Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version (6 page)

Read Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version Online

Authors: R. McCullough

Tags: #magic fairy wizard dragon fireball stonehenge illusion warlock sorceress lightning

BOOK: Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version
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Disappointed but, as she is clearly upset,
Jack decides not to press the issue. He still gets some great shots
with her setting above the opening with her legs dangling over and
the nude ones of her laying in various positions atop the entrance.
Several poses like a fierce cat ready to pounce. Was a bit of fun
helping her dust off small pebbles and stuff from her bare behind

They move on to the next cave where she
readily goes inside the larger opening. ‘Strange’ thinks Jack, ‘tho
the opening is a good bit larger than the other …maybe a bit
claustrophobic?’ As it was getting late they start packing up to
walk back to the car when Jack looks back and notices a faint
glowing area; somewhat of a humanoid shape further back inside the
large cave entrance. Pointing it out to Margareta he says, “What do
you make of that?” “Spirit, …..Nice one. Felt,” she says.

Asking her to explain she says, “Have much
Gypsy blood, feel things.” No further explanation was forth coming
right then so they head to the car. Back in Adana, the next morning
as Jack pays her she explains more about her Gypsy blood. He gives
her a nice bonus, and his email address in case she gets to Texas
sometime. He then, much to Margareta’s surprise, calls and arranges
for her to fly first class back to Istanbul that afternoon. ‘She
sure knows how to show her appreciation,’ thinks Jack with a big

Alanya Beach

Having several more days before the
Gulfstream will again be available; Jack decides to go to Alanya to
the beach for a day or so. After all; why fly commercial if you
don’t have to? If he can keep surviving the traffic! Not to mention
the roads along the cliff edges although the view over 100 feet
straight down to the water was awesome. He had heard Alanya has a
great beach with a castle overlooking the beach.

Still, he did manage to shoot some pictures
of the cliffs looking down but the edge looked ‘shaky’ so did not
get real close and certainly did not want to take a fall here. The
fall back home was enough! Still he stopped at a couple of
overlooks to get some nice pictures for his blog.

After settling in at the hotel he heads to
the beach. “Whoa,” mutters Jack quietly, staring, “A topless beach
in a mostly Muslim country? Binoculars are probably not a good idea
here Jack!” “But my kind of a place, …..I like it!”


Pic here of the beach, mountain and possible
submarine pens


The base of the high hill had what looked a
lot like submarine pens like WWII. “Wish I had time to really look
over the castle and do a photo shoot.”

He also soon learns that a local drink, Kava,
has a very potent punch and the headache! Tastes a lot like
licorice. The belly dancers were excellent and appreciative too!
Jack purchases several outfits complete with various chains, hoping
he can find the right models for them back home! He found it rather
strange that at one shop the head of one manikins looked like a
man’s! It did have small (tiny) breasts so maybe a fem-man?


Pic here of the outfits and the ‘fem-man.


The security company arranged for the
Gulfstream to pick up jack in Alanya and for the return of the car
so he did not have to brave the road and traffic back to

Back home in Texas

Once arriving back home he checks his secure
and the personal systems for mail and, having nothing important,
decides it is time to see how his photos turned out. Not bad,
especially the one of Margareta in the motel room wearing only his
cowboy hat. The one with the small stuffed raccoon seemed to work
well also. ‘Too bad she was shaved tho, o well, such is life.’ he

Somehow the pictures of the first cave
without Margareta in the frame, the one that she refused to go
into, look different. Zooming in for a closer look he sees the
faint image of two kids just inside the cave entrance. Good Lord,
they look transparent! Quickly looking thru the other pictures he
realizes the children’s image is only in the picture he shot of the
entrance without the model being in the same frame. ‘Really
strange, maybe I was in the Twilight Zone?’ thinks Jack.

It looks as if the taller child is waving at
the camera while trying to turn the smaller child’s face toward the
camera. Their clothing has a very distinctive pattern. On printing
out the picture he notices the clothing pattern really stands out.
An odd thing about the images is that neither he or Margareta saw
anything there. Then he remembers her refusal to stand just inside
that cave entrance saying, “Is creepy ……felt very sad and bad” But
it is not much to build on.

