Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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“Don’t you need a warrant, asshole?” Ryder, my Sergeant-at-Arms, yelled, an outburst which earned him a swift blow to the stomach. He was fortunate—or unfortunate, depending on how one looked at it—to not be lying down. He was on his knees with his fingers interlocked and resting on the top of his head, his hands bound while one of the agents held him in place so he couldn’t move. Cuffed or not, my men would run off at the mouth without a second’s hesitation.

“Nope,” Koritz’s lapdog said, pulling back and sucker punching Ryder, that time in the face.

All these fuckers are goin’ down.

After two very long hours, they finally deemed the compound all clear, only finding a few dime bags of weed. Nothing they were gonna waste their time over. They kept us locked in the same positions, my arms screaming in pain along with my possibly broken ribs. Koritz stalked my way, beyond pissed that he wasn’t able to pin anything on me. For as crooked as he was, he wasn’t stupid enough to plant evidence, though, probably out of fear of retaliation. Little did he know I was already plotting my revenge.

All in due time.

Reaching down, he took hold of my upper arm and pulled, but he was so weak he needed another man to help lift me. Once on my feet, I staggered a few steps, trying to find my footing all while doing my best to breathe. I masked the pain by clenching my teeth and trying to appear as pissed off as possible—which wasn’t hard to do, given everything that’d happened.

“You lucked out this time, Marek,” Koritz said, swiftly patting my side. The pain radiated through my entire body, and I held the air in my lungs, waiting to see what he was gonna do next. With my hands still cuffed behind my back, I knew I wasn’t capable of doing shit until he released me. Roughly grabbing my wrists, he jerked them back, the muscles of my arms hollering in protest. “If you make a move on me or any of my men, I’ll shoot you where you stand. You understand?” His putrid breath hit the side of my face, and I almost threw up.

When I nodded quickly, he withdrew the key to the restraints and popped them open. Normally, I would rub my wrists because of the tight pressure of the cuffs, but I simply flexed my fists at my sides, reminding myself that he would make good on his promise of killing me if I dared to strike back.

As soon as all my men were released, and all of the DEA agents left our compound, I vowed then and there to never be put into that situation ever again.

Everyone would feel the wrath of the Knights Corruption MC before we turned to the other side.


Turning his head in my direction, the man leading me down a dark, narrow hallway practically spit at me in anger. “If you don’t hurry up, Sully, you’re gonna regret being so goddamn slow.” I knew that tone. I was petrified of that tone. But I was used to it and unfortunately, I was used to him and the way he treated me.

My tired legs tried to hurry, but I was extremely sluggish. Vex had woken me from a dead sleep, forced me to pleasure him, then tossed me out of bed. Throwing some dark-colored clothes at me, he ordered me to dress, hauled me from the compound and shoved me in the passenger side of a beat-up gray truck.

I didn’t even need to ask where we were going. I already knew. Every now and again, he would drag me with him to be his lookout while he broke into people’s homes and stole their drugs—cocaine, to be specific. He would snort as much of the nose candy as he could, then sell the rest to bring in a profit for our club, the Savage Reapers. Having a talent for bypassing even the most high-tech security systems, it was a shame he didn’t put his talents to better use, but when it came right down to it, Vex Montale was a low-level criminal, never aspiring to be anything more than he was.

I took two more steps down the darkened space and ran smack-dab right into his back. He’d suddenly stopped, but I knew enough to keep my mouth shut instead of asking why. I learned long ago to know my place when it came to Vex, only speaking if he asked me a question. I was only fourteen years old when he claimed me from my father, Vex being all of eighteen himself. That was six years ago. At first, I was attracted to him, his sandy-brown hair and piercing green eyes were certainly head-turning. His square jaw and perfectly proportionate nose only added to his good looks, even with the slight bump in the middle. He’d broken it during one of the many fights he’d incited, never bothering to have it set properly. His lean, muscular build had enticed my awakening young hormones, but that quickly changed the first time his fist connected with my face. No matter how good-looking he was on the outside, the ugliness inside him had pushed through and repulsed me from then on.

I wasn’t stupid enough to believe he was faithful to me either, witnessing him having sex with other girls on a few occasions. But did he care when he’d been caught? No. The times I’d accidentally walked in on him rutting like some kind of animal, he leered at me and continued on until he roared out his disgusting release.

Vex snatched my arm and pulled me closer, snarling at me like some sort of rabid dog. Hell, even a sick dog was nicer than he was, especially when he’d been snorting that shit up his nose, which happened more and more lately. “His room is the last one on the right. We have to get in and grab what we can,” he sniffed, pinching his nose between his thumb and forefinger before starting to move again. “Don’t fuck this up. Do you hear me?” he asked, squeezing my arm tight.

“Yes,” I whimpered. Even though he’d asked me a direct question—my cue to speak—he didn’t like it when I talked too much.

He was the second dangerous man I knew, my father trumping him and taking the title for the worst human being alive. At least Vex didn’t keep me locked in a closet for days without food or water when I’d done or said something he didn’t like. Don’t get me wrong, I lived in Hell every single day, praying for a quick death each and every time he struck, raped and choked me unconscious. But because I was still breathing air into my lungs, my destiny obviously hadn’t been fulfilled yet.

