Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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My word was law, and it was never to be challenged.

“Kiss her!” someone shouted a few feet away. Sully’s head jerked up and looked at me with wide eyes.
Fuck! She’s beautiful.
I had no idea when I gave her those clothes how alluring she would look. Her tits were flawless, and don’t get me started on that round, perfect ass of hers. It was a real shame our marriage was one of necessity, otherwise, I would have dragged her back to my room and fucked her long and hard. And each time she looked at me like she was now, I’d slam her against the wall, wrap her legs around my waist and sink inside her so fast she’d give up the breath in her lungs just to keep the connection.

I hadn’t intended on kissing her, but I didn’t let her in on the secret. I was bored, so I decided to play with her instead. Gripping her arms, I tugged her closer, licking my lips and throwing her a quick wink.

“Whatcha think, wife? Wanna give our guests a show?” She tried to pull away, her head shaking back and forth like she was having a goddamn convulsion. Her repulsion bothered me, even though I tried not to show it. My fingers dug into her soft skin and she winced. I hadn’t meant to be so rough, but I couldn’t help it. Yes, my face didn’t show my annoyance, but my body had taken another directive. My jaw ticked and the mocking look on my face quickly disappeared, replaced by something I had yet to identify.

Every woman I knew would jump at the chance to have my mouth on them. But not her. No, she was freaking out, and it was all due to the thought of being kissed by me. My plan to tease her had just turned into the ultimate goal of planting one on her right there, in front of everyone to see.

I leaned in.

She pulled back.

I leaned in again, pulling her close so she had nowhere to go. She whimpered in my hold, but I didn’t care; she was my wife now, and I would do whatever I wanted to her—within reason, of course.

I hadn’t kissed a woman in years, but my need to make her comply drove me forward.

Slowly inching my hands upward, I rested them on the sides of her face, her body going still when she realized I was gonna go in for the kill. The closer our mouths came together, the more her body relaxed, which was quite odd. I would have thought it’d be the opposite.

Her demeanor softened slightly and I actually thought I might enjoy tasting her. I was but a breath away from her delectable lips when I heard someone close by whisper, “He’s really gonna kiss her.”

Women talked. I knew they did. Although club whores weren’t allowed into the clubhouse unless a ruckus was going on, I knew their chatter spread to all the women of the club, old ladies alike. Everyone knew it was a steadfast rule of mine not to kiss. Again, no psychological reason why, I just didn’t, not with the wannabes I fucked.

“You ready?” I whispered, my lips hovering over hers. I asked the question more to myself than to her, but it didn’t really matter. As I was about to close the deal, Hawke barreled right into me, spilling his drink on the floor at my feet. He was half-drunk and already acting a fool.

Breaking the built-up tension between Sully and me, I backed up immediately and scowled at Hawke, his eyes glazed over as he mumbled an apology. He staggered away, bumping into people while he walked toward the bar to get another drink.

“Trigger!” I shouted. “Cut him off.” I glared at Hawke, the priceless look of shock on his face almost worth me not tasting Sully’s plump lips.

“Come on, Prez,” he pleaded, slumping forward because he realized he wasn’t gonna get another drop of liquor. Edana sidled up next to him, whispering something in his ear which made him smile. Taking her hand, he led her back toward his room, disappearing from sight before I could impose another punishment.

Movement in my periphery caused me to turn my head back toward Sully. She was shifting from one foot to the other, her obvious nervousness becoming quite annoying. She wouldn’t say anything, however, choosing instead to just fidget next to me.

“What’s the problem, Sully?” I growled, my patience evaporating into the air around me. The drawn look on her face almost made me correct my tone, but the fierce look in her eyes when she leered at me pushed that idiotic thought to the side.

“I want to go back to the room now.” When I didn’t answer, she added, “Please.” I realized how hard it was for her to utter the word, but it did nothing to stop me from continuing to be difficult.

Strictly because I wanted to.

Nothing more.

“No. Everyone here came to celebrate our wedding. And, as my wife, you will entertain them.” Flicking my wrist toward the crowd, I demanded, “Go mingle.”

“Mingle?” She sounded shocked. “I’m not your wife. I’m your prisoner,” she angrily huffed.

my wife. Everyone here is a witness. Now, go and play nice,” I said, patting her ass and ushering her forward into the throngs of people gathered together. Catching Ryder’s attention, I motioned for him to come over. Once he’d gotten close enough, I inspected whether or not he’d been drinking. Beer was fine, but if he’d been drinking hard liquor? Forget about it. I had enough shit to worry about; I didn’t need to wrangle up a few of the brothers to watch his volatile ass.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“You been drinking?”

“It’s a celebration, isn’t it?” He smirked. “Of course I’m drinking.”


“What . . . What?”

Frustration shot out of me. “What the hell are you drinking? Beer?”

“Yup. In fact, I’m about to get me another. Want one?” he asked, already preparing to retreat to the bar.

Grabbing hold of his arm to stop him, I laid a very important task on him. “Listen, Stone and I have to talk. I need you to watch Sully while we’re in Chambers.”

Knowing damn well he wouldn’t refuse, he rolled his eyes before agreeing. “Where did she get off to?” he huffed, peering around the room to try and locate her.

