Master for Tonight (6 page)

Read Master for Tonight Online

Authors: Elaine Barris

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #erotica, #paranormal, #alpha

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At those words, she
screamed, “Ooooooohh! Gawwwwwwd!
” and burst into a million

True to his word, he grabbed her hips with
his hands, holding her pussy to his face, dove into her, and sucked
her clit up into his mouth. Nipping it with his teeth, he felt her
shake beneath him, as well as above, losing control of the movement
of her legs. Grabbing his thighs right above his knees to keep her
steady, she raised her head to watch his head bobbing down into
her, exactly as he said he would.

As Kate dropped her head back to the floor,
a drug-like numbness began to envelope her, but she knew the only
thing in her system was a bit of wine and the man between her legs,
relishing her body. Her eyes began to droop, and as they closed,
they skimmed over his red fingers, still holding her open, his
mouth sucking on her.

With Kate asleep beneath him, he drew her
blood into his mouth. Her blood, with the remnants of her juices,
spilled over his tongue and slid down his throat. Definitely, the
fucking best thing he’d ever had, and he had known she would

Because she was in the throes of an orgasm,
Kate didn’t feel his teeth sink into her quivering, pink flesh.
Nipping at her clit, just as he told her he would, the tips of his
fangs had injected her with a tranquilizer-like venom. She fell
into a seamless sleep, which was preferable to her watching him
sink his extended fangs into her softest of places. Pulling away
from her gently, and retracting them, he placed Kate’s legs on the
floor and made sure she looked comfortable. Yes, he was a vampire,
tricking his way into her home and body, but he wasn’t a total

He pricked his tongue with his teeth and
opened her again to let a few drops of his healing blood drop into
her. He rubbed the blood in gently, watching as the punctures in
her flesh receded until gone. Picking her up with care, he laid her
on the couch, tucking her blanket snug around her.

Chapter 6

Sitting on the floor beside Kate, Julian
began to speak straight to her mind as she slept. His access was
easier since she was a bit under his influence already. He spoke
low into her ear, commanding her to stay asleep, and open her eyes
to look at him. He loved her eyes. They said everything that she
either wouldn’t, or couldn’t.

Her eyes opened at once, seeking his out,
holding his gaze steady, and he saw all her longing and passion for
him revealed. He again felt like a monster at what he had done to
her already, and what he would take from her in the end.

“Kate, listen to me, my sweet, beautiful
girl. You will not get overwhelmed anymore. You are a strong woman.
No more panic attacks, okay? They aren’t good for you, and you
shouldn’t have them. No more jingling those damn keys around,
either. No fear, Kate. No fear. You can handle life. You will
survive. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. But retain your softness,
love. Your innocence. Never lose it. That, and your compassion for
others. So rare these days. Open your heart to someone who will
truly love you.”

He spoke softly to her mind, choking on the
last part, as he caressed her hair while she stared, unblinking,
into his eyes. Rather than take it back, he chose not to repeat it
as he continued to speak gently to her, losing himself in the life
of her eyes, much as he had her body. As their gazes lingered, he
knew she was seducing him, mastering him without even being
conscious. The flame in his eyes long gone, he took her hand in
his, pleading, “Give yourself to me tonight, Kate. If the only
thing we can have is tonight, just this once, give me all of you,

He dressed himself with the discarded shirt,
but remained bare footed.

“Kate, it’s time to wake up,” he spoke
softly into her ear before scooting back on the floor a few feet
from her. He sat with his hands in his lap, trying to appear as
nonthreatening as possible.

Her eyes blinked open and she stared over at
him, drinking him in again, much the same as she had earlier when
she thought he wasn’t watching. She struggled to sit up, so he
rushed over to help, and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder,
pulling her close. She let her head fall into the crook between his
chest and shoulder, still shaking off the sleep.

“How long was I asleep?” She yawned and
covered her mouth.

