Manhattan Miracle (22 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

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Chapter Twenty-s

The Winter Solstice and then Christmas and the New Year
along with 'The Gala' had passed. Brad and I were permanently and irrevocably what we'd changed into, six months previous. Brad and I had two things in common. We were both transgender. Not born of science and medicine, but born of…of…what? Mystery and Magic? That's as good a guess as any. The second thing we had in common is we were madly in love. Perhaps our unlikely sex change provided some spark, maybe even the impetus that allowed us to fall in love—something that'd eluded us in our early young adult years.

With the big merger/
engagement bash behind us, I wasn't looking forward to a big wedding. Far from it. I was sick of attention. Since my picture appeared on the cover of Fortune and several other magazines I'd become a celebrity—no—more like a
. Of course the press dug up my past life as a courtesan. To a lesser extent, Amber too, but instead of hurting our popularity, inexplicably the aura of our colored past contrasting with our rise to power only added to our almost mystic image and our popularity soared.

As one publication put it, "There is a
n aura mystique about Ginger Allen and Amber Lane. They have risen from a life of wanton debauchery in the slime pit of civilization to become true role models and pillars of society.

Of course our forty-third floor
Manhattan condo wasn't exactly a slime pit and our profession wasn't even close to a Roman Orgy. Then as now, the original Ginger and Amber were businesswomen. They provided a service and were paid handsomely.

, after the modeling drought, we'd gone though, the world of modeling had suddenly discovered us. We were now the most sought after models in the country. We both could have worked ten times what our busy schedule allowed and the fact that our busy schedules precluded us from keeping up with demand; it only boosted our demand and hourly rate. When it rained it poured and we were getting wetter by the minute.


Having moved to the Hempsteads, we now commuted to our offices via limousine.

reflecting upon my recent evolving views on our upcoming marriage, sitting in the back of our limousine, on the way t0 work one morning, I broached the subject. "Hon, I've been thinking."

About what?"

"About our wedding."

Brad stiffened. "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"

I snickered, "No
, an alien invasion couldn't keep me from becoming Mrs. Brad Fairchild. It's the where and when that troubles me." I set my palm on his knee. "Darling, we have become so public."

Brad chuckled. "Yes, especially you, Miss
magazine cover model."

"Does that bother you?"

He laughed. "Last time you asked me that you were giving a bj every two or three hours."

I frowned. "Baby
, I'm serious."

"Sorry. What's your point?"

"Everywhere we go, reporters and paparazzi follow and fans go gaga. Unless we're locked in our castle, we have no privacy."

"That's the reality of being
attractive and successful."

I nodded. "Yes, I know and I can handle that, but our wedding is personal. I'm not ready to have our wedding be a major news event
, like a royalty-less royal wedding."

you suggesting?"

"That we have a small, private wedding at our home with our family and closest friends. Then we quietly slip away to
Paris or Rome on one of the corporate jets and have a wonderful private honeymoon where we spend half our time in bed." 

"I like that idea. I
'm beginning to feel overwhelmed by our sudden fame so I can imagine how you feel."

"So can
we do it?"

"Why not
? If in a few years, if we regret it, we can remarry with a royal wedding like ceremony."


It didn't surprise me that Amber didn't like my plan. After all she was a publicity wiz. Nonetheless, she agreed to coordinate our private wedding at what Brad likes to call our Camelot. She, of course would be my Maid of Honor and Lew was more than willing to be Brad's Best Man.

Despite Amber's objections, I insisted that the media be left uninformed and the guest list not exceed fifty. "All right. Have it your way, but when Lew and I get married, you'll wish you'd done
it my way."

"Maybe, and
if I in a year or two, I decide to do it your way, I'll turn you loose."

Amber grinned. "You have a deal." She held her hand out and we shook. "Now, let's see how grand we can make your
private, fifty-guest wedding ceremony."

Amber may have grumbled, but she tore into the project as
if she was to plan a royal wedding. In fact, I had a ball going to various places with her. Places like Angelique's Bridal where we selected the gown and accessories I would wear. I would have liked to have worn white, but since white signified purity and by then even my fitness coach knew I had a checkered past, we prudently chose a white and very light pink Vera Wang original with a six foot train. "This is it," I exclaimed as I turned to the sales clerk, "I'd like to try this on. May I?"

"Of course. It m
ay be a little large. Few women have figures such as yours, but we can adjust it." She grasped the elegant gown and hitched her head to our right. "Come. The dressing rooms are over there."

As I stepped out and modeled the splendid garment, I noticed we had attracted a small audience of eight or nine interested women. Some clapped, others nodded and said, "Perfect," or Dazzling."

Melissa, the clerk, who of course stood to make a commission, said, "I've never seen a lovelier bride."

What she said and what the bystanders had said was nice, but it was Amber's tasteful opinion that I wanted to hear. I glanced at her and it was as if she read my mind. "Melissa is right, I've never seen a lovelier bride. You make me wish I was getting married."

I cocked my head. "Well?"

"Oh, I'll be there right behind you, but I'm going to publicize the hell of it.
I might not make as big a slash as you would, but it's what I want. Take the waist in an inch or two and dress is fabulous and since it isn't all white, you'll be able to wear it, in the future, as a ball gown."


The wedding took place outside, in mid-May. Thankfully the weatherman cooperated with magnificent, clear skies and bright sunshine. The guests were seated beside the swimming pool, while professional photographers plied their video and photographic trade. The wedding service itself was conducted under a large domed ramada.

