Making You Mine (22 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

BOOK: Making You Mine
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“I want you to meet them, too,” she said. “It’s just that… ”

“Too soon?”

“No. It’s not that… my step-dad isn’t exactly the most dignified person out there and my mom… well. I told you she’s not my real mom so we’re real different.”

“I don’t care—”

“I mean
different, Sal. I wouldn’t want you to get the idea that I think like them.”

Sal laughed. “Sweetheart, my brothers are ticking time bombs. Not to mention my pistol-whip of a sister. Just because we’re related doesn’t mean their personalities reflect on me. I would never judge you by your family. I’m not gonna judge you period. I already know enough to be convinced that I wanna be with you. That’s all that matters. Don’t worry about anything else.”

“I’d love for you to meet Rose. I can bring her to the shower if that’s okay?”

“Absolutely. I can’t wait to meet your little

That made her smile. “That reminds me. Since you’re closing and I’m getting off early today, Taylor and Joey are picking me up. We’re taking Rose to the mall. She got invited to the prom so we’re helping her pick out a dress.” She played with the buttons on the front of his shirt. “I can introduce you to them today when they pick me up. They’re not family but they mean the world to me.”

Sal swallowed hard, knowing he shouldn’t have an issue with these two guys meaning the world to her. Now that he knew the truth, he saw it in Joey who was a little more obvious. But Taylor had really struck a nerve, especially the way he called Grace beautiful. Still, he took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Sure. I’d love to meet them.”

After their talk and a few more lustful kisses Sal finally had to let Grace go back to work. Sofia left and Alex came in the back to have a word with him. “So I see you made a move?”

Sal nodded still facing the computer, he was switching Grace’s days off. “Not just a move. I’m having her come to the shower this weekend. I want everyone to meet her.”

“Wow. You don’t waste time do you? That’s cool though. Gracie’s pretty awesome. Just one thing.” Sal turned to look at him. “You better let all your little girlfriends know you’re off the market now, because you are, right?”

Sal frowned. “I don’t have girlfriends.”

“Well anyone else that might get any ideas about coming in here to face off with Grace. That wasn’t cool. She played it off, but I won’t have her being mistreated like that. She doesn’t deserve it.”

“You really think I’m gonna let that happen again? Melissa’s the only one that would do something like that and I already talked to her. She won’t be coming around here again.”

Alex didn’t seem convinced. “I really hope everything works out, Sal. Sofie was a little worried too when she realized what’s going on. I don’t think Grace will stick around if it doesn’t.”

Sal had every intention of making things work with Grace. It had to. “Trust me. I’m not taking this thing lightly, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

They talked a little longer. Alex was clearly concerned not so much about Grace leaving but about her feelings being hurt. He said he hadn’t even thought about how she’d handle all the women in Sal’s life.

It annoyed Sal that Alex and Sofia made him out to be such a player. Just because he’d never brought anyone home to meet the family didn’t mean all that. He just hadn’t found anyone he felt he wanted to and now that he had he was wasting no time. In that sense, he had to admit he was like his brothers. They both knew when they met the one that she was it. Even though it took his knucklehead brother Alex years to figure it out he’d been stuck on Valerie from the moment he met her.

The day went by too quickly. Before he knew it, Grace was in the back getting ready to leave. He walked in as she pulled her things out of the cabinet. He hated that he wouldn’t be spending time with her tonight like he had the last two nights.

“Joey couldn’t make it after all,” Grace said, looking up from her purse. “His mom showed up last minute from out of town so he’s spending the day with her. But Taylor is still picking me up.”

“You guys still going to the mall?” He asked, hopeful that it’d been cancelled and he could pick her up once he closed the restaurant up.

“Oh, yeah. My sister is dying to go and even though Taylor’s not the shopper of the two, he said he didn’t mind. We’ll probably catch a movie after.”

Sal let that simmer, reminding himself Taylor was gay and in a happy relationship. She turned back to the cabinet and Sal walked up behind her, kissing her neck. “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow and you can come with me to Angel’s?”