“She’s talking to Adelaide. Near the kitchen.” As I walked past, I warned him, “Don’t lose sight of her, Ryder. If anything happens to her, or if she takes off, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

“I know, I know,” he grumbled before snatching a beer from the bar and heading toward the two women engaged in conversation. Well, Adelaide was doing most of the talking, while Sully was propped against the wall with her arms folded tight across her chest.

I’m married.

I’m fucking married, and I have no idea who my wife is.

What the hell was I thinking taking it this far?


I was beyond exhausted. The day’s surprise debacle took its toll on me, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and drift off into the darkness. But I would be sleeping in
bed. Again.
I don’t have any other choice unless I want to sleep on the floor, which I just might consider depending on what happens when he retires for the evening.

Did he expect me to have sex with him now that we were married?

Refusing to give in to my paranoia, I focused on what Adelaide was saying. We’d been talking the majority of the day. Thankfully, she’d saved me from having to talk to everyone else. Well, besides Ryder. The man had become my shadow and butted into our conversation every now and again, especially when Adelaide complained about men. I had a feeling she was talking about one man in particular, but she kept her comments generalized so as not to give anything away.

I was still very much a stranger to these people. Actually, ‘prisoner’ was more accurate. It was as if I were living in a parallel universe. I’d been taken from my home, forced to wed my enemy, yet no one hurt me. Besides the guy who tried to kiss me in Marek’s room, no one had bothered with me. Adelaide was very sweet. Hell, Ryder was even pleasant, growing more so the more alcohol he consumed. Stone was a little rough around the edges, but even he was complacent around me. Granted, I’d only been there for a day, but a lot had transpired during that time.

A lifetime seemingly passed me by in a mere twenty-four hours.

Finding a brief reprieve in our conversation, I grabbed hold of the opportunity and ran with it. “Adelaide, do you think it would be all right if I went back to my room?” My hopeful eyes pinned hers while she contemplated my question.

“Don’t you mean Marek’s room?” Ryder chuckled. He was drunk and feeling no pain. At least he was a pleasant drunk, laughing and fully engaged, regaling us with stories of pranks he’d been a part of over the years. Leaning against the wall with one arm, his eyes took me in but he wasn’t lecherous about it. It almost seemed like he was assessing the newest member to his club, friendliness and caution meshed together to form a whole new emotion.

“Well . . . Yes. I suppose so,” I retorted, not sure if I should react defensively, coyly or shyly. I was completely out of my element but the two of them made me relax a little, the fear I’d held on to since I was abducted taking a step into the shadows. Not too far, though, because I would need to be on guard once out of their company.

I had a feeling I wasn’t out of the woods. Not by the longest stretch of the imagination. And the majority of my fear had to do with the man who ruled the KC. The man who’d succeeded in snatching me right from under my father’s nose. The man who’d forced me to join into a union with not only him but his club. The man who made me feel things I’d never experienced before, no matter how briefly they rattled my emotions.

My husband.

Saying my goodbyes, I moved past them and headed toward the back of the building, toward the one room where I could escape. The spray of the hot water beckoned me, and I found I couldn’t move fast enough. Ryder was right on my heels, never once leaving me by myself. I guessed he was instructed to do so, and there was no way he was going to disobey Marek.

“I think I can handle it from here, Ryder.” I shooed at him, but he kept on following.

“Not a chance. I’m not letting you out of my sight until Prez comes back.”

Back? Where did he go?

Noticing the puzzled look, he answered before I uttered a single word. “He’s in Chambers talkin’ to Stone about club business. Should be around shortly,” he explained, taking a long swig of his near empty beer.

I had no idea what he was talking about. Chambers? Was that the same thing my father and Vex referred to as Church?

Deciding not to inquire about the whereabouts of my new husband, I walked into the bedroom, turning around to close the door behind me. But Ryder stepped inside before I could shut him out.

“What are you doing?” I asked, backing up a few steps. He closed the door and sauntered forward.

“I told ya already. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He swayed slightly on his feet. “I was told to babysit you, and that’s what I’m doin’.” Plopping on the small couch against the wall, he leaned back and rested his hands behind his head, looking at me as if he were seeing me for the very first time.

From what I gathered about Ryder, he was friendly, but he also seemed a bit reserved, if that made any sense. His dark eyes hid secrets—I knew because I saw those same shielded pupils when I looked in the mirror. Short, dark hair adorned his head, a faint shadow of hair prickling his jawline. He wore dark jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt under his cut.

He was attractive . . . for the enemy.

Actually, quite a few of the KC men were handsome, their ruggedness hiding any vulnerability they may have possessed. Their looks were disarming, their ability to blend into society a most definite attribute. I hadn’t witnessed it thus far, but I was sure they had charm in spades whenever they felt it necessary.

His eyes glided over my body, a hint of appreciation for what I was wearing most definitely shining bright. “You’re quite beautiful,” he offered, finishing off his drink and tossing it aside.

The tone he used was sedate, but the longer I remained in his presence the more I feared he was going to
me how beautiful he thought me to be. Would he do such a thing? Did the men share each other’s property? Their wives? If it was anything like my club, they didn’t, although that was the only rule I knew of. A man didn’t go after another man’s old lady, not unless he wanted to die.

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