Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1) (17 page)

BOOK: Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)
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“Shayne,” Liam started as soon as the door swung shut behind me. Without looking at him I went straight to my room. “Shayne, wait.”

“I need to prep for my first session.”

He stood in the doorway, watching me as I pulled out needles and ink caps and checked my machine. “Shayne, I’m sorry fer what I said.”

“Don’t. Just don’t.” I growled, finally looking at him. Liam’s lips thinned into a frown and his gaze shifted to the floor with a pitiful look. It almost lessened my anger. Almost.

“It’s just not a good idea, messing with Kier. I told ya that.”

“We’re just having fun. I like...having fun with him.” His features darkened but I continued. After what he’d said to me I didn’t care about his feelings right now. “You know, he’s been through enough without you giving him a hard time over this.”

“What he’s been through?” Liam let out an incredulous snort and threw his hands up. “What he’s been through was all his own doing. I warned him about Kendall.”

“So you did.” I shrugged and sprayed down my chair with disinfectant.

“Ya know what, Shayne. Fine, don’t listen ta me, but don’t be surprised when this blows up in yer face either.”

“Right. Thanks for the warning.” I gave him a sharp look and shoved past him to put my bag in the office—and frowned when I found the room empty.

“He didn’t come with me today. Wanted ta stay home.” Liam came up behind me and I caught the hint of a cruel smirk. With a deep breath I wiped the frown from my face and spun around.
So what, he didn’t come in today. That didn’t mean anything, right?
Liam studied me with narrowed eyes and I smiled at him.

“Whatever, I have to get to work.”



Latex & Awkward Kisses

Niall shook his head at me when he opened the door to his apartment. “Heard ya boinked Shayne.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, throwing my bag on the couch.

“What? It’s not like nobody saw that happening. Liam included.”

“Yet he still got his knickers in a twist over it”

“Well there’s Kendall fer starters.”

“I’m done with her. I’m filing fer divorce.”

Niall grinned, sinking onto the arm of the couch. “That have anything ta do with Shayne?”

“What? No! I mean...maybe a little. I like her, but I need ta end it with Kendall, regardless.”

“Glad yer finally seein’ that at least.” Niall laughed and pulled himself off the couch. “Well, ya can go get yerself settled in the room at the end of the hall. I need ta get back ta work.”

“Ya work from home?” I raised an eyebrow. In answer, a couple giggles came from the other room. Niall’s grin widened.

“I’m doin’ some work fer a fetish wear magazine.”

“What do ya mean, fetish wear?” I followed him, my interest piqued.

“Some of the stuff ya seen Shayne in, I’m sure.”

“Wait, ya know she’s into that stuff?”

Niall snorted, pushing the door to his studio open. “Well, now I do.”

I frowned at him then looked over his shoulder to the three girls clad in skin-tight latex outfits.

“Jayhsus, how the hell did ya land this job?”

Niall winked at the girls, and turned back to me. “Shayne, actually. I took pictures of her tattoos so she and Liam could submit them ta a tattoo magazine. They liked the pictures and gave them a small feature and I got more business for sexy tattooed ladies and then...well, fetish wear.”

“Do ya still have those pictures? Of Shayne, I mean.” I couldn’t help but ask. “She’s not in clothes like that is she?”

I glanced toward the girls and one of them, a rather voluptious brunette with a full head of long springy curls, licked her lips appreciatively.

“No, actually. She wasn’t wearin’ anything.”

“What? Ya got naked pictures of her? Did ya two...?”

“Did I shag Shayne? In my head a few times, maybe.” I frowned at him and his face glowed in amusement. “No, I’ve not hooked up with Shayne.” He pulled a magazine off a shelf, flipped the page, and shoved it into my hands. Shayne was against a dark backdrop, her legs crossed and arms across her chest to hide her breasts. Nothing was showing, but Christ, it was sexy. Her eyes stared at the camera with that usual guarded look she wore.
Why had I let Liam drag me out of her apartment like an idiotic, helpless puppy?
I traced a finger over her image, wishing I could feel her soft skin right now.

