Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1) (27 page)

BOOK: Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)
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The cool metal of my belt buckle pressed into my fingers as I undid it, pulling the leather free from the latch.

More yelling.

More of my name being called.

I glanced at Brynn over my shoulder and she sat with her hands in her lap, damn-near hyperventilating as she waited for me to come back to her.

With the button and zipper of my jeans undone, I had the attention of every woman in the room. This was why they came here, for the show. And me and the guys always gave them that. Gripping the brim of my cap with one hand, I placed the other on my stomach. I kept my eyes trained there as I painstakingly inched my fingers down toward my waistband, pushing them down inside my briefs. They screamed as I touched myself, shamelessly stroked the part of my body these women were most interested in. Their eyes were glued to me as I slowly massaged my dick inside my briefs, not letting them see everything as I breathed heavy and sank my teeth into my bottom lip. The screams came louder now.

“We love you, Marco,” a group of girls yelled out in unison.

Pulling my hand free, I left my jeans loose around my waist as I took slow steps to Brynn. I stood over her, staring her down while she sat completely unaware of how close I was. When I took her hand, her posture straightened in the chair as I pressed her palm flat against my stomach, letting her feel me, every breath I took as I watched her writhe. Her teeth clamped down on her full bottom lip and I moved her fingers lower, only to the top of my unbuckled jeans before stopping.

The sudden movement I made when I got down on my knees startled her, but she went with it. Even as I slowly spread her legs apart, she let me. I glanced up to watch her expression change, observing how the rims of her nostrils flared ever so slightly. She had to feel how badly I wanted her through my touch, the way I gripped her ample thighs, how I massaged my way up to the tops of them. When she didn’t stop me, I kept going, kept exploring while everyone watched. My hand moved between her legs and I rubbed there, too, feeling the imprint of her pussy through her thin pants. The hard-on I’d been fighting this whole time came back and I didn’t even focus on trying to make it go away. All I focused on was her.

I covered the lower half of her body with my torso, encircling my arms around her waist as I held her possessively, owning her. With my back to the crowd, I lowered my face there, to that spot, to the place I wanted to be right now, giving the illusion of eating her as I admitted that the desire was real. Inhaling her scent, her arousal. She spread her legs further for me and her hand went to the back of my head when the lines between fantasy and reality got blurred for her like they had for me.

! Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Ivy said into the mic. I ignored her words and the response of the crowd, suddenly wishing I had Brynn back at my place and in my bed. Hell, I’d even settle for having her backstage.

When I pulled away, I wished I could’ve seen the lust in Brynn’s eyes, but the blindfold prevented it. I stood and took my time slipping the jeans halfway down my thighs, past my knees, and then removing them in one fluid motion, never breaking character.

In nothing but black briefs, I reached for the towel I left on the back of Brynn’s chair. I covered myself from behind with it, leaving my back exposed to the crowd, but the entire front of my body exposed to only Brynn.

On cue, Logan stepped up on stage and that got the women even more riled up. When I nodded, he untied the blindfold from Brynn’s eyes and took it with him when he stepped offstage again. I stood at Brynn’s feet, watching as she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light, trying to focus. And when she did, her eyes traveled down my body, first to my chest, and then lower. Her stare settled on my dick and a look crossed her face, one I recognized—
she wanted it almost as badly as I wanted to give it to her.

I stepped closer and parted my legs some, placing my feet at either side of hers as I opened the towel wider, blocking the view from the rest of the crowd. No one could see below my waist but Brynn. Her eyes fluttered up to mine and, with a smile, I instructed her on what to do next.

“Take em’ off.”

At my words, her chest rose with a deep breath. In that moment, she was painfully aware of all the eyes on us and the illusion of it being just me and her was slipping away, but then… she found me again and wandered back inside the private room I set up in her mind, the one where it was only us.

Her soft fingertips touched the waistband of my briefs and she only hesitated for a moment. Then, taking her time, she tugged them down. Her hands felt so good on me and a surge of excitement made my dick jump. Seeing my body responding to her, her eyes fluttered to mine again and she paused with my briefs halfway down my hips.

I’d never experienced this on stage with someone I actually cared about, actually had feelings for, and it was powerful. Doing this with others watching when it wasn’t really just a show, when there was actual desire, real feelings involved… it felt kinda crazy, but in a good way.

