Marked in a Vision (20 page)

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Authors: Mary Goldberger

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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Emily saw his reaction to her question and she sighed in relief.  The question did not anger him as she thought it might as she observed the thoughtful look on his face.

“I don’t know if
thought the same thing or not,” he admitted finally.

“Is it possible that she is his second mate?” she asked her eyes focused completely on his face so she did miss his look of surprise.

He said slowly, “It is possible.  I met
a year before I met
, and we were good friends although we were from different packs.  Once
came into the picture things changed although I did not realize it at first until
told me that he was going to mate with
.  I lost my temper and accused him of stealing my mate, and he had been surprised but at the time, I had not paid attention to his reaction.  It was the last time that he and I had talked to each other.”

“If I told you that
was not originally a member of his pack, what would say?” she asked him seeking some answers before talking to Garrett.

Jay eyes widened and
glanced at Emily quickly before turning his attention back to the road, “I thought
she was for when I met her she was with Arnold and his pack members.”

He glanced over at her, “What is with all these questions about

Emily sighed as she put a hand on his forearm and she said, “I had a dream last night.”  Then she proceeded to tell him about her dream, and the more she told him the tighter his jaw became.

“Are you telling me that
used some kind of black magic?” he asked harshly.

“I don’t know,” Emily answered honestly, “From what
told me, she knows some basic things but she is no witch.”  She noticed the set of his eyes and she squeezed his arm, “Jay, what you felt for her was real.  The only thing she did was to enhance the feeling until you thought it was more than just lust.”

They pulled up to the pack house where Garrett was a member and they were expected because Jay had made a call to the Alpha for his permission to come and see Garrett.

Jay turned off the engine before he turned to Emily, and he had to laugh, “You are comforting me about my sense of ego that I was under some spell.”

Emily giggled as she shook her head, “If you had not been attracted to her, I seriously doubt the spell would have worked.”  Jay saw the look of pain and jealousy pass across her face and her eyes turned completely amber for a moment before they went back to brown with amber highlights.

“I love you,” he whispered sliding
a hand
behind her neck to pull her to him and she whispered, “I know” before he grunted and kissed her. 

He broke the kiss as he said breathlessly, “Let us go see Garrett.”

He had to laugh as it too
Emily a moment to come out of her
and she
muttered as she climbed out of the car, “How is it that a kiss can turn my mind to mush.”

Jay laughed
as they headed up to the pack house’s front door.


Garrett walked into the pack house ten minutes after they arrived with a sigh as he wondered why his Alpha called him.  Ever since his return from the training camp, he had made the point of staying away from the pack house unless he was needed by the Alpha.  His wolf immediately caught the scent of his mate and he had to rein him in as he walked into the den.

“Good, Garrett, you are here,” his Alpha said as soon as he entered the room.

“Alpha…” he began until he caught another scent and his head jerked in surprise.

“Emily, Jay,” he said and she smiled.

“Surprise to see us, Garrett?” she teased as she walked over to give him a hug.

He hugged her back tightly until he heard Jay growl.

He laughed as he released her, “Definitely possessive, isn’t he?”

Emily tilted her head to the side her eyes shining, “He is, but I love that about him.”

They all heard the purr that followed and Garrett looked at Jay noticing that there was no embarrassment on his face.

“So what are you two doing here?” Garrett asked wrapping an arm around Emily’s
shoulders as
they walked over to Jay.

From the corner of her eye, Emily saw the young woman from her vision
clench her fists.  She felt a sensation as if she was being drugged and then it hit her.

Jay, she is a were-witch
, she mind linked before she passed out.


Emily opened her eyes slowly as Jay looked down at her.

“Emily,” he sighed grabbing her up into his arms.  “You scared the life out of me when you collapsed.”

“Sorry,” she apologized as she wrapped her arms around him while her mind fought off the spell the woman did on her.

“Are you sure about what you told me?” Jay said softly as they heard the footsteps coming to the room.  Emily just nodded her head as the door opened, and Garrett walked in followed by his Alpha and the young woman.

“Emily, are you okay?” Garrett asked walking over to the bed and Emily sensed the tension from the young woman.  Emily reacted fast and threw up her mental block which caused her to stumble back.

“How…” she sputtered as the Alpha looked on in shock as Garrett too watched in confusion.

The Alpha shook his he
ad as he said, “I am Alpha Dill
and this is my cousin, Celeste.”  He sent Celeste a glare as he said, “You need to apologize Celeste.”

She folded her arms across her chest as she cocked her hip to the side.

Garrett asked in confusion, “What does she need to apologize for?”

Emily seeing his confusion and frustration said quietly, “Celeste is a were-witch.” 

Garrett’s eyes widened as he looked at Celeste, “Are you the reason that Emily collapsed?”

Celeste fidgeted under his stare and she cried out,
“All right so I was
.”  Then she glared at him, “But you should not have hugged her.” 

As Garrett stared at her, Emily saw realization dawn as he said quietly, “And what shouldn’t I hug my friend?”

Celeste blushed as she muttered incoherently.

