Read [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man Online

Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

[manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man (9 page)

BOOK: [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man
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We ended up in Brooklyn. Blaine needed to be introduced to Grimaldi’s pizza. I ordered and we took our pizza outside to eat. The sounds of the Brooklyn Bridge were audible as we sat and munched. Blaine was almost moaning as he ate. I had to agree. They had Grimaldi’s in New Jersey, and Slater and I ate there quite a bit before he left for the Army.
“So, Slater says you guys went out on a date?” Blaine’s eyes widened and he choked on the pizza he

was eating. I smacked his back and offered him my water.

“It wasn’t that kind of date. We just talked,” Blaine hurriedly explained.
“Oh I know. He told me he has a thing for Casper.”
Blaine narrowed his eyes at me. “You knew? Why did you make it sound so…sinister?”
“Sinister?” I laughed. “It was an innocent lunch, wasn’t it?”
“I just said it was. What if it hadn’t been?”
I leaned forward and locked eyes with Blaine. “Then I’d have a huge problem.”
Blaine licked his lips slowly. I wanted to bite them.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Blaine asked slowly.
“I’ve never had to fight my brother for someone; doesn’t mean I wouldn’t in this case.” I wiped a small spot of sauce from the corner of Blaine’s mouth. He still had the most luscious mouth. I followed the contours of his lips with my thumb.
My ringing cell phone brought me out of my fascination with Blaine’s lips. I looked at the caller ID and relaxed. My mother was calling. I hit ‘talk’ and smiled at Blaine.
“Hey, Mom.”
“Valerie is very upset. I guess she left her new doll at your apartment?”
“Oh, yes. Blaine’s mother gave it to her. Just tell her she’ll be back at the apartment tonight and she can have it then.” The line got quiet and I looked at my phone to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. “Mom?”
“About that. Can we keep her overnight? It’s been so long since we’ve had a chance to dote on her and your brother is in heaven.”
“Nerf wars huh?” I laughed, looking over at Blaine.
“No wonder she’s so good, she’s getting lessons from a Ranger,” Blaine mumbled.
“Actually, Mom, that works out well. Blaine and I have to address the wedding invitations.”
“Thank you so much! I’ll see you tomorrow then, sweetie!”
“Wait! What about the doll?” I asked.
I could hear Valerie in the background talking in a low voice to my mom.
“She says she’ll be okay without it tonight and to have fun with Blaine. Have to go!”
My mother made a kissing noise into the phone and hung up. I looked over at Blaine who was stuffing another piece of pizza in his mouth.
“Well, I guess we better get a pie to go and start licking envelopes.”
Blaine made a face and I laughed.

* * * *

I was almost home when my phone beeped at me. I picked it up as I stopped at a red light. My guy had come through for me. I looked over at Blaine with a grin.

“I have to make a quick stop.”

I took Lenox Avenue and stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant. Blaine looked around uneasily and I had to smile.

“Don’t look so scared. Get out and do the Harlem

Blaine glared at me.
I laughed and got out of the car. Looking down at

him, I smiled and motioned to the man by the front door. “I’ll be right there. Two seconds.”
I ran up to my ‘dealer’ and pulled out my wallet. “Hey, Spencer.”
“Hey Scott, what’s the low down?”
“Twinkies coming back in July, I think.” Scott

handed me a plain brown bag.

I looked inside and saw the box of Twinkies. Drakon loved the snack cakes and I did my best to supply him as often as I could. Scott had reasonable prices and had hoarded a whole row of them from the store before they’d gotten yanked. Besides, at this point, they were cheaper than buying Drakon’s ‘other’ favorite. Sneakers.

“Thanks, man.” I gripped Scott’s hand and ran back to the car, bag in hand. I slipped behind the wheel and put the bag down on the seat. Blaine seemed to inch away from it and I looked over at him as I scanned the streets before pulling out.

“Did you just take me with you on a drug deal?”

Blaine seethed.
“Yup,” I tried not to chuckle.
“You have to know how bad drugs are! You’re a

father, Spencer!”