However he decides this is interesting enough
to put on his photo blog. Especially now, thinking about the two
other instances where he had noticed very faint transparent images,
could they be connected somehow? Or, maybe he was starting to over

Jacks blog

While visiting Turkiye; (Turkish spelling);
on business recently I decided to find some places to take
interesting pictures. Boy did I find some! A topless beach in
Turkiye! Mostly Germans on the beach with a lot of really beautiful
‘models’. Wink, wink, snicker, snicker! Almost had me panting!

An interesting thing happened while shooting
a model in the area of Adana and yes, I placed her on my photo
website. She really loved my cowboy hat and the stuffed baby
raccoon I sometimes take on trips; she pouted when I would not let
her have them. Here is a censored picture of her in my western hat
with one of the baby raccoons.


Pic here of Margareta with baby raccoon and
wearing hat


Another shot of her nude using only the low
light from the bathroom turned out so good I had it made into a
Giclée print on stretched canvas and put into just the perfect
frame to hang in the hall. The 50 cycle power had the effect on my
digital camera that caused a nice grainy look in the low light with
a timed capture. I did put a photo, uncensored, of the finished
work on my site in the mature only section.

So; on with the story; I was taking pictures
of Margareta, spelled different but pronounced like the drink, in a
great looking canyon. One cave was a bit unique in that the she
refused to stand just within the entrance. She said and I quote,
“Is creepy ……felt very sad and bad.” Now the really interesting
part is that only the one photo without the her in the frame shows
what looks like two children standing in the cave mouth. But they
appear transparent and slightly glowing!

Tho you cannot clearly see the faces the
clothing has a distinct pattern. When I tried to zoom in for a
closer look their faces fade out even more. Most unusual as
everything else remained sharp and clear.


Pic here of the cave and spirit children


However she had no problem going into a
larger cave nearby. Then later, after we had packed up and were
leaving, I happened to look back at the large cave and saw a kind
of glowing light inside. Pointing it out to Margareta I asked what
she made of it. She said, and I again quote, “Spirit ….. nice one

When I asked her to explain she said, “Have
much Gypsy blood, feel things.” No further explanations were forth
coming tho the next morning she did say people always made fun of
her so she no longer tells when she “feels or sees” things. I put a
picture of the cave, minus Margareta, on my site also. She might be
a bit strange but seemed to be very a nice person. She was
certainly very appreciative of the bonus and first class ticket
back to Istanbul I bought the next day!

Interesting enough is that the same
transparent children thing happened on at least two recent
stateside shoots, but with different transparent images and of
course locations; Palo Duro Canyon and the Grand Canyon. Might be
more I did not notice. And yes people, I previously posted them on
my blog but neither drew much comment from anyone. Probably thought
they were Photoshopped. Not! Still, I thought it interesting. Maybe
the camera took a bad hit when I fell into the hole? Hate to have
to get a new camera, I really like my Cannon Rebel.


Someone, apparently with nothing better to
do, noticed the blog postings about the children ‘spirit’ pictures,
being overly concerned or probably just plain vindictive,
complained to the sheriff’s department.

Two county deputies, Blackwood and Benson,
show up to talk to Jack about his blog with the children spirit
images and other kids photos so Jack invites them inside. They say
they have been curious about his place and ask for a tour. Oh, and
if they can look around some so Jack readily gives permission.
Starting at the third floor he first shows them up to the weapons
room. The deputies are surprised as he opens the concealed door,
revealing a set of stairs leading up to the fourth floor weapon

Deputy Blackwood admires the antique and
modern weapon collection and but expresses concern about the 50
caliber sniper rifle, not to mention all the various types of
ammunitions and the amounts. The rifle appears well used but in
great condition. Jack shows him a receipt from the FBI for the 50
cal. Blackwood asks, “But why a 50 cal?” “You never know what might
come in handy someday,” answers Jack. “Besides, it looks great in
its airtight cabinet.”

