Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind (72 page)

Read Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind Online

Authors: Ellen F. Brown,Jr. John Wiley

BOOK: Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind
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14. MS correspondence files, Fall 1943, UGA.

15. MS to JM, October 18, 1943, UGA.

16. JM to MS, November 27, 1943, UGA.

17. JM to MS, October 25, 1943, UGA.

18. JM to MS, November 27, 1943, UGA.

19. JM to MS, November 29, 1943, UGA.

20. JM to MS, November 27, 1943, UGA.

21. Handwritten notes by JM, December 1, 1943, UGA.

22. MS to JM, December 2, 1943, UGA.

23. JM to MS, December 6, 1943, UGA.

24. MS to HL, December 8, 1943, UGA.

25. GB to MM, February 18, 1944, NYPL.

26. JM to GB, March 4, 1944, NYPL.

27. HL to GB, March 10, 1944, NYPL.

28. GB to JM, March 15, 1944, NYPL.

29. JM to GB, April 4, 1944, NYPL.

30. JM to MS, July 22, 1944, UGA.

31. MM to Hervey Allen, July 6, 1944, UGA.

32. Draft contract with Leland Hayward, c. 1944–1945, UGA.

33. MM to Jenny Bradley, January 13, 1944, HRC.

34. MM to GB, November 22, 1944, UGA.

35. Supplementary Memorandum on Publishers and Agents by MS, November 1944, UGA.

36. MM to W. S. Traer, November 7, 1945, UGA.

37. Macmillan, press release, December 11, 1945, NYPL.

38. SM, “Memoir,” 187.

39. GB to MM, July 29, 1946, NYPL.

40. MM to Jesse Draper, June 29, 1942, Smith College.

41. MM to Eddy Gilmore, August 6, 1946, UGA.

42. SM, “Memoir,” 180.

43. MM to Wallace McClure, March 31, 1947, UGA.

44. MM to Jenny Bradley, February 18, 1947, HRC.

45. MM to Gaston Gallimard, May 21, 1945, HRC.

46. MM to W. S. Traer, November 7, 1945, UGA.

47. Price, Waterhouse & Co. re: Mrs. Margaret Mitchell Marsh, May 16, 1946, UGA.

48. MM to GB, August 5, 1946, NYPL.

49. GB to MM, July 8, 1946, NYPL.

50. MM to GB, August 5, 1946, NYPL.

51. Friedrich Geisler to MM, November 23, 1946, NYPL.

52. MM to GB, January 10, 1947, NYPL.

53. MM to Wallace McClure, July 1, 1947, UGA.

54. GB to MM, February 20, 1947, NYPL.

55. MM to Katherine P. Carnes, September 2, 1947, UGA.

56. MM to Dr. W. B. Burke, May 14, 1947, UGA.

57. MM to GB, February 25, 1946, NYPL.

58. MM to GB, June 3, 1946, UGA.

59. MM to SM, September 30, 1946, UGA.

60. J. Drost to SM, November 26, 1946, UGA.

61. MM to GB, December 8, 1948, UGA.


1. GB to JM, September 23, 1947, NYPL.

2. JM to GB, October 29, 1947, NYPL.

3. GB to JM, October 31, 1947, NYPL.

4. JM to GB, November 28, 1947, NYPL.

5. HL to GB, December 4, 1947, NYPL.

6. GB to JM, December 8, 1947, NYPL.

7. MM to HL, August 13, 1936, UGA.

8. LC to MB, April 19, 1956, UGA.

9. GB to MM, May 27, 1947, NYPL.

10. GB to MM, July 12, 1946, NYPL.

11. MM to GB, March 15, 1937, NYPL.

12. GB to SM, December [12], 1955, NYPL.

13. Zagari, interview.

14. GB to SM, December [12], 1955, NYPL.

15. SM to GB, December 13, 1955, NYPL.

16. MM to Helen Dowdey, September 4, 1947, quoted in SM, “Memoir,” 187.

17. Italian and Spanish editions of
Gone With the Wind
, inscribed to MB, Special Collections, McCain Library, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga.

