Marrying Mari (22 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Marrying Mari
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“Yes, baby.” Ethan smiled. “Don’t worry, Gabe and I will protect you.”

How about from the staring eyes of several hundred strangers?
she thought as their presence in the doorway brought attention.

Gently, Ethan pulled her toward the second line of people welcoming arrivals just inside the doorway. At the head of this line were his parents.

Ethan greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek. Allison turned and took her hands. “Don’t you look pretty.”

“Thank you. You look beautiful, Allison.” The older woman was high glamour tonight, dressed all in white with diamonds glittering at her neck and ears and wrists and in her hair.

Allison looked closely. “Goodness, Ethan. That jewelry is decadent.” She turned to the man behind Mari. “Gabriel. As handsome as ever.” She hugged him tightly.

Ethan’s father greeted Mari with a kiss on the cheek and a firm handshake. “Nervous?”

“A little,” she admitted.

“Don’t be. Most people will be very polite.” He smiled at her, Ethan’s warm smile. “Jessica, you remember Mariella Amorini, Ethan and Gabriel’s friend, from last weekend.”

“Oh, yes!” Jessica, Ethan’s aunt, held out a hand. Her voice was cool but polite. “Lovely to see you again. Welcome. Gabriel.” The older woman held out her hand and smiled at him. “So nice of you and Ethan to bring Mariella tonight.” She turned to the man next to her. “Donovan, this is Ethan and Gabriel’s friend Mariella Amorini. Her mother grew up in the Colony. Anna Worth. Mariella, this is Donovan Chase.”

Mari held out her hand. “Hello,” she said. Ethan turned and rested his left hand in the small of her back.

“Donovan is the chair of the Board of Trustees for the Colony,” he said to her.

“Oh. Well,” she stuttered slightly. Allison as well as Ethan and Gabriel had mentioned this man, who had so much influence. The older man stared back at her with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Miss Amorini.” Chase’s tone was slightly warmer than his eyes. He turned to Ethan. “I’d like to speak to you about a Board matter.”

“Of course. Tonight?” Ethan asked.

“I think that’s best. Shouldn’t wait.” Chase glanced at her with a slight nod. “Just for a few minutes. Later is fine. I don’t want to take you away from your date.”

Ethan nodded back and drew her away, to the next person in line. Mari noticed that when he stepped away, Gabriel moved closer and rested his hand on the small of her back. The two men sandwiched her securely, making certain everyone knew they had brought her. At the end of the line sat a very old lady, glittering with diamonds in an outdated aqua taffeta gown. Behind her wheelchair, stood a nurse in pink polyester.

Ethan gallantly bent to kiss the woman’s bony hand, encased in a white opera glove. “Mrs. Grosvenor, I didn’t expect you to be here. I am delighted.” He smiled at her, his genuine, most gorgeous smile.

“You are a rascal, Ethan Stone. Who’s this?” She stared at Mari.

“Mrs. Grosvenor, I am pleased to introduce you to Mariella Amorini. Her mother grew up in the Colony, and she’s a friend of Gabriel Pryor and mine.” Ethan stood casually, with his arm around Mari’s waist. “This is Cecilia Grosvenor.”

The old woman stared at her through rhinestone encrusted cat’s eye glasses. Mari tried not to stare at the woman’s huge and crusty diamonds, the bright red cupid’s bow of her lipstick. “Who’s your mother, then?” Mrs. Grosvernor asked.

“Anna Worth, ma’am.”

The old woman looked her over and nodded. Her eyes were sharp with intelligence and laughter. She raised her voice to a pitch that drowned out the conversations around them. “I remember Anna Worth. A good girl. Not a good home situation. Foolish parents, too frightened to understand the girl. If you’re her daughter, you’ve got good blood. I hope you’re strong enough to handle this hellraiser.” She held out her hand, and Mari took it.

Gabriel leaned in. “She’s here with me too, Mrs. Grosvenor.” He boldly kissed the old lady’s cheek and she swatted at him, while fighting a smile.

“I feel sorry for her then. She’s obviously too good for you.”

“Yes, ma’am. I think so.”