When we reached the room we were supposed to enter, he stilled on the threshold, peering inside and listening for anything that would tell him we weren’t alone. Although the information he’d received from one of the other brothers told him the owner was out for the night—leaving his place unattended for the likes of us—he’d been given erroneous tips before.

I detested being dragged into situations I wanted nothing to do with. But I had no choice, just like I had no choice in anything that happened in my life.

It was better to go along than resist.

I had the scars to prove it.

Moving slower than I thought was possible while he was coked out of his mind, he shoved me forward into the dark bedroom. “Look in the closet.” He pinched his nose again, making a sound with his throat before mumbling to himself, “He told me it was here.”

Without answering, I did as I was told and headed for the closet in the far corner of the large room. The only light I had was from a small keychain flashlight. Anything bigger would pull too much attention—at least, that’s what Vex told me.

While I searched for the kilos of cocaine that were supposed to have been hidden somewhere in the bedroom, Vex rummaged through drawers, opening and closing them before moving on to other areas of the expansive room.

Whoever lived here certainly had money. Not only was the house huge, but the furnishings looked expensive. The small light of my keychain had allowed me to see the king-sized bed, which took up the middle of the space, with four carved pillars the focal point. Two matching dressers and nightstands completed the bedroom set, the wood a rich mahogany color I itched to run my fingers over.

Living at the clubhouse, which was unheard of for a female, we only had old, ratty furniture. Most of it was rigged somehow, and the pieces that weren’t would splinter apart with the slightest force. I wasn’t a materialistic person, not by any stretch of the imagination, but just once I would like to own something new.

“Did you find anything yet?” he gritted, his warm breath hitting the side of my face while he crowded my personal area inside the closet. Before I could answer, he shoved me back into the bedroom and rooted through the space himself, cursing me every time he came up short, like it was my fault he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

My head hung low, the tiny light slowly faded in and out while I waited for him to finish his search. Uneasiness ate me up the longer we invaded the stranger’s house, the hairs on the back of my neck sticking up with each tick of the clock. With every second that passed, we were that much closer to getting caught. And if were spotted, it was somehow going to be my fault, and I would pay dearly because of it. As it stood, Vex was probably going to punish me anyway, if for nothing other than the frustration that he couldn’t find more product to feed his nasty habit. Either way, my night was going to be less than ideal. But what else was new?

Lost in my own head, I never heard him approaching.

I never saw the light flick on in the hallway.

I never saw his hand reach into the bedroom where we were standing and pause by the light switch.

I never saw him until the room was immersed in brightness, instantly blinding me until my eyes focused on the scene around me.

“What the hell, Sully? Turn off the light before I knock some sense into you.”

I didn’t pay any attention to his ramblings; instead, my eyes were trained on the man standing in front of me, his gun pointed directly at my chest.

At first glance, the stranger appeared to be civil, dressed in a finely pressed suit matched with the most expensive shoes I’d ever seen. The light from above shone off his cleanly shaved head, his neatly trimmed beard a lie as to how dangerous he really was.

I thought for sure fear and panic would have imprisoned me, but unfortunately, it wasn’t the first time a gun had been aimed at me. Shit, it wasn’t even the second or third time my life had been threatened in such a way. But a stranger, a man whose home we’d broken into, was the one pointing the weapon at me. I should have been scared. But instead, I was numb inside.

“What do we have here?” the stranger yelled, instantly gaining Vex’s attention. Stepping from the closet, he came to stand behind me as soon as he saw the man had a weapon. It didn’t shock me that he chose to use me as a shield in case the guy went nuts and started firing. Come to think of it, I prayed for that exact scenario; then I would be set free from the invisible chains which bound me to this dreadful life.

“Don’t do anything crazy, man,” Vex warned, his grip on my arms tightening the more he realized how dangerous our situation had become when the owner of the house stepped forward without an ounce of reservation.

“You break into my house, scour through my things looking for God knows what, and
not to do anything crazy. Do you know who I am?” Silence danced around the room. “Well . . . Do you?” he roared, scratching his cheek with the barrel of his gun, a deranged look on his face the closer he stepped toward us.

I knew that look.

had it on his face.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

“Yes,” Vex admitted. “Look, we didn’t take anything. No harm, right?” His nervous laugh hit a nerve with me. He never took anything seriously because he thought he was protected by the club, doing anything he wanted, treating everyone like shit just because he thought he could get away with it simply because he was with the president’s daughter. But what he didn’t realize was that he was a liability and his brothers were tired of coming to his rescue. He had no idea, but I’d accidentally overheard a few of the members discussing his future, or lack thereof. I kept my mouth shut because I prayed they would make their move sooner rather than later. But until then, I had to bide my time.

“How the hell did you even get in here?” the man asked, stepping perilously closer. “You must be some sort of electronics wiz to bypass my security system. Is that it?”

He hit the nail on the head.

“Never mind, what’s done is done.” He grinned dangerously. “And while you may not have taken anything, it doesn’t mean I won’t.” His statement confused me, until he lunged forward, seized my arm and pulled me against his large frame. “I think I’ll have a little taste,” he promised, his tongue snaking out and licking the side of my face as I twitched in his hold.

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