18. MB to LC, April 16, 1964, UGA.

19. MM to A. E. Zucker, September 24, 1946, NYPL.

20. “Hungarian Scarlett O'Hara Writes Again, ‘We're Alive,' ”
Atlanta Constitution
, December 23, 1956.

21. SM, “Memoir,” 114-A.

22. Carol Brandt to HL, September 3, 1947, NYPL.

23. MM to HL, September 1947, NYPL.

24. Elmer Davis, “The Economics of Authorship,”
Saturday Review of Literature
, November 23, 1940.

25. Barnes, interview.

26. Van Ness H. Bates to MM, January 1949, UGA; MM to Julia Willett, January 14, 1949, UGA.

27. MM to Delores Baptista, June 3, 1948, UGA.

28. SM, “Memoir,” 188.

29. SM, “Memoir,” 188–89.

30. SM, “Memoir,” 174-B.

31. Will of Margaret Mitchell Marsh, November 21, 1948, Fulton County Courthouse, Atlanta.

32. Will of Margaret Mitchell Marsh.

33. MM to Julia Clifton, January 24, 1949, UGA.

34. MM to Harold E. George, May 6, 1949, UGA.

35. “Drunks Still Call ‘Peggy' About Scarlett's Hair,”
Atlanta Journal
, February 21, 1949.

36. MM to Carl Ackerman, May 3, 1949, UGA.

37. Notes by MB, Ward Green file, n.d., UGA.

38. Statement by HL, n.d., NPYL.

39. SM, “Memoir,” 198.

40. MB to LC, April 16, 1964, UGA.

41. MM to J. Donald Adams, July 9, 1936, UGA.

42. MB to LC, April 8, 1964, UGA.

43. MB to LC, April 16, 1964, UGA.

44. Richard Harwell, “Introduction,” in Gone With the Wind
as Book and Film
, ed. Richard Harwell, xxi (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1992).

45. Sparks, “Margaret Mitchell Wanted No Memorials.”

46. “English Language Sales GWTW,” n.d., UGA.

47. Affidavit by GB, July 5, 1950, UGA.

48. MM to GB, February 2, 1949, NYPL.

49. MM to GB, June 15, 1949, UGA.

50. MM to Madame Henri Pajot, June 24, 1949, NYPL.

51. MM to HL, July 12, 1949, NYPL.

52. MM to Wallace McClure, July 26, 1949, UGA.

53. MM to Wallace McClure, July 26, 1949, UGA.

54. MM to Granville Hicks, February 7, 1949, UGA.

55. Granville Hicks to MM, February 11, 1949, UGA.

56. “Facts to the Contrary,”
Reader's Digest
, July 1949.

57. Alfred S. Dashiell to MM, June 17, 1949, NYPL.

58. MM to HL, July 12, 1949, NYPL.

59. SM to Alfred S. Dashiell, June 21, 1949, UGA.

60. Dozier Cade, “Peggy Mitchell Hits Magazine ‘Falsity,' ”
Atlanta Journal
, June 19, 1949.

61. Buck Herzog to MM, July 8, 1949, UGA.

62. HL to Mr. Norris, August 1, 1949, NYPL.

63. MM to HL, July 29, 1949, NYPL.

64. MM to HL, July 12, 1949, NYPL.

65. Brown, interview.

66. GB to JM, August 16, 1949, NYPL; GB to Marcia Carroll, August 17, 1949, NYPL.

67. Statement by HL, n.d., NPYL.

68. Barnes, interview.

69. Allan Taylor to JM, August 30, 1949, UGA.

70. LC to MB, August 18, 1949, UGA.

71. Harry S. Truman to JM, August 17, 1949, UGA.

72. Herman Talmadge to JM, August 16, 1949, UGA.

73. Zane, “Peggy.”

74. “General Correspondence—Condolences” file, UGA.

