Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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“I can understand that. I know I don’t have siblings or anything, but I wouldn’t want to be separated either. I see the bond you guys share and if seeing you together weren’t enough to prove that, the house you’re building at the bottom of your garden is,’’ I giggle lightening the mood.

He laughs putting his arm around me, bringing me closer so I’m basically half lying on his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder loving the smell of his cologne.

“Pizza,’’ Mark shouts up the stairs.

“Bloody hell, he’s loud.’’

“He has to be, he lives with five boys,’’ he laughs. “Get comfy and I’ll go grab the pizza.’’

“I don’t think eating pizza naked is hygienic,’’ I tease stopping him in his tracks. His head whips around to mine and I hold back my laugh. His eyes are wide, the haunted look from earlier now gone and replaced with lust and desire.

He walks back over to the bed leaning on his forearms on either side of my head, his face a breath away from mine, his eyes locked on mine.

“Oh Babe, as much as I want you to get naked, I want to be the one to slowly strip that dress from your hot body. My dick has been hard for you since you walked down those stairs earlier,’’ he whispers huskily in my ear, his one hand cupping my breast. My back arches when his finger strokes lightly over my erect nipple, “Hmmm, maybe while you eat pizza I’ll...’’

“Malik? Harlow? Your food is going to get cold,’’ Mark calls up the stairs again. Malik drops his head in my neck groaning and I can’t help but giggle.

“I’ve got to go downstairs sporting a hard on in front of your Nan and my Granddad,’’ he groans making my giggle turn into a full on laugh.

“It’s not funny,’’ he says sternly, but I can feel the smile on his lips against my neck.

“I’m sorry,’’ I choke out calming down.

“I’ll be back. No removing the dress,’’ he winks before jumping off me.

I sit up straightening my dress that is now crinkled from sitting on the bed and from having Malik all over me. I’m still grinning like a mad woman when I hear Mark shout hoorah to Malik.

My phone beeps from the side of my bed alerting me of a text message. Opening up the message from Denny I frown.

Denny: Won’t be at school Monday or Tuesday, so would you mind grabbing any homework we’re given from the lessons we have together? Please.

Me: Is everything ok?

Denny doesn’t take days off. Her parents sent her to school with a freaking cold once, so I wonder what is wrong with her for her to have not only one, but two days off.

Malik returns with our pizza by the time she replies to my last message.

“Who’s that?’’ Malik asks, opening the pizza up on the bed.

“Denny. She wants to let me know she won’t be in school Monday and Tuesday and asked if I could collect her homework.’’

“Bloody hell. Is her mom okay? I can remember her coming to school once basically on deaths door with the sickness bug. Her parents wouldn’t let her stay at home.’’

“I know,’’ I murmur, concentrating on the text.

Denny: Yeah.

That’s it? That’s all she’s got to say? I’m kind of worried now and by the look on Malik’s face when he leans over to read her reply, I can tell that he is too.

“What she say before?’’

“Nothing. That’s the problem. I asked her if everything was okay and all she texted back was yeah.’’

“Weird,’’ he frowns taking a bite out of his pizza.

Me: Okay. Hope everything is okay and I’m here if you need me. Love you ~ H x


I wake up startled for a second until I realise it’s Malik next to me in the bed and not some creeper. We’ve obviously fallen asleep watching the movie we put on while we ate our pizza. I’ve fallen asleep in my dress from earlier and it’s all crinkled up around my waist, so I quietly slide out of bed, untangling myself from Malik.

I undo my dress yawning, still feeling half asleep. As the dress falls from my body it catches on something on the bedside table, making it fall to the floor with a loud crash.

Malik shoots up off the bed, his head looking around the room frantically until his eyes stop on mine.

“Hey baby,’’ he whispers huskily. “Holy shit!’’

He must have woken up properly seeing me in my strapless bra and thong because the next thing I know, I’m on my back on the bed with Malik above me.

“I’m kind of gutted I didn’t get to take the dress off babe, but seeing you there standing in your underwear is fucking hot,’’ he growls causing shivers to race down my spine.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,’’ I tell him, but honestly, now I have his body above mine and his hard erection pressing between my legs I’m glad I woke him up.

“Oh, I don’t mind, I don’t mind at all,’’ he whispers kissing a path down my neck.

I hum in the back of my throat, loving the feel of his soft lips against my skin and the feel of his rough hands sliding up the side of my body. He unclasps my bra freeing my breasts, the cool air immediately hardening my nipples.

