Read Mary Wine Online

Authors: Dream Specter

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Dreams, #Love Stories

Mary Wine (10 page)

BOOK: Mary Wine
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Jared just couldn’t stop the laughter that rumbled out of his chest. Roshelle lifted her chin into the night air before striding off back to his house after she delivered her final insult.

What a little package of feminine disgruntlement. Outmaneuvering her was becoming his favorite pastime. Despite the obvious fact of his physical superiority, she stubbornly refused to admit defeat.

Females always feared him, especially the ones that knew about his psychic abilities. The fear crept up into their eyes before they ran for cover. The few he ran down never challenged him, preferring instead to submit to his will.

Not Roshelle. No, she stuck her chin out, propped her hands onto her hips before informing him just how beneath her she considered him. But her body clung to his when he touched her. Her little body fit into his with amazing perfection.

His body pulsed as he watched the sway of her hips. She was going to welcome him between those thighs. Spread herself open for his body until they sunk into each other in complete intimacy.

* * * * *

“Time to abandon the operation?”

“No, I believe we might just need to adjust our parameters.”

A pair of cold eyes considered the information neatly displayed across his desk. It was still possible to obtain their goal.

The profitability of this project dropped significantly with the loss of equipment. The men were irrelevant. There were plenty more to buy. Their lack of skill had cost them their lives; the only true concern was the equipment that Jared Campbell’s unit had destroyed.

Besides the sheets of computer-generated reports, several photographs were also assessed. A slow hand removed one of them from the desktop for closer inspection.

The little doctor was surprisingly interesting. Civilian females rarely put up any true fight. They were pitiful examples of a society that was swimming in its own excesses.

Her education level made her a much better candidate than they currently had for this project. Intelligence was a key ingredient. He could have wished for a slightly larger female but there were ways to overcome that deficiency.

Yes… She might just fulfill their needs.

Chapter Seven


“Christina, I’m getting worried about you now.”

With a spatula in hand, Christina half-turned from the rangetop to survey her accuser.

“He ate it! Jerk.”

A silvery laugh escaped from the girl before she turned back to her latest creation. Roshelle slid into a chair as she considered her lack of options for the day. She just didn’t deal with inactivity well.

“I think I should warn you that I’m considering trying to muscle you out. My prison block’s kitchen seems to be equipped with nothing but a can opener and coffeemaker.”

“The Neanderthal basics.”

Roshelle turned her lips into a pout. In the three days since Jared had hauled her back to this compound, every time she crossed paths with a soldier it was cause for him to begin walking like a gorilla while sending her the appropriate grunting noises.

“I should have gone to assassin training university instead of medical school.”

“Well, at least you aren’t barefoot.”

It took a moment for her friend’s comment to sink in. Roshelle stared in confusion as Christina lifted one of her feet from the floor to wiggle her bare toes in the air.

“Someone took your shoes?”

The compound that separated the two homes was very basic. Both driveways were nothing more than forest floor. Other than the tire tracks and the houses themselves they were surrounded by the forest. Crossing the needle- and rock-covered ground was extremely unwise without footwear.

“In response to your successful escape, it was decided that an obstacle to leaving this house might be advisable.”

“I was far from successful. Opposite side of the ring, if you ask me.”

“Well, it certainly got a lot of attention.”

“What it almost got you was a death certificate.”

Jared locked eyes with Roshelle as she glared at him. Surprise passed briefly over those brown eyes before she masked the emotion. Abandoning his post outside the kitchen door, he moved inside to see if her newfound courage held up to closer inspection. It was time to press her enough to shake loose some information. The current stalemate was making him nervous.

Whoever was out there, it wasn’t an amateur.

“Hum… Let’s see… It’s been three whole days since you last threatened me. I guess you’re overdue.”

Seeing the man in the light of day drove home his size. There was just something about the way he blended in with the darkness that made her forget just exactly how big he was. The walls of the kitchen, despite their large size, just closed in on her as he walked into it. Her chest tightened in response. Feeling off balance, Roshelle pushed to her feet and left the kitchen. She didn’t like the way his green stare made her feel so…exposed.

She had faced her nightmare. Discovering him to be human after all. Beyond that she refused to find fear out there. She was not a part of this cloak and dagger world.

man represented every obstacle that stood between her and the life she was desperate to return to.

Stopping short of the steps that led to Jared’s house, Roshelle turned back to the forest that surrounded her. The afternoon light was filtering down through the trees as the breeze carried the chill of autumn. Once the sun set, the temperature would decrease dramatically. Just as her friend had endured some form of restraint so had she.

The jacket that had protected her during her escape attempt was nowhere to be found. The hall closet was emptied right down to the hangers.