Blaine grabbed for the door handle and I gripped his wrist.
“Jesus! Look in the bag, Blaine!” Blaine raised a brow at me, and then peeked inside the bag cautiously. Like whatever was in there was going to attack him.
“Twinkies?” Blaine eyed the box skeptically.
“Yes, Twinkies. Drakon, my front counter guy, is obsessed with them. And since he’s been working much longer hours for me, I’m indulging his passion.”
“Seriously?” Blaine sat back in the seat and let out a large sigh.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d do drugs,” I laughed, shaking my head in mock disappoint.
“Oh come on! You grab a bag from someone and hand over money this late at night?”
“It’s nine,” I drawled.
Blaine snorted.
“Are you done?” I eyed him sideways.
“Good, let’s go.”

* * * *

I was feeling sick. Licking envelopes was a disgusting job. I think I’d ingested too much paste. Blaine didn’t look so good either.

“We should have used a sponge,” Blaine said, dropping another envelope into the pile.
I stared at him.

you say this?” I gestured to the envelopes on the table.
“I’m sorry.” Blaine looked down at his hands. “I’m just…”
“You’re nervous around me,” I said.
“Look, whatever this is.” Blaine stood up and looked down at me. “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your dip into the gay pool—”
“Bi pool.” I said, standing up as well.
“This isn’t some game to me. You have no idea how long I fantasized about you,” Blaine blurted. “Oh God, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”
“No, please continue,” I said with a smile. Blaine’s face changed and I realized I’d fucked it up.
“Blaine.” I stepped towards him.
“Just…don’t, okay?” Blaine put his hand up. “I don’t know what game you’re playing with me, but I don’t like it. I’ve said I’m sorry a million times for the bet. I know it was wrong, but you keep torturing me. It’s like you’ve known all along how I feel and are making it a point to fuck with my head as revenge.”
“That’s not true.” I stepped closer.
“Then explain it to me. You haven’t even known me that long and now you want me? You were married, you had a child and now all of a sudden you’re bi? It just doesn’t add up and as much of an ass as I can be, I didn’t think you’d be worse.” Blaine grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.
I knew I had to stop him, and I knew I was going to have to come clean.
“When I backed into you at the Stock Exchange, I couldn’t stop looking at your eyes. Even then I thought you had the most gorgeous mouth.”
Blaine stopped with his hand on the door.
I walked slowly towards him. I didn’t want him to freak out and run.
“When you showed up that day at my office with Kent, I knew there was something familiar about you, but I didn’t put it together until I went to your office. I saw the picture of you and your father and that’s when I put two and two together. You were that man on the floor. The man I wanted so badly even then.”
I came up behind Blaine and put my hand on the door by his head.
“I’m not playing with you, Blaine. The feelings you have, they aren’t one sided.”
Blaine exhaled slowly and turned to face me. I searched his eyes; he looked scared and maybe a little confused.
be an ass, but not about you, not about this. I want you, Blaine.”
Blaine searched my face for a hint of anything deceitful. I leaned in and brushed my lips across his. I needed to go slow; I needed him to know I wanted this. I wanted him. Blaine whimpered softly and I swear it took everything I had not to plunder his mouth. I threaded my fingers into his hair and gently lifted his face. His body was shaking and I pulled him closer to me.
“Why are you shaking?” I asked, caressing his face with my fingertips.
“Because it’s you,” Blaine whispered. “That day you knocked me down, I’ve never forgotten it and although I act like a pretentious, pompous ass—”
I chuckled softly.
“I’m not really like that. I’m nervous and I feel vulnerable right now because you could hurt me, Spencer. You could hurt me so badly.”
“I didn’t really realize it until Slater said you two went out, but you could hurt me too, Blaine.”
Blaine looked up at me just then and I saw the vulnerability, the blind faith he was entrusting me with and right then I wanted him more than I have ever wanted another human being.
“I’ve never had sex with a man, but I would like to make love with you.”
