Mary's Men (16 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Beck

BOOK: Mary's Men
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“Thank you for driving.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll drive home tomorrow.”

“You’ll be too busy chatting up Duane.” Paul ruffled her hair. “But I’ll drive and give Thomas a break. Anything good at this hotel?”

“Color TV with remotes,” Thomas said. “Seemed like a pretty good perk to me. When I’m working again I want one.”

“If we’re going to play the ‘I want’ game, I’m thinking a microwave,” Mary said. “Have you seen those? If they work half as well as I’ve heard they’d be worth the price tag. Come on, boys, let’s go try out the beds.”

* * * *

They’d spent more time in hotels in the last month than they had in their entire life. Paul rolled to the middle of the king-sized space, once again adding a bigger bed to the to-get list. He’d once swore to spend everything on the house and cows. A big bed took priority now.

Giggling from the hall had him throwing the blankets back and and tossing aside his boxers. After checking in, Mary and Thomas had searched out a nearby diner the front desk lady said had great ice cream.

He’d stayed behind, and as the doorknob turn, he hoped Mary appreciated his eagerness. Thomas stepped in first and groaned.

“Jeez, warn a man, will ya?”

Paul threw his arms and legs out. “What the hell happened to ladies first?”

Mary peeked around Thomas’s side. “Oooh, naked man. Nothing goes with vanilla ice cream like naked man. Thomas, lose the clothes.”

She carried a small cup with a red spoon. Thomas set down the two cups he carried and did as Mary bid. Instead of setting aside her treat, she kept it as she crept across the bed. Her naughty grin promised the fun he’d hoped for.

She tipped the cup and dribbled vanilla cream on his belly. “Uh-oh. Spilled.”

She leaned down, dragging her tongue across the drops and down further. He didn’t know how his dick would do in the cold, but if it encouraged her to lick him, he would try. She poured more cool cream at his beltline before licking it up. This time, though, she didn’t bother with more ice cream before diving her mouth over his dick. He groaned. The sight of her dark head bobbing up and down combined with the pressure and moisture from her mouth pushed away the stress of the day.

He threaded his fingers through her hair, petting and encouraging her on. She treated his cock like an ice cream cone, sucking and slurping, the sounds filling the room. She tickled his balls with her fingertips. He moaned again and a hard banging came from the wall behind him. He jumped, his dick pushing deeper in Mary’s mouth even as she pulled away.

Thomas tossed him a pillow. “Put it over your face, you moaner. You’re creeping out the neighbors.”

He caught it. “They’re in for a long night if this bothers them. Break out the condoms.”

Thomas pulled out a small box from his back pocket. “Way ahead of you.”

Mary’s lips pressed to the head of his cock. She flipped over and sat on her butt, ice cream in hand. She offered him a bite from her spoon. Paul sat up, took the bite and held it in his mouth as he wrapped his tongue around her nipple through her shirt. She squealed and pulled away.

“That’s going to stain,” she scolded.

“Well, better take it off then, Thomas can soak it or something.”

“Thomas is busy,” his brother said.

Paul looked over his shoulder to find Thomas naked on the bed not far from him. He groaned. “Hell, give me the shirt.”

She peeled off the soiled top, her white bra showing a wet spot over her left nipple. She shook her head and unhooked the cups in the front. “You are a naughty boy, Paul Paraby. I like the cold. I wonder what else it would feel good on.”

Thomas jumped from the bed and grabbed his ice cream. “I’m willing to find out right now.”

Paul offered to take her cup. She took another bite and handed it over. She wiggled out of her slacks and panties, her beautiful white skin nearly as creamy as the treat. Paul took a big bite of ice cream, the cold stinging his teeth, but Mary’s squeal as his lips wrapped around her second nipple made it worthwhile.

She scooted back on the bed, resting against the headboard. He dragged his tongue on a lazy path around her breast and rolled her other nipple between his fingers. The bed shifted. Mary gasped and Paul assumed Thomas found the sweet spot.

“Wow.” Her breathy exclamation filled the room. “Cold is good.”

He dipped his finger into the ice again and circled her nipple. She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling it tight, but he kept his place, sucking and playing. He released one of her hands and followed her fingers down her wrist and forearm until he found her elbow. She shivered and pulled tighter.