My hands make their way to his shirt, undoing it as fast as I can with his lips distracting me. It’s not long before it’s off, thrown to the floor carelessly. The feel of our naked skin against each other has me moaning, my breasts pressing harder against his chest.

Our kiss turns heated, his tongue massaging hard against mine as he continues to strip out of his trousers and boxers.

I moan loudly when I feel his teeth scrape against my lower stomach before they reach the edge of my thong, pulling it down to free my sex. His fingers soon move to help pull them the rest of the way off, trailing kisses to the inside of my thighs and lightly skimming his fingers across my smooth, sensitive skin. It’s the most exotic feeling I’ve ever felt. The way the cool air hits my hot sex, cooling it somewhat.

Thinking he’d move above me, I’m surprised when he grabs a hold of my hips, switching our positions so that I’m now the one on top.

“Malik.’’ My words come out breathlessly. I’ve always liked it when Malik took control and the lead, so the new position is making me nervous and kind of worried about not doing it right.

“It’s fine,’’ he promises, as he lines his erection up against my opening. I slide down on his erection slowly, the feeling so foreign yet pleasurable. There’s a slight sting, but the feeling of him filling me has me inching further down on to him.

“Oh fuck!’’ I gasp once he’s all the way in. It feels so different from when he’s the one on top and I’m not sure which one I prefer.

His hands grab onto my hips, slowly helping me find a rhythm as I move up and down slowly on his dick. His breathing is laboured, his chest rising and falling and his expression tight with his eyes shut.

“Am I hurting you?’’ I ask worriedly.

“No Babe, it just feels so fucking good. You feel so good.’’

Grinning at his strained tone, I forget about my nerves and worry and move faster above him, my tits bouncing up and down in rhythm. Malik’s eyes flare staring at my breasts, his fingers moving to give them attention with his fingers and mouth. I throw my head back, which causes my chest to stick out, bringing my tits closer to his mouth which pleases him, if the sound he makes is anything to go by.

Malik leans up on his elbows before moving into a sitting position. With him sitting up I use his shoulders as leverage, holding onto them as I slam myself harder and harder down onto his erection.

The animalistic groans coming from Malik are spurring me on, making me ride him faster and harder.

“Oh God,’’ I moan when Malik lays back down slamming his hips up to meet my thrust. His hands abandon my breast, reaching for my hips again. He lifts me effortlessly and quickly, slamming inside me over and over. The only sounds in the room are our moans, and the slapping of our sweaty bodies coming together.

“Oh fuck! Malik I’m close,’’ I all but scream out at him.

“Fuck Babe, hurry up, I don’t think I can hold off any longer,’’ he growls.

With one hand, Malik uses it to keep up our speed while the other one reaches between us. Before I can contemplate what he’s doing, a hard flick lands on my clit and it has me spiralling out of control. The whole thing takes me completely off guard, so when the orgasm hits me, Malik has to slap his hand over my mouth to muffle my cries of pleasure.

My body is still shuddering through my own orgasm when I feel Malik’s erection grow bigger inside me before he lets out his own cries of pleasure. 

Spent, I fling my body over his hard chest trying to catch my breath. His erection is still inside me twitching making my sensitive sex tingle.

“Fuck. Condom,’’ he whispers hoarsely.

My eyes go wide, but not because of the thought of becoming pregnant, but because Malik said he wanted to get checked out before we decided to take this step in our relationship. I’m on the pill after Gram’s booked me in with her doctor, so I know on that part I’m safe.

“I trust you,’’ I blurt out, not wanting him to freak out on me after giving me a mind-blowing orgasm. I trust him and that’s all that matters. He said he’s never gone bareback before and I believe him. He just wanted to get checked out just to make sure.

When he doesn’t say anything I look down worriedly at him. His eyes are soft, looking so deeply inside mine it’s like he’s lost there.

“You okay?’’ I whisper.

“Yeah,’’ he croaks, emotion clogged in his throat. “It’s just... Shit,’’ he says scrubbing his hands down his face. Knowing whatever he wants to say isn’t easy for him, so I lift myself off him, groaning at the loss of him inside me.

Not letting me go far, Malik reaches out to curl me into him, my head resting back on his chest.

“I never thought I’d have this,’’ he admits quietly.

“Have what?’’ I ask feeling slightly confused. Is he on about the sex? Or us, or something else?

“You. Whenever I thought about having a relationship it just made me feel sick or I’d laugh to myself at how ridiculous it sounded. Then you came into my life and all that changed. I don’t know. I guess I never expected to be this happy; you make me happy, Harlow. I finally feel at peace when I’m with you. We don’t even have to talk to each other, we could just be watching a film and I’d feel so content I could spend the rest of my life that way.’’