“God, you really talk too much.” I took Blaine’s mouth in what I hoped was the best kiss of his life. My tongue lapped at his lips, his teeth, and his tongue. I wanted to taste him in every possible way. I slid a hand up his T-shirt and met with hot skin. Blaine moaned in my mouth and I couldn’t wait another second to have him in my bed.
We walked-kissed-touched all the way to my room and I threw Blaine’s T-shirt into the corner. I’d seen him bare-chested at the tux fitting, but then I was looking at his boxers. Blaine bare-chested in jeans was a sight I wouldn’t forget for the rest of my life. Smooth skin covered a gym-fed body and a line of soft blond hair twisted around Blaine’s belly button and sank below the waistband of his jeans.
My hands immediately swept over the hard planes of his chest and grazed a nipple. Blaine’s breath escaped him in short gasps and I had to admit, touching him like this was making me harder than a steel pipe. My fingers played at the button of his jeans and all the while, Blaine stood in front of me, eyes closed, breathing heavily.
“You can touch me, Blaine.” I leaned in and feathered a kiss across his lips. Blaine’s eyes opened and looked into mine. The blue had bled out to black as his lust-filled gaze traveled my body like a soft caress. He tentatively reached out and placed his hand on my chest. I wondered if he could feel my heart pounding. I’d never felt like this with another man, not with any of the men I’d played around with in college.
Blaine lifted my shirt and I helped him take it off. His eyes scoured every inch of my chest and I actually shivered when his hands touched my bare skin. I closed my eyes and my breath hitched as Blaine’s warm lips touched my heated flesh. I threaded my fingers into his hair as he made his way down my torso. Soft kisses rained down my body as Blaine lowered the zipper on my pants. His tongue darted across my pubic bone and I shuddered at the contact. I was going to blow any second and he hadn’t even touched my dick.
“Wait,” I rasped. Blaine looked up at me through his lashes and I almost groaned at the sight of his mouth so close to my aching cock.
“Do you not want this? Have you changed your mind?” Blaine asked.
“No, I haven’t changed my mind.” I pulled Blaine up and sat him on my bed. He eyed me warily. I got down on my knees in front of him and pulled the zipper down on his jeans. I spread the denim apart and leaned in to catch his scent. Fingers tickled the back of my neck and I pulled Blaine’s briefs down, exposing his dick. The moistened tip of his cock sprung out and I licked my lips as I peeled away more of the fabric and caught sight of the pale shaft. Blond hair sprinkled around Blaine’s dick and I licked a path from root to tip.
“Spencer,” Blaine gasped my name.
If Blaine thought I was fucking around, he’d know I wasn’t soon enough. Lapping at the rim, I pushed Blaine’s briefs down lower and he accommodated me by lifting his ass off the bed. I removed his pants, underwear and shoes completely and wrapped my hand around his dick.
“You don’t have to do this,” Blaine whispered.
I looked up at Blaine as I slid my tongue through his slit.
“Yeah, I do. What’s more, I want to.”
I swallowed him whole and my throat constricted around the head. Blaine’s hands went to my hair, gripping it tightly. He didn’t try to force me onto his cock, just held my hair as he bucked his hips. The sweet, yet salty, taste of Blaine slid over my taste buds and I groaned as I took him deeper, aching for more. Blaine writhed above me and I rolled his balls in the palm of my hand. They pulsed and hardened under my touch. Blaine’s breathing became erratic and my mouth was stretched wider as he readied for release.
“Spencer…I’m going to—”
I nodded and sucked harder, waiting for Blaine to give me what I wanted. Seconds later, warmth flooded my mouth and I gulped greedily as Blaine emptied hot and hard down my throat. A loud groan resounded off my bedroom walls and Blaine fell back on my bed. I licked and sucked until there was nothing left, and then crawled up Blaine’s body, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses along the way.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” I groaned against his skin. I made my way back up to his lips and sucked on his bottom one. Blaine’s hair was disheveled and he looked edible. “I want more.”