“Ey, Don’t be gettin’ a stiffy.” Niall snatched the magazine out of my hands. “Ya’ll frighten the girls.”

I glanced at the girls in question as they let out another round of giggles. “They don’t look easily frightened.”

“Frightened, distracted. Either way, I’m workin’. It needs ta stay a professional environment.”

The petite blonde of the group came up, hanging an arm over Niall’s shoulder and whispering something in his ear that made his mouth twitch in a rather devious manner.

“Right. Professional environment. I’ll leave ya ta yer work.”

In the back bedroom I tossed my bag on the floor, and turned on my phone. Kendall had sent several more texts. Apparently, “I need time to think”, didn’t mean the same thing to her. With a sigh I messaged her back.

:I told you I needed time.:

The phone buzzed a few minutes later.

:But I love you. I want to make this better. I want to make this work.:

:I don’t think you can make this better. I don’t think I want to make this work anymore.:

:What are you saying, Kier?:

A knot twisted in my chest as I stared down at my phone. Even with all she’d put me through, I still didn’t want to hurt her. My fingers twitched over the screen of my phone and my heart sank. But no, I had to do this.

:I’m saying I want a divorce.:

I swallowed hard and pressed the send button. I should have felt relieved but I felt sick to my stomach. The phone rang a minute later but I turned it off.

“Feckin’ hell.” I groaned and laid my head back against the pillow. Thoughts of Shayne made their way back into my mind and I ached to be lying next to her right now, all of this shite with Kendall forgotten—if only momentarily. It wouldn’t fix anything, I knew that. Shayne didn’t want anything more and I was a bloody feckin’ mess as it was.

Still, as my eyes drifted close, I thought of her. Visions of her stretched out against her bedspread and smiling up at me pushed away the painful visions of Kendall. The ones that reminded me that my marriage was over, and had in fact been over for quite some time now.

Things between Liam and I had been incredibly awkward the entire day and I took extra pains to avoid him. My last client left and after I’d cleaned up my station, I made a beeline for the restroom to splash cool water on my face. A couple times Liam had tried to talk to me, but I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to get out of here. I needed to put some space between us so both of us could cool down. Unfortunately, as things always go, I ran right into his broad chest the moment I stumbled out into the hall.

“Shayne,” he said softly.

“I need to get going.” I kept my eyes down and attempted to step around him, but he stepped closer and blocked my path.

“Wait, please.” Liam’s hand gently grasped my arm and my resolve melted. I looked up at him to see his blue eyes intent on me. They were a similar blue to Kieran’s, just a few shades darker.

“Fine. What else do you have to say?”

He frowned at my cold tone, but didn’t falter.

“What I said earlier, about ya and my brother, I shouldn’t have said it like I did. It’s just…ya deserve more than that. More than being someone’s rebound.”

With a sigh I tried to pull out of his grasp but his grip on my arm tightened. I fixed him with a sharp, exasperated look.

“I’m a big girl, Liam. I can take care of myself.” I growled and pulled against his strong hold on me.

“I know ya can. It’s not that. But this thing with Kieran, ya say ya two are just having fun and that’s all ya want, but I know ya. I know ya need more. Ya need someone that really cares about ya.” His features softened with the last words and a lump swelled in my throat. Surely he wasn’t talking about what I thought he was talking about.

I stilled for a moment, staring at him. His hand came up and brushed my cheek.

“Liam, I don’t think that’s—”

Liam closed the gap between us and backed me against the wall. His lips pressed against mine before I could pull away and a soft, yearning groan shook through him. He tasted like Dr. Pepper and his stubble scraped against my chin as he urged my lips apart. I tried to protest and instead our front teeth scraped together, making both of us wince.

“Feck, I didn’t mean ta do that. I didn’t break yer tooth did I?” He rasped, holding a hand to his mouth to check his teeth.

