Read Marshal Law Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal, Multiple Partner, Historical

Marshal Law (15 page)

BOOK: Marshal Law
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He tugged on her hair, the slight sting making her moan. “Sorry, McKenna, but Jude and I are in control this time. We’ll give you what you need, but at our pace.”

She frowned, and he growled out a warning, the gravely sound thrumming through her. An answering rumble lit the air, and she gasped when she realized it’d come from her. She glanced at her hands, watching as her nails elongated into claws, the sharp tips scratching lightly at Ethan’s skin. The man didn’t even flinch, pulling her into a searing kiss, his tongue sweeping inside. He traced every inch of her, nipping at her lips when he finally released her, keeping her face close to his. His breath washed over her, the scent of him relaxing her strained muscles.

“That’s it. You recognize your mates. Acknowledge our claim and that we’re just as dominant as you. And we are claiming you. Completely. And when we’re done, your wolf won’t question us again.”

She wanted to tell him he was crazy. That they were the ones with wolves inside them, but all that came out was another throaty snarl. A hand landed on her ass, Jude’s body curling over her.

He tsked her, spanking her again as Ethan held her firmly in place. “Are you challenging us? Naughty mate. Think it’s about time we showed your other half we mean what we say. You’re ours, McKenna. Forever. Now stay still while I show you just how much.”

She sucked in a raspy breath as his fingers smoothed over her ass to her cleft, sliding through her wet folds. Hell, she distinctly remembered coming a few times as she’d swallowed Ethan’s release, Jude pounding into her from behind. But whatever satisfaction she’d felt vanished, burning need once again coursing through her. She arched in to his deep penetration as two fingers plunged inside her sex, the firm thrust making her gasp.

“Yes. God, Jude. More. I need more. You. Ethan. Both of you.”

“And you’ll get us, but I need to prepare you.”

Jude’s fingers kept moving, pushing her higher, as Ethan’s hand rose from her hip to cup her breast, his thumb flicking her nipple. She pressed her chest against his caress, increasing the pressure, wishing he’d take the taut bud between his lips. He chuckled as if hearing her thoughts and shifted her forward, latching his teeth around the small, hard nub. He nipped at her flesh then suckled her nipple into his mouth.


Her back arched as his firm bite took her to the edge, her body hanging on the verge of release. Shivers worked down her spine, the combined sensations of their touch driving her mad. She clenched her jaw, wondering if she’d simply die in their arms, when Jude pinched her clit and she broke. Waves of pleasure tore through her body, flashing white dots behind her closed eyes. Speckled colors flickered in the darkness, every muscle contracting in sequence.

“Oh, darlin’. Fuck I love watching you climax.” Jude swirled her juice around her clit, sparking another round of tremors. “Now take a deep breath. We’re just getting started.”

His fingers eased out of her sex, the sudden empty feeling making her cry out. But before she could turn and demand he fill her again, they traced upwards, grazing her ass. She stilled, her breath panting across Ethan’s chest as Jude dribbled something wet on her flesh, then slowly slid one finger inside her ass. A new sensation sizzled to life, darker than before. The scratching inside her head stopped, fading into a singular thought.


The word echoed through her, the full meaning of it finally taking hold. She lowered her head, resting it on Ethan as Jude worked his finger back and forth, gently easing her tight passage. He added another, this penetration more intense than the previous, and she rasped his name as he scissored the two digits apart, once again ratcheting up her desire.

Ethan used his grip in her hair to tilt her head, drawing her face closer to his. “Just breathe. Trust us not to hurt you. I promise Jude won’t claim you until you’re ready. Until the only sensation will be unequalled pleasure. And once he’s balls deep inside your ass, I’ll take your pussy. You’ll be ours, McKenna. In every way.”

She moaned her reply, too lost in their touch to form words. Jude kept thrusting, finally adding a third finger to the mix. She arched into Ethan, begging them to just take her already when Jude pulled out, leaving her empty. Wanting.

“Damn it, Jude, I need…”

Her words faded away as his hands landed on her buttocks, his fingers splaying her cheeks apart as his cock nudged her ass. Ethan whispered for her to breathe as Jude pushed against her puckered opening, the head of his shaft finally slipping inside. Intense pressure burned her flesh, a bite of pain accompanying the slow slide of his cock inside her ass. She cried out, not sure she could take any more, when his sac slapped her pussy, his shaft buried completely within her.

