MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More (15 page)

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I originally developed a shorter version of this list with the romance fiction genre in mind, but this expanded version can be used for all kinds of leading men in any genre. Again, I have emphasized names that are popular in the United States for men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, but I’ve included unusual names as well. I hope you find one that’s just perfect for your guy!


  1. Aaron
  2. Adam 
    Quintessential solid good-guy name.
  3. Aidan 
    Can also be spelled Aiden.
  4. Alaric 
    Also spelled Alarik.
  5. Alden
  6. Alexander
    He can go by Alex or Xander.
  7. Amir
    This is both of Arabic and of Hebrew origin.
  8. Andrew
    Andreas is a popular version in Germany.
  9. Arturo
    Arthur is the English version.
  10. Asher
    Ashton is a similar name. Either one could go by Ash.
  11. August
  12. Aziel
    I was sure this would be the name of a Biblical angel or demon, but no.
  1. Blake
  2. Benedict
    A variation, Benedick, appears in Shakespeare’s
    As You Like It.
  3. Benjamin
  4. Bowie
  5. Bradford
  6. Brady
  7. Brandon
  8. Brian
    Brion and Bryan are alternate spellings.
  9. Brody
  10. Bruce
    The actor Bruce Willis and the comic book character Bruce Wayne are two strong associations here.
  11. Bryce
  12. Burne
    May also be spelled Byrne.
  13. Byron
    Maybe for a hero who is, like the famous poet, “mad, bad, and dangerous to know.”
  14. Caleb
  15. Cameron
  16. Campbell
  17. Carrick
  18. Carter
  1. Chance
  2. Charles
    Several nicknames are possible. You might prefer the Spanish version, Carlos.
  3. Chase
  4. Christopher
  5. Clayton
    Or just Clay.
  6. Cole
  7. Colt
    He’s tough! Like a gun! But vulnerable! Like a baby horse! His full name might be Colton.
  8. Clark
    Famous Clarks include Clark Kent and Clark Gable.
  9. Clive
  10. Conall
    This Irish name means “strong in battle.”
  11. Connor
  12. Craig
  13. Daire
  14. Dalton
  15. Dane
  16. Daniel
  17. Dante 
    Because of
    The Inferno,
    people will likely see this hero as brooding or dangerous.
  1. Darius
  2. David
  3. Dax
    It’s an unusual name, but it pops up in the U.S. now and again.
  4. Dean
  5. Denver
  6. Derek
  7. Desmond
  8. Dimitri
    This name is Greek in origin, and also popular in Russia.
    Demetrius is a variation.
  9. Dominic 
    Also spelled Dominick or Domenic.
  10. Donovan
  11. Dorran
    This is a Celtic name that means “stranger.”
  12. Dougal
    Also spelled Dougall.
  13. Dylan
  14. Edward
    Eduardo is the Spanish version.
  15. Elijah
    Elijahs frequently go by Eli.
  16. Elliot
    Can also be spelled Elliott. Ellison is a similar name.
  17. Ephraim
  18. Eric
    The spelling Erik is more Scandinavian, and somehow looks more daring.
  1. Ethan
  2. Eugene
  3. Evan
  4. Ezra
    This Hebrew name means “helper.”
  5. Finn
  6. Ford
  7. Frederick
  8. Gabriel
  9. Gage
  10. Gareth
    This is the name of one of the Knights of the Round Table.
  11. Garrett
  12. Gerard
  13. Gideon
    This Biblical name has a pretty serious sound to it.
  14. Glen
  15. Grady
  16. Grant
  17. Gregory
  1. Griffin
    He’s named after a mythological beast, so that automatically makes him awesome.
  2. Henry
    Nicknames for Henry, weirdly enough, include Hal and Hank.
  3. Harry
  4. Harris
  5. Hudson
  6. Hunter
  7. Ian
    One of the most famous Ians is Ian Fleming, the writer who created James Bond.
  8. Irving
  9. Isaiah
  10. Issac
  11. Ivan
  12. Jack
    Sometimes a nickname for John or Jonathan. Of course, it’s also short for Jackson, and you might want to use that full name.
  13. Jake
    Probably short for Jacob.
  14. Jamal
  15. James
  16. Jared
    I’ve also seen it spelled Jarrod and Jerrod.
  1. Jason
  2. Javier
    This is a great Spanish name.
  3. Jay