“What are you trying to say?’’ I ask nervously, my heart racing ten to the dozen.

“I.... I love you Harlow. I know we’re kids, but I love you. I’d do anything for you without hesitation. My first moments when I wake up are no longer about my boner or racing, it’s about you.... and my boner. The last thing I think about before going to sleep is you. Everything is you Harlow. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever have this or want it, but there’s nothing in this world that I want more than I do you. We may still be teenagers, but deep down I know you’re my one. You’re my game changer, my prize at the finish line,’’ he says the last part at barely a whisper.

Looking up at him, tears fill my eyes and my throat clogs with emotion. He loves me. He really does love me, even after seeing me at my worst. Not knowing what to do I lean in and kiss him. I know if I tried to speak it would just end up being a sob, so instead I kiss him fiercely, showing him how much I love him.

Hearing him tell me he loves me has cleared my mind. All this time I’ve been conflicted on whether I did or not, but it’s all become clear now. I never wanted to admit that I loved him because I know first-hand what it’s like to lose someone you love unconditionally.

But I do love him and it’s not just because he’s been there for me since I arrived, helped me through more than one panic attack or the fact he’s drop dead gorgeous. Although, those are good qualities to have. I love him for the same reasons he loves me. He brings peace to my life. My head has been so full of noise since my parents died, never shutting off or relaxing for a minute to just think about the now, instead of worrying about tomorrow. But whenever Malik is around or whenever he’s near I feel at peace, like I could overcome anything. Plus, did I mention he’s drop dead gorgeous with a body of a God?

“I love you,’’ I whisper, feeling a few tears fall from my eyes and on to his cheeks.

He grabs my face in the palm of his hands and kisses me so hard it takes my breath away. My whole body lights up all over again from the feel of his soft lips against mine.

With that he turns us so his body looms above me, his pelvis pressing into my sex making me moan. He easily slips back inside me and continues to thrust into me through the night, whispering soothing words of love in my ear.

Chapter Nineteen


Another week passes by at school and before I know it Malik’s final race is upon us. I’d agreed last week to attend this one race as it’s the semi-final. All his brothers will be there along with his Granddad and my Gram’s. It shocked the hell out of me when she dropped that bomb on me. Apparently it’s going to be her and Mark’s first proper date. He got the courage to finally ask her out the other day. To a motocross race too of all the places, but Gram’s doesn’t care as long as she can tell all her church buddies that she’s going on a date with the charming man.

“Are you ready?’’ Malik shouts coming up the stairs.

After all the shit with Davis and not seeing him all week at school, Malik doesn’t want me to go to the race on my own. Denny has been kind of distant too and not just with me, but everyone. I was glad when she agreed to come tonight so that I’m not left with the Carter brothers on my own. Not that I mind being alone with his brothers, I just want to spend time with my best friend.

“Yeah, just pulling my boots on,’’ I tell him just as when he walks into my room looking all hot, kitted out in his motocross kit. I’m giddy when I notice his tight, long, black sleeved t-shirt underneath his jersey. When I first saw him wearing it I nearly passed out. It clings to every part of his muscles.


Then he’s wearing his usual motocross pants that give him more comfort when racing. I asked once why he doesn’t just wear normal tracking bottoms, but he explained he needed protection when or if he comes off the bike. I guess I never really thought of that. Like Malik had told me at the time, ‘It’s not a fashion show Harlow,’ and I ended up blushing. To be honest he still looks hot with all his body armour kit on.

“Where’s your bag?’’ I ask, thinking about his armour kit. He keeps it all in his gym bag so that he doesn’t have to wear it until he’s there. It’s heavy as shit. I went to carry it the once and ended up falling on my ass.

“Downstairs along with my boots,’’ he smiles. “Your Gram’s warned me... okay, threatened me that if I got dirt on her carpet she was going to castrate me. I love my dick Babe,’’ he says like that explains everything.

“Come on then,’’ I laugh.

He grabs me by the wrist swinging me around so that my body slams into his. When I look up at his large frame he’s looking down at me wearing a smirk.

“You forgot something.’’

Mentally going over what I’m wearing I don’t understand what he’s referring to. That is until he leans down to kiss me. As soon as his lips touch mine I’m putty in his hands. I melt into him, clinging to his jersey whilst he holds me tightly at the hips, keeping me flush against his body.

Once he pulls away my lips are swollen and both our breathing is heavy, “That’s what you’re forgetting,’’ he winks.

I roll my eyes with a grin on my face and lean up to give him another kiss. He smiles down at me before heading off downstairs where we greet Gram’s at the bottom.