He stilled, bending over her, his hands flexing on her hips. “God, darlin’. So fucking tight. So damn hot. I won’t last long. Just breathe. The pinching will ease once you get used to having me inside you.”

She clawed at Ethan, trying to form a reply when her muscles relaxed, the pain morphing into white-hot need. Her back bowed as pleasure throbbed low in her core, and she managed to lift her head enough to look at Ethan. He studied her face, love gleaming in his eyes as he gave her a nod.

He moved beneath her, one hand slipping between them to position his shaft at her sex. He didn’t rush, just slowly tilted his hips, inching his way inside. She breathed through every small thrust, slamming her head on his chest when he finally bottomed out, the full feeling making her scream.

She thrashed her forehead against his skin, pushing onto her hands in an effort to make them move. “By all that’s holy, take me. Prove your claim.”

She accentuated her demand with a menacing growl. Jude’s hand connected with her buttocks again, the stinging slap making her body contract around their shafts. Pleasure burst inside her core, spiraling outwards until it burned beneath her skin.

“Still challenging us. Damn, I love your wolf. Okay, darlin’. Hold tight.”

Jude clenched his fingers into her flesh as he dragged his cock back through her ass, pausing with the head locked within her tight ring of muscles before slamming home, the hard thrust soothing the pulsing ache inside her. Ethan followed suit, keeping the crown within her sex before reclaiming every lost inch. Each pass of their shafts drove her higher, pushed the raw feeling deeper inside her until it faded, nothing but love and pleasure filling her. She chanted their names, writhing within their arms until the coil inside her snapped, and she came, heat engulfing her body.

Ethan growled below her, his teeth finding her shoulder. “Hell yeah, sweetheart. Come for us. Ours. You’re ours.”

He latched onto her muscle, his teeth breaking her skin as Jude mouthed the other side, his bite just as demanding. She spasmed between them, wanting to feel their flesh beneath her mouth, but it was all she could do just to breathe as something settled within her, a contented snort stealing her strength. She inhaled their scent, knowing it’d become a part of her as she leaned into them, allowing them to shoulder her weight.

Ethan’s arms wrapped around her, holding her close. “I’ve got you. Not going to let you fall.”

Jude dropped a kiss between her shoulder blades, ending with a flick of his tongue. “Ours. Forever.”

He eased free, collapsing on the bed beside her, his hand resting on her thigh. Ethan’s heart beat beneath her cheek, the steady sound lulling her to sleep.

Ethan chuckled, lifting her up as he shuffled over slightly, lowering her beside Jude. The other man tugged her against him, his hand sliding possessively between her breasts. She burrowed against Jude, feeling at peace for the first time.

Ethan brushed his fingers along her cheek. “Rest with Jude. I’ll go prepare a bath for us. Then we’ll talk.”

She nodded, waiting to see if she’d get anxious as he walked out the door, but her head didn’t ache like before, Jude’s touch keeping her grounded.

“Close your eyes. It’ll be a bit before Ethan’s ready for us. I’ll stay.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder, smiling at the simple beauty of his face. “Love you. Ethan, too.”

His smile made her stomach drop. “Love you back. Now rest. We’ve got a lot of talking to do.”

* * * *

Jude relaxed against the edge of the bathtub, the warm water sloshing against the sides as McKenna twitched in her sleep, her head resting against Ethan. She looked peaceful—eyelashes pressed against her pale skin as her chest slowly rose and fell, small ripples dancing across the surface of the water with every gentle breath. She’d already slept in Jude’s arms for half an hour as Ethan had readied the bath, begrudgingly rising to follow them to the tub. She’d only just eased back against the other man before her eyes had closed and she’d drifted off again, the low snuffling sound making them both smile.

Jude glanced at Ethan, watching the way he stroked McKenna’s hair, drawing patterns along her skin as he trailed his fingers down her arm. The man was more than smitten with their little mate, his love shining in his eyes.

Jude nudged Ethan’s foot, drawing his attention. “I’m starting to think her wolf doesn’t want to talk to us.”

Ethan chuckled. “She’s just exhausted. Can’t say that I’m surprised. She looked ready to drop when we met her, and we haven’t exactly made sleeping our priority—not since she surrendered to us. And she’s still recovering from her wounds, though, her healing abilities seem even more advanced, now.”

