Married to a Balla

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Authors: Jackie D.

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Married to a BALLA

Jackie D


Life Changing Books in conjunction with Power Play Media

Published by Life Changing Books

P.O. Box 423 Brandywine, MD 20613



This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as are those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is an acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data;

13 Digit: 978-1934230299

10 Digit: 1-934230294

Copyright © 2011

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.






This book is dedicated to my son
Emanuel “Poobie” Chapman
. Words can’t express how much I love you. I’m so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Never stop striving for your goals. Thanks for being my backbone. You gave me the will to push forward even at the times when I thought I couldn’t make it.







To my family
, my sister Michelle Davis, my brother Charlie Davis, my half brother in NJ, Todd Sherman, my niece Jasmine Harris@ Elizabeth City State University. My nephews, Carlo Merritt and Montana Davis, my wonderful father Charles “Snoop” Davis and my step mom Michelle Peebles and my step sister Mikiya Peebles. Thanks for all the support; I love you ALL so much.

To my mother
Janelle “DC Reds” Davis
and my grandmothers
Ruth Martin
Marguerite Davis
, RIP, I miss you dearly.

Joel Miles
, aka Bobby James, and
Dezmine Wells
, I wish you both much success on your careers. I love you and thank you for having Poob’s back. Real friends are hard to come by and you two have definitely ALWAYS been in his corner.

Also I would like to say thank you
to North Carolina Central University
in Durham, NC along with Coach
Levelle Moton
and the entire coaching staff for giving my son an opportunity, “trust me… you have a
and won’t be disappointed!!

To my cousins,
David “Mookie” Washington, Marcus Washington, JR. Davis and sons, Marcus Davis and family, Jennifer Wilder Davis and family, Tenika and Patrice Jefferson and family, Fred Lott and family, Dwight and Dana Peebles and family, Arnetta Jones and family and Shalonda Johnson and Family.

To my Uncles and Aunts
, Dennis Davis, Carol Davis, Louis Davis, Wayne Wilson, Loretta Martin, Arthur Washington, Marguerite Peebles, Dwight Peebles, Jennie Jefferson, Hubert Jefferson, Brenda Rand Davis. RIP Jackie Washington, Marlene Short.

To all my friends that have shown me so much love and support….Thanks and I love you!

Author Tonya Ridley
, where do I begin? First off I would like to thank you for all that you have done for Poob and I over our thirty year friendship. And second I would like to thank you for introducing me to Azarel and Life Changing books. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would go from avid book readers who discussed and got mad at the characters in other peoples books (like the shit was for real) to actually writing our own novels. Thanks for all your help with
Love Heist
Married to a Balla
. Josh is lucky to have a sister like you in his life. I love you and wish you much success.

Author Danette Majette
, who would’ve thought, that me picking you up from the airport when you had nobody else to call, would produce such a wonderful friendship. You’re such a beautiful person inside and out and I thank you for being there for me and listening to my cries this past year when I was about to lose my MIND! I love you. Thanks for all your help with this book. Whew, it got a little rough at times but you helped me stay focused!

We hit almost every set in NC promoting our books and I look forward to doing it again with our new books. Shouts out to our new business, The Literary Connection!

Marketa “Kee Kee” Salley
, it’s time to get back on that court girly. Bryan Majette, your mother loves and misses her son! Shout out to Cousin Shelley Majette Carrington.

Sharon Kirkley
, we’ve been friends for so many years I’ve lost count. I love you and I’m so glad to have you as my friend. Keep searching, its coming boo boo!

Author Tiphani Montgomery
, thanks for listening when I needed to vent and never ever changing up on me. Also thanks for all your help with
Love Heist
…Rule the World Baby!! LOL

Carla Williams-Johnson
, (Durham, NC) and
Chanda Zigler Davis
, even though we don’t talk every day, our friendship has always been genuine, and I love y’all for life.

Joe Guzman and Isaiah “Eben” Fuller, thanks for the support!!

Chris Currie, let’s go…TS baby!!, Joy Avery, Nikki, Willis, Yvette Jones, Barbara Benjamin, Carla Johnson, Michelle “Mi Mi” Parham, D ‘Juan Laws, Kym Johnson, Pam “Pee Wee” Wells, Jazmine Wilson, Annette James, Frances Pulley, Tanya Pulley, Ciarra Wall, John Wall, Kadedra Jacobs, Ryce Hatchett, Allison “ Moo Moo” Elliott, Nia Hill, Nicole “Nikki Rochelle, Gillie and Keisha, Brooks, To Laniesha and The Entire Merritt family, Lativia “ Libby” Pinkney, Allison Mitchell, Ayana Knight, Sherry Richburg, Karen Hodges, Big Mike, Ramona Myers, Tracey Jones, Chyna Mike, Krista Stallings- Hodges, Talk of the Town Hair Salon, Bell, Brandy, Trina, Steve and Chajuan. Kuniki Tabb-Parks and family, Melvin Tabb, I love you boy! Tyler Griffis, CJ Wilkinson, Big Play Ray Willis and the rest of the NCCU basketball team.