Emily laughed as she sat up with Jay’s aid, and she said, “Garrett, Celeste knows who her mate is.”

“But she has not shifted yet?” Garrett asked with a frown.

Celeste answered this as she dropped h
er arms from her chest, “I am on
e of the few were-witches whose powers come before their first shift.”  She stared at him with a complete look of adoration, “I have known that you were my mate since I was 14.”
walked over to her and raised a hand to her face as he said, “The Beta told me that you were his mate although I knew it wasn’t true; I also knew that you had not shifted yet so…”

She turned to her cousin, “I told you, Dillon.”

“Damn,” Dillon said running a hand through his hair.  At the others look of confusion, he explained, “Celeste had a twin sister who died when she was 13 in the same attack that killed Celeste’s parents.  Unfortunately, she was my beta’s mate and he lost it.  I though he was over it, but Celeste
has been telling me that he had been very possessive
of her in the last year or so.  I just thought she was imagining it but if he told you that she was his mate, Garrett, then maybe there is some truth to it.”

Emily asked, “Was she one of the few too? Did she know who her mate was?”

“She was,” Celeste confirmed, “But she did not who her mate was
at that time
although she probably would have known when she turned 14 like me.”

There was a knock on the door
after her explanation
and it opened before anyone said “enter”.

A pregnant woman entered first and from Dillon’s smile, everyone could see that she was his mate, followed by a sandy haired man who was frowning.

“Honey,” the pregnant woman said, “Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, sweetie,” he said as he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.

The man started to say something
as he narrowed his eyes on Garrett whose hand still rested on Celeste’s face, b
ut before he could
Emily said quickly, “I am hungry.”

Everyone looked at her and laughed
as she blushed and hid her face in Jay’s chest.  The only person who was not laughing was the Beta who was looking on with narrowed eyes.

She peeked up at Celeste and Garrett, and she noticed the look of fear that came across Celeste’s face before she turned to Garrett with a smile.  The Beta growled and walked out of the room.

Dillon sighed as his mate said, “What is going on?”

Dillon said to her, “I will explain later.”
  Then he looked at Emily with a smile tugging at his mouth, “Let’s get you something to eat.”


The next day was Celeste’s 16
birthday and she was excited for she told Garrett that she would allow him to mark her.  Garrett was just excited as he sat with Jay and Emily in the living room of his house.

“Excited,” Jay teased.

Garrett said seriously, “I have been waiting for this since I was 16.  I am just lucky
that she wants me for her mate.”
, there is nothing wrong with yo
u,” Emily said with a frown.  “Why would you think something like that?”

Garrett ran a hand through his hair before he answered, “I had an older brother who discovered his mate when he was 16 too, but she was a year younger and had not shifted yet.  Instead of waiting until she shifted, he told her they were mates. 
She seemed at first happy about it, but I found out differently later on.”

Emily was about to ask a question when her vision blurred for a moment.

Celeste was crying, “I am not my sister, I am not your mate!”

The Beta stood over as he looked down at her, “I will
let anyone else have you.  You were supposed to replace her, but instead you wanted that mutt.  I would have been a much better catch then him.”
Celeste moved her hands quickly but he hit her fast knocking her out, “I know what you are just like her.” 

He picked her and ran off into the woods.

Emily came out of the vision shaking as she said, “Celeste is in trouble.”

Jay was up and reaching for the phone before Garrett could even react.

“Dillon, it is Jay.  Is Celeste there?” he asked looking at his pale-faced mate sitting on the couch.

Jay listened to what was said before adding, “We will be there in a few minutes.”
He hung up as Emily eased to her feet.

“Celeste just went missing.  Dillon said that he got a brief message from her before she was cut off,” Jay explained as they ran out of the house.

Garrett was frowning as they got into the car, “Why did I not feel anything?”

“The bond has barely formed although you have known for some time, you have distanced yourself from her so the bond is weak until you mark her,” Jay explained as he sped off to the pack house.

A few minutes later, they pulled up to the pack house as the door opened and Dillon ran out followed by some of the other pack members.

“He is gone, too,” Dillon stated through clenched teeth.

Emily heard him although she was looking around until she saw what she had seen in her vision.

“He went that way,” she pointed out.

“Are you sure, Emily?” Jay asked looking where she pointed.

Turning to Dillon, she asked, “Is that the only tree with the blue ribbon around it?”

Dillon was frowning, but he nodded as he said, “
It is in remembrance of a pack member we lost three months ago.”

“Then there is the direction he went,” Emily confirmed looking at Jay.

Jay nodded his head as he asked, “Is there anything in that direction?”

Dillon shook his head, but his mate gasped, “There is a cabin back there.  It is run down and he said that he would
get rid of it.  I thought he told Dillon about it so I did not bother to say anything.”
Garrett’s face went hard as Dillon muttered, “He had a backup plan just in case.”

“We need to go,” Garrett said
before shifting and take off as the others followed.

Dillon and Jay were the last, and Jay looked over at Emily who nodded her head.

Be careful, Jay, for he is not thinking with a clear head at the moment
she cautioned.

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