Marked (The Recruits: Book One) (13 page)

BOOK: Marked (The Recruits: Book One)
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“So the shops in the compound are only there because they keep their owners entertained?”

“Something like that, yes. We try to move the compound every so often so outsiders don’t realize we never age. We haven’t had to move for a while though, as we haven’t resided in the US for long. We used to live in Europe.”

“All of you?”

He nodded, but before she could ask more questions, he asked, “What would you like?” He grabbed a leaflet and handed it to her.

Augustino… That name rang a bell but she’d read so many books today, everything was blurring together in her mind. “A pizza sounds good,” she said as she quickly scanned the menu.

“Want to share?”

She looked up at his words, the lust clear in his voice. “Share?” she repeated, her panties feeling a lot less dry when she read the intent in his eyes. “Now?”

He smirked. “Oh most definitely now. And later.”
“Oh. Yes. Yes, that sounds good. Anything, but mushrooms.”
“Perfect.” He hit a speed-dial number and asked them to deliver his usual, then he hung up and turned to face her once again.

Uhoh. She took a step back, but he was too fast. He trapped her against the island, his arms caging her against his hard body. She smiled and looped her arms around his neck, bringing his head down for a kiss. Or two. Or… Okay, so she lost count. By the time Jake drew back, she was panting, and his cock was trying to drill a way out of his pants. Hands clasped her waist, making her shriek when she found herself being lifted. He dropped her on the island, the wood cool against her legs. She was wearing shorts, but they didn’t last long.

Two minutes later, her thighs were wide open, Jake was standing between them, and she was bare from the waist down. With one longing look at her wet folds, he took a step back and began popping the buttons open on his shirt. His smooth chest appeared, her breath itching at the lovely, lovely sight. She must have made a noise because he caught her gaze and smirked. “Not yet, pet.”


He threw the shirt on the counter behind him, and quickly drew his pants down. Then his boxers. Until he was naked and looking so magnificent she immediately started wriggling in a vain attempt to get down from her perch. Of course, Jake had other ideas. “Who said you could move?”

She looked up to find him once more in front of her, so close she couldn’t help but reach for him. Her hands drifted down his chest, tracing his flat brown nipples with her nails. He shivered at the caress, making her smile. His head lowered and he was kissing her again, their tongues meeting in an explosion of heat.

He grabbed her legs with both hands and pushed them behind his back. She crossed her ankles and held on tight, the kiss growing in intensity when the head of his cock brushed her. His right hand slipped between their bodies, his thumb finding her wetness and making sure she was ready.

Faye thought about telling him it was fine, that he could take her now. That she wanted it; needed it. In the end, she simply kept on kissing him, her hands on his shoulders urging him forward.

He surged inside her, her walls stretching to take him in. God, that felt amazing.
felt amazing, she thought, her mind whirling. She closed her eyes and hung on, emotions running rampant inside her.


Chapter Twenty–Three: Discoveries


“Ah ah!” Faye reread that last paragraph and started beaming. Finally! After days of reading every book in the library, she’d finally found something interesting. The large tome, entitled
America and its Immortals
, had a whole chapter dedicated to the Rules of Procedure for First Men and Women. “Result!”


The First Man will need to beget a mortal spouse for reproductive rights. She will be called his Mate. The first male child of said relationship will inherit First Man status. This will happen only after the former First Man retires, dies or is unable to continue with his function. If the first son is too young to rule, a Committee is called forth and a temporary First Man is elected. If the union between First Man and his Mate does not bring male children, the role of First Man goes to the oldest male relative. The First Committee will second the nomination after verifications are done, as well as physical and psychological tests.


That seemed straightforward enough. If Jake was his dad’s oldest son, then it was quite clear the First Man position was his. Of course, if he died or was unable to rule, it would go straight to his oldest male relative, who was… She had no idea. That was definitely something she needed to check. She made herself a mental note, then kept on reading, bypassing the paragraphs on the First Woman to read more on their Mates.


The First Man’s Mate will be mortal in order to beget the First Man sons and daughters. The Mating ceremony will occur with both First Man and First Woman present. A bite on any part of the Mate’s body will be required for the Mating to be official. The marks will not fade, as long as they are done by both the First Man and First Woman. This author would suggest to all First Men to bite their Mates where the marks might be easily seen. The side of the neck has been a longtime favorite, but the correlation with vampire bites is something that needs to be taken into account. In those modern times, this author would also recommend that First Men legally marry their Mates, as to avoid any prejudicial consequences. Marking makes a Mate, marrying makes a wife. In this day and age, a marriage can be a convenient way to make a First Man appear mortal.


Marrying? What the hell? She distinctly remembered Jake telling her they were good and married. Could he have meant that they were married only according to his people’s rules? Oh hell. She wasn’t married. “I’m single,” Faye said out loud, cringing at her own words. “I’m going to kill him!”

She needed a confirmation first however. She might be mad but she wasn’t stupid enough to yell at her Master without getting proof first. Slipping her cell phone from her jeans’ pocket, she quickly dialed Sofia’s number and waited for her to pick up.

The older woman’s voice interrupted her inward rambling a few seconds later. “Is something wrong, Faye?”
“No. Yes. Jake’s fine. I have a question.”
“A question?”
“Are we married? For real, I mean?”
“No, hon. I might have Marked you but that’s because I’m First Woman, remember?”

