Read Marrying the Marine-epub Online

Authors: Sabrina McAfee

Marrying the Marine-epub (3 page)

BOOK: Marrying the Marine-epub
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The woman in the photo had long black hair, soft skin, and was simply beautiful just like Sandella.
This has to be
Sandella’s mother.
He read the obituary in its entirety confirming it was indeed her mother.
I wonder how she died?

He placed the paper on top of the lid sitting in his lap, pulled out another newspaper clipping, then unfolded it.
Jesus Christ!
His pulse pounded in his neck after reading the title:
Family Suspects Marine Killed Woman.

According to the article an arrest was never made. This explained Sandella’s uneasiness around him, why she felt the way she did toward the Marines in this part of the country. As he stared blankly at the picture of Sandella’s mother, Sugar, he wondered what kind of beast would rape and kill this beautiful woman.
A fucking monster got away with this. A damn monster.

He neatly refolded both articles, stood, then placed the box back on the shelf behind the photo album where he’d found it. With his heart aching for Sandella’s loss, he crossed the room to peer out the window. Knowing a Marine had caused her heartfelt misery, his blood boiled. A man capable of such hideous crimes had no right to be a part of the armed forces. He didn’t deserve to carry the name Marine.

Braylon grunted. His fingers flexed by his side as he watched a sailboat cruise to the other side of the river. He detested whoever did this cruel act. Not only had he brought Sandella grief, he’d pained her entirely family and all those that loved both her and Sugar.
I have to show you that you can trust Marines, Sandella. Not all of us are criminals. I need to speak with you.

Before he turned to go find her, he spotted Sandella pulling close the kitchen’s back door. Holding Royce’s palm with one hand, she carried a couple of books in the other and began walking along the emerald grass toward the river.

She wore a soft pink top and a pair of light blue denim jeans that fit perfectly over her round butt. The ends of her hair turned up, making Braylon believe it was windy outside. When she turned to look at Royce, he caught a good glimpse of the smile lighting up her face. Royce smiled back at her.
She loves Royce.

She released Royce’s hand and spread a large plaid blanket on the ground underneath the tree. They both sat simultaneously after she handed him a book. She draped an arm over his shoulder. Apparently she was reading to him, or maybe him to her. Sandella’s faithfulness to his uncle impressed him.

While Braylon continued to observe her from a distance, he couldn’t help but think she was definitely a woman he’d love to become better acquainted with, like Adam had suggested. Maybe they could get to know one another and become friends.
I’d much prefer friends with benefits.
Deep down inside he knew it’d only be a matter of time before he tried to get the sweet-looking princess into his bed and make sweet love to her.

The sight of her was driving him mad with lust. “Oh Sandella. I want you bad, my darling,” he murmured. As he thought about how he’d like to flick his tongue over her black nipple his cock twitched. 

You deserve a good man in your life. Could I be that man? Not if Drayton is really my son. If he is, I’d have to do the honorable thing, and support his mother, Madison.
A rough grumble escaped his lips when Madison came seeping into his brain. While he’d been traveling the country as a CID Agent, rumor had it she’d been unfaithful. And although she’d denied it, he couldn’t help but wonder if the accusations were indeed true.

After he and Madison had called it quits three years ago, he’d decided to concentrate his studies on getting promoted up the ranks in the military. His hard-work ethics had paid off, and earned him a position as a Criminal Investigator with the Marines, making him an Agent, or as some civilians liked to say, a detective. While studying and training in the US Army CID Special Agent Course, he’d decided to forgo engaging in any serious relationships.

Of course he’d fucked plenty of women, but that was all it’d been between him and the females, a good fucking. Because he didn’t partake in head games, the women had all known that sex was all he’d wanted, and they’d been just fine with giving him just that—great sex. 

Now, looking at Sandella, he wondered if he was starting to need more than a fulfilling career to satisfy him. Sure, being a Criminal Investigator for the Marines was rewarding and he wouldn’t trade it for the world. But what good was all of that without a woman like Sandella to share it with?