“Liam…” I started, forcing myself to hold his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I guess I was just a little too eager.” He joked, but I saw the broken look in his eyes.

“You’re my best friend…I just don’t feel that way about you.”

Liam’s hand dropped off my arm, and he turned away. “Right,” he said with a dry laugh. “Of course ya don’t.”

I reached for him but he shrugged away without even looking at me.

“Liam, wait.”

“I need ta go. Lock up before ya leave.”

The door slammed behind him, jarring me. I stared at it, listening to Liam storm to his car, rev the engine, and peel out of the alley behind the shop. Life would be so much easier if I could have just kissed him back, could have just felt something. But when his lips touched mine, all I could think about was Kieran. Kieran, who had obviously been avoiding me since everything had happened this morning.

Wasting no time, I snatched my purse out of the office, locked up the shop, and headed to Finley’s Pub. I needed a drink.



Popcorn & Drive Ins


A bang on the door awoke me and I glanced toward the window. The sky outside was a deep blue-black.
Had I really slept that long?

“Kier, ya plannin’ ta sleep all day or what?”

“Maybe,” I grunted and rubbed a hand over my face. Niall walked into the room and appraised me with a look of disapproval.

“Get yer lazy arse up. I want ta go fer a drink, maybe look fer some new
.” His lips curled up at the corners with his last words.

“Fine…I could use a drink. I told Kendall.”

Niall’s eyes widened. “Be ready in five. First round’s on me in that case.”

I nodded and pulled myself out of bed as he disappeared into the hall. The icy water from the tap helped to wake me up and calm the thoughts of Shayne and Kendall that swam through my head. I had no idea what to say to Shayne after letting Liam drag me out of her apartment with my tail between my legs. For now, I’d try not to think about it. Try not to think about anything. I dressed and met Niall in the living room five minutes later and we headed to Finley’s pub to grab a drink and a couple rounds of pool.

“So what did Kendall say when ya dropped the bomb?” Niall asked after he’d parked the car.

“I don’t know. I turned off my phone.”

He snorted next to me and pulled the door open. “Please tell me ya didn’t tell yer wife ya want a divorce via text.”

I gave him a wry grin. “I might have. Not like she didn’t deserve it.”

He didn’t argue with that. Instead he went toward the redhead behind the bar, flashing her a grin that had little effect on her. I started to follow, but slowed my steps when I spotted Shayne at the far end of the bar. She sat alone, which seemed unusual. A couple empty glasses littered the bar in front of her. I glanced toward Niall but he was still busy trying to flirt with the bartender.

“Looks like ya started the party without me.” I said and slid onto the empty barstool beside Shayne. She swung her head around with a scouring look, but it softened into a simple frown when she saw it was me.

“Oh…yeah it’s been a long day.”

“Yeah. Liam kicked me out after this morning. Niall was kind enough ta take me in.”

Shayne’s frown deepened at the mention of Liam and she took a long draw from her drink, successfully draining the glass.

“I take it things didn’t go so well fer ya either.”

“Not exactly. No.”

She waved the bartender over and I glance back toward Niall. A sly grin crossed his lips and he disappeared into the crowd, most likely in search of “models.”

“Two more of whatever she’s been drinking,” I told the redhead. She pulled two glasses from behind the bar, and with a well-practiced flourish, poured our drinks and slid them over to us. I took a sip to find she’d been drinking whiskey sours. After the bartender disappeared I returned my attention to Shayne.

“Listen, about this morning—”

“It’s fine. You don’t need to explain anything. I get it.” She quickly cut me off. I frowned down at my drink.

“Get what? I just wanted ta tell ya that I like ya too.”

Her gaze widened, caught in the headlights. “Oh.”

“I mean. I like…whatever this is with ya. That’s all.” I flashed her a warm smile and the tenseness eased out of her.

“I just thought…I mean, it doesn’t matter.”

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