“Do you…have anything?” Blaine asked quietly.
I nodded slowly.
“I want you, Blaine.” I licked a path across his lips. “But, I only want this if you’re sure.”
Blaine’s eyes widened as I touched the warm flesh of his ass. I’d managed not to come while sucking his dick; I wanted to come inside him.
“I’m sure.” Blaine reached a hand to my face. “I want you, too.”
I leaned into his touch and opened his mouth to mine. The kiss was slow, our mouths learning and exploring one another. I could kiss Blaine all damn day and it would never be enough. I was an addict from the first kiss.
I reached over and pulled my drawer open; I fumbled inside looking for my supplies and wrapped fingers around my bottle of lube. I grabbed a packet of condoms and put them by the pillow. Blaine raised a brow at me at the sight of the multiple condom packets. I chuckled and tore one open with my teeth. Setting it aside, I lubed my fingers and traced around his hole, massaging the puckered flesh. Blaine started moaning immediately and I captured his mouth with mine. I slid one finger in and Blaine’s tight muscles clamped down on me. I raised my head and looked into his eyes.
“How long?”
Blaine smiled at me sheepishly. “A looong while.”
I resumed kissing him and slid my digit in further, crooking and scissoring until I felt the muscle give way. I added another finger and Blaine moaned. I rolled my thumb along his taint as I continued to slowly inch a second finger in. My cock was leaking like a faucet; every nerve in my body was alive with the thought of sliding into Blaine. I rubbed against his knot of nerves, and his back arched off the bed. His quick intake of breath told me I’d found the spot.
“Fuck, Spencer,” Blaine breathed.
“Ready for me?”
“Yes, more than ready.”
I rolled the condom on and applied lube on my sheathed cock, as well as Blaine’s ass. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. Blaine grabbed my biceps and lifted his ass just a bit. I pushed in a fraction of an inch and Blaine’s tongue darted out to moisten his lips. I leaned in and licked his lip as I thrust inside. Blaine whimpered in my mouth and I held back, the tightness surrounding my cock was like a vice grip. My eyes squeezed shut as Blaine’s body molded me to him, his ass flexing around me and clamping down on my cock. I moved back, then forward, then back again. Blaine’s fingers dug into my skin and his hips moved with mine. I hadn’t known what to expect making love to a man, now I knew what I had been missing all those years ago. I had to admit, I was glad my first time was with Blaine. We rocked together, the friction and heat surrounding us, quiet moans and whimpers, fingers digging into flesh and lips meeting. Fuck, I was going to come like a teenager on prom night.
“Blaine—” I warned.
“Me, too,” he choked out.
My orgasm coiled in my spine, then exploded. Blaine came with a loud drawn-out cry as white streams of ejaculate arced from his dick. My body shuddered as I kept coming, emptying myself in total pleasure. My arms gave out and I collapsed on top of Blaine, breathing like I’d run a damn marathon. Blaine’s sweat-soaked skin stuck to mine and I couldn’t have cared less. I wrapped him up in my arms and kissed him. We stayed that way for a long time, just exploring one another. Blaine’s soft touch sent shivers through my body as he lightly traced the path of my spine.
“Wow,” Blaine said, with a low chuckle.
“Yeah?” I raised my head and searched his eyes.
“You sure you’ve never done that before? I didn’t even have to jack off.”
“I have watched gay porn before.”
Blaine tilted his head, looking at me. “Slater’s collection?”
I laughed softly and nuzzled Blaine’s nose. “Yes.” We locked eyes and I threaded my fingers through his silky hair. “I know we were pretending to date for Terry’s sake.”
Blaine nodded. “Yes.”
“I’d really like to make that a reality.” I searched Blaine’s face for a reaction.
“You…want to date me?” Blaine whispered.
“Yes. I want to date you, Blaine McKlintock. I’ll understand if it’s too much for you. I mean, I have Valerie and she’s going to be a huge part of my life from now on—”
I didn’t get to finish my sentence because Blaine pulled me into a kiss. I guess I had my answer.

BOOK: [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man
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