Cecilia focused on Mari. “Both of them, eh? Well, they have their own ideas about how to do things. Arrogant. Not wrong, however. Thoroughly charming, in fact, or so all the women tell them. I expect you’ll bring some sense into their lives. They’re what we would have called playboys in my day.” The old woman tugged her closer. “I always liked playboys.” Releasing her, she slanted a look at both men. “Well, take the girl off and dance with her or get her some food or something. She’s a little thin.” Again, loudly, “I like her, so treat her right. You’re very welcome here at the Colony, Mariella Amorini. Let me know if any of these stiff fogies give you trouble.” A smile flirted around her mouth. “She’ll need her strength, God knows.” Turning away, her expression again became severe as she stared at the next candidate.

The three of them stepped away. Gabriel blew out a long breath.

“Mari, you have just been welcomed into the Colony, old-school style.”

Chapter Fifteen

The next hour passed in a blur. Ethan and Gabriel introduced Mari to various people, when one of them wasn’t dancing with her. Then Gabe whispered in her ear, “Time for dinner,” and escorted her up to the big front table.

She swallowed and let herself be led up to the table, a round one laid for twelve and raised on a platform. She found herself seated between her escorts, across from Nathaniel, who smiled at her, and Allison, who was chatting animatedly with Donovan Chase, who was seated next to her. She glanced out over the room. The rest of the guests were seating themselves as well on the main floor. She could look out over the entire crowd.

A few tables away, there was a buzz of women, of varying ages, hovering around another woman, already seated. All Mari could see was that the seated woman was platinum blonde and dressed in gold. The women around her were really excited. Mari tugged on Gabriel’s arm.

“Who’s that?” she asked and casually pointed, trying not to be rude but very curious.

Gabe twisted his head around, looked, and let out a hard laugh. He turned back to her and spoke in a low tone, “The Queen Bee. Don’t you notice all the other drones buzzing around her?” He lifted her white damask napkin and laid it across her lap. “Otherwise known as Angelica Pryor, my mother.”

She stared at him. Was that all he was going to say?

He sighed and turned back to her. His golden eyes were flat. His beautiful lips were twisted into a mocking smile. “No doubt Robert, my father, is around somewhere as well. Don’t fret. I’ll keep the introductions short and sweet.”

On his other side, Irene touched his arm, and Gabriel turned away.

Ethan touched her arm and she met his gaze. His voice was low so that no one else could hear. “Don’t worry about him, little one. His parents are unpleasant. He won’t want to subject you to them. Neither will I, for that matter.” He kissed her temple.

She smiled at him, even while she wondered what it was that was making him so very tense. It was unlike Ethan to be wound up, but she could feel the tightness in his arm beneath her hand. She wondered if it was simply having them all on display, or her, or something at the bank. Not wanting to bug him about it, she simply stroked his arm and smiled again.

“Oh!” Irene leaned around Gabe. “Show me the ring. You got it,” she said to him.

Gabriel took Mari’s right hand and showed it to Irene. “Yeah. Like it?”

Irene flashed a bright smile at her. “It’s beautiful. I love it. But are you sure you want to take on these two Neanderthals?”

Ethan said in a lazy tone. “Gabe is the caveman. I’m just bossy, as Mari tells me.”

Irene chuckled. “Did you really say that? I like you. Mom! Mom, look at this.” Irene held Mari’s hand toward Allison. “Their triad ring.”

Allison broke off her conversation with Cross and swung her head around at Irene’s call. Mari saw a startled flash cross Allison’s face. The older woman blinked at them. “What? But I thought you were just considering?”

Ethan frowned at her. “We thought we should let people know we’re in trial,” he answered. He laid one arm behind Mari across the back of her chair. “After all, it’s just the right hand. Mari hasn’t agreed yet.”

“That’s good. Take your time and be sure,” his father said, and glanced at Allison, who was sitting with her mouth compressed, and Donovan. Both stayed silent as Nate raised his glass in a silent toast toward the three of them.

Gabe grinned. “Oh, we’re sure, Nate.”

“I think it’s terrifically romantic,” Irene said. She glanced at her mother. “Mom?”