“At least her wolf is seeing to those needs.” Jude frowned. “It seems reluctant to make the shift. I fully expected her to go rogue this morning. The way she growled… Damn, if it didn’t make me smile. I’m going bet my ass that her animal is just as stubborn as the girl.”

“Only with bigger teeth and rather impressive claws. Little minx scratched my chest earlier.”

“You didn’t seem to mind.”

“Hell no. Just pointing out that her alternate form isn’t going to be any easier to tame. I just hope she doesn’t pick an inopportune moment to initiate her first transformation.”

“Not sure there’s ever going to be a good time for that, not with how hard her wolf is fighting. Whatever held it back this long…” He sighed. “We really need her to understand what’s lurking inside her. Might save her life.”

Ethan’s expression hardened as he gazed at the woman sleeping in his arms. “Hate to wake her. Between her injuries and the nightmares…”

Jude grinned at him. “We can always help tire her out again once we’re done.”

“You’re as insatiable as her wolf. Fine. But we both know this isn’t going to go over well.”

Ethan lowered his head, brushing his lips across her cheek, whispering her name. McKenna stirred, lazily blinking her eyes as she inhaled, a soft moan sighing out. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, and Jude couldn’t stop from scooting forward and tasting her mouth, the sweet essence of her making him smile.

He eased back, thumbing her jaw. “Don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of kissin’ you, darlin’. Damn, you are addicting.”

Those luscious lips turned up at the corners. “If that’s why you boys woke me, I applaud your decision.”

“Wench. We already claimed you a second time, and sooner than we probably should have. But under the circumstances…” He shrugged. “You weren’t really taking no for an answer.”

“Are you saying you simply conceded to my desires?”

He laughed. “Darlin’, making love to you will never be an afterthought or a chore. We just didn’t want you to think sex was all we were interested in. Being mates means so much more than that.”

Her eyes softened, a warm smile gracing her lips. “I think you both have proven you’re more than worthy of my trust. Though, I still don’t remember getting off the bed. You said we needed to talk, then we were across the room.”

“Let’s get you out of here and dried off. Then we’ll explain.”

He stood, offering her his hand. She accepted, her small fingers closing in his. His wolf scratched at the edges of his conscience, reminding him of the tight clasp of her pussy, and the hot grip of her ass as he helped her up, lifting her into his arms as he stepped out of the tub.

She shook her head, watching him through lowered lashes as he set her on her feet before reaching for a towel. “I’m quite capable of walkin’ and climbin’ out of a tub.”

“And deny the chance to have you in my arms? I’m not a fool.”

“You can hold me whenever you want. Isn’t that one of the benefits of being mates?”

“That it is.” He tossed her his shirt. “It might be easier to talk if you put that on. Having you naked is far too…distracting.”

“I can claim the same thing.”

“Fair enough.”

He tugged on some pants, handing Ethan some when the man stepped out of the bath, water dripping onto the floor. McKenna’s gaze drifted down Ethan’s body, a flash of red reflecting in her eyes.

Jude moved forward and grabbed her hand. “Eyes over here. We need to talk before you lose control again. Look at me, darlin’.”

She swallowed, taking a few shuddering breaths before dragging her focus to him. She seemed to study his body, her open perusal of his chest stirring his cock. He inhaled in an effort to stay calm, cursing as the scent of her arousal wove down his spine, pooling fire in his groin.

Jude chuckled at the absurdity of the situation. Looked as if her wolf wasn’t the only one feeling territorial. Every instinct inside of him told him to claim her again. Bind her to him and Ethan as many times as they could. His wolf growled its agreement, mentally snapping at him. Jude told the creature to stand down, leading their girl over to the table and chairs near the kitchen. He held out a seat, positioning another on her right as he took the one to her left. He leaned back, trying to look calm as Ethan landed in the other chair, chest bare, pants hanging open. The other man kicked his feet onto the table, crossing them at the ankles. Jude smiled. At least Ethan seemed at ease.

McKenna’s gaze took them both in, another flash of red coloring her eyes. “Damn but you two are far more handsome than any man has a right to be. Are you sure you want to talk? We could always do that later.”

BOOK: Marshal Law
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