Big Tex and Shy @ The Star Bar, To Rob “Man” Williams and family, Nadine Allen, Tiny Williams, Sophia Williams and Jason and Nakkia Barnett, to the membership crew at my job NCMS, Shawn, Kristen, Lauren, Richard, and Garry and Jennifer Soboleski thanks for always having my back when I would drag into work tired as hell from staying up all night working on chapters. Deanna Godwin, Yahaira “Ya Ya” Botello, Kelly Wilson and Candice Wright, to the crew at the Wake Co. Prenatal Clinic, to Gwen Crawford and Danya Perry@ CIS, to Author Lamont LP Pettiway and Author Chakara in Raleigh, NC keep doing your thing. To the Entire Tucker family, I got you Pop Tucker, To Big Poobie Chapman, and the entire Chapman family in NJ, Stephon “Fat” Lawrence, Rodney “ Box” McClamb and family, Mike “Dot” Phillips and family, to the Satterfield family, Sylvia Vaughn and all my friends/coworkers @ The Vesta and Buck Jones group homes.

To all my friends and former classmates at Enloe High School, you have really shown me love and I really appreciate it.

To my friends on lock down, Face, Black, Beefy, Salom, Rhamel, Little E, and all the other inmates that are reading my books, thank you!

To any of my family or friends that I might have missed, I love you and please forgive me.

A special shout out to all the distributors and independent book stores that helped promote my book in any way, Quita @TLJ, Mondell Pope and all the Urban Knowledge locations, DC Book Diva, all The Books a Million stores, Black and Nobel in Philly, Novel Tees, and the rest of the book stores that showed me love. Thank you!

To Azarel
, the best boss lady in the world, thanks again for allowing me to publish another book and to be part of the Life Changing Books family. You’re such an inspiration to me.

Leslie Allen,
aka the night owl. Words can’t even express how much I appreciate you. Thanks for all your help with
Love Heist
and now
Married to a Balla
. You’re the bomb, girl!!

To the test readers
, Ashaundria and Virginia, thank you. To Keisha George, and Tamara Lee @ Hush Boutique, some of the hottest clothes around! Also, thanks to Kellie for the hot cover.

To my fellow authors of LCB
….. Tonya Ridley, Danette Majette, VegasClarke, CJ Hudson, Tiphani Montgomery, J. Tremble, Miss KP, Carla Pennington, Ericka Williams, Kendall Banks, Capone, Mike Warren, Chantel Jolie, Sasha Raye, C. Stecko, and anyone else on the team that I missed….it has truly been a blessing to work with such a great group of people! LCB for Life, let’s get this money!

Lastly…to all the people that purchased my first novel, thank you…I received nothing but positive feedback from all of you and I hope you will continue to follow me. Be on the lookout for my next one.

Check me out at:

Peace and Blessing

Jackie D.





















Chapter 1

Skye smiled as she maneuvered through the large crowd of guests attending her husband’s all white affair. Just like all the other parties she threw, Skye made sure the celebration in their breathtaking six bedroom Palm Island estate was first class by hiring one of Miami’s top event planners. From the ritzy décor, and elaborate food to the aggressive security guards enforcing the all white dress code, the gathering would definitely be considered ‘party of the year.’ With Sandino celebrating his thirty-fifth birthday, Skye spared no expenses. Other than the nosey neighbors calling the police due to all the traffic, it was an affair renowned in elegance and glamour. Skye just prayed her husband was impressed and the get-together would help rebuild their relationship.

She watched as some of the guests lounged on the oversized white couches in the backyard as the other 200 VIP guests which included professional ball players, rappers and A-list actors were treated to a live band. It was a warm September night, perfect for anyone enjoying the ocean breeze or looking up at the blanket of stars.

Everything seemed to be perfect until Skye spotted Sandino, his boy Black and two Spanish-looking females in short, skimpy dresses chatting by the bar.

Her mood changed instantly.

After grabbing a glass of champagne off one of the waiter’s trays, Skye quickly downed it before directing her attention back to the obvious groupies. By this time, the taller woman was dancing up against her husband’s leg. Even though she was pissed, Skye had to admit, Sandino did look extra good for the event, so she could understand the woman’s attraction.

With a chestnut brown complexion, jet black curly hair and a neatly trimmed beard, Sandino was the true definition of tall dark and handsome. Standing at 6’4 and 295 lbs, his stocky football player build along with a perfect porcelain veneer smile always seemed to turn women on. His sense of style didn’t hurt either. The twelve carat black ice diamond chain he wore gleamed against his white Fedora linen suit that Skye had custom made. It was hard keeping women off of her man, which had worn on Skye after fourteen years of marriage.

Trying not to ruin the party, Skye decided to keep her cool instead of approaching Sandino. However, she didn’t know how long her calm demeanor would last as she watched the foursome leave the bar then walk into one of the custom white tents.

“So, you’re just gonna stand there while your husband flirts with other bitches?”

When Skye turned around, her friend Asia stood there with a disappointed glare. “Please don’t start.”

Asia threw both her hands in the air. “Skye, don’t act like you don’t see what the hell is going on. Why are you standing here acting like you’re the sideline chick? You’re his damn wife.”

“I’m aware of that, Asia.”

“Then go find out what the hell is going on. One of them could have their ass up in the air by now.”

Skye shook her head. It was hard trying to be a lady or turn the other cheek when Sandino was constantly being disrespectful, but on the other hand she also knew there would be consequences if she caused a scene in front of his friends.

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