Marked in a Vision (11 page)

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Authors: Mary Goldberger

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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not worry, sis, we will come for you…both of you

As soon as they walked out of the room, she headed towards Mark who was coming to her with drinks. 

“We need to go into the library now,” she whispered to him
forgetting to use their mate link
, and to others it may have been them wanting to go there to make out, but Mark read the worry in her eyes.  He nodded his head as he placed the drinks down on the table, and grabbed her hand heading for the library.

Mom, Dad,
there is
trouble, meeting in library now
Sasha sent as they walked through the people.

Jay, Mom, Dad
something is wrong.  We are meeting in the library
Mark sent as he opened the door to the library.

There was a couple there and Mark growled at them as they walked in, and they left in a hurry.

A few minutes later, Sasha’s dad and mom came in followed by Mark’s mom and dad.  Jay was not there yet, and Mark growled
Where the hell are you, Jay?

Trying to get this bitch off me
Jay growled back.


Jay was worried for he did not understand why Mark had ordered them into the library.  He looked around the room but he did not see Emily so she must already be in the library.

“I heard that you are going to be Alpha, Jay,”
purred in his ear before she kissed him on his neck.  Jay scowled as he pushed her away from him.  He cleared his face though when she looked at him in shock.

He wanted to see how far she would go before he let her know that he had passed the Alpha position to Mark.  His mother had told him what Emily said about it if he stepped down from the position, and looking at
, he knew that she would have a di
fferent response.  He wondered
now why he had been so obsessed with her.  Yes, she was beautiful, but it was
cold beauty for her eyes were dark with greed instead
bright with la
ughter as his
gorgeous eyes

, my father requested my appearance at
meeting,” he said and she immediately stepped back.

“Of course, dear, it would not due to upset your father at this time.  I will wait here for you and we can continue where we left off,” she said with lick of her lips.  He nodded his head sharply, but turned and walked away heading to the library, and he saw
enter the room.  He did not know how
was going to explain to
his scent
all over her, and then again, he probably did, but he was not worried about it right now.

He walked into the library, “What is wrong?” 

Then looking around, he paled, “Where is Emily?”

Sasha started explaining, “Some man I never saw before came into the room when we separated to find you guys.  She was leaving with him when I stopped her.  She made up some story about him delivering a present for Jay which I knew was I lie because she already had Jay’s present.  Then she started congratulating me on finding my mate and not telling her.  I already knew something was wrong with the delivery thing, but she used this as a chance to grab my hand.

Stacy and Jacob nodded their heads, as the others looked at the
in confusion.  Jay was more confused then anyone because if she left with another man, then she did not want him, but for some reason it did not feel like that at all.

“Okay, I am confused,” he said running a hand through his hair.

Stacy explained, “When Sasha and Emily were small, they made up this sign language between themselves since Emily not being werewolf could not hear what we said via the mind link.”

Sasha continued, “It made us feel special for we were the only ones who knew it, but we have not used it in years.  When Emily used it tonight, I knew something was
wrong.  The man she was with
told her
that they had Michaela and although she did not tell me this I am thinking he threatened to harm her if Emily did not go with him

” Jay
, Mark
and his father growled as C
ass immediately sent a mind link
to have someone check on Michaela.

She got the answer a few seconds later.  She collapsed onto the carpet and looked up
stricken eyes, “She is not in her room.”

Stan was furious and
sent a mind link to his servants that the party was over, and to make sure their guests knew that something came up and the party was over

“How the hell did they get her out?” Mark asked his voice was harsh.

Every one frowned at this question then Sasha gasped, “When Emily and I were coming down to the party, we saw that new young maid go into Michaela’s room.  I would not have thought about
except Emily made the comment that M
ichaela should have been asleep.  She was worried, but we saw the maid exit a few seconds later so
both assumed that she was just checking on her.”

Stan growled as
sent another message.

Jay was standing still for he knew if he moved, he would destroy something.  Emily was gone, his n
iece was gone, and they all had a good idea
who took them. 

Sasha walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder lifting her self up onto her tiptoes, she whispered so softly that he was the only one to hear her, “Emily
would want
me to tell you
this as she had planned on telling you herself tonight after the party.  I think she would like you to know that she loves you and she would let you mark her no matter what happened.”

She settled back down onto the balls of her feet as Jay looked at her with wide eyes.  She nodded her head and he clenched his jaw tight.  Sasha walked over to Mark and into his arms.

What did you
tell him
he asked through their mate link.

What Emily and I talked about last night before coming to bed
she said, and Mark looked over at his brother to see the turmoil in his eyes.

He knew what Emily wanted him to know but he had to ask any way,
wanted him to know that she loved him.

