Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (27 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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My tongue connected with her skin and she moaned once again. Taking a pert nipple into my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the aching bud while sucking it deep into my mouth.

She tasted like Heaven.


“Cole . . .” she cried out. “Yes,” she panted shamelessly. I switched to teasing her other one, groping her while sucking reverently. My free hand dropped to her pussy, gently stroking her while I tuned up her body as best I could. She’d never put her panties back on from before, and I’d never been so thankful to have such easy access.

“You’re so wet. Do you want me to stop?”

Hesitation emanated off her. “Yes . . . No . . . I don’t know,” she mewled. Her confusion not only came from her mouth, but it was in her body language as well. She pushed her tits into my mouth but struggled when I tried to fuck her with my hand. She was at war with herself, and I had to do something about it.

Standing quickly, I picked her up by her waist and placed her on top of the vanity, nudging her thighs apart with my leg. Yanking down the zipper of my jeans, I pulled myself out and rubbed the tip of my cock through her swollen, wet folds. “Tell me to stop, Sully. Otherwise, I’m gonna take you so hard, you’ll forget your own fuckin’ name.” I was ready to explode any second if she didn’t give me an answer.

Placing her hands on my chest, she pushed me back, looking into my eyes before telling me something I didn’t want to hear. “I don’t think I can. Please don’t be mad. I’m just . . . I’m not ready yet.”

My control shattered. “But you were ready to have my face buried between your legs before?” I grabbed her chin when she tried to turn her face away from me. “What? Now that I want some relief, you’re gonna deny me? Is that how this is goin’ down right now?” I hadn’t meant to say something so harsh, but it just came out. I berated myself for every single word, but for some reason I couldn’t stop myself. The hurtful words flowed easily and it upset not only her, but me as well.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her head jerking from my hold before she looked down at her own naked body.

“Yeah, I’m sure you are,” I snarled, putting my cock away and zipping up my jeans. Backing away, I took one final look at her before retreating from the bathroom.

What I did was a prick move, but I didn’t see it turning out any other way. I was pissed that she made me feel as if I was on guard around her, asking for permission to take what essentially belonged to me. I could have demanded she fulfilled her wifely duties and fuck me as many times as I saw fit, but I wasn’t that much of a bastard. Although the way I reacted told a different story.

At least she seemed to crave my touch. Maybe, given a little more time, she’d come around and give me what I wanted.

But what to do until then, I had no idea. Not wanting to stick my dick inside the same old club whores, I was fucked and I knew it.

Soon, my club would know it too, my mood already cresting toward miserable.

After calling Ryder to come watch Sully while I made a trip to the clubhouse, threatening his life if he acted inappropriately with her, I hopped on my bike and rode to the one place I could escape from the woman twisting me up inside.

There was already a commotion as I stepped through the front door. A few of the brothers were gathered around, laughing and poking fun at whomever was in the middle of their crowd. Shoving my way through, I saw Hawke sitting in the center with a pissed-off look on his face. It took me all of a millisecond to figure out what he was so upset about.

His head was shaved.

And from the look on his face, and those of his brothers, he hadn’t done that shit to himself. One guess who did it, however.

“What the hell happened to you?” I asked, coming to stand directly in front of him, slapping the back of his bare head before he could answer.

“That bitch happened,” he groaned, rubbing his hand back and forth over his shaved head.

“I don’t know why you keep her around, man,” Breck said, shaking his head while continuing to laugh.

“‘Cause I love the crazy cunt.” He half-chuckled, his semi-laughter quieting as he continued to rub his dome.

Kicking his leg, I drew his attention back to me. “What. The. Fuck. Happened?”

He leaned back in his chair and prepared to tell me his story, one he’d obviously shared with the other guys, seeing as how they were already grinning.

“I must have gotten drunk last night, somehow made it home, and passed out in bed. When I got up this morning, Edana had shaved my fucking head.”

There was certainly more to the story than that. “Why?” I asked, already losing interest in their crazy-ass relationship.

Actually looking embarrassed for once, he winced before revealing, “I guess I forgot to take the condom off before goin’ to bed.” Feeling the need to elaborate based on my confused expression, he blurted out, “We don’t use condoms.” Not something I ever wanted to know. “The one time she decides to wake me up with a blow job and that’s when this shit happens,” he grunts, rocking his chair back and forth until he’d had enough and jumped to his feet. Expletives flew from his mouth as he walked toward the bar, motioning for Trigger to hit him up with a drink.

Walking past him, I decided to hit him with a few words of condolence. “At least she didn’t cut your dick off, Hawke. Be thankful for that shit.” I smirked, slapping him hard on the back before walking toward the room I kept in the back of the clubhouse.

