Marked for Pleasure [Blood Bond] (14 page)

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“What mark?” asked Christian.

Joseph frowned, shrugging out of Francis’s grip. “You visited her alone?”

He displayed his dominance by casting out a wave of his powerful energy, silencing them. “We all bear a mark on our hip. It’s not just a blood tie because we’re brothers. It’s the icon that will help us find our true mate.”

“True mate? Since when do you believe in old tales?” asked Christian.

“Heidi has the same mark as us. The exact same. I was skeptical at first, even after Joseph turned possessive, but it’s clearer than day now. Even I’m affected by the pull.”

“Not Christian,” said Joseph.

His youngest brother cleared his throat. “Ever since that first taste of her blood, I knew. As weird as this news is, it doesn’t surprise me anymore.”

Before Francis could process the situation, Joseph was on top of Christian. They wrestled on the ground, throwing punches and trying to rip each other to shreds. Both had fangs exposed, their eyes red with a violent passion.

He didn’t have time for this. Francis leaned against the wall in the foyer, propped up one leg, and crossed his arms over his chest. No matter how much harm they inflicted on each other, they were immortals…and brothers. He doubted they would try to kill one another regardless, but the territorial nature of a vampire over a woman was potent.

Chapter Twelve

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to go back and see the rear yard?” she asked.

Jeremy Carpenter had taken her to one of the nicer restaurants on their downtown strip. He’d picked her up in his BMW just after dark and kept quiet for most of the drive.

“I don’t need to go back.” He leaned over the candlelit table, freezing for a moment as he stared at the dancing flame. “Is it too dark in here for you? It seems awfully dark for a restaurant.” Jeremy was jumpy, not the friendly man she’d met when she first showed the house. It made her nervous.

“I think it’s nice. I’ve always loved candlelight.” As soon as she said the word, her head ached. She took a deep breath, feeling as if there was something she should remember, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

He took her hand in his. “Heidi, I’m not interested in buying the DeVille house.”

She tugged her hand back. “What? What do you mean? Why did you ask me to dinner then?”

“To warn you.” He pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and slapped it on the table, flipping it open. “I’m an investigative journalist with the
The National Road
. I’ve been following the DeVilles for almost a decade.”

“What in God’s name for?”

“Every city they’ve lived in had women go missing, dozens of them. Most would reappear weeks later with blood loss, strange bruises and lashes, unable to remember a thing. Some were never found again. When they move, it stops, only to start again when they settle in a new place.”

Heidi recalled waking up in the morning to the strange marks on her body and the fact she couldn’t remember how she’d gotten them. The only thing different in her daily routine was the DeVilles. No, it couldn’t be true. If they’d drugged and used her, she’d have had some recollection. Besides, she hadn’t eaten or drunk a thing at their house and remembered driving away each time.

“That’s ridiculous. If it were true, they’d be arrested or investigated by the police, not you.”

He shook his head, acting jumpy, like a crackhead in need of a fix. He whispered harshly, “You don’t understand. They cover their tracks well. Even convince these women they want to be captured.
syndrome at its finest.”

“They live alone, always have. I’ve never seen a woman around. They’re respectable businessmen.” She’d always adored the DeVilles. They had white-collar jobs and never gave her a reason to suspect they were criminals.

“They have one there right now! She’s so deluded she thinks she wants to be there.” He leaned closer, looking side to side to ensure their privacy. “She’s fucking tied to the basement wall by a chain.”

Heidi leaned away from him, her seat tight against her back. “Then why are you telling me and not the police?”

“She’s probably gone by now. They’re smart, even threatened me to keep my mouth shut. I know for sure they’re the men I’ve been tracking.”

“Why are you telling me this?” She was just a new real estate agent, not Sherlock Holmes or a vigilante for hire.

“Because they’re after you now. Why do you think they’d hire an inexperienced, young agent to sell their multimillion dollar home? It’s a lure to get you in their house.”

“I’ve been in their house several times, and I assure you nothing funny went on. I’ve known the DeVilles for years, and they’ve only been gentleman. They’re very polite and professional.” All her encounters with the brothers flashed in her head. They’d never crossed the line, even when she’d wished they would.

Her mind was racing. She was thankful they were in a public place, because this guy seemed off his rocker. He didn’t fit the bill from the beginning as the type of buyer she expected, and she’d been right. This was a waste of everyone’s time. “I’m really not comfortable having dinner if we’re no longer here for business. I think I better go.”

He snatched her wrist as she stood, making her gasp. “I drove you here. At least let me drive you home.”

“No, I think it’s better if you don’t.” She looked at his hand where it held her, and he released it.

She hadn’t ordered yet, so she just left the restaurant, hoping he wouldn’t follow her. The streetlights were on now that the sun had long set. She walked down the shadowed sidewalk, no one to be seen. The town was small, and at this hour on a work night, it was rare to find people out and about. There was a convenience store a few blocks away. She’d use the payphone and call a taxi cab.

Her heels sounded so lonely on the sidewalk, echoing off the mostly deserted storefronts. The economy hadn’t been good for years, which was why the DeVille house would be a hard sell. The alleys between buildings seemed especially dark when she was all alone. Jeremy’s crazy ravings had her on edge. She hugged herself as she walked. Her sleeveless top wasn’t suited to walking in the chilly late-evening air, and goose bumps appeared up her arms.