Brynn’s face came close to my body as she leaned in to slip the material down the rest of the way. Heat from her skin touched me in places we hadn’t even made contact. Just having her close was intense. She let a breath go and it caressed my shaft when she stripped me completely, unveiled everything.

I lifted my feet to step out of the one item of clothing shielding me from her, kicking them aside, and the volume in the room was almost unbearable. I studied Brynn’s face, made sure she was okay with all this, and to my surprise all I found there was pure lust.

Nothing else.

Staring at my dick, she sank her teeth into her bottom lip again, breathing deep. She had me rock hard and standing at attention without really even touching me. I stepped closer, between her open legs. She was timid, but eventually couldn’t fight the urge to run her hands up the backs of my thighs, and then gripping them. I raised both sides of the towel and hid her like I always did during these acts, but it was usually just to feed the illusion, to make people think there was more going on behind it than there really was.

One of the rules was: women could touch our thighs, stomach, chest, back, arms, face, and neck, but nothing else. However, as far as I was concerned, Brynn could break whatever damn rules she wanted to. The feel of her warm fingers stroking my balls when she pushed her hand between my legs had me ready to cut the night short. She gripped my dick next, stroking it slowly a few times before pulling away. I glanced down to see why she stopped and it looked like it had just dawned on her what we were doing, dawned on her that we had an audience of hundreds watching.

Our eyes locked and I flashed her a smile, one she returned with a shy one of her own. Still holding the towel out, I gestured with my head for her to stand and she did. My time was up and Ivy would be closing out my performance at any second. With Brynn on her feet, I kept the towel around my naked waist, but enclosed her in it with me, feeling my erection press into her. She stayed close, hugging me around my neck as applause and whistles filled the air.

Just before the lights above us went dark, casting the stage in complete blackness, I kissed her—which was
against the rules—but we’d already shattered so many, so why the hell not this one, too.

There were a few gasps that hit the air as I teased Brynn’s lips apart with my tongue and then sank it deep inside her mouth.

“Oh! Well… okay,” Ivy said, killing the lights immediately after.

I placed a few more kisses on Brynn’s mouth and neck while securing my towel, and then walked her to the steps, holding her hand until she was down at ground level again.

what I call a show, ladies! Let’s give it up for

I disappeared offstage with their screams at my back as my thoughts became focused on one thing and one thing only. Brynn might not have known it, but she was in a hell of a lot of trouble. I had her scent now and wouldn’t stop until I got what I wanted.

If she wasn’t ready after what just happened out there tonight, she better
ready real quick, because… 

…she and I
had some unfinished business to take care of.

Chapter Twenty-One


‘I think you should come through.’

That was all Marco had to say to get me out of bed and sneaking out the house in my pajamas, trying not to wake Mona. She already had a million questions after I came down off the stage. My favorite being:
“Did you really just feel that man up? Because it
looked like that’s what you did from here.”

Thoughts and images of Marco flooded my head as I drove to his place from memory. Tonight was…
. Hot and unexpected. I imagined things playing out much differently than they did, especially after I realized the beautiful Latina seated beside me at the bar was, Elena, the one Marco told me about.

I’d gone from feeling like I’d get lost in the ocean of all the women vying for his attention tonight, to feeling like he couldn’t see anyone but me.

I had absolutely no beef with Elena. None. In fact, I felt bad for her. Listening to her conversation with her friend, even showing up for him tonight was difficult. And then to get there and have him bypass her like he did? I could imagine how heart-wrenching that was.

The house was completely dark when I pulled into Marco’s driveway. I parked behind his Yukon and turned my car off. It was already well past three in the morning and I knew he had to be exhausted, just getting in from the club, but clearly not too exhausted for company.

I walked to the porch, realizing when I got there that the front door had been left wide open for me. I stepped inside and peered around, assuming Marco was in his bedroom waiting. I slipped out of my shoes and took to the stairs as my mind only now caught up with my actions, acknowledging fully why I was here, what I wanted, but his performance had made it all too clear.

was what I wanted.

Being on stage with him was eye-opening. I can’t remember being more turned on by someone, but it was always like that with him. There was always a pull in his direction. Everything he did, every small touch, was amplified. A small part of me wondered, if there’d been no alcohol involved that night months ago…
would much have been different?
Granted, there would’ve been protection involved, but was a hookup inevitable?