Deputy Benson, licking his lips and, with
obvious envy, quietly whispers to Blackwood, “We should seize it
too.” “Shut your pie hole Benson,” replies Blackwood also quietly,
“We’re not here for something like weapons, especially as he has
that FBI receipt for it!” Jack, on overhearing this, wonders just
what is really going on here; and just what are they here to seize?
As they go back down the stairs Jack decides to set the lock on the
concealed door and make sure the deputies do not see where it is
located. ‘Something does not seem right’.

After showing the third floor with its
exercise equipment and workshop they take the elevator down to the
basement where he shows them his extensive basement photography
studio and then back upstairs to the first floor. When they
expressed surprise at the elevator and Jack said, “Some of the
bedroom stuff and props were heavy so the elevator made practical
sense. Especially as it did not add all that much to the overall
cost.” In the open living area he shows his photography computer
system. “This is my personal computer which I use for my
photography hobby so I located it here on the first floor for
easier access,” Jack says proudly. “I have some computer geek
genius friends that keep the system continually up to date with all
the latest goodies. Sometimes before it is available on the

They seemed very interested in his
photography hobby and they ask to look at some of his pictures so
he shows them how to look thru the files. Asking if they would like
a soda Jack goes to the kitchen and brings everyone a cold RC. He
excuses himself saying, “Look the pictures over and let me know
when you are done.” Laughing he says, “In case you are wondering,
yes, I have model releases on file from all the people in the
photos and all are at least 18, each with photo ID for proof. Just
no copying and don’t get sticky fingers as they are all

A bit later the deputies come into the
kitchen area and Benson asks, “Why did you seem to emphasize when
you called it your personal computer?” “Well, I have two complete
setups, one for my photography hobby and another for …”
replies Jack.

After another half hour or so looking at
pictures they ask to see the room behind the hanging silk rug that
surprisingly has an eye scanner in the door. He refuses and tells
them that they cannot have access as that is the computer system
for his contracting business and is very private. This makes them
even more suspicious and, concealing their suspicions, thank Jack
for his cooperation and leave. They leave thinking they have enough
to get a search warrant. Benson says to Blackwood, “He is hiding
something.” “Yeah, he sure is,” Blackwood replies.

Warrant minus

Deputies Blackwood and Benson come back three
days later and, about two or three minutes after they arrive,
Ranger Stone drives up. The deputies are serving Jack with a
warrant which allows them to search everywhere including the
computers and most specifically that locked room and its computer
files. Plus the right to seize anything that might constitute child
pornography. They have also brought along two young computer geeks
with a small van to load any confiscated material.

As Jack begins reading the warrant he quickly
realizes it is an almost ‘seize whatever you want’ warrant that may
possibly contain inappropriate children material. Plus anything
that indicates sale, purchase or distribution of said materials, IE
- banking papers and check books. ‘Hum, must have found a very easy
judge.’ Finishing reading the rather open warrant Jack now realizes
what Benson and Blackwood were talking about several days ago.

Ranger Stone then asks, “What’s all this
about Mr. Albright?” “Seems someone thinks I may be a pervert,”
answers Jack as he hands her the warrant. Anna had been intrigued
when Jack found the skeletons and thought she would keep an ear
out. Especially when she started hearing rumors about a warrant for
his place. Jack had not seemed that type. With all ‘ghost’ images
fuss she had begun to think that interesting things happen around
him. She has read a lot of search warrants and thinks this one is
unusually vague on probable cause.

Jack shows everyone in and this time opens
the secure room's door. The young computer people are in immediate
awe the system. “Man it is ever cold in here,” whines one geek.
“Well yes of course. My computer folks suggested the room be kept
in mid to low 60 degrees to insure the systems stay as cool as
possible so it has a separate cooling system to maintain 60 to 65
degrees,” says Jack. The system looks to have equipment and
components the techs have only heard rumors about and certainly
never seen. Jack refuses to give the login codes so the geeks start
trying to hack into the system. One of the techs tries to call out
to ask someone to bring some other equipment only to discover he
had zero signal bars.

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