“Paul, you are such a— Oh, jeez.”

He peeked toward her face the moment her mouth dropped open. Her gasp and curse brought him deep satisfaction. He hadn’t done it alone, but took the pleasure and made it his own. He freed her nipple and checked down to Thomas. Only the top of his head showed, locked between Mary’s knees.

Thomas looked up, ice cream dripping from his chin, a grin on his face. They shared heaven. This is what he’d dreamed of on the long nights before they’d gone for Mary. Pleasuring her, making her giggle and cry out in satisfaction. Thomas offered up a condom.

He accepted and tore it open. Mary grabbed it out of his hand and took her time rolling it down his dick. By the time she tickled his balls his tentative hold on control threatened to snap. She grinned at him, her wicked gaze showing she knew her effect and liked it.

He shook his head and took her by the hips, flipping her to her hands and knees in one motion.

She squealed and whipped her head around with wide eyes. “Do I look like a bale of hay to you?”

He stroked her ass, the round curve welcoming him closer. “Nope. Not at all.”

Though her thighs and pussy were sticky from the ice cream, his cock slipped inside her with no trouble. She turned away from him and moaned. He shifted her toward the edge of the bed and stood, the height of the bed just right. He grinned at Thomas who still hung to the side.

Thomas dropped his pants and in a braver move than Paul would have done, put cold ice cream on his dick. Paul winced along with Thomas, but when Mary looked up she laughed and shimmed to the bed corner, taking Paul along.

* * * *

Mary preferred chocolate ice cream, but vanilla never tasted so good. She licked a long line from Thomas’s balls to the tip of his dick, catching a drop of vanilla cream. His fingers tightened in her hair. She opened her lips and welcomed him deeper, taking him as far as she could. He thrust lightly, nudging her throat.

Behind her, Paul did his own nudging. She pressed her bottom against him, needing more to escalate her pleasure. Being licked like ice cream only warmed her up. She met his thrusts with her own, speeding up until he increased his rhythm. She moaned around Thomas’s penis and clenched her pussy.

The combination of the two cocks and rhythmic motion lulled her pleasure, not escalating or letting it fall, just held it steady. She sucked harder, impatient for more. Thomas’s fingers tightened and he thrust harder, hitting the back of her throat almost too hard. She turned her head, taking him a touch deeper, holding her breath as the first spurts of his cream joined the vanilla treat.

His warm addition didn’t offer the same sweetness, but she took it in her mouth and swallowed before licking the length of his penis again. She looked up at his face, the pleasure as much a treat to see as it had been to deliver.

Paul’s hands shifted to her waist and he lifted her upright, still deep inside her. She gasped at the sudden change and reached out for balance. Thomas stepped up. She held him by the shoulders while Paul increased his power and speed. The angle delivered every thrust higher than the last, escalating the lulled orgasm to the breaking point.

Thomas crashed his lips to hers, kissing her with ferocity to match Paul’s fucking. She sank her fingers into his shoulders as pleasure exploded through her body. Thomas kept her still as Paul continued pumping. Her hips rocked, but Thomas steadied those too, keeping her in place through the second assault of pleasure as Paul maintained his course.

Paul leaned forward and pressed his hot forehead to her shoulder. Sweat dripped on her skin and instantly cooled. She fought with her body, wanting more, but not knowing how much she could take. Thomas broke their kiss, but she held on, nipping his lip as Paul pulled away, cursing.

Thomas caught her as she shifted, once again off balance. He eased her to the bed. Paul stood at the end of the bed, his fist wrapped around his dick, white semen rolling out in waves. She looked around and found the condom on the floor. Paul leaned against the wall and wiped the back of his hand against his forehead.

“Damn thing broke,” he muttered, sweat still rolling down his face. “Sorry about that.”

She picked up the plastic sheath, split up the side. “How would you two feel if I were to go on the pill?”

Thomas rolled the ice cream covered blanket into a ball and tossed it into the corner before jumping onto the bed beside her. “I like that idea.”

“I second it,” Paul said. “Hell, I need a shower.”

Mary ran a sticky hand over his elbow. “Me too.”

He held up his hands, palms out. “No. I forbid it. Can’t you see I’m half dead?”