“What time? I have class in the morning.”

He sucked her neck now, feeling the tightening of his pants, but he couldn’t stop. Julie walked in the room and Grace pulled away, annoying the hell out of him.

“Uh… your ride is here, Grace.”

Grace was visibly embarrassed; her face even flushed a little. “Thanks. Can you let him know I’ll be out in a minute please?” Julie walked out and Grace turned to Sal, who reached for her hand. “I get off at noon. I can meet you there. I’ll just have to figure out the bus route.”

Sal hated thinking about her on the bus. No matter what she said, it was dangerous. He’d have to come up with a way to get her off it. As much as he wanted to he knew he wouldn’t always be able to pick her up and drop her off. He didn’t like her relying on anyone else either. “No, I’ll pick you up at school.”

“You sure?”
“Of course, I’m sure.”
She smiled. “Okay. C’mon. Lets go introduce you to Taylor.”

“Oh yeah,

She looked at him weird. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing I just forgot about it.”

They walked out of the office and took the dreaded walk to the front where Taylor stood near the front door. Sal hadn’t noticed the green eyes that first day he picked her up but now he noticed every detail, including the smoldering way he looked at Grace as they approached him. “You ready, beautiful?”

Sal didn’t want to hate this guy but he was really starting to. Hell, he hated him the first time he saw him leave with Grace. “Yeah, I’m ready, but I wanted you to meet Sal.” She turned to Sal, letting go of his hand to stand by Taylor. “Sal this is one half of my two best friends, Taylor.”

Taylor reached his hand out to shake Sal’s. “Nice to meet you. The other half is with his
.” Taylor sounded annoyed and that made Sal feel a little better. The guy was mad that his boyfriend flaked on their shopping date. Although, it didn’t help that his arm was now draped over Grace’s shoulder.

“Good to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you and Joey.”

“Likewise,” Taylor smiled. “She’s talked our ear off about you as well.”

Grace seemed embarrassed by that. Sal took a step forward, reaching out for her hand. “Well, hopefully you’ll be hearing a lot more.”

“I’m sure we will.” Taylor turned to Grace. “Your sister’s waiting. Are we out?”
Grace laughed. “Yes! She’s already texted me twice.” She started to take her hand out of Sal’s. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Taylor took his arm off her and pushed the door open. She turned to walk out.

Hell no
. Sal pulled her back toward him before she could take a step. “Aren’t you gonna say goodbye?”

Her eyes went wide. Yes, he knew they were in the restaurant and everyone was around but after what happened today, he felt compelled to make a statement. So he brought his hand behind her neck and kissed her softly. Not too long but long enough. He would’ve kissed her even longer if he didn’t think it would make her completely uncomfortable. Everyone would know now and that’s exactly how he wanted it.












To say Taylor was livid when Grace told him about the Melissa incident was putting it lightly. He did, however,
that both Alex and Sofia had backed her up the way they did. And he was more than ecstatic about the way things were turning out with her and Sal. “My God, Grace. I don’t know how you ever had a doubt this guy was hot for you.”

“Well, I’m not a mind reader,” she said, texting her sister that they were outside waiting for her.

“You don’t have to be with this guy. He
realize I’m gay right?”

Grace looked at him. “Yeah, he knows all about you and Joey.”

“Did you not see the way his eyes nearly flamed up when I put my arm around you?”

“They did

Taylor opened his mouth wide in amazement. “Grace, I almost jerked my arm back, afraid he was gonna kick my ass. I can’t believe you didn’t notice.”

Grace laughed. “You’re such a liar.”

“Ah, shit. This guy has probably been hot for you since day one and you didn’t even notice.”

Grace thought about Alex’s comment,
Oh that,
when she reminded him she wanted him to meet Taylor. But it was total nonsense, he knew Taylor was harmless.

“I know now. That’s all that matters.” She smiled, feeling giddy. “He wants me to meet his entire family.”