She heard a car slow behind her. She wouldn’t turn and look, terrified it was Jeremy or maybe some other lunatic. If she had to, she’d toss her heels and run for her life. That’s if she wasn’t overpowered and shoved into a trunk. Her heart raced as the car continued to follow just behind her. She moved away from the edge of the road and picked up her speed, her thighs aching.

“It’s not safe to be roaming the streets alone at this hour.”

She recognized that voice. When she turned and saw Joseph leaning out the open window of his silver Mercedes, she slunk in relief. No, she didn’t believe the stories from Jeremy. The DeVilles were harmless, the men who lived at the end of her street for years. The only sin they were guilty of was looking too damn fine. She’d know if something fishy was going on, as would the many gossips on her street.

“It’s not by choice,” she joked, still walking.

“Hop in. I’d hate to see you run into trouble out here.”

Now her senses pricked. Maybe Jeremy’s claims did have some validity. What were the sores on her backside and hips? As leery as she felt, she was still drawn to the DeVilles.

“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”

“Hurry up. It’s cold out there.” Just the way he looked at her made her pussy moist. She had no panties on again due to the sores on her hips. She was a big wuss when it came to pain.

The car was dark, no interior lights coming on when she opened the passenger door. It smelled like expensive leather and musky cologne, all male. His right hand was on the gearshift, and her eyes traveled up the length of his thickly muscled arm. He’d always dressed formally but now wore a black T-shirt and faded blue jeans. She wasn’t used to this look on any of the DeVilles, but it was certainly a good one. Did he realize she was staring? Did he have any clue how deep her pussy pulsed for him?

He shifted to the side, the leather seat creaking as he moved. He eyed her, a slight smirk on his face. She felt like a spectacle under his inspection. “Did you see Jeremy Carpenter tonight?”

The deal. She hadn’t even considered how this would affect the DeVilles. There was no potential deal. They were back to square one. “Actually, that’s where I’m coming from. The dinner didn’t exactly go over well.”

“Tell me.”

She swallowed hard. “He’s not interested in buying the house.” There. She’d said it.

When she got no reaction from him one way or the other, she wiggled uncomfortably in her seat. She just wanted to go home and end this miserable day, maybe drown her sorrows in a tub of ice cream.

“That’s good news. I never liked him.” He leaned over, bracing an arm over her seat. He smelled so fucking good. His lips were thick and kissable, and he was so close. “I didn’t like the way he looked at you,” he whispered. He ran the backs of his fingers under her chin.

“It was just a business dinner. Nothing happened.”

“Did he say anything to you about us?” He trailed a finger down the side of her neck, slowly, a barely-there pressure. That single touch burned into her. She wanted to give in, to allow him his way with her. Heidi moved her head ever so slightly to the side to give Joseph more access.

“I think he was a little nuts. He said you wanted to hurt me or lock me in your basement.” She laughed nervously. Why didn’t he react with more shock? He just continued to trail his finger lower until he reached the neckline of her blouse.

“I may be different than other men you know, but I’d never hurt you. Not you…” He used his arm to tug her closer. Joseph breathed in deeply at her neckline. “I’ve dreamed of you for years, Heidi. You invade my thoughts, make me lose all focus.”

She felt the tip of his tongue rim the shell of her ear. Her body lit up as if switched on for the first time. He found so many erogenous zones with just one stroke of his tongue that she had to squeeze her legs together to calm the throbbing in her cunt. It only made it worse.

“Oh my God,” she murmured, closing her eyes.

He kissed her neck, moving up her jawline. When he was directly in front of her, his dark eyes peering deep into hers, she parted her lips in invitation. He closed that brief distance, his warm, thick lips connecting them in the most sensual kiss. The interior of the car was so quiet and dark, but even being on the deserted street at this hour, she had no fears with Joseph beside her. He was not the type of man to be messed with. It turned her on that he was so capable of squashing her in a second but instead treated her with gentleness.

Jeremy was full of shit.

“I’m not everything I appear to be, Heidi.” He kissed her again, deeply, his tongue playing with hers in an erotic dance. When he pulled back, he said, “But I never want you to be afraid of me. I’d never hurt you. Remember that.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what he wanted her to say or the meaning of his words. All she wanted was for him to be more forward, to reach up her skirt and touch her where she needed him most.

She began to unbutton her blouse as they kissed. He looked down between them, her white lace bra peeking out. Joseph cocked an eyebrow. “Are you trying to seduce me, Ms. Walsh?”

“Touch me,” she whispered, leaning into his strength and heat.

“Be careful what you ask for. I may bite.”

“I don’t care.” Her breathing was picking up, her body demanding to be sated.

Joseph adjusted his seat as far back as it would go and beckoned her to climb over his lap. She didn’t even hesitate, so unlike her on a normal day. This was like a dream. Like the dreams she had of Francis most nights. She was in Joseph DeVille’s luxury car making out. Although she should stop and consider her reputation in the small town or the words of warning from Jeremy, all she could think about was the way Joseph’s hands touched her. He worshipped her body, molding his hands over every curve.

Once Heidi straddled his lap, her skirt rose to her hips. In the darkness, it took a few moments before she remembered she’d gone pantyless. Her shaved pussy rubbed teasingly against the rough denim beneath her. She hoped he didn’t notice, but then his hands were cupping her ass, kneading the already-sensitive flesh.

He growled, tugging her lower body tight against his erection. She wanted to feel his cock inside her, quenching the need, the burn. Her virginity was only an afterthought. How could she worry about her virtue when she had one of the world’s hottest men in her grasp?

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