Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1)
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Chapter 33



Tyler rented a car at the train station. Tyler followed the coordinates and those lead him and James to a residential neighborhood just outside of the city limits of Las Vegas. Tyler slowly approached the one story white house. It had a for sale sign in the yard. She was hiding out at a house for sale. Tyler stopped in his tracks, ‘why was she here?’ ‘She has no ties to Las Vegas’. Tyler got nervous, but she was inside or at least her phone was so he had to take the chance.

“Is that my mommy’s house?” James said pointing to the house.

Tyler just nodded his head as he stared at the house. Tyler took a deep breath and grabbed James’s hand as he approached the red door. He reached out and turned the knob. It opened and he stepped into the foyer. Tyler noticed the house had one story but had a staircase up to a loft that overlooked the living room. Tyler walked into the living room area, little James still holding his hand. It was silent, the dark curtains only let in a little light. Tyler heard the click of a gun cocking. He looked around to where it was coming from.

“I thought I told you I wouldn’t miss this time,” Marie said.

Tyler looked towards the sound of her voice. It was coming from the loft area. He looked up towards the loft but he couldn’t see her.

“Have you moved up to kidnapping now?” Marie said, with a laugh as she walked into view on the balcony overlooking the living room. “You should leave and return that boy to his mom.” She said, leaning on the banister as she pointed her gun towards the two of them.

Tyler took a deep breath, “I am returning him to his mom.”

Marie stood up straight, “You sick fuck! You stole some woman’s child to bring him here to, what, get me back?” she yelled.

Tyler shook his head, “No, this is James. Just look at him!” Tyler said back, he was getting agitated. “Get down here and look at him!” Tyler yelled.

“Return that boy to his mother,” Marie said gritting her teeth and clutching the banister.

“I am!” Tyler yelled.

James started to get upset. He was clutching his teddy bear in his arms. “Where’s my mommy?” James cried.

Marie jumped over the banister and landed on the living room floor. She walked towards Tyler and James clutching the gun in her hand. She approached them and pointed the gun at Tyler as she squatted down in front of James, “Don’t you worry, I will make this piece of…..” Marie felt a shock to her system and fell backwards grabbing her mouth. She felt her heart drop. She was staring back at Michael’s eyes. She knew those eyes anywhere. She looked at the teddy bear in James’s arms and recognized it immediately, “James?” she let out as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Little James just nodded.

“I told you it was him. Please, I brought him back to you. We can be together the three of us!” Tyler said, as tears had begun flowing down his face.

Marie reached out to touch James’s face, but stopped herself and pulled herself back. “Where did you find him?”

“He was with General Gold. He has had James since they took him from you. Gold was behind all of it. He is the puppet master he is the sole leader of Soldat and I took care of him. For you! For us!”

“You took care of him?” Marie questioned.

“He is dead. I killed him and I brought James back to you.” Tyler smiled.

Marie got to her feet, “Why did you bring him here?” She pointed the gun at Tyler again.

“So he could be with you,”

Marie shook her head, “No, no, no! This is not the life he was supposed to have. This was not the life he was meant to have. You should have never brought him here!”

“What? No, he needs to be with you. You’re his mother and you are supposed to be with me! You were never supposed to be with Michael. You were meant to be with me.” Tears were flowing from Tyler’s eyes.

Marie just shook her head, “No, he is not supposed to be here. He was safe. Look at him he was safe! You dragged him back into this by bringing him here!”

“No, he wasn’t safe. He was with your enemy. He is safe with you.”

“Nobody is safe with me!” Marie replied, tears streaming down her face as she pulled the trigger. The bullet found its mark at the center of Tyler’s chest. He fell backwards to the floor as blood ran from his chest. Tyler was dead. Marie saw his eyes close for the last time. Marie felt herself go weak as she dropped to her knees. She felt what she had done, she knew it had to be done. He knew everything about her and what had happened. Tears were flowing as she looked back up to make eye contact with James again. He had tears in his eyes. He was terrified, clutching his teddy bear tight. “This is never the life you were meant to have. We never wanted this for you. I never wanted any of this. I shouldn’t even still be here. You are the one thing I could have done right. You will never be safe with me or with the life I have. I am no good for you. You deserve better than me” Marie continued as she felt her hands start to shake. Marie knew what had to be done and what she had to do. She couldn’t leave him to this life. He would be a pawn they would use against her. Marie looked to her gun as it shook in her hand and then back to James, “James, I am so sorry. Mommy loves you and wants to be with you but this is the only way.” She said as she raised the gun. James’s eyes widen in fear. Her hand was shaking as she lifted it higher, her finger resting on the trigger. “They are gone. It’s my turn.” Marie said with a smile as she let out a gasp, she turned the gun and pulled the trigger firing directly into the right side of her head. The bullet made impact and exited on the left side of her head as blood flew from the wounds, her body slumped to the floor. She was gone, no breath crossed her lips. The blood pooled around her head and ran across the floor to James’s feet. James just stood there in shock as he stared at the lifeless body of the woman who was his mother. He started to cry as he clutched his teddy bear, he was alone.

Chapter 34


It was only a short time James was alone, the gun shots had caused neighbors to call the police. The police arrived and found little James sitting down next to Marie’s body clutching his teddy bear tight. He was speechless and would speak to nobody.

“How’s the boy doing?” the lead detective asked one of the officers in charge.

“He still isn’t speaking. We have identified the army guy as Major John Tyler. He is the chief suspect in the killing of General Gold back in Virginia. We believe the boy is General Gold’s son, James. He was not found in the house. It is believed that Major Tyler kidnapped the boy.” The officer replied.

“Do we have a motive?” the detective replied.

“No clue sir but it looks like Tyler was a bit off balance.” The officer replied

“Who’s the girl?” the detective asked pointing to the second body bag as it was being carried towards the coroners van.

“No id on her but based on her dress it looks like maybe a call girl or something.” The officer replied.

“So let me get this straight. He kills his boss, takes the boss’s kid and then what brings the kid to his hooker girlfriend?” the detective said looking puzzled.

“Sir, that’s the best we have. There are no files on her and the information we have on Major Tyler is limited. It looks like she killed him and then herself. Simple murder, suicide situation. The fact is the killers are dead and the kid is safe.” The officer replied.

“Ok that’s fine with me, simple and easy, let’s find the boy’s family and get him home.” The detective ordered.

“Already done, General Gold has a brother who lives in Boston. We can send him there.” The officer replied.

“Ok, done. Let’s do it. Get him out of here. The poor kid is already too messed up from this.” The detective said looking at little James.

James was just sitting at the edge of an ambulance. They had wrapped him in a grey blanket and had checked him for injuries. He never let go of the teddy bear, his eyes were locked on the ground. James heard the men talking about him, he looked up to see them.

“Don’t worry buddy, you are safe now.” The detective called to him.

James’s eyes locked on the detective as he clung to the little bear, “I’m never safe.” James let out quietly as his green eyes grew dark.



To be Continued……………


About the Author


Ana Meyer graduated from the University of Missouri-St Louis with a degree in Criminology/Criminal Justice. She enjoys reading many types of literature but prefers historical fiction. She is an avid film fan, who loves action adventure films. Ana lives in Missouri with her three rescue dogs and cat.                               


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