“About an hour and a half or so. Not long.
No worries about my getting bored. I perused that book on your
Kindle. Decent read, but honestly, the end was one hundred percent

Snorting out a laugh, she elbowed him in the
ribs. “You did not read a six-hundred-page novel in an hour and a

“Ow!” He grabbed his side in fake injury.
“After all the mind-blowing orgasms I’ve given you, graciously and
unselfishly, I might add, the thanks I get is a hurtful poke in the
ribs, woman?”

Kate turned to look into his eyes. “I really
don’t understand what’s going on, who you are, or why you’re here.
Why are we doing this? Why am I doing this? I don’t do this. I
don’t. Whether you believe me or not, I don’t. I hope you explain
yourself soon, because I really want and need to understand this.”
She pointed back and forth to him and herself. “I can’t help myself
around you. I can’t defend myself. All my walls come down. I can’t
resist you. I don’t even want to try. I don’t get it.” She sounded
none too pleased with herself.

“Beauty, you are exactly as you should be
with me. Don’t over think it. Accept it, love. Are you still afraid
of me, Kate?” His tone was soft, with a genuine need to know after
all he had said to her.

Yes, he had scared her earlier by the
necessity of his overall plan, but that really wasn’t his shtick.
He was a lot of things, but a rapist was not one of them. He simply
knew what excited Kate. He’d done his research into the erotic
literature she liked. After he saw the title of one particularly
well-worn book on her bedside table, he had purchased it to see
what made her hands drift to her pussy when the lights went out.
His suspicion had been confirmed that Kate would react to a
dominant man. She would react to him.

Julian was naturally dominant in bed, and
what he had told her about his level of expertise was no
exaggeration. If losing control to a man was her fantasy, he was
going to be the man to give it to her. He knew Kate’s perfect lover
would be the man who dominated her body and wrested control from
her. He’d push her to take the pleasure he would give and not allow
her to deny it. By assuming control, her lover would erase all her
questioning thoughts. He would communicate with her, guide her, and
please them both in the process. Although, tying her to a bed and
having his carnal way with her held a charm all its own.

Yes, he intended to have her that night, and
he may have even influenced her, if it came down to it, but the
thought really turned his stomach. It was acceptance, yes, but not
truly. It was at least mental rape, if not physical. He wanted to
interact with Kate, talk to her once he got her to the right mental
space, read the signs her body would give to him, and know the
pleasure he gave her was real and because of him alone. He started
to regret the whole approach he had taken with Kate. He never
wanted her to be afraid of him.

“No, I’m not afraid of you, but I still wish
you would tell me your name. Tell me anything about you, really.”
Her eyes sought his out and darted from one to the other.

“Later. We will discuss it all later, okay?”
He suddenly meant it. Avoiding her eyes, he kissed the top of her
head, dismissing her request for the moment. He pulled the blanket
away from her body, revealing her nakedness to him again. “Right
now, I want you to come sit on my lap as you did before.” His voice
was touched with melancholy.

Straightaway, Kate climbed onto his lap,
facing him, with her knees on either side of his thighs. The memory
of the first time she had been in that position was one of both
desperate fear, mixed with desperate longing. At that point, there
was just expectation. She knew with certainty, he wasn’t going to
hurt her. He knew her more intimately than any man before. He
hadn’t given a derisive look at her body or any indication she was
anything other than beautiful to him. She knew it wouldn’t last
longer than one night. He had said so. She couldn’t think about it
without going off a ledge. Right then, she wanted him to take her
body and wring her very soul from it.

Tenderly, he touched her breast as he pulled
her towards him to feast on her mouth again. Sighing, she leaned in
to him, giving herself over. Where prior kisses were brutally
wonderful, these were soft, yearning, like gentle caresses while
making love. They chased each other’s tongues, mouths separating
for a breath, and returning to meld into each other again. Nothing
was rushed or hurried. His hands went up her back and gripped her
tightly to him, his mouth on hers was soft, as his body caged her
to him. She melted further into his hold and pulled him just as
close. He broke the kiss, pulling her up to face him, but not
before she felt the tremor race through his body.

“I need to be inside you, Kate.”