Neither Marco nor I could recall how we ended up where we did, but what if there was a very real connection that pulled us onto this path? What if being drawn to one another was just in us from day one, but our hazy recollection had stolen the magic of our first meeting from memory?

My bare toes touched carpet, a stark contrast from the hard wood of the stairs I ascended. Marco’s door opened silently when I pushed and walked in. Just as I did, he stepped out of the attached bathroom, wearing only a towel as the scent of his body wash—something crisp and masculine—filled the air. Dark eyes found mine as I stared. I was so ready for this, so ready to touch him again, ready to

A half-smile tugged at one corner of Marco’s mouth as beads of water dripped down his neck and chest.

I smiled back and tried to seem casual, tried to pretend I wasn’t impatient, but who was I kidding?

He gestured straight ahead and my eyes went there, to his bed.

I walked around to the side I slept on the last time I visited and climbed in. The sheet, the comforter—it all smelled like fabric softener and

As he walked over to join me, I noted that there wasn’t a single physical imperfection on this man. Not one. From head to toe. And trust me; I looked him over hard enough that I would’ve noticed
wrong with that body.

He climbed in and rested on his side just like I did, facing me. Our eyes locked and that feeling of being the only woman he could see reeled me in again.

A mint-infused kiss pressed to my mouth and I inhaled Marco deeply, holding my breath to savor him. All night I’d wanted this, ever since his performance. So many thoughts and feelings hit me on that stage. I never experienced anything like that in my life. Never. All those people watching us, touching someone out in the open the way I touched him. Several times, I nearly forgot we had to contain ourselves. The fantasy he created felt just that real.

Heat rose from my core and filled me completely. The magnetism he possessed drew me in every time; had since day one, had on that stage tonight. There was literally a tug toward him at all times, like I should always be in his arms, should always be close. And now, with him kissing me, I felt it ten times as strong.

My lips were sucked and tugged as if he thought he’d draw nectar from them. The sensation of being consumed had me drenched between the legs. I surrendered my tongue when he beckoned for it and his passion spilled over onto me. I’d never been kissed like this before, had never had someone draw such intense emotion from me so easily.

But he did that.

The warmth of his hand traveled from the side of my neck, down my shoulder, and then forward to my chest. Several buttons on my nightshirt were undone just before Marco worked his hand inside it. His fingertips pressed into my skin as he caressed the fleshy mound of my breast. My nipples became stiff and tight, longing to be played with, wanting to be teased. The soft fabric of his towel brushed against my bare legs where my pajama shorts didn’t cover. He inched closer to me on his mattress and I did the same, making his personal space my own.

Cool air shocked my lips and my eyes fluttered open when Marco pulled away. The very next sensation that rattled my senses was that of his mouth latching hard against the hollow of my throat. His tongue was silky against it as he tasted me, sending a rush of desire through my veins with his heavy breathing. The hand that once held my breast had now gravitated south, to my hip, where he massaged the curve of it with such vigor my entire body swayed with the motion. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say my thickness, the extra flesh that made me soft in all the right places, turned him on even more. As soon as I became suspicious that this was the case, he gripped me harder and groaned at the feel of my body in his hands, squeezing, confirming what I sensed.

This, realizing that the way I’m built was making him hot, had me feeling some type of way—sexy, powerful, desirable. His hand slipped to my backside, squeezing my cheeks, and there was something in his touch that drove me insane.

The faint stubble on his chin trailed down my cleavage as he kissed his way lower. The material of my shirt was pushed away and my exposed nipples were slowly drawn into his mouth one at a time. I breathed deep, gripping the back of his head. It was like he couldn’t seem to get his fill of me; like he couldn’t seem to suck hard enough or squeeze tight enough to be satisfied, but I loved feeling him try.

Letting his grip lower from my thigh to the back of my knee, he raised it over his side, positioning himself between my legs as I felt his towel come loose.

I sucked in a breath as his hardness pressed against me.

“You feel what you do to me?” he asked breathily, speaking the words just before burying his face in my breasts, pressing kisses to the valley between them.

My eyes fell closed.