“Wow. But I’m not surprised. I’m telling you, Grace. This guy’s body language is so obvious it’s ridiculous. You gotta be blind if you don’t see it. Just wait ‘til Joey sees him around you. I’m surprised he hasn’t said he loves you yet.”

That made Grace’s heart pound. “No way. We haven’t known each other long enough.” But she
cried for him already—several times.

“You don’t need to know much more than how he makes you feel.” He reached out and cupped her chin with his thumb and finger. “Brace yourself, Gracie. I saw the way you looked at him when he kissed you. If I hadn’t seen the way he looked at you, I’d be worried.”

Rose got in the back seat.
“Hey, Rosie.” Taylor reached in the back and squeezed her knee. “Ready to shop ‘til you drop?”
Grace’s heart was still pounding and Taylor patted her knee. “Relax.” He smiled. “It’s a good thing.”

They started toward the mall with Rose talking the whole way about the prom. It calmed Grace a little to take her mind off Sal and the enormity of what she’d been thinking all this time but Taylor forced her to confront. She was falling and she was falling

Grace smiled, trying to push aside the memories of her own bittersweet prom night. For the first time, something had actually gone perfectly for her. Her date was wonderful, her dress—spectacular. It was everything a girl that age could dream of, and then just as they were on their way to the after party, she got the devastating call that her grandmother had suffered a heart attack. She swallowed back the lump that had begun to grow in her throat. She wouldn’t ruin this for Rose.

After several hours of shopping, they stood in line to buy tickets to the show. Her phone buzzed and she checked the text, feeling that familiar sputter of her heart that was happening all too often these days.

I miss you

She smiled allowing herself to feel what she’d been so afraid to until now. Now that she knew Sal was genuinely interested in a relationship with her, she was happier than she could ever remember being. She texted back.

I miss you too. Can hardly wait to see you tomorrow

After sending it, she glanced up. Both Rose and Taylor were staring at her, smiling. “What?” She felt her face warm.

“Wow,” Taylor said. “Look at you.”

Grace rolled her eyes but knew exactly what he meant. Excited didn’t even begin to explain how she felt about the whole situation with Sal.

“Grace, you’re glowing,” Rose said.

not!” But she felt it.

It finally hit her. She and Sal were an actual couple now, and Sal wanted everyone to know it. As if her heart weren’t already racing her phone buzzed again.

Tomorrow? =( I don’t think I can wait until then. What have you done to me Gracie?

She brought her hands to her mouth, smiling, and took a deep breath. She didn’t care that Taylor and Rose were still staring at her. The movie would be over a little after seven. She just might be able to work something out.




This was crazy. He’d just seen her a few hours ago. He spent the whole day with her and here he was waiting impatiently outside the movie theatre. When Grace mentioned that the movie was ending early, Sal jumped on it, asking if he could meet her after somewhere. She agreed to have him pick her up. Taylor would take her sister home and she and Sal could go out to dinner.

He saw them come around the corner and immediately he smiled. Her sister was a younger version of Grace, just as pretty.
Grace smiled when their eyes met. The second she was close enough, Sal reached for her hand. “Sal, this is my sister, Rose.”
“Hi, Rose. It’s very nice to finally meet you.”
Rose smiled, a bit timid, but gave him a little wave. “Hi.”
“So how was the movie?” Sal asked them all.
“It was okay,” Grace shrugged. “Kind of cheesy.”
“Aren’t all chick flicks cheesy though?” Taylor asked.
“I liked it,” Rose announced. “I bet you Joey would’ve liked it too.”

“Oh God,” Taylor laughed. “He
would’ve, and he probably would’ve been the loudest one laughing.

Both Grace and Rose laughed. “You know he’s gonna be mad we saw it without him,” Grace added.

“I’ll come watch it with him again,” Rose said with a smile.

After explaining to Rose what to tell their mom when she got home, Grace and Sal said goodbye to Rose and Taylor and started toward Sal’s car. The second they reached it, Sal had to stop and kiss her. It was a bit alarming how much he felt for her so fast, but he didn’t care if she noticed.

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