“Do you think I should wear these knickers or these ones?’’ she asks holding up a pair of huge white knickers that I know aren’t hers. For one they are three times her size. Then we have the other pair, which is a silky red thong that is
not hers. At least I hope not because I’m sure I have the same one, but in green.

“Oh my....’’ I whisper feeling my face flush red.

“Malik you’re a man, which do you think Mark would love to rip off me?’’ she asks seriously and I nearly die with embarrassment.

“Someone kill me or get me some bleach,’’ he shudders, his face awfully pale.

“Come on, I want to get lucky. What would turn you on?’’ she asks holding them up closer to his face. I want to chuckle, but the warning look Malik gives me tells me to keep quiet.

“I think which ever are comfortable. Harlow and I need to go,’’ he says quickly grabbing my hand.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t wear any,’’ she mutters looking down at them.

“Gram’s,’’ I gasp laughing.

“Oh, don’t go, I need some advice on other things too. Like do you think I should get some Viagra? I’m known to go all night,’’ she says following behind us.

I can’t help it, although my face is bright red, I burst into a fit of laughter. Malik pinches my side when he moves over to the door to go and put on his shoes. His warning puts a stop to my laughing, but it only starts back up again when I turn and see my Gram’s give me a sly wink behind his back.

She’s playing up Malik.

“Malik I think Gram’s really needs our help,’’ I tell him softly, sucking my lips in between my teeth and biting on them to stop myself from laughing.

His head snaps to mine so fast I’m worried for a second he snapped it. His face has gone completely ashen, his face horrified as he looks at me.

“I can’t talk about this,’’ he blurts out loudly before escaping out of the house at such a fast speed I’m worried he’ll get a speeding fine.

I watch his retreating form for two seconds before I burst into a fit of laughter, my Gram’s laughter following me.

“That boy. He’s so easy to get to,’’ Gram’s sniggers making me giggle, my eyes watering from laughing so much. “Did you see his face? Oh lord, I wish I had my camera girl. Go have a good time,’’ she tells me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“What about you? What knickers are you wearing?’’ I tease, thankful to find out this was all a joke.

“Oh I’m not wearing any sweetie. I’ve fantasised about that man for almost ten years,’’ she daydreams.

I look at her horrified, praying she’s joking, but all she does is give me a smile that gives nothing, and I mean nothing, away.

“Don’t wait up for me,’’ she winks before closing the door in my face, leaving me to stand there stunned with my mouth wide open.

She’s joking Harlow. Don’t take her seriously.
I groan, hoping one day I’ll be able to get her back without giving her a heart attack or something that will put her in an early grave.


The field is as packed as it was the first time I came to one of Malik’s races. People of various ages are scattered around drinking, talking and laughing over the roar of the bikes engines.

Malik and I walk hand in hand down the ramp where we’re meeting the others so he can go get ready. His bike checks and test run can take over an hour.

“There’s Mav and Denny,’’ Malik points over to where they’re standing.

Denny looks uncomfortable, her eyes darting around like mine were the first time I attended. Which makes me wonder why she looks like this is
first time here and why she’s so on edge.

Walking down the ramp her eyes meet mine and her shoulders sag with relief and her face lights up with a huge smile.

“Hey, I didn’t think you were coming,’’ she says giving me a hug.

“Trust me, there is no way I was staying at home with Gram’s.’’

“Isn’t she coming?’’ she asks confused.

“Yeah she is, but they’re not coming until later on. I think she needs time to herself,’’ I chuckle making her eyes scrunch together.

“Or a cold shower,’’ Malik growls still not over the conversation he and Gram’s had.

“What’s up bro? You look like someone who hasn’t had sex in a year and I know that’s not true I heard you and ....’’

“If you want to keep your nuts bro, shut your mouth,’’ Malik snaps at his brother. Maverick chuckles holding his hands up in surrender before sending me a wink, that I’m sure has all the ladies dropping their knickers.

“It’s Gram’s. She um.... she wanted advice on her date,’’ I chuckle.

Denny looks more confused than before so I go into explaining about Mark asking Gram’s out and then about our earlier conversation with Gram’s. By the time I’m finished both Denny and Maverick are bright red from laughing so hard. Denny has tears streaming down her face and is clutching her stomach. Especially when Malik snaps at them both saying, ‘it’s not funny.’

“Malik, get your ass over here boy, we need to get started,’’ a large man with a beer belly hanging over his jeans shouts. His hair is a greasy mess, his clothes are covered in oil stains which makes me wonder why he’s calling Malik over. Do they know each other? Or maybe they work together?