75. William Key, “Margaret Mitchell Laid to Rest as Sun Breaks Leaden Clouds,”
Atlanta Journal
, August 18, 1949.


1. [Smith], “
Gone With the Wind

2. JM to HL, April 4, 1950, NYPL.

3. MB to LC, December 22, 1953, UGA.

4. JM to B. L. Tante, August 14, 1950, UGA.

5. JM to HL, April 4, 1950, NYPL.

6. HL to JM, March 2, 1950, NYPL.

7. JM to HL, March 9, 1950, NYPL.

8. MB to LC, December 9, 1955, UGA.

9. Codicil to JM will, July 26, 1951, Fulton County Courthouse, Atlanta.

10. Walker,
Margaret Mitchell and John Marsh
, 512.

11. A. Limongelli to Macmillan, September 1, 1951, UGA.

12. JM to Martha Purdy, January 5, 1950, NYPL.

13. “
Royalties Help Rebuild Japan Church,”
Atlanta Journal
, July 19, 1951.

14. JM to MS, December 7, 1951, UGA.

15. JM to GB, February 7, 1950, NYPL.

16. GB to JM, February 20, 1950, NYPL.

17. JM to GB, February 2, 1951, NYPL.

18. HL to JM, February 6, 1951, NYPL.

19. GB to HL, et al., May 28, 1951, NYPL.

20. Memorandum by JM of telephone conversation between JM and Mrs. Nell W. Simmons, November 21, 1951, UGA.

21. Memorandum by JM, “Personal Effects and Their Disposal” file, n.d., UGA.

22. Memorandum by JM, “Personal Effects and Their Disposal” file.

23. ALW to JM, January 26, 1951, Columbia.

24. JM to ALW, February 7, 1951, Columbia.

25. Frankie McKee Robins to ALW, February 17, 1951, Columbia.

26. Mike Connolly, “Rambling Reporter,”
Hollywood Reporter
, April 16, 1952.

27. David O. Selznick to JM, April 18, 1952, UGA.

28. JM to Mike Connolly, April 25, 1952, UGA.

29. Mike Connolly, “Rambling Reporter,”
Hollywood Reporter
, May 2, 1952.

30. French edition of
Gone With the Wind
inscribed to MB, Special Collections, McCain Library, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga.

31. MB to LC, June 9, 1954, UGA.

32. MB to LC, December 22, 1953, UGA.

33. MB to LC, June 9, 1954, UGA.

34. SM to GB, January 21, 1953, NYPL.

35. GB to SM, February 20, 1953, NYPL.

36. SM message for GB, n.d., NYPL.

37. Frankie McKee Robins to ALW, September 22, 1952, Columbia.

38. Frankie McKee Robins to ALW, October 9, 1952, Columbia.

39. Quoted in MB to LC, June 9, 1954, UGA.

40. Andrew Sparks, “Why Were Margaret Mitchell's Letters Burned?”
Atlanta Journal
, October 5, 1952.

41. SM memo, July 20, 1953; SM to Harvey Hill, July 24, 1953.

42. MB to LC, December 22, 1953, UGA.

43. MB notes, “Correspondence and Papers Destroyed” file, UGA.

44. MB to LC, December 9, 1955, UGA.

45. SM to Reverend N. Henry Brazier, March 5, 1963, UGA.

46. MB to Bennett Cerf, July 3, 1952, UGA.

47. “Hollander Pays Honor to Margaret Mitchell,”
Atlanta Journal
, May 8, 1956.

48. “Many Show Interest in Selecting an Appropriate Name for Airport,”
, March 30, 1954.

49. GB to SM, September 15, 1955, NYPL.

50. GB to Mr. Lewis, January 26, 1956, NYPL.

51. SM to GB, January 21, 1953, NYPL.

52. SM, “Memoir,” 115.

53. GB to Dan Lacy, November 17, 1953, NYPL.

54. GB to SM, December 11, 1953, NYPL.

55. SM to GB, December 18, 1953, NYPL.

56. “Trade Winds,”
Saturday Review
, April 10, 1954.