Boredom had driven her out to see her friend. Returning to her room before the temperature drove her indoors seemed rather short-sighted.

She would find herself staring at the ceiling soon enough.

Besides, he was still watching her. She could feel the weight of his eyes on her. That wasn’t all she could feel. Her body began its pleading once again. Three days of yearning had driven her almost mad. The physical wave of sexual desire would crest and wane but always return.

So, she’d avoided Jared as she applied every last ounce of strength she had into blocking his mind. Her body fed off the desire that came through their mind link. When his needs poured into her, it set off a frantic reaction that her will seemed powerless to stop.

The rough terrain of her mountaintop prison did have a certain advantage. Being able to walk out her frustrations was very satisfying.

Jared kept pace with his prey. Her pace was neither frantic nor lazy. But the woman was wearing her boots out in an attempt to outfox him. Sometimes the most important part of battle was knowing the right time to engage your enemy.

Roshelle had a tight little backside that he enjoyed watching as she moved. As she changed direction, Jared was treated to the sight of her breasts moving beneath the shirt she wore.

This was his forest. He and Shane had made the move from the central compound just the season before. The north side of the mountain held the home his mother had raised her family in.

Even in mid-life, Grace Campbell was a force to be reckoned with. Jared wasn’t looking forward to explaining the addition of two civilians to her. Colonel Jacobs was going to be less than pleased with the security breach.

Jared tightened his face a notch. At the moment, there was no question of a breach. Roshelle wasn’t going anywhere. Not ‘til he discovered why they’d found her in the midst of a very well-armed group of mercenaries.

Roshelle was far too innocent in the darker side of the world. It didn’t occur to her that there were enemies out there that the sheriff’s department wasn’t equipped to handle. Jared would tie her to a tree before letting her walk back into the line of fire.

Pressing his lips together in annoyance, Jared investigated his own emotions concerning his current dilemma. Roshelle was becoming a larger problem each day she remained on his property. His growing concern for her welfare drove it home to him.

Strong ties with his men were one thing. Forming any manner of attachment to a woman was another. Especially a civilian female that didn’t have a clue as to what he was. Jared very much doubted that Roshelle had any notion that operatives such as him even existed.

But he was forgetting this woman’s ability to mask her true self. Roshelle already knew far more about him than half his men. She could feel it.

The only thing that changed was to present the very real possibility that the Army might decide Roshelle could be useful as an operative. True psychics were just too rare. If Roshelle proved to be as strong as he suspected she was, the Army would never allow her to return to the civilian population.

Turning her over to a testing unit hit him right in the gut with its ugliness. Roshelle would view that life as nothing better than slavery. Damned if Jared couldn’t see the correlation.

* * * * *

Good grief! Roshelle had somehow been under the assumption that she was in good condition. Watching the last light fade from the trees, she turned her wrist up to note the hour. She had only been hiking for three hours, yet her legs were screaming in protest.

Bracing her hands on her thighs, she pushed each foot back behind her in an attempt at stretching out her angry muscles. She just might have found something to do with herself. Considering the abrupt turn from reality that her life was taking recently, building up some true endurance might be in her best interests.

At least hiking wasn’t any more boring than sitting in her room. She had searched the house from top to bottom. There wasn’t even a
magazine in the place. What kind of solider didn’t even have a nude girlie magazine around? Wasn’t that a requirement in the code of disgusting male conduct?

Well, she did draw the line at entering Jared’s room. A delicate shudder ran over her shoulders as she considered that. She’d let boredom send her snooping through the man’s cupboards. Roshelle could hear Abba now. Her grandmother would be devastated to discover her granddaughter behaving in such a base manner.

Roshelle would bet there were plenty of things in the master bedroom. She had stood at the doorway in uncertain frustration. The problem was she just didn’t see what lay behind those doors as a simple bedroom. Her mind was offering up the vision of a lair complete with a flesh-eating carnivore. There were just some animals that were best left alone if possible.

The chill in the air made her straighten and turn back towards the house. Wearing nothing but a short-sleeve top, there was no question of remaining out now that the sun had set. Rubbing her hands over the exposed skin, she felt tiny goose bumps rise up.

Roshelle stopped short of beginning that journey. Wrapped up in her own thoughts she had missed the burning sting that announced company. Searching the shadows, her eyes found nothing but she knew Jared was here. Roshelle doubted that she was ever alone.

“Forget to threaten me some other way?”

Nothing but stillness answered, but he was here. Close. Maybe it was the boredom or just maybe her efforts fatigued her more than she knew, but the desire to force Jared from his hiding place rose up and Roshelle seized it. The complete lack of control she currently held over her life bred a determination to grab any shred she could.

Upsetting his balance seemed a perfect place to begin.

