Seconds slipped by and still nothing. Not even a punch or kick.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” Francine snapped.

The crowd parted. Dina emerged, naked. Her coffee-dark skin glimmered in the firelight. Her green eyes blazed with hatred. “I challenge you to one-on-one combat, old woman.”

Francine snorted. “I refuse.”

“The rules of the battle royale state that you must either accept or forfeit your right to rule. Do you forfeit?” Dina crossed her arms under her breasts.

Francine stepped forward, a scowl on her face. She undressed in a matter of seconds and jumped down into the pit. “Well?”

Dina moved so fast that Sera nearly missed it. Only her heightened shifter senses registered the movement. In mid-shift, Dina struck out with her claws. Blood flew into the air in an arc, and Francine let out an animalistic scream. She was quick to counterattack, launching herself at Dina and knocking the woman down. The two of them rolled, their bodies part human, part panther. The gathering of people contending for leader stood back and let them fight, their faces impassive.

“This will be over soon

Carver’s thoughts, smooth as silk, entered Sera’s mind.

Sera’s breath stalled in her chest as Carver’s presence flooded her body. She felt his hands everywhere, his hot breath a kiss from a furnace on the back of her neck. His emotions joined the fray, showing her love, adoration, desire, and need.

Not to be left out of the party, Thorn’s thoughts merged with Carver’s.
“Dina is younger, stronger, and the crowd won’t allow your mother to cheat.”

Sera reached behind her and took their hands as she watched Dina get the upper hand. Blow after blow rained down on Francine. Sera winced, but remained silent. Pain burrowed deep into her heart as tears streamed down her face. Her beautiful, strong, arrogant mother looked a shell of the person she had once been. With each punch that Dina landed, the outcome became more inevitable.

Francine stopped trying to fight back. Her face was a bloody ruin, there were cuts on her chest, and her hair, once perfectly coifed, was now down from its bun, spread out on the dirt like a dark pillow mixed with blood, grass, and leaves.

“Forfeit!” Dina screamed over and over again.

Francine lay supine on the ground, no longer fighting back. “I concede. You win, Dina.” Her voice was a cracked husk, without authority. She had no strength left. Not even anger filled her tone.

All eyes turned to Sera. She cleared her throat. “Dina Kristia is the winner and new leader of the leap. Francine has conceded. I, Seraphena, daughter of Francine, relinquish all rights to leadership and will not challenge her or anyone else for the right to guide our people in the future.”

Dina rose with liquid grace and a nod. “As leader, I declare the Lunar Shift shall begin!”

Screams, howls, and excited chatter filled the air as the forest came alive. Various forms of magic filtered through the night as the leap shifted as one. Sera joined them, allowing her black panther to join her people. Once in feline form, she peeked over her shoulder toward her friends.

Mysta had shed her clothing and was already in her snake form. Copper, cream, gold, and brown scales shone in the low light as she slithered toward the darkness of a copse of trees. Bridget and Lana had taken off to the safety of home. The woods were no place for anything other than shifters and prey. Only Carver and Thorn remained, still in full-demon form.

“We’ll be here when you need us,” Carver murmured. He flicked his fingers and the fire burst to life, illuminating the entire area.

“Be safe, love.” Thorn called out.

Both men walked over to a nearby boulder and sat down, looking like statues from hell.

Sera nodded and left to join her leap. They would be there when she got back. There was no doubt. And they always would be. She knew this.

Her heart swelled with love. She was entering the future with no strings or obligations. For the first time, she felt free and open to anything. She had her men and her friends and her sister to thank. She sent silent thanks up to the goddess and looked forward to next Samhain. Who knew what would happen between now and then?


~ About the Author ~


Multi-Published Author, part vampire, part pixie, Selena Illyria was born with a need to write and enable. Her imagination takes her into the paranormal, sci-fi and fantasy genres and all sorts of mischief. When not writing she enjoys catching up on her TBR pile, watching some of her favorite programs and listening to her favorite music as well as teasing people with posts on decadent food and plot bunnies.


Discover more about Selena Illyria here






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~ Also by Selena Illyria ~



BOOK: Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2)
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