A loud noise woke me from sleep, jolting me upright and ready to fuck someone up for disturbing me. A loud crash followed by men hootin’ and hollerin’, music playing way too loud and women’s laughter emanated through the hallway.

Dropping my feet to the ground, I took a few seconds to tamp down my rage, but the extra time didn’t help, not at all. I couldn’t go back to my house, the shitty way I’d treated Sully still weighing heavily on my heart and mind, but it seemed as if I couldn’t stay here either.

Jerking open my door, I thudded down the long hallway until I came to the common room, and the scene in front of me was astonishing. Well, maybe not astonishing, since I knew my men liked to throw a good ruckus, but I had no idea one was planned for tonight.

I glanced around the room, looking for my VP, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Who the hell’s in charge here? Oh, yeah, that would be me.
Sleep still cocooned me in her cloak, the fogginess dissipating slower than I wanted, leaving me hazy and not too alert.

That was until I heard another loud crash and Hawke yelled, “Let’s get fucked up!” at the top of his lungs, shattering any remnants of rest I had left. I moved toward the bar, my steps slow and steady until I found a seat in the corner. Luckily, Trigger was still there, passing out drinks to the willing and able.

“Hey, Prez, how ya feelin’?” he asked, sliding a beer my way. I guessed by the look of me, he wanted to start me off with something light and forgiving.

I chose to ignore his questions, instead asking one of my own. “What the hell is goin’ on? Who planned a ruckus for tonight?” Swallowing a large gulp of the frosty beverage, my eyes connected with his once I’d placed the mug back down on the bar.

“Cutter suggested we should have one, you know, in honor of you and Stone making it back alive.” Trigger laughed at his own joke, one I didn’t find all too funny. “What’s wrong with you, Marek? You always laugh at my jokes.” His faux offensive stare almost had me smirking. Almost.

I felt a presence sneak up behind me. Before I turned around, someone threw their arm over my shoulder and leaned in to me. Fumes from too much bourbon hit my cheek and instantly made me tense up.
I’m in no mood for this shit tonight.
“He’s just pissed his old lady isn’t givin’ it up yet,” Tripp yelled into my ear. Swiveling around in my chair, I gripped him by his cut and slammed him against the bar.

How did he know she’d refused me?

Wincing in pain, then laughing it off simply because he was drunk, Tripp patted my hands which were still wrapped around his vest. What the hell was he even doing out of bed?

“Why would you say that?” I seethed, the look on my face sobering him up a little.

“Because you need to get laid, man. You’re miserable, and everyone knows it.” I released him, but luckily caught him before he toppled over, injuring himself so bad it would probably take him weeks to recover. Hell, he still wasn’t anywhere near healed from being shot four times.

“What the hell are you even doing out here, Tripp? Adelaide would kill you if she knew you were out of bed, and drunk of all things.”

“She’s not the boss of me.” He chuckled. “Although, I’d certainly let her boss me around in the bedroom, if ya know what I mean.” I didn’t know if he realized what he’d just said, but the way he was feelin’ right about then I doubted he cared either way.

A quick turn of my head and I saw it coming, but I was powerless to stop it.

Trigger’s fist flew through the air and connected with the side of Tripp’s jaw, knocking him to the left. Again, I was able to react before he hit the ground, splitting open his many stitches.

“What the fuck, Trig! You can’t go around punching him, even if he
say something about your niece. He’s still recovering, or did you forget that?” I shouted, glaring at him and daring him to argue. Thankfully, he held up his hands in surrender, but not before leering at Tripp one last time. I knew he wasn’t sorry, but at least he didn’t continue his beat-down on our nomad brother. Pulling his graying messy hair back into a neat ponytail, Trigger went about his business as if nothing happened.

A little while later, while I was nursing my second drink, I saw Jagger approach from the side and my body instantly went into fight mode. My muscles tensed, preparing to beat the shit out of him if he said the wrong thing.

When he finally stood next to me, he opened his mouth and spoke. Quickly and quietly. “Prez, uh . . . Do you think I can talk to you?” he pleaded.

“No,” I gritted, never turning my head to look at him. Thankfully, he got the hint. He walked away with his head down, brushing past a few of the wannabes who tried to talk to him.

I’d deal with him when I didn’t have to fight the urge to kill him.

The rest of the night passed by without incident, the men having a great time, overindulging in pussy and alcohol. Even Hawke, with his newly shaved head, was back to his old antics, fuckin’ around with some of the club whores.
He’ll never learn.

But then again, what fun would it be around here if he ever did?

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