    Famous Jays include Jay Gatsby and Jay-Z.
  4. Jeremy
  5. Jericho
  6. Jesse
  7. John
    The quintessential everyman name. Jonathan is an alternative.
  8. Joel
  9. Joshua
  10. Julian
    Some people feel that this name sounds a little feminine or unisex. I don’t agree, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, anyway.
  11. Justin
  12. Kane
  13. Kendrick
  14. Kento
    This is a pretty cool name for your Japanese or Japanese-American hero.
  15. Kevin
  16. Kingsley
  17. Kirk
  1. Kyle
  2. Lance
    Or you could just go ahead and name him Lancelot.
  3. Landon
  4. Leo
    Sometimes this is short for Leonardo, and sometimes it’s not.
  5. Li
    This super-popular Chinese name means “strength.”
  6. Liam
  7. Lincoln
  8. Lionel
  9. Locke
  10. Logan
  11. Lorenzo
    This is an Italian and Spanish version of Lawrence that most people find really sexy.
  12. Louis
    Famous Louises include all those French kings, and Louis Armstrong.
  13. Lucas
  14. Luke
  15. Luther
    This German name means “famous warrior,” but people imagine Luther as being more of a quiet type.
  16. Maddox
  1. Malachi
  2. Malik
    This is an Arabic name meaning “lord,” “ruler,” or “chief.”
  3. Marcus
    Or simply Marc.
  4. Marshall
  5. Matthew
    * Chances are good that most people call him Matt. Mathias is an alternative, and Mateo is the Spanish version.
  6. Mason
  7. Max
    Could be short for Maxim, Maxwell, or Maximilian.
  8. Micah
  9. Michael*
    Mikhail is a Russian variation.
  10. Miles
  11. Monty
    This is generally short for Montgomery.
  12. Morgan
  13. Nathan*
    This could be short for Nathaniel. Either Nathan or Nathaniel could go by Nate.
  14. Neal
  15. Nicholas*
  16. Noah
  17. Oliver
  1. Orion
    This is the name of a constellation, which in turn takes its name from a legendary hunter in Greek mythology.
  2. Orlando
  3. Owen
  4. Patrick*
  5. Paul
  6. Pavel
    This is a fairly popular Russian name.
  7. Peter*
  8. Pierce
    Piers is an alternative.
  9. Quinn
  10. Ramon
  11. Raphael
    This is the name of an archangel in Hebrew tradition, and also the name of one of the most famous painters of the Italian Renaissance. Rafael is the Spanish version.
  12. Raine
  13. Reed
    Can also be spelled Reid.
  14. Roan
  15. Roark
    Can also be spelled Roarke.
  16. Robert
  17. Roderick
  18. Roger
    Also spelled Rodger.
  1. Roland
    This is a very cool old German name that shows up in Shakespeare. It seems like no one ever uses it. Rollo is the typical nickname.
  2. Richard
  3. Ryan
  4. Ryder
    He’s going to come off as something of a cowboy, whether he is one or not.
  5. Samuel*
    Almost all Samuels go by Sam.
  6. Sean*
    Can also be spelled Shawn or Shaun.
  7. Seth
  8. Simon
  9. Spencer
  10. Stephen
    Stefan is a popular variation of German origin.
  11. Tariq
    A name of Arabic origin, also spelled Tarek or Tarik.
  12. Tavis
    Tavish is a variation.
  13. Terrence
  14. Theodore
    He might go by Ted, Teddy, or Theo.
  15. Thomas*
    The nickname Tom is more no-nonsense, while Thomas is fancier.
  16. Timothy*
    Most Timothys go by Tim.
  1. Travis*
  2. Tremaine
  3. Trenton
    Or just Trent. Almost everyone seems to have positive associations with this name.
  4. Trevor
  5. Trey
    This Latin name means “three” or “third.”
  6. Tristan
  7. Vance
  8. Vaughn
  9. Victor
    I love how this name is a synonym for “winner.”
  10. Vincent
  11. Wade
  12. Ward
  13. Weston
    This is a good name for a rich jerk, who might turn out to be not a jerk at all. For a more down-to-earth variation, just go with West.
  14. William*
    The nicknames Bill, Billy, and William each have a very different feel.
  15. Wyatt
    Another cowboy-type name.
  16. Xavier
  17. Zach*
    Short for Zachary or Zachariah. If you want something not so American, you could go with Zak, short for Zakhar, which is a Russian name. 
  1. Zane
    Zain is an alternate spelling.