She giggled and rolled out of bed and onto her feet. “Just to get clean, silly. I won’t attack you.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Why don’t I believe you?”

She sauntered to him, adding an extra long swagger to her step. She ran her hand up his chest and patted his cheek. “Come on, handsome. I’ll wash your back.”


Chapter 17


Thomas and Paul snored as the dawn sun filtered through the hotel room window blinds. Mary watched the clock on the wall, the light enough to see the seven o’clock hour approaching. The lumpy mattress offered little comfort, and though sleeping between her men did, they’d had their fun the night before and now Duane occupied her mind.

With her soldier so centered in her thoughts, she’d wanted to focus. Unable to pretend to sleep any longer, she crawled over Paul to look out the window of their second story room. The view of the parking lot offered little distraction, but the quiet calm of the morning provided peace.

She pulled up the orange scoop chair and settled in it, watching the cars beginning their morning drives. She imagined any number of them heading to work, others to school, errands, lots of things to do in the smallish town near the air force base. Duane had been at the base for a few days, doing some final duties as he was being fully discharged after serving his medical internship for the Air Force on the ground in Vietnam.

Mary hated the war, always had. Her family didn’t embrace any violence, but at least in the world wars there had been a measure of dignity—of the world gathering for a greater cause. This time… She sighed and picked a piece of lint from the chair. No one would win in Vietnam, but everyone would lose.

“You okay, Mary?” Paul’s gravelly voice came from the bed without any sound of moving.

She glanced over. “Yep. Just looking forward to getting Duane. He’s been gone too long. I want him home where I can take care of him like he deserves.”

Paul stretched. “If anyone can it’s you. Damn, gets dry in these stuffy rooms at night. I feel like I was sucking cotton all night. What time is it?”

She checked the wall clock again, surprised she’d lost so much time in her thoughts. “Nearly eight.”

Paul flung a pillow at Thomas. “Wake up. We need to get breakfast and then head over to the base. If we’re late the dumbass is liable to go off on his own.”

She didn’t understand why running would be an option in Duane’s mind, but steeled herself for the truth of the matter. She might be willing to love him, just as she had been with Paul, but unlike the man she’d married and the one she adored, she didn’t know Duane. Other than he liked cheeseburgers and had finished his internship to be a doctor in Vietnam, they hadn’t made deeper connections. She’d tried, he’d deflected.

“Don’t look so worried, sweet stuff.” Paul grabbed his clothes. “I’m going to take a shower. How about instead of thinking about all the work waiting, you think about the rewards?”

He wiggled his eyebrows before heading to the bathroom. She chuckled, but did as he said. Another man, another ally, another lover—it would be amazing. She resolved to throw herself into love with Duane and start from the beginning.

“You’re going to change the boy’s world, aren’t ya, Mary?” Thomas said, watching her with a sleepy smile from bed.

“Yeah, I think I will.”

* * * *

Mary’s nerves worked overtime as she waited in the backseat of the truck. Usually she sat between Paul and Thomas, but this time she wanted to be able to talk face to face with the man who had the power to cement their relationship into something…something.

Young men in khaki pants and t-shirts emerged from the nondescript building that housed the air force base. Duane’s small band had returned with little fanfare and less attention. She fluffed her hair and wished she’d done more with it, but she’d forgotten to pack her hot rollers.

Paul twisted around from the front and smiled at her before holding out a tube. She opened it to find her favorite red lipstick.

“I know you like your paint,” he joked. “Put a little on and give the soldier a welcome home.”

She laughed, but quickly slid on a fresh coat of red gloss. “I’m not even sure what he looks like.”

Thomas opened his door. “Here he comes now. The tall, skinny guy. Hell, we’ll have to fatten him up. Go get him, Mary. Remember how you said you wanted to start things off with a bang?”

She jumped out of the truck and sprinted to him. Her red dress kicked up with every stride. None of the men had much of a welcome, but Duane, who would be hers, would get one. Her fear and quiet nerves flew with her sprints. Her heart soared when Duane looked up, met her eyes, and dropped his bags.

She jumped into his arms and kissed him until her lips hurt. Even after the crushing from his mouth burned her lips, she kept on kissing, rubbing her fingers over his shaved head.

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