Yes, and that she would let him mark
no matter what happened
Sasha confirmed.  Mark sighed and pulled her closer to him as the library doors opene
d and the young maid walked

“Yes, Alpha,” she said, and they all could see the look of contempt on her face before she cleared it.

“You went to my granddaughter’s room tonight,” Stan asked, and every one held their breath for he had said ‘granddaughter’.

“Yes, Alpha, I did to check on her,” she replied not realizing what she had done until he growled loudly.

Before she could move, Jay had caught her by her throat.

“Where…Are…They?” he growled and the young maid looked at him in fear for his eyes were almost black as he stared at her calmly.

“I do not know,” she stuttered.  “I was just told to leave the window open in the room that is all.”  Cass looked at her and then said without a second thought, “She is lying.”

Stan did not question her word, “We will take her down to the interrogation room, and then we will get the truth.”  Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“You will not use that on me,” she whispered, “He promised that you do not use it.”

“When it
comes down to my granddaughter, and my son’s mate, all bets are off,” Stan said coldly, and the young maid shivered for she knew that her Alpha had lied.

“It is about a two day
drive from here,” she whispered the fear making her shake, “It is in the middle of a clearing but you cannot win.  He has over three hundred wolves on his side including seers.”

“The seers, as you call them, do not perform on command,” Stacy said harshly, “It is a gift that
have no real control over so it does him no good.  Besides, the child’s gift is not fully ma
tured so she will not be usefu
to him right now.”  Her eyes widened as she stammered, “But he said that…”
“Yeah, he said a lot things like you probably would not die tonight,” Stan said.

She grew
brave at these
words as she straightened up with a smirk, “Of course.”

“Interesting,” Cass said standing back up as Jay
let her go and
stepped back
so that he did not kill her.

“The house was emptied over ten minutes ago, so you
friends should know that something is wrong, and yet there is no one here.  Should we wait a little longer?” Cass asked looking around the room.

They all looked around at each other and then shook their heads.

“Damien,” Stan called and
an older man came into the room.  Damien had been with the family for years since the boys were babies and he
remembered Catharina for she had been his
goddaughter.  Stan did not have to say a word and Damien understood.  He grabbed the woman by her arm and yanked her out of the room.  They c
ould hear her screaming all the
way down to the basement where Damien would keep her until he decided to let her go, or killed her depending if they got back Michaela and Emily.

“We need to ready our self to attack
,” Stan said.  Mark and Jay nodded their heads as each left the room.  Mark going to the office to get the maps while Jay headed to the room adjacent to the kitchen to get the weapons that they normally did not use, but they knew that this pack was deadly.  They used any force to kill their enemies, and they were going to be prepared to go up against Hell itself.

Stan tilted his head back as his sons left the room and let out his howl, the howl that let all fighter wolves
to report to the pack house immediately.

Jay and Mark came back into the room, and they
all could hear the paws as the others
run to the house.

The wolves came through shifted back into their human form and Stan explained what happened.  He saw t
looks on their faces as he said, “If you rather not join this fight in regards to your family, we will understand.”  Jay and Mark nodded their heads to show their support for their father in this, but the wolves could see the look in Jay’s eyes, in fact in all there eyes.  Not
one wolf left the room and Stan
nodded his head, “Let us get down to business.”  His voice was cold as he bega
n to expl
in the
plan to attack
one of the fiercest
and cruelest
packs in the world.

The last thing he said was “We leave tomorrow at sunrise.”

Chapter 13


Emily and Michaela stood in the middle of the room as the man stood with his back towards the fireplace. 
It had been three days since the
y were taken, and they had arrived late last night

He smiled charmingly but his eyes were cold and Emily shivered at his look.

“What do you want with us?”  Emily s
aid trying to keep the shiver out of
her voice; her vision was coming true.

“Well, to welcome my granddaughter
to my home for one
.  Welcome, Michaela,” he said, but his words were insincere.  “You two can help me achieve my goals of being the most powerful Alpha in the world.”

Emily swallowed as she said, “We cannot help
you.  Our powers do not work on
command.”  Just like in her vision, he was across the room before she could blink.  She was able to release Michaela before he backhanded her across the room.
  She groaned as she hit the wall

“Take my granddaughter up to her room,” he ordered.  “I will talk to this human here.”

“Emily,” Michaela cried out, and Emily opened her eyes to watch as she was dragged from the room.  She felt tears fall from her eyes for she wished she
stronger to help her. 
Jay help
she screamed in her head as she started to blackout.

“Humans are so weak,” she heard him mutter before she lost consciousness, but before she passed out completely she saw Jay’s green eyes, and she heard his voice
we are coming.
  She passed out thinking that it was her imagination not knowing that in her fear and anxiety she had actually connected with Jay.

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