Moving forward, Roshelle intended to catch sight of her specter. Her eyes found nothing in the darkness. Stopping again, she tried to discover just where he was. She could still feel the man. Turning with her senses she traveled where they led her but she found nothing.

The reason was simple; Jared was just keeping one step ahead of her. Roshelle had forgotten just how easy he found it to search through her mind. She should not have begun this game. Her mother’s voice floated across her memory with its warning to never display her gifts to anyone.

“So, you can find your target.”

This time he came to her, melting from the night into a solid figure that caused her to step back, seeking protection from his reach.

“No comment?”

“What do you want?”

Jared frowned as he caught the shudder in her voice. She’d been standing still long enough to lose the body heat her walking had produced. Controlling her wardrobe gave him the peace of mind of knowing she wouldn’t attempt any more night escapes.


Tossed at her in the dark, Roshelle was completely clueless as to what she captured with her arms. Moving it about in her hands she sought to identify the bulky item. Still warm from his body the jacket caused her to shake in anticipation of wrapping its folds about her chilled flesh.

But her pride refused to accept help from the man responsible for holding her here.

“No, thank you.” She forced her arms to throw the garment back.

Stubborn female. Jared sent the jacket back at her with a flick of his wrist.

“Put it on.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“The hell you don’t!”

Roshelle half expected the jacket to come back at her but instead Jared took one large step and yanked her body forward by her biceps. A few precise movements and she found herself encircled with the jacket while its folds trapped her arms against the side of her body.

Planting his feet on either side of her own, Jared curled his fist into the jacket that confined her. Running his opposite hand upwards he grasped that stubborn jaw of hers forcing her attention to his face. Capturing her eyes, he tried to enlighten her.

“If you weren’t working with those men then I assure you they will be very happy to see you dead. Dead women don’t point many fingers. If you think you can just walk back into your hospital, you’re not as smart as I believed.”

Her eyes flashed in defiance. Jared’s own answered the challenge she issued. Placing his mouth over hers, he sought to conquer her defenses, pushing aside resistance, seeking out the female that hid amidst their walls.

His desire burned her mouth as he moved the flesh to suit his purpose. Roshelle struggled to maintain her grip on herself only to find it dissolving against the force of his will. His taste invaded her mouth as he sought out her own. A soft moan escaped her throat as pleasure spiked its way up her spine. Desire blossomed up from places that she had never believed possible. The sheer intensity of it frightened her right down to the bottom of her soul.

Pulling his lips from hers, Jared contemplated the wide eyes that reflected his own desire. He could smell the arousal on her flesh. The spicy scent wove its way around his head. Smoothing his hand over her cheek he sought to still the shivers that shook her frame. He needed to touch her again. Teach her how to accommodate his body with hers. It certainly wasn’t the wisest thing he could choose to do but it was pounding through his brain, making reason a waste of time.

Jared felt his nostrils flare as her scent rose in a thick stream. His staff stiffened and jerked as he watched her eyes widen with awareness.

His grip on her clothing kept her body exactly where he wanted it. Roshelle battled with her body, as it tried to relinquish her will to the pulsing tempo that her blood carried. She had never noticed just how good a man could smell. It was a scent that dove into the deepest corners of her brain with its intensity.

“Relax, sweetheart. Let me touch you.”

She shook her head and pulled against the hold on the jacket. He didn’t give an inch. Roshelle felt the blood drain from her face as he growled softly. Jared stroked a finger over her cheek. He suddenly pushed through the wall she’d built between their minds. Desire blazed from his body in a wave that swamped her. Dark images of his body moving inside hers made the walls of her passage ache. She felt the slide of moisture hit the outer folds of her sex as he continued to let her feel the aggressive edge of his desire.

“You will trust me, sweetheart. That hunger pounding through your body isn’t going to feed itself. Get used to the idea.”

Releasing his grip on the jacket, Jared watched her stumble back several paces before she regained her footing.

“Drop the jacket.”

She felt so trapped! Roshelle struggled with the images in her head as her body screamed for her to comply. She needed to be free from the suffocating folds of the garment, but it seemed so exposing too. Jared stood in front of her like a solid wall as he waited. It would have been so simple for him to strip her. Instead he waited for her to submit to his will.

Angry words bubbled up from her pride but Roshelle snapped her lips together instead. She wasn’t afraid of Jared. No, it was worse than that. She was afraid of herself. The jacket hit the ground with a dull thud as she forced her fingers to release it. Her blood raced along her veins at an amazing speed making her skin oblivious to the chilly air. Instead her shirt felt constricting and too hot.