Need a popular last name for an American character? Pick one from here! Many of these are very common in Canada, the U.K., and Australia as well. The names marked with an asterisk are the ten most common names in the U.S., according to the 2010 census.







































































































Sometimes we get the idea for a story before we have a clue about the characters in it. Even when characters spring into our imaginations, we don’t usually know everything about them at first. What do they do for a living? What’s their history? What are they into? Basically, what makes them tick?

I heard a writer say once that most stories are about blood and money—people’s families, and how they make a living. While some stories don’t involve these elements, they are good things to figure out for your characters.

Even if your character is basically good, he or she will need flaws in order to be believable. Likewise, a good villain may have some admirable traits.

In addition to the lists in this section, two previous lists may help in thinking about the people in your story: the “Master List of Physical Descriptions,” and “50 Goals and Aspirations.” With careful thought, you can create a character who is as real in your readers’ minds as anyone else they know in real life... a character they will never forget.


What are some of the strengths that your character relies on when the going gets tough? What’s her everyday superpower? Here are lots of possibilities! In some cases, I’ve given an example or two of how they might play out, but of course that will depend on your story.


  1. Accountable.

He takes responsibility for his actions.

  1. Active.

She loves biking, hiking, gardening, or volunteering. She’s not so into sitting around and watching TV.

  1. Adventurous.

Dodgy vacation destinations and big changes in her life don’t scare her. She’s always up for something new.

  1. Affectionate.

You can always count on him for a hug, a kind word, or good-natured teasing.

  1. Agreeable.

You want to go to a hockey game? She says, Sure, that sounds fine. No, wait, you want to go to a cooking class instead? Okay, she says, sounds good.

  1. Ambitious.

He has goals and dreams, and he’s positive he can achieve them.

  1. Appreciative.

She shows gratitude for small favors and doesn’t take any of her blessings for granted.

  1. Articulate.

She’s rarely at a loss for words. Her comments and speeches are on point.

  1. Artistic.

He has a flair for painting, sculpting, photography, or design.

  1. Balanced.

Her life is evenly divided between work and play.

  1. Brave.

He might be scared, or he might not be. It doesn’t matter. If there’s a good reason to do the scary thing, he does it.

  1. Capable.

He’s competent and can handle situations and tasks successfully.

  1. Charismatic.

It may be hard to say why, but she just has a glow that attracts people to her.

  1. Chivalrous.

He treats women with old-fashioned politeness and gallantry.

  1. Cheerful.

On a regular day, he whistles while he works and never stops smiling. Even in tough times, he finds some reason to be happy.

  1. Compassionate.

His heart goes out to those in distress, and he does what he can to help.

  1. Confident.

She believes in her value and the quality of her work.

  1. Considerate.

He remembers your kids’ names, and even your dog’s name. When you miss class, he grabs an extra handout for you.

  1. Cooperative.

Group project? No problem. She excels at working with others.

  1. Cultured.

He can tell you about theater, the history of jazz, and every little gallery in town.

  1. Curious.

She wants to learn about everyone and everything.

  1. Cute.

It’s not just the way she looks, but the whimsical and guileless way she dresses and acts that makes her adorable.

  1. Decisive.

He doesn’t waste a bunch of time trying to figure out a course of action. He chooses to do something, and he does it. Bam. End of story. (Or possibly, the beginning of the story.)

  1. Dependable.

She never shirks her responsibilities.

  1. Dignified.

His self-respect shines through his words, gestures, and the way he presents himself.

  1. Disciplined.

He exerts self-control to meet his goals.

  1. Discreet.

She can keep a secret, or a hundred of them.

  1. Easygoing.

She’s relaxed, slow to get upset, and rarely takes offense.

  1. Efficient.

He gets things done quickly, in the simplest way possible.

  1. Empathetic.

He understands how people feel and why they do what they do.

  1. Empowering.

She makes others feel like they can do just about anything.

  1. Energetic.

As long as he gets his required five hours of sleep a night, he keeps going and going.

  1. Enthusiastic.

She gets excited about plans, events, and occasions.

  1. Entrepreneurial.

She has great ideas for new businesses, and the drive to see them through.

  1. Fair.

He tries to make sure that no one gets shortchanged.

  1. Faithful.

She’s committed to her spouse, and doesn’t even flirt with anyone else.

  1. Family-oriented.

His spouse and kids come before everything else.

  1. Flamboyant.

He lives out loud and does everything in a big way. This may be more of a neutral than a positive trait.

  1. Flexible.

She can change her routine or her usual way of working to suit the situation.

  1. Friendly.

She goes out of her way to connect with others.

  1. Frugal.

She saves 15% of every paycheck, re-uses plastic sandwich bags, and never has to toss vegetables that are past their prime.

  1. Funny.

He always has something hilarious to say.

  1. Generous.

If you need twenty bucks or you want half of his cookie, he’ll say yes.

  1. Gentle.

She has a soft, caring manner, and would never hurt anyone.

  1. Good Listener.

He doesn’t just think about the next thing he will say. He actually pays attention.

  1. Good Teacher.

She knows how to explain things and encourage people as they learn.

  1. Graceful.

He carries himself in an elegant way.

  1. Handy.

She knows how to fix things around the house.