57. SM to GB, February 11, 1955, NYPL.

58. SM to GB, January 12, 1955, NYPL.

59. GB to Mr. Swanson, January 27, 1955, NYPL.

60. GB to SM, February 7, 1955, NYPL.

61. GB to George de Kay, April 26, 1954, NYPL.

62. Secretary to the president to J. M. Hedrick, December 8, 1960, NYPL.

63. MB to LC, April 11, 1956, UGA.

64. Memorandum by SM, on trip to New York, n.d., UGA.


1. Sam Lucchese, “Selznick Envisions Musical
Atlanta Journal
, March 9, 1961.

2. SM to Kay Brown, November 7, 1955, UGA.

3. SM to Kay Brown, March 21, 1961, UGA.

4. “English Language Sales GWTW.”

5. Ralph McGill, “Little Woman, Big Book: The Mysterious Margaret Mitchell,”
, October 1962.

6. MB to SM, January 16, 1961, UGA.

Miller Music Corp. v. Charles N. Daniels, Inc.
, 362 U.S. 373 (1960).

8. Agreement between Stephens Mitchell and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., December 4, 1961, UGA.

9. Notes by SM, telephone conversation with Kay Brown, February 7, 1961, UGA.

10. Notes by MB, February 1965, NYPL.

11. Bonnie Mogelever, interview by Ellen F. Brown, December 2009.

12. Notes by MB, c. 1966, UGA.

13. Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr., “From
Kaze to Tomo Ni Sarinu
: Musical Adaptations of
Gone With the Wind
in Japan,” in
Modern Japanese Theatre and Performance
, ed. David Jortner, Keiko McDonald, and Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr., 237–50 (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2006), 239.

14. MB to Mrs. Leland R. Colbeck, October 25, 1939, UGA; Herb Bridges, interview by John Wiley, Jr., March 2010.

15. MB to LC, June 29, 1966, UGA.

16. Anderson, January 2010 interview.

17. “Margaret Baugh Is Dead: Margaret Mitchell's Secretary,”
Atlanta Constitution
, December 28, 1967.

18. Thomas Hal Clarke, interview by John Wiley, Jr., April 2010.

19. LC to SM, March 10, 1969, UGA.

20. Moe Hein, “Lost and Found in Translation,” October 1, 2006, at
(accessed August 12, 2010).

21. SM to Jenny Bradley, January 13, 1977, UGA.

22. SM to Claude Gallimard, May 17, 1977, UGA.

23. SM to Susan Lanier, June 27, 1969, UGA.

24. Draft responses by SM to questions about sequel project, July 13, 1976, UGA.

25. Paul H. Anderson, “The
Gone With the Wind
Copyright,” n.d.,
Literary Rights office, Atlanta.

26. Dennis Brown, “
Gone With the Wind
II: Whatever Happened to the Sequel?”
Los Angeles Times
, December 10, 1989.

27. Ralph Tyler, “Literary Figures Offer Plots and Quips,”
New York Times
, August 1, 1976.

28. Don McCulty to SM, November 30, 1977, UGA.

29. Draft responses by SM to questions about sequel project, July 13, 1976, UGA.

30. SM to Don McCulty, January 3, 1978, UGA.

31. SM to John Wiley, Jr., January 7, 1977, UGA.

32. William Pratt,
Scarlett Fever: The Ultimate Pictorial Treasury of
Gone With the Wind (New York: Collier, 1977), 306.

33. Herbert S. Nusbaum to Harry Clay Pendleton, Jr., June 4, 1980, UGA.

34. Paul Anderson to Herbert S. Nusbaum, June 16, 1980, UGA.

35. “Analysis of
Motion Picture Sequel,” April 10, 1981, UGA.

36. U.S. District Court judgment, September 3, 1981.


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