“Yes, we do need you inside me,” Kate
whispered and stood, holding her hand out to him. “I’d like to be
in my bed for this, please.”

Standing silently, he took her hand and let
her lead him up the stairs to her bedroom. So much had changed
since the night had begun. Stairs creaked as they went up, and Kate
glanced back, beaming a grin at him. He pulled her back to him in a
scorching kiss, then turned her around, smacking her bare ass,
quickening her climb as she rubbed her reddened cheek,

Entering her bedroom, Kate released his hand
and crossed to click on a lamp at the bedside. The light was dim,
the brightness of the incandescent bulb lessened by the heavy
material and inky colors of the lamp shade. She tossed the
decorative pillows into the chaise in the corner, turned down the
linens, and lit a red Jasmin and Ylang-Ylang scented candle.

“Ambiance.” She looked over at him and
shrugged her shoulders.

Leaning against the door jamb, Julian gazed
at her with hooded eyes and did not respond.

“You can come in, you know.” She forced a
bit of an anxious smile.

He still didn’t move from where he stood,
and he had a strange look in his eyes. Ignoring it and padding
across the floor to him, she took his hand, turning and pulling his
arm behind her, expecting him to follow. She wondered where her
big, bad Master ran off to. He was unmovable as granite. Not
understanding, she dropped his hand and waited for him to say
something. Was that another game? Why wasn’t he talking?

He looked at her, standing there, confused.
With genuine sorrow in his heart, he was unable to ignore what he
had pushed aside all those nights as he watched her and planned his
taking of her.

“I am truly an asshole, but I can’t do
this.” He rubbed his hand over his jaw.

“What?” She had overcome her fears. She had
disregarded every sensible thought in her head. “What are you
talking about?”

Grabbing a gown, she pulled it on and walked
towards him, moving without hesitation into his space. Her words
came out ominously, “You don’t want me anymore? Is that it? You got
a really good look at me while I slept and decided I’m not pretty
enough for the beautiful, dark lord?” She looked at his chest, as
she couldn’t meet his eyes.

Holding her arms at her sides, he looked
down at her glowering face, knowing she fought back tears, and he
hated himself for it. He should have known how this was going to
go. He had lied to himself for months that he would be able to
follow through with his ridiculous scheme. He had even influenced
one of the shelter workers to watch over her, assure her safety,
and report on her comings and goings. Helen was her name. That,
though, he didn’t regret in the least.

When he felt the time was right, he had
ordered Helen to send Kate home, presumably to relax for a while,
but in reality, into his clutches. He really did only plan to spend
the one night with her, making her sleep the entire next day while
her mind processed his removal from her psyche. If he couldn’t keep
her, he didn’t want both of them tormented by their one night of

At least, that’s what he had told himself.
But being with her, he realized how convincingly he had lied to
himself. He was in love with her. He wanted to be with her as a
permanent fixture in her life, and his situation was beyond fucked
right then with Evangeline. Each time he had left her over the
years, Evangeline had forced him back to her side as an unwilling

“Are you going to answer me?” Kate’s voice
shook with raw emotion as she asked, not looking up, not wanting to
see his eyes.

He raked his fingers through his hair in
exasperation, both at himself and the sudden turn of the night.
“Kate... It’s so complicated.” He held his hands out, begging her
to listen.

“Oh. Complicated.” Kate knew what a man
meant when uttering those words to describe his situation.




Five years ago, Kate heard the same phrase
from a man she had dated for eight months. The rat came clean after
she ran into him at the grocery store. Her, alone. Him, with his
wife. Stan had told Kate it was his mother’s birthday, and he would
be taking her out for a nice dinner.

Kate walked down the bread
aisle and saw Stan, so of course, she went to say ‘hello’ to him.
As she sauntered to him with an extra bump in her hips, his eyes
went wide in shock at seeing her, and he asked, “What are you

Her eyebrows stitched in confusion as a
blonde rounded the next aisle, sidled up next to him, and wrapped
her arm around his waist.

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