What was I supposed to call this place where we seemed to exist? It didn’t quite feel like limbo, but it lacked definition. It felt like we were bound to one another despite there being no formal agreement, no discussion about where we stood. Yes, this space was tricky—a groove between together and apart where emotions could become skewed and lines could become blurred. However, a small, still voice in the back of my head told me not to question what was happening between us. It whispered for me to just let it be, go with the flow.

Something about him brought out a side of me I rarely unleashed. I was comfortable in his arms, in his bed, and the overall mood in the bedroom was:
do what feels right
. So that’s the attitude I took on.

Marco’s towel slipped off the rest of the way when I forced him onto his back, watching his chest rise and fall quickly. My eyes skimmed, noting the contrast of darker-toned nipples against his light-tawny skin. His tattoos were something to marvel at, beautiful ink coloring the hard lines and tight muscles of his body. I knelt beside him and felt all inhibitions being swept away.

Marco kept me in his line of sight as I eased off the side of the bed. It was one thing to let him feel me through my clothes, but another to have him see me without them. As I stood there, trying not to revert back to feeling shy and unsure of myself, I recalled the way he admired me with his hands a moment ago. Apparently, he was a fan of my thickness, which meant I had absolutely no reason to hide from him. He liked what he felt, so I had to believe he’d also like what he saw.

Feeling a boost of confidence as I recalled the way I caught Marco eyeing my body over the past several months, I removed my shorts and panties without a second thought. I pushed them aside with my foot and then moved on to my shirt. Watching me undo the last of the buttons, he bit down on his lip, conveying how badly he wanted me with a single look.

The feeling was beyond mutual.

Naked and trying not to rush things along, I eased between his legs, positioning myself on all fours as my mouth watered. I came face to face with his manhood for the second time tonight and the desire hadn’t dwindled even a little. At the club, I had to subdue the wave of need that swept over me, but here I was free to touch and devour him entirely.

Eso se siente tan bueno
,” he breathed as my fingers slipped up and down his length. He was heavy in my hand, deliciously thick.

A bead of pre-cum seeped from his tip and ran down the side of his shaft, lubricating my hand as I continued to play with his dick, getting off on watching him writhe and grunt. His naked body alone was enough to induce a wet-dream, but touching him like this… it was almost my undoing.

Half-mast eyes lowered to me and I loved having him watch me. But even more than that, I wanted to draw more out of him, wanted to drive him to the edge until he couldn’t take anymore.

A husky groan filled the room when I sucked his hot length, watching from between his legs as he took handfuls of the white sheet, gripping it hard as the muscles on both arms stood out. The slight upward curve of his shaft brought his head to the roof of my mouth where it caressed him in rhythm, stimulating him to the point that he could hardly take it. I slurped him down deeper, feeling the smooth hardness of him against my tongue. When I thought he might come, I slowed my pace before freeing him of my mouth. Pressing his erection against his stomach, I lowered my mouth to his balls, stroking my tongue over the warm, velvety skin there. I wanted nothing more in this moment than to please him, nothing more than to put it on him so good
time it wouldn’t matter that he couldn’t remember the

“Get up here,” he demanded, the roughness of his tone turning me on even more. I crept up the length of his body to the middle of his bed, never losing his gaze.

At his pelvis, I straddled him, engorging his member even more with my heat pressing against it. I was feeling winded from trying to suppress all the desire that burned within me. His long fingers left my waist and I watched as he reached toward the nightstand, removing a condom from the drawer.

I peered down into Marco’s eyes, feeling the sweltering heat between my legs as I covered him. We’d both been tested for
recently and we were obviously not concerned about pregnancy, so… was there really any reason to strap up? Holding his gaze, I eased the square-shaped wrapper from his fingers and he let me, staying silent as I dropped it to the floor. When I lifted to align him with my entrance, he got the message loud and clear if he hadn’t before.

My mouth fell agape at the feel of his thickness filling me, at the feel of his distinct curve massaging my g-spot. Since becoming pregnant, the thing most on my mind had been sex. I wanted it all the time, was
for it all the time. But until now, there was no one to act upon those feelings with. For that reason, Marco was catching the brunt of my pent-up frustration.

I thrusted back and forth, swiveled my hips to force him deeper. The sensation of him inside me was exactly what I needed to both cure my craving… and to bring to my remembrance the details of that night at
The Alibi

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