Royce closed the book in his hand, she took it, then they both stood. She gathered her belongings, and turned facing the window. As she made her way back up to the main house, she caught him staring at her. A light smile touched her succulent lips. His heart stirred, and his dick hardened like fucking steel.

I want you, and I’m going to have you.




Chapter Two


andella lowered Royce’s plate containing pita bread stuffed with rotisserie chicken and a side of plain Lay’s chips to the table. She returned to the counter to wipe up the tiny crumbs from the peanut butter crackers he’d enjoyed earlier. As she circled the cloth over the marble countertop, she heard footsteps coming up behind her.
Her body tensed.

Earlier that morning she’d noticed him looking at her through the bay window from inside the library. His bold stare had sent chills skittering up her spine, and she couldn’t help but wonder why he’d looked at her like that.
Was he interested in her? No. That couldn’t be it. He was simply enjoying the scenery out back.

From behind her, someone cleared his throat. “Excuse me, Sandella.” Braylon’s baritone voice made her arms dot with goose bumps.

“Yes?” she said, turning. When her gaze met his, a tingle rushed to her center. Although she’d never had sex with a man before, Braylon’s dominating presence pulled her to him like a powerful magnetic field, electrically charging her body.
I have to stop this.

“Do you by any chance know where Adam is? I need to speak with him.” His voice threatened to strike a fire inside her.

You’re so good looking.
“He’s out front, trimming the hedges.”

“Although you turned down my offer earlier, I hope you’ll reconsider joining me. If you don’t want to go out, maybe we can spend some time together right here on the estate.”

“I think it’s best if we don’t—”

“I promise if you give me just a few minutes of your time,” his handsome face widened with a buttery smile, “I’ll try my hardest to make it worth your while. Will you at least think about it?” He stepped closer, limiting the space between them.

She craned her neck to look up at him. Heat spooled inside his titillating hazel gaze.
His lips are so sexy.

She started to perspire and her fitted jeans felt like sheaths of clammy cloth. She nodded. “Yes, Braylon. I’ll think about it,” she said, already knowing her answer was yes.

“Good.  Talk to you later.” He turned and headed toward the living room to exit through the front door, leaving her burning with desire.


her Ford Taurus into the driveway of her father’s house where she lived. Her small, wooden home was the epitome of Lowcountry living. Burly oaks spiraling with grey moss rooted in her front yard, and colorful fall leaves lay scattered on the grass, browning at the edges. Flanked with black shutters around the windows, the white three-bedroom home was located in Beaufort, close to Parris Island military base.

Sluggish from working all day, she clambered up the wooden steps. The unstable worn boards creaked beneath her feet with every step she took until she reached the porch.  Starting with the chipped paint on the window frames, her home certainly needed a makeover.  But when did she ever have the time to do anything other than take care of Royce and her youngest brother, Drew?

Exhausted, she released a breath. She hooked a hand on the silver metal of the screen door and pulled it open. When she stepped inside the living room the freezing temperature submerged her. 
Why does he keep it so cold in here?
She shivered.

“Is that you, Sandy?” her father, Kane, yelled from the small family room just off the kitchen.

Easing the strap of her purse from her shoulder, she confirmed, “Yes, Dad. It’s me.” She placed her purse and keys on the kitchen counter, then turned the stove on high.

Kane rolled inside the room, sitting in his wheelchair. With his hands on the wheels, he looked up at her. “About time you got home. I tell you, Sandy, I think Willa works you too damn hard, and long. Reminds me of how they used to work the shit out of your mother. I think you need to look for—” 

She tilted her head. “I’m not looking for another job, Dad. I love what I do. Besides, Willa pays me great money to take care of Royce. There’s no way I could find another job around here making the kind of money she and Drake pays me.”
Especially without having a degree.
Thank God, she only had one more year before graduating with her Bachelor’s online.

“Well, keep working for them then,” Kane coughed, the sound of mucus rattling in his throat. “I’d die if you ever left Beaufort.” He patted his chest. “Just die.”

Sandella giggled. “Stop saying that, Dad.”