How odd it was to have my best friend acting as Brad's B
est Man. When I mentioned that to Brad, he said, "Yeah, it does seem weird seeing Amber being
Maid of Honor," He chuckled. "But let's face it, nothing has been normal since we met eight months ago."

hen the ten minute non-denominational service ended, the attendees were treated to a delicious dinner prepared by a famous chef. Following dinner, a reception featuring a live band got things happening. Everyone appeared to be having a ball so shortly after cutting the cake, we made a graceful exit to go to our bedroom to change for our trip to Paris. And wouldn't you know it, that's when our guardians, Suzi Carpenter and Madame Soriano, dressed in their usual white, appeared at the top of the stairs. When I say appeared, I mean materialized out of thin air, like ghosts.

" Madame shouted as we ascended the stairs.

"Thank you," Brad replied as we approached the top of the stairs. When we stepped onto the landing
our guardians hugged us warmly.

"It's too bad you missed the ceremony,"
I ventured.

Madame pursed her lips. "Oh, we saw it. We were around for everything. We
maintained a low profile because we didn't want to distract from the partying."

Suzi pinched a loose portion of my dress. "I love your dress. You really are a handsome couple."

Madame added, "Yes, you are a lovely couple. I can't tell you how pleased I am the way things turned out." Then she wrapped an arm around her apprentice and using her most dramatic sorceress pose added, "In fact I'm going to recommend Suzi, here, for a commendation."

Suzi looked up at her boss. "You are?"

Madame nodded. "Yes, your intuition paved the way for a lot of good. I think you're a natural."

Suzi beamed.

I touched Suzi's wrist. It was soft and cool. "You're welcome to join the festivities."

Madame shook her head. "No we
really need to go. We just wanted to say goodbye before we left."

Once again we hugged and then
they vanished with a curt, "Goodbye," uttered by Suzi.

~ * * ~

After a quick wardrobe makeover from formal to casual, Ginger and I went back downstairs to leave. Naturally, Amber had everyone ready for our departure. It seemed like we made our way through a hundred pounds of rice to our 'Just Married' graffiti marred limousine, complete with tin cans.

Our limousine made the
ten mile trip to John F. Kennedy Executive Air terminal in thirty minutes. Deliriously happy, we kissed and played around a little, but behaved ourselves since Howard, our chauffer, could see us with the rear view mirror. That was not the case after we took off for Paris in a sixteen seat company Gulfstream 500 jet.

When we took off
, Ginger and I watched in awe as the plane circled the dazzling night-lit skyline of Manhattan.

"You know, I've never seen
Manhattan from the air at night," Ginger said. "New York really is an amazing city."

I kissed her. "Yes, it is, but it's not as amazing as you."

"Aw, you're so sweet, I just love it when you wrap your arms around me and hold me tight." She sighed. "I can't wait until we get to Paris." She jerked away and turned. "Will it be light when we get there?"

I grinned.
"Yep. With the six hour time difference and the seven hour flight, it'll be around nine in the morning. Why?"

A mischievous smile formed on her face. "Oh, just wondering.
" She nestled the top of her head into the crook of my neck and then continued. "You know we are all alone up here flying in the moonlight about thirty thousand feet above the ocean."

I pretended to look out the window. "I see that."

She pulled away again and scrunched her nose. "Well, doesn't that give you any ideas?"

I thought I knew where she was going, but
I decided to tease her. "You're exhausted after your long exciting day and you want to sleep?"

Ginger's head lolled back as she
inhaled deeply, "Men!" she whispered. Then as she ran her fingers over my crotch, she asked seductively, "I'd like to join the mile club. How about you?"

I didn't want to bu
rst Ginger's bubble, but when I was her, I'd joined the mile high club in my millionaire client's jets at least four or five times. Nevertheless, this would be my first time as a man. So I answered in the affirmative, "Of course, but we're not alone. What about the flight attendant and pilot?"

"Sweetheart, they work for us. We're their bosses. I told Ester to stay
in the galley and not come into the cabin unless we call her."

I'm sure
the flight attendant, unless she had her earplugs in, got an earful, especially, Ginger's orgasms, which tend to be in the screaming eighty-decibel variety.

an hour or more of blissful, mile high, honeymoon sex, wore out from our big day, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

~ * * ~

When money is not an issue you stay at the best, so Brad and I reserved the honeymoon suite at Four Seasons Paris The George V for the week. We agreed to spend only a week because with our duties as Bayshore's top executives that was all the time we could allow.

was a stunning hotel—the most beautiful I've ever seen. Our room, was lovely, and had a romantic view of the Eifel tower.

As you might expect,
we spent the first day within the hotel confines and in our luxury bed with a mirrored canopy.

next day and for the rest of the week we ventured out to see the sights of magnificent Paris. Our hotel was near the world famous,
Avenue des Champs-Élysées
and I wanted to go souvenir hunting and shopping, so we walked up George V to the reputed most beautiful avenue in the world. Then we casually walked up
Place Charles de Gaulle
in the center of which stood the
Arc de Triomph

After walking through and around the arch
, we headed back on the other side of the colonnade. Halfway back we stopped at a
and seated outside on the lovely day, enjoyed
café au lait
. I looked around. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful city. I then scrutinized my handsome three day old husband. All of a sudden, I realized I'd never been happier.

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