  1. Health-conscious.

She works out, eats right, and gets enough sleep.

  1. Honest.

He never takes what isn’t his, and he’s always truthful.

  1. Honorable.

He doesn’t take advantage of others, and he’s always good for his word.

  1. Idealistic.

She has hopes for a healthier planet or a better society.

  1. Imaginative.

She can see possibilities where others cannot, and can invent elaborate stories or worlds.

  1. Independent.

He doesn’t mind eating alone in a restaurant. If no one else shares his opinion on something, he’s fine with that.

  1. Industrious.

She’s not afraid of a little hard work. In fact, she’s not afraid of a lot of hard work.

  1. Innocent.

Although this trait can get people into trouble, it’s often charming.

  1. Intelligent.

She learns things and solves problems quickly.

  1. Intuitive.

His hunches often prove correct, and he knows when something’s off. It could be a slightly supernatural talent, or he might just synthesize a lot of disparate data on a subconscious level.

  1. Knowledgeable.

He’s an expert in his field, or in many fields.

  1. Lighthearted.

She’s quick to laugh at a joke, and finds many things pleasant or amusing.

  1. Logical.

Instead of letting emotions or fears take over, she looks at the facts.

  1. Loyal.

He’s true to his family, his friends, and his company.

  1. Meticulous.

She makes sure all the small details are correct.

  1. Modest.

He doesn’t draw attention to himself or his achievements, and doesn’t especially want others too, either.

  1. Mysterious.

Her enigmatic appearance, words, or behavior intrigue or confuse people. This can be a neutral rather than a positive trait.

  1. Natural Leader.

Others look to her for direction, because she’s skilled at giving it.

  1. Nature-loving.

He has a strong connection with animals, trees, and the great outdoors.

  1. Neat.

He’s well groomed, and he keeps his apartment and even his car tidy.

  1. Nurturing.

She instinctively takes care of others and makes them feel loved.

  1. Observant.

He notices and recalls small details that most people miss.

  1. Organized.

She has a system for everything.

  1. Optimistic.

She always expects the best-case scenario.

  1. Passionate.

He feels things deeply, and expresses them emphatically.

  1. Patient.

She doesn’t get frustrated when something or someone takes a long time.

  1. Peace-making.

Not only does he avoid fighting himself, but he also tries to keep others from doing it.

  1. Persuasive.

She could sell bikinis in Antarctica.

  1. Polite.

Even in strained or unusual situations, her manners serve her well.

  1. Punctual.

He never apologizes for being late, because he never needs to.

  1. Quiet.

This is actually neither a positive nor a negative trait, but it had to go somewhere.

  1. Resourceful.

He can cook a delicious meal out of the most random remains in the kitchen cupboard, or build a comfortable living shelter out of trash he found in an alley.

  1. Restrained.

Even if she’s jealous, hurt, or angry, she doesn’t throw a fit.

  1. Romantic.

Thoughtful gifts, sweet nothings, and grand gestures of love are his “thing.”

  1. Scholarly.

She feels most at home in the classroom or the library.

  1. Serene.

He may be facing certain death, or even his toddler’s meltdown, but he keeps his cool.

  1. Sexy.

Not just his looks, but his words and gestures are enticing.

  1. Shrewd.

His good judgment helps him strike favorable bargains and deals.

  1. Spiritual.

She has a deep connection with God, nature, or something else larger than herself.

  1. Spontaneous.

She can drop everything she’s doing if an interesting plan presents itself.

  1. Stylish.

Her clothing choices and maybe the interior of her home show real flair.

  1. Suave.

He has a polished charm that serves him well in social situations.

  1. Tactful.

He avoids awkward questions and preserves other people’s privacy and dignity.

  1. Tech-savvy.

When people have computer questions, he’s the one they call.

  1. Tenacious.

Her first plan didn’t work? Plan B didn’t either? That’s fine. She doesn’t just have a Plan C—she has the whole alphabet and then some. She’s not giving up.

  1. Tolerant.

She won’t complain about the empty wine bottles you left around the kitchen or make fun of your conviction that you were abducted by aliens. “Live and let live” is stamped into her very soul.

  1. Tough.

Despite pain or adversity, he doesn’t complain and he doesn’t quit.

  1. Unpretentious.

She doesn’t share perfectly filtered photos on social media, or try to impress everybody at the party. She’s honest about herself and her life, and it’s refreshing.

  1. Vivacious.

His warm, talkative manner makes people feel good.

  1. Wise.

People naturally look to her for advice, and she steers them in the right direction.

  1. Youthful.

He does things that you would never expect someone his age to do.

  1. Zany.

She’s a nut. There’s never a dull moment around her. This is another one that could be negative, but I think it’s most often a good thing.

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