Angst rounded his deep chocolate eyes. “Well it’s true, dog, own it. I just love you so much. You gone always be my baby girl, and it’ll just kill me if you ever leave me.” With his elbow resting on the arm of his wheelchair, he curved a finger over his mustache. Ever since the car accident had left him paralyzed from the waist down he’d become very dependent on her, but she didn’t mind doing whatever she could for him. She loved him. “Just breaks my heart thinking about it. You look every bit of your mother, my Sugar.”

“Ahhh, Dad. Stop looking so sad.” Ever since her mother had been murdered, Kane had become extremely overprotective of her and her brothers, but especially her. Her brothers felt their father sheltered her way too much. Often she had to remind them that she was fine with her life just the way it was. Besides, they had some nerve to talk. At times they were just as overprotective. 

She placed the marinated pork chops in the heated frying pan and began sautéing them in olive oil. She turned away from the meat and faced her father again. “You know, Dad…I just might find me a man and get married someday.” Kane’s brows gathered in the center of his forehead. “Then you’ll have no choice but to let me go.”

Kane wheeled his chair as close as he could get to her. “I guess you’re right,” he grumbled, glaring up at her. He frowned. “But I tell you what…any man you marry better be worthy of my only daughter, and he better treat you right. Because if he don’t, he might end up with a bullet in his goddamn back!” His voice escalated, meaning every single word. 

She leaned over and gave her father’s forehead a peck. “Is smothered pork chops with yellow rice and green beans okay for dinner?”

“How many times do I have to tell you that whatever you fix for dinner is okay with me? You don’t ever have to cook again another day in your life as far as I’m concerned. Lord, girl, you work hard just like your momma, my sweet Sugar, used to.”

Her heart warmed inside her chest as she remembered her mother’s hard work ethics. “I don’t mind cooking. It’s important to me that you and Drew get a good meal every day.” She slid her hand in the back pocket of her jeans, retrieved a black elastic band, and pulled her hair into a tight ponytail. “Where’s Drew?”

“He’s in his bedroom doing his homework. He wanted to go to the community center and play football, but I told him to get his work done first.”

“That reminds me, I need to go online and check his grades.”

“He’s gone be grounded if they’re bad is all I’m gone say.” Kane rolled his chair to the other side of the kitchen, picked up his carton of cigarettes, and lit one. “Call me when dinner’s ready.” Puffing on the cigarette, he wheeled out of the kitchen.

God, I wish he’d stop smoking.
Sandella poured brown gravy over the pork chops
While the green beans simmered in bacon and onion inside the pot on the stove, she decided to go check on her baby brother, her heart, Drew.

As she walked down the dull narrow hallway toward Drew’s bedroom, a vision of Braylon’s masculine face and full sexy lips invaded her mind. She really wanted to accept his invitation to go out on a date with him, but the point would be moot. Her father would never in a million years accept her relationship with him. Because of the strong, close relationship she had with her overbearing dad, she had to find a man that he’d accept.  

Growing frustrated over the thought, she huffed.
Braylon wouldn’t stand a chance with Dad. Because of what happened to Momma, he despises Marines. He’d probably disown me. Or die of heartbreak. If I accepted Braylon’s date, he’d feel like I betrayed the family.

Sorrow dredged up inside her heart as she rounded the corner into Drew’s room. Drew sat on the bed with his legs crossed, surrounded by thick textbooks. Admiring his studious behavior, she smiled, then entered. “Hey was your day?” She lowered herself next to him on the bed.

Drew peered up at her then back down at his homework. “I’m just trying to figure out this math problem. Dang, Sandy…this mess is hard.” He bit down on the eraser of his pencil. 

“Let me take a look at the problem.” She hefted the algebra textbook into her lap. “What number?”

“Number thirteen.”

At first the problem on the page looked foreign to her, but finally she was able to show him how to do it. Now that all of his homework was complete, he smiled. “Thanks, Sandy.” Drew jumped off the bed, pulled back the door of his closet, and grabbed his football from the shelf.

She stood, fists on hips. “And where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going to play football at the community center.” Drew shuffled the football in his hands. “Bye.” He hastened out the room, down the hallway, toward the front door.

BOOK: Marrying the Marine-epub
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