Faye blinked, staring at her phone while trying to compute Sofia’s words. Argh! “Sofia, pay attention! I didn’t mean you and I, I meant Jake and I. Are we, yes or no, legally married?” She could hear her friend hesitate at the other end of the line, and her temper boiled over. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Sof! I’ve accepted everything you, Jake, and Chris, have thrown at me over the past months, but this is important, damn it! Am I married? Yes or no?”

Sofia sighed. “No, I’m sorry, babe, you’re not legally bound. But we’ve both Marked you, and you’re Jake’s Mate so–”

Faye hung up, her eyes unseeing. He’d lied to her. He’d made her think they were married so she wouldn’t complain. Not that she didn’t, but the fact they were man and wife had sweetened the pill. How could he have known that? How could he have known she’d been dreaming of getting married for years?


Damn it all to hell! She was going to kill them both!


* * * *


Jake arrived home that night with flowers in one hand and chocolates in the other. Sofia had called him right after Faye had hung up on her, replaying their conversation and once again apologizing to him for messing things up. He hadn’t told her, but he’d been amazed she could manage so much mayhem when she was hundreds of miles away. What next? He’d thought at the time.

It appeared quite evident when he stepped into his house, and realized there was no one to greet him. Again. There was one exception however: the white sheet of paper left predominantly on the hallway table. He picked it up and read.



I’ve moved into the guest bedroom. I’m sure Sofia’s told you about our conversation, so don’t even try to act as if nothing happened. You duped me. You lied to me. Did you really think I’d never find out we weren’t married? I think the sex has gone to my head. I should have realized this was all too convenient but I was too taken by you. I’ve learnt my lesson now.



“What the fuck does that mean?” he swore, rereading the letter but not getting the answers he wanted. Unceremoniously dropping the flowers and box of chocolates, he went upstairs and made a beeline for the main guest room. “Faye!” He knocked on the door. Loudly. “Faye! Open up!”

“What do you mean, no?”
“What it says on the box, Jake. I’m not going to open the door or talk to you. I’m flying out tomorrow morning.”
His hands clenched into fists at his sides. “You’re leaving?”
“Yes. Good night, Jake.”
He heard her walk further back into the room and saw red.


Chapter Twenty–Four: Say What?


A crashing noise rang out and the bedroom’s French windows burst open. Faye had been packing her suitcase, trying to ignore the pangs in her stomach. She’d attributed them to hunger, but she knew better. She was expecting him to knock on the door once more, shouting at her to open up. Instead, he’d found another entrance.

She watched him stride into the room, shards of glass crunching under his thick black boots. His eyes were wild, his face a darkened mask. “Jake–” She stopped herself when she realized he wasn’t in a mood to listen to her.

He grabbed her suitcase and sent it flying, clothes falling everywhere around them, her bathroom products making a gooey mess against the opposite wall. She cringed, but he didn’t even react. He kept advancing towards her, his eyebrows snapped together making him look positively dangerous.

Her insides clenched, but this time it wasn’t in fear. He’d changed into casual clothes, all the better to climb the back wall up to the balcony. He was breathing heavily, sweat marking his hairline. She saw his muscles bunch underneath his thin black t–shirt and felt the sudden urge to run to him. She was getting so dizzyingly aroused she realized she needed an outlet for the surge of emotions. Anything. He couldn’t find out how he was affecting her. Not now, damn it! So she did the only thing she could think of: she went on the offensive. “I hate you!”

That made him pause. “You hate me?” he repeated, his voice low.
“Ye–es.” Her answer was decisively not as harsh as she’d intended it to be.
“Why?” He took another step forward. “Because I lied to you about being married?”
“Did you really think my Marking you meant we were officially husband and wife?”
“Yes, damn it. I know I was stupid!”

Something flickered in his eyes but he didn’t give her time to decipher it. “I never said that made you stupid. I just thought you’d understood it was according to our rules. You’re my Mate, it makes you my wife.”

“No, it doesn’t!”
“Yes, it does.”
“It doesn’t! For all intents and purposes, I’m still single.”
“Like hell you are!” That made him move again.

Faye stood her ground, her eyes flashing as she added, “I’m still single and I hate you for it! You made me believe you. You made me fall for you, and it wasn’t even real!”

He stopped short once again. “It’s real.”
“No, it’s not!”
“Have you really fallen for me?” he asked, his voice softer than she’d heard it all evening.
“Yes. No. Maybe.”
“Which one is it, baby?”

She bit her lower lip. “I don’t want to talk about it. If we’re not married, I don’t have to stay here. I’m a liability here, Jake, we both know that. I wouldn’t make a good Mate for you, so I should just leave and you can get Chris to find you someone else. Someone who looks more like the other Immortals; someone who’ll fit in better.”

“What in hell are you talking about?”
“You need someone who’ll fit you better!” she said, as if that explained everything.
“Faye, you’re not making any sense. I don’t want you to leave.”
She blinked. “That’s nice, Jake, but I should. It’ll be easier for the both of us in the end.”
“Even if you love me?”

“Yes,” she answered, never realizing she’d given him the answer he’d been waiting for. “Do you think I can get them erased?” She traced the mark of his teeth on her neck. He ignored her question and walked up to her. He waited until her gaze finally met his before he dropped down on one knee. Her breath hitched but she wasn’t hallucinating. He didn’t disappear either. He really was on his knee in front of her. What the hell? “Jake?”

“Mate, Faye,” he grabbed her hand in his, his touch soft, “would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Jake?” she repeated, her voice shaky. “What are you doing?”
He smiled. “I’m giving you what you want.”
“I don’t understand.”
He traced the pad of his thumb over her finger and said, “We’ll go shopping tomorrow and I’ll buy the ring you’ve always wanted.”

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