He lifted his fingers and rapidly pushed the buttons on his shirt through their holes. He pulled the garment off to display a chest that stole her breath. Sculpted to perfection, muscle was packed onto his shoulders declaring his strength in a purely primal manner.

“Come here, Roshelle.”

There wasn’t a question of disobeying him. She was drawn to that chest. Roshelle lifted her fingers and sighed as she let them explore his shoulders. She slid her fingertips over his wide collarbones ‘til she found the crisp hair that covered his chest. Her breasts lifted and swelled as she traced a path towards his sculpted abdomen. His body screamed aggression at her but deep inside her belly she quivered as she yearned for him to join his body to hers.

Her shirt didn’t have buttons. Instead it closed with snaps that popped instantly when he yanked on the fabric. Her arms fell to her sides as he pulled the thing away from her. His fingers brushed her back as he separated the hooks holding her bra closed. One solid arm closed across her back as he lifted her last garment away.

Hesitation flashed across her mind. Jared lifted a hand to stroke her neck in response. It would be simple to overwhelm her. He wanted more, something deeper. He had the need to join with her, not take her body. It didn’t make any sense to him but he just didn’t care at the moment. Her breasts were perfection. Creamy mounds, both tipped with coral nipples, begged for closer attention.

His lips closed around her nipple and Roshelle didn’t care anymore. His mouth sucked on the point deeply as her body twitched up to offer it to him. Fire raced down her belly ‘til it hit her core. Fluid slid down her passage as she pressed her hips towards the hard rod of flesh that she craved.

He pressed forward and she groaned with pleasure. His lips trailed across her chest ‘til they climbed up the side of her opposite breast. This time his tongue licked around the nipple making her frantic for him to deepen the touch. Instead he lapped and circled as his hand closed over her other breast and gently squeezed. His staff jerked against her belly, making her press harder against him.

His fingers left her breast to attack the waistband of her jeans. Nothing seemed to matter more than stripping the scratchy things from her legs. She shifted and offered him better access to the zipper. Roshelle stepped out of her shoes as he yanked the pants down her legs. Her sock-clad feet felt the moist ground and it seemed to soothe her overheated flesh.

But it wasn’t enough. She twisted as her body screamed for his touch. The tiny distance between them was too much. Abruptly he turned her away from him. One solid arm bound her across her belly as the faint rasp of his breath hit her ear. He bit into her neck making her jump. The hard tip of his sex brushed her bottom making her moan.

He bent her over his arm as his feet spread hers apart. She was completely vulnerable to his power. Everything twisted inside her as the sensation rose to mindless levels. Roshelle wasn’t thinking. She was immersed in feeling every bit of contact between them burned and pulsed. But inside her body, the walls of her passage screamed for the deepest touch to be applied. Her hips rose as he moved that hard rod to the opening of her body.

She was slick and wet for him. Jared didn’t hesitate. Instead he thrust forward into her body and held her steady as she twisted in pain. Her passage was too tight. The walls convulsed around his staff as she tried to adjust to him.

“Shh… Just hold me for a bit. Don’t move, honey.”

Roshelle was certain she’d die if she didn’t move. His staff made her passage ache but her body screamed with need. She pushed her hips back into his as she mindlessly sought the friction that would feed her body’s craving. He sucked his breath in on a harsh note as she squirmed and the arm around her belly tightened to hold her steady. His chest bent her over that arm as he pulled out of her body and thrust back in, making her cry.

Jared felt his staff jerk as climax approached like an explosion. He couldn’t hold it off. Instead his hips rode her deeply as her moans made him thrust harder into her body. Reaching for her mons, he sent a finger searching for the little bud at the top of her sex. He rubbed its swollen head as his hips continued pounding into her passage. His body began to tense as his staff jerked and shot its seed into her. He thrust forward as his finger pressed into her folds.

Pleasure exploded deep inside her. Roshelle twisted and turned as his body impaled her right to her core. The hot splash of his seed made the walls of her passage grip and pull on his rod. His harsh growl joined her cry as their minds mirrored the pleasure back and forth ‘til she wasn’t sure whose body felt what. Only that the intensity was strong enough to shatter her sanity, leaving her body pulsing like a live wire.

His finger continued to rub her little bud, making the pleasure radiate in tiny pulses. He was still hard within her as he locked her body against his powerful one. Metal bit into her bottom, making Roshelle realized that he’d only opened his zipper and his pants were still on. A sudden vibration against one cheek made her jump. Jared cursed under his breath as he removed his hand from her sex.

Jared cursed again silently as he dug his phone out of his pocket. Someone had better be dead or he might kill them himself. He straightened slightly as the line of code flashed across the screen of the small unit. Roshelle slipped out of his distracted hold, but he couldn’t ignore the call.

BOOK: Mary Wine
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