Mallory and Mary Ann Take New York (12 page)

BOOK: Mallory and Mary Ann Take New York
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A few minutes later, Mom taps me on the shoulder. “Time to go,” she says.

I think she can tell I'm disappointed that we are leaving today. She wraps an arm around my shoulder. “One more stop before we go to the airport,” she says.

“Where are we going?” I ask. But Mom won't say.

“One last little treat for you and Mary Ann,” Colleen says as our taxi stops in front of Johnny's Famous Pizza.

“No one was in the mood for pizza the last time we came here.” She winks at us. “Hopefully, this time it will be better.”

Mary Ann and I race into Johnny's. We order a pizza.

“Pepperoni,” I say.

“Mushroom,” says Mary Ann.

“Pepperoni AND mushroom,” we both say together and laugh.

When our pizza comes, we both take a bite. It is crispy, hot, and delicious.

“This is the best pizza I've ever had,” says Mary Ann with her mouth stuffed full.

I agree completely. Mary Ann and I both eat a second slice.

“Why do you think pizza in New York is so good?” asks Mary Ann.

I look out the window at the cars and the people and the bikers and all the activity on the busy street. Some people say the pizza in New York is so good because of the water they use to make the dough. Personally, I think pizza tastes so good in New York because you are eating it in New York.

And the truth is … everything is fun in New York. Even eating pizza.

I stand up and put my paper plate in the trash.

It's time to say good-bye to the city that never sleeps.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. We'll be taking off shortly.”

Mary Ann and I buckle our seat belts and sit back in our seats.

I look across the aisle at my mom and Mary Ann's mom. They're sitting next to each other, smiling and laughing, like one of them just told a funny joke. They look happy.

I look out the window. I wish I felt as happy as they seem. But I don't. Even though our trip to New York ended up being great, I feel sad that we're leaving. New York is such an exciting city, and there are so many things we didn't get to do.

As the plane lifts off, I press my nose against the window and look at the sites of New York. All the buildings are starting to look like miniatures. I try to locate some of the places we went.

It's easy to spot the Empire State Building. Johnny's Pizza is impossible to find.

I look under the seat in front of me at the bag of souvenirs I bought. Max will like the Statue of Liberty snow globe and mini Empire State Building I got him, but I really wish I could have brought him back a pizza from Johnny's. He would have loved that.

As the plane moves higher, the sites of the city start to disappear below the clouds. Our trip to New York is quickly becoming a memory.

Mary Ann leans toward me. “It's hard to believe it's all over, and we're on our way back to Fern Falls,” she says.

It's almost like Mary Ann can read my mind.

“It makes me a little sad.” I tell Mary Ann how much I loved going to New York. “It was so exciting and so different from home,” I say.

I wait for Mary Ann to say she's sad too and that there's no place like New York. But her answer surprises me.

“I loved New York too,” says Mary Ann. “But honestly, I'm happy to be going home.”

I think about what she just said. I remind Mary Ann about the hotel we stayed in, the sites we saw, the food we ate, the busy streets we walked on, meeting Fashion Fran, and being on national TV. “Everything we did was so exciting.” I shrug my shoulders. “Won't you miss all those things?” I ask Mary Ann.

Mary Ann is quiet for a minute.

“I will miss all those things,” she says slowly like she's putting a lot of thought into choosing her words. “But I'm going home with my favorite thing.”

I think about the things she bought at the airport gift shop.

She's taking home an I LOVE NY back scratcher for Joey, a Big Apple poster for Winnie, and toe socks for herself.

I give Mary Ann an

Mary Ann leans her head back against the seat and laughs. “My favorite thing I'm taking home is my best friend.”

When Mary Ann says that, the engine rumbles and the plane shakes from side to side. The captain makes an announcement about hitting some turbulence and making sure our seat belts are buckled. My stomach feels like it is falling out of my body.

Mary Ann puts her hand on my arm like she can sense that I don't like the shaky-plane feeling.

“Thanks again for keeping the pinky swear we made and figuring out a way to get us both on the
Fashion Fran
show. You're the best friend a girl could ask for,” she says. “As long as we're together. I'm happy wherever I am.”

I thought I was happy walking the streets of New York and meeting Fashion Fran and being on national TV and standing on top of the Empire State Building, but none of that felt as good as what Mary Ann just said.

The plane levels out and I take a deep breath.

Mary Ann has been my best friend since the day I was born. We've done so many fun things together over the years. Going to New York was definitely one of the most fun, but Mary Ann is right. As long as we're together, it doesn't really matter what we're doing.

I look at Mary Ann. Then I hold up my pinky. “I know I said no more, but do you want to make another pinky swear?” I ask.

She nods.

“Best friends forever,” I say.

Mary Ann hooks her pinky around mine. “And ever,” she says.

We smile at each other and squeeze our pinkies tightly together.

We both know this is one pinky swear that won't be hard to keep.

Mary Ann and I have made a lot of scrapbooks over the years, but the scrapbook we made from our trip to New York is our biggest one ever.

When Mom saw it, she said it's SUPERSIZED, just like New York City. And she's right. We just had so many good pictures to put in it! It was really hard to choose, but here are some of my favorites.

Mary Ann and I at the hotel

Mary Ann and I in front of the Manhattan skyline

Mary Ann and I with Fashion Fran

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