Masquerade (38 page)

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Authors: Cambria Hebert

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Young Adult, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Supernatural, #paranormal, #coming of age, #Romance Speculative Fiction Suspense

BOOK: Masquerade
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It ended today.

For me.

For Sam.

School would be out very soon, and I
wanted us to have the best summer we could. If we were going to do
that, it meant no more looking over our shoulders, no more hiding,
and definitely no Bible camp to exorcise my demons. I wasn’t
exactly sure how to accomplish my first two goals, so I decided to
begin with the easiest: my mother.

She was surprised to see me on the
other side of the door, waiting to be allowed in. “You don’t have
to ring the bell,” she told me.

I knew you weren’t
expecting me.”

Come in,” she said,
opening the door wide.

I ignored how nervous I
felt and walked in. It was exactly the same as always. I don’t know
why, but I was surprised. Maybe because
felt so different.

What brings you

Uh, I was hoping I could
get some of my spring and summer clothes to take to

Was that disappointment in her eyes?
She nodded, “Of course.”

I sighed. “I was hoping we could talk,

She smiled and some of the tension
fell from her face. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”

Oh, God. Chicken. I couldn’t say no, I
was here to make our relationship better. “Sure. I hadn’t realized
it was so close to dinner already.” I guess I would just eat again
later with Sam and Gran.

I followed her into the kitchen, where
she began going through the cupboards. “Have you had a busy

Before I could think better of it I
said, “Yes. I helped Sam find a new apartment.”

I saw her shoulders stiffen, but all
she said was, “That’s nice.”

Mom,” I began, but she cut
me off to say, “I don’t have any chicken. Would it be okay if I
just make us some soup and sandwiches?”

That’d be great!” Anything
was better than chicken!

I started putting together some
grilled cheese sandwiches while she heated the soup. It was a
little awkward at first, but then I found myself telling her all
about my classes and how I applied for the job at the local ice
cream shop. I also told her about Gran’s and my plan for the
orchard and pumpkin patch. I even invited her to come help one

I had devoured half of my sandwich
when I noticed how quiet it was and looked up. She was staring at
me with the spoon in her hand and an unreadable expression on her

I swallowed. “Is there something on my
face?” I asked, picking up my napkin.

You’re happy,” she said,
somewhat stunned.

Slowly, I nodded. “I am.”

Living with Silvia has
been good for you.”

I nodded again, looking down at my
soup. Living with her was easier. I didn’t feel like I had to hide
myself, but I didn’t want to say that out loud. “Things have just
seemed a little easier lately, you know?”

She nodded slowly, setting down her
spoon. “I don’t know what to say.”

She was hurt. I’d hurt her feelings. I
felt bad. “I miss you, though! That’s why I’m here. I hate the way
things are between us. I was hoping we could be close like we used
to be.” I reached across the table and touched her hand.

I would like that too.”
She smiled.

Feeling better, I took another bite of
grilled cheese. Mom got up and went over to the counter and picked
up a large white envelope and brought it back to the table. “This
came for you the other day. It’s your itinerary and packing list
for Camp Hope.”

Camp Hope?” I asked,
clueless. Then I remembered. “I was hoping we could talk about

What is there to

That I’m not evil? That I don’t need
to go to some cult camp? “I’m doing good; I’m happy. I don’t think
I need to go there.”

We’ve discussed this,
Heven,” Mom said, weary. “You’re going.”

I jumped up from the table,
sending my chair clattering to the floor. “That’s just it!
about it. You came home one day and declared that you think I’m
evil, and that I need to be sent away!”

You haven’t been making
the right choices.”

Why? Because I went to
prom? Because I helped out the cheerleading squad when they needed
it? Because I have a boyfriend?”

You’re not allowed to date
that boy. He’s a bad influence.”

This is because I have a

Part of the reason. You’d
been late several times for curfew, you pretended to be sick to
skip school, and I caught you making out with that boy.”

He has a name.”

You’re moody and sullen,
you hardly eat.”

I’ve gained five pounds!”
I yelled. “And I was attacked and left disfigured! You can’t expect
me to walk around singing and happy after that!”

It was a sign.” How could
she just sit there calmly like that? I was so upset my hands were
shaking. I could feel the muscles in my neck bunch with tension,
and I was seriously sorry I ate that sandwich.

A sign?” I said flatly,
taking a deep breath through my nose.

That you would be tested.
The devil has glimpsed the bad in you, he seeks to try and turn you
from God. It’s a test, Heven. You have to turn your back on sin and
choose holiness.”

Was she serious? “You don’t really
believe that?” I let the words slip.

Her cool exterior finally
stood up from her chair and planted both palms on the table,
leaning forward. “I do, young lady, and you’d better, too. This is
your very soul that’s in trouble. I will not take that

A hysterical laugh bubbled out of me.
What would she think if she knew I was dating a

You think this is funny?”
She was incredulous.

No! Not at all,” I said,
suddenly very, very tired. “I can’t believe you think I’m evil.” I
picked up my chair and sank into it.

I don’t think
evil, honey; just
that for some unknown reason evil has chosen you. I want to help
you fight that.”