Allison shook her head and smiled, lifting her glass as well. “I’ve never seen Ethan be this impulsive. Gabriel, yes, of course, but my son is always the steady one, the one with the fifteen-point plan. I’m just startled, I suppose,” and she laughed. “Remember what I said about planning the ceremony, Mariella. I simply won’t let you do it without me!” Donovan Chase glanced at her sharply.

“Of course,” Mari answered, helplessly.

“It’s not impulsive when you know you’re right.” Ethan said, but she noticed Allison set her glass down without taking even a sip.

“And you’re always right,” Irene joked, rolling her eyes.

“Of course, little sister.”

Gabriel stared at the ring on her finger. “I’m very, very happy tonight,” he said in her ear in a low tone and kissed the ring. She touched his face with her other hand.

Behind her, Ethan said in a quick, hard voice, “Gabe.” He stood.

Mariella looked up, and a couple stood behind Gabriel. She tightened her fingers, and he looked up.

It was the older woman from the busy table, Gabriel’s mother, and a man Mari assumed was his father. The woman was slightly younger than Allison, and so thin as to be either a supermodel or a skeleton. Her hair was a whiter gold than Gabriel’s, in a carefully styled fall of curls. She was tall, like her son. The man was slightly shorter, bull-chested and red-faced. His face was lined and his mouth a thin slit. Gabriel looked nothing like him.

Gabriel stood. “Angelica. Robert.”

The man said, “Gabriel.” And looked at Mari.

“How are you?” The woman’s voice was cool, as if meeting a stranger.

“I’m fine.” Gabe’s voice was even cooler, though absolutely polite.

The woman’s eyebrows lifted. “I see your manners are as bad as ever.”

Mari stood, putting one hand on his back. With the right she reached forward. “I’m Mariella Amorini. And you’re Gabriel’s parents. I’m so pleased to meet you.”

Angelica looked at her hand, and she felt Gabe stiffen. Angelica reached out and touched her stick-like fingers to Mari’s. The expression on the older woman’s carefully made-up face didn’t change.

Gabriel said, “Mari, this is indeed my mother, Angelica Pryor. And my father, Robert Pryor.” Mari reached out her hand toward the man, who stepped forward to take it. He grasped her palm too tightly with hard fingers. She gritted her teeth but stayed silent.

Robert turned her hand up and stared at the triad ring. “What’s this?”

Angelica’s eyes dropped to the ring and narrowed. She glanced at Mari’s face, then Ethan, and finally Gabe. “It means they’re in trial.”

Gabriel’s father stared at her, looked her up and down again, still holding her hand tightly. She forced a calm smile and tugged her hand back. After a second he let her go.

Ethan pulled her back against him, resting his hands casually on her upper arms.

“You didn’t tell us, darling. You must bring Mariella by the house so we can get to know her,” Angelica said. “I’ll have to introduce her to everyone.”

“No,” Gabriel said.

His mother stiffened, then stared at him. “No?”

“No, Angelica, I won’t be bringing Mari by the house. No, you won’t be introducing her to anyone.
.” Gabe’s tone was polite but hard. Mari glanced around, but the general noise covered the conversation. A few people were watching, but everything must have looked all right because most people were ignoring them. Only Allison had a keen gaze on them.

Mother and son stared at each other. Angelica shrugged. “Fine.” She turned to Mari. “Perhaps you’ll manage him better than I did.”

With that, she turned and walked away toward her table, followed by her husband. Gabriel immediately turned back to Mariella and pulled out her chair. She sat, and so did Ethan and Gabe. She reached out and laid her hand on Gabe’s, clenched on the tablecloth. He opened his hand and twined his fingers with hers. On the other side, Ethan laid his arm across Mari’s back and rested his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. He laid his free hand on Mari’s thigh, and she put her head on his shoulder. Connected, they sat for a moment.

She looked up to see Allison watching them.

Gabe shifted, breaking the spell. “Well, that’s over. Actually went better than I thought.”

“No blood,” Ethan agreed.

Plates filled with fragrant starters were set in front of them.

Mari asked, “Did Insatiable cater this?”

Gabe shook his head, the corner of his mouth whisking up in a tiny smile. “Nope.”

She frowned in surprise. “Why not?”

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