Malik looks to me with a soft smile. I know he doesn’t want to leave me, but I know he needs to go do his safety checks or what have you.

Kissing me he leans into my body, holding me tightly. I’m not sure I want him to race now that his lips are on mine and his tongue is in my mouth, sensually making love to mine.

I make a groan of disapproval when he removes his lips from mine; my body swaying into his that just makes him chuckle.

“I won’t be long babe, I promise. Stay close to Mav for me,’’ he tells me, giving me a pleading look. I nod my head reassuring him. Davis has been absent all week, but it doesn’t mean that he’ll be absent tonight or that he’ll leave me alone. I’m still pretty sure it was him who destroyed mine and Malik’s painting at the gallery. No one has found who did it yet, but Mrs. Townsend said she will find out who the culprit is. My money is on either Davis or Hannah, the motives are endless.

I’m glad she has faith in the other students to give her information on who did it because I sure as shit don’t.

“See you after,’’ I tell him as I lean up to give him one last good luck kiss before the race.


It’s not long before we find a good place to stand in the roaring crowd. Maverick and Denny are standing on either side of me. We’re all on edge as we watch Malik going mad over something near the pits.

“What do you think they’re arguing over?’’ I ask out loud.

“It looks like Malik is saying, ‘don’t fuck with my bike’, while the other dude is saying, ‘I want to fuck with your bike’, but I can’t be certain,’’ Mason says behind us making me jump. Denny’s body goes visibly tense beside me, her whole body straight and rigid. Turning around, I’m not a little surprised to find a slut hanging off his arm. It seems he only ever has one on his arm when he’s around Denny or he thinks she’ll be with us. The other week we were at McDonalds when Mason called Malik to ask where we were. He let us know he won’t be long and turned up twenty minutes later with some chick that wouldn’t let go of his arm. As soon as he found out Denny wasn’t with us he ditched her, and he did it poorly. It’s how I got the whole he only brings them with Denny around theory.

“Go away,’’ I mumble once I see her, but keep my eyes locked with Mason when I say it. All I need right now is this bitch to start a fight I have no chance in hell of winning. Denny hasn’t been in a good mood all week and for some reason I can feel her getting closer and closer to the point she’s going to break. I’ve tried everything to get her to talk but she brushes me off.

“Don’t be like that sis,’’ he groans and a snort comes from Denny beside me. I watch his eyes go to her, pain flickering in them before he masks it, putting on his cocky guise.

“Fucking assholes,’’ Max says joining us with a frown on his face.

“What’s up with you?’’ Mav asks him.

“Fucking police,’’ he grumbles.

“What the fuck have you done now?’’ Mav growls, stepping into the ‘big brother mode.’

“Hey, for once I’m not the one to blame. The fucking cashier at Star Point is to fucking blame,’’ he all but yells.

“What are you talking about?’’ Mav asks running his hands down his face. He looks to Max with a worn out and tired facial expression. Far from the lively funny guy he was five minutes ago. It makes me wonder if this is a regular occurrence with Max, and if Mav is sick and tired with dealing with him.

“I went in to buy fucking condoms...’’

“And?’’ Mav snaps.

“And when I went to pay for them the cashier asked me if I wanted a bag to go with them. When I told him I didn’t need one, I don’t fuck ugly chicks he burst out laughing like I was lying or some shit,’’ he fumes.

All of us erupt in laughter. Max’s face turns bright red as he looks at us with an angry expression.

“What the fuck?’’ he shouts throwing his arms up in the air.

“Dude, he works in a shop. He was asking if you wanted a
’’ Mason laughs.

“I know that you fucking idiot.’’

“No bro, I don’t think you do. He wasn’t asking if you wanted one to put over your missus head, he asked in case you wanted to put the fucking condoms in it,’’ Mav says laughing still.

“Shit. Now I know why the police let me go once I explained. They just laughed it off and I thought they understood me. Shit!’’ he groans before walking away from us all still laughing at him.

“He got dropped a lot as a kid; I swear he did,’’ Mason laughs.

Denny, oblivious to Mason being near her is now laughing her ass off, even more after Mason says about Max getting dropped on the head. Mason’s head snaps to hers, watching her throw her head back and laugh in complete awe. For a minute I watch him watching her with a soft expression and he doesn’t look like someone that doesn’t care.

Mason really confuses me. One minute he looks at Denny like she’s the only girl in the world and then the next, he’s hurting her by throwing every other woman in her face. He’s a dick. But the way he sometimes looks at her is kind of cute too.

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