By sending me to summer

She sighed. “It’s a retreat. The
people there are very educated; they can help you.”

You don’t know me at all,”
I sadly said.

Someday you’ll thank me
for this.”

No. I won’t.” I looked
straight into her eyes when I said the words with absolute
conviction. The tiniest bit of fear shone in her eyes. She not only
thought I was evil, but she was scared of me. I stood. “I’m

What about dinner? Your

I’ve lost my

Heven,” Mom called when I
was at the door. For the first time I heard regret in her

It was too late.

I left without looking


The Hate


She forgives him for deceiving her.
She knows what he is, and she still wants him. She knows I watch
her, stalk her. She pretends she isn’t scared. I hear her mockery
clear as a bell.

My claws sink into the ground, ripping
open the earth. This wasn’t what I was supposed to come home and
find. I expected to find Sam shredded and bleeding from her
rejection. His world was supposed to be falling apart.

But it wasn’t.

No matter. I have found
what I have been searching for. Finally it is mine. It’s my ticket
to power. With this I can finally do what Satan sent us here to do:
tip the balance between the divine and the vile.

When word gets out that I
have what those below have been searching for…it will be my chance.
My chance to rule and be followed. Feared and hated.

Everything I ever wanted.

I don’t need Sam anymore.
I don’t need the others. I had never really needed them at all.
Because in the end it had been me who had found what I sought.
Proof that it belongs to me.

I’m afraid my find doesn’t
bode well for others. What do you do when you no longer need
something? What do you do when it loses its value?

Get rid of it.

Throw it out like yesterday’s

Finally I can do what I
have longed to do.

Watch out, pup. I’m

Game over.



The situation was not going well. The
enemy proves to be persistent, and I wonder how much longer she
will wait. She’s been very busy wreaking havoc and stealing. I felt
sorry for her lost soul, and I took a moment to say a short prayer
that her soul might someday find rest.

It may be time,” I spoke
aloud because I knew I was not alone.


I looked over my shoulder. “For me to
pay them a visit.”

We don’t know yet if he
can be trusted.”

All the more reason to

What’s happening?” He came
forward to gaze down into the water. The images rippled away. “I
need to see.”

Things have changed. You
are not to get involved.”

Keep her safe,” he

I intended to.










I drove for a while without caring
where I was going. I felt numb. Thinking I could fix things with my
mother so easily had been naïve. I guess I didn’t realize just how
far apart we actually were. I felt like I had to mourn our
relationship because a part of me knew that it was over. How could
I be close to anyone who honestly believed that I was marked by the
devil and meant for evil?

When the headlights of Gran’s car
automatically turned on, I was shocked to realize that it was
almost dark. I glanced at the clock; Sam should be getting off work
now. I missed him so much there was a sharp ache in my chest. I
wanted desperately to hear his husky voice and see his liquid-gold
eyes. I needed to tell him that I loved him. I felt deep regret
that I’d waited this long. Knowing his love was there was carrying
me through tonight. How did he get through his tough

For the first time since I’d started
driving, I paid attention to where I was. I was farther from town
than I wanted to be. There was no one else on the road with me so I
did a U–turn right there and started heading toward Gran’s. I
searched through my bag for my cell, but I couldn’t find it. The
bag was too deep, and there was too much clutter, so I pulled the
car to the side of the road to find it.

I dialed Sam’s number and anxiously
waited to hear his voice. It went to voicemail. With a sigh I left
a message, “Hey, it’s me. Went to visit my mom. It didn’t go well.
I’ve been driving around; I’m on Seven Hills Road, heading back to
Gran’s now. There’s something I need to tell you so will you meet
me there when you get off? Bye.”

I frowned at the phone and
dropped it on the seat next to me. I thought he would be off by
now. A bolt of lightning shot through the sky and landed in the
field to my left and was followed by a deafening boom of thunder. I
shivered and reached over to turn the heat on. Anxious to get home
and see Sam, I put the car in drive and pulled out onto the
only to immediately
slam on the brakes.

Standing in the center of the road was
a large black animal. Its flaming red eyes stared at me through the

It was a hellhound.

It wasn’t Sam.

Which meant it must be

I watched in horror as the animal
stood on hind legs and pulled its lips back to reveal razor- sharp
teeth. A threatening growl, a promise of harm, carried through the
rising wind to reach my ears. A dim thought from earlier speared
through my mind: the hiding and fear would indeed end

Another flash of lightning streaked
the sky as the hound sprang forward.

I hit the gas and with a
squeal the car gunned forward. I hoped to run the beast down.
Instead, China jumped high into the air, landing on the roof on the
car. I screamed, and the wheel jerked beneath my hands.
Stay calm.

Yeah, right.

I reached for my phone to dial Sam,
but it was just out of reach. I turned the wheel sharply, and the
phone slid into my hand. I punched in Sam’s number and was about to
hit SEND when China ran, head-on into the side of the car. I felt
the impact like she was made of steel. The door bowed and screamed
in protest, and the car careened into the wrong lane. My cell went
flying out of my hand to disappear beneath the seats.

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