Mastered By The Mavericks (26 page)

Read Mastered By The Mavericks Online

Authors: Angel Payne

Tags: #Military, #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Mastered By The Mavericks
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clear now. You still aren’t.” He dropped his head, angling his stare more directly
at her. “‘Yes, Sir’ or ‘no, Sir’,
mon chou
. What will it be?”

She hesitated another moment. It was all the opening Rhett needed. With a resolute
growl, he lunged in, grabbing Brynn by the neck, forcing her mouth to his. “Fuck,”
Rebel groaned, watching the man mesh their mouths, inhale her scent, and drain a lot
of the tension from her arms. Women had a special term for kisses like that. Bone-melting.
Rebel could understand the point, though didn’t sympathize. He wasn’t melted. He was
galvanized. And he hoped like hell that the moment Double-Oh released her from that
kiss, she let her lips part on only two words.

“Yes, Sir.”

Sometimes prayers

Rhett softly kissed her again—but instead of drawing all the way back up, kept his
face hovered inches over hers. Without looking away from her, he told Reb, “Do it.

She whimpered. Rhett hushed her with a sound that came from deep in his chest: gentle
layered with pure animal. He breathed it into her parted lips. She sucked in its energy,
transforming it into a high sigh that blew back into Rhett with visible force. His
shoulders shook, his body trembled.

Power Exchange—in its purest, best form.

And Rebel was about to help them paint it even more vividly.

Fuck, this was going to be good.

Swinging around and seating himself between her legs once more, he crouched in, parting
her pussy on the way to stimulating her clit. Her arousal would ease the plug’s penetration.
Besides that, it looked damn beautiful from this vantage point.

“Mmmmm.” Her sensitive button shivered beneath his finger—which he soon joined with
more. Rebel echoed her hum, deeper and gruffer, as Rhett’s three middle fingers webbed
with his. They twined and writhed their digits, rolling like two bodies against the
world’s softest, wettest pillows. As Rhett danced his tongue against Brynn’s, he set
a matching pace with their fingers, until Brynn’s gasps forewarned of her encroaching

He pulled off. Yanked Reb’s hand away, too.

“No!” she screamed. “Oh hell, please! I’m so close!”

Whatever she had left to say, Rhett stole with another kiss. “You’ll be close when
we say you’re close, sweetheart.”

Rebel had to grin. He’d never seen Rhett as a bad boy wolf. He enjoyed the fuck out
of it. His cock probably had a few deeper sentiments, but there wasn’t time for phallic
therapy right now.

Not when he’d reached the sweet aperture of her anus.

Not when he’d stretched it a little wider, watched it fight his invasion with an adamant
pucker, only to force it open again. And then again.

Not when he trickled lube down and watched it disappear into the tight darkness of
that forbidden dark hole. Preparing her…

“Deep breath,
. Relax.”

For this.


He’d pushed in just the plug’s tip before she struggled.

Rhett easily caught her by one leg, hiking it high to help Rebel keep her spread.
“Easy, little peach.
. Don’t fight it. Don’t close up.”

“I—that’s easy for

“Make it easy for
.” Rebel borrowed a page out of his buddy’s book, though he barked it to snag her
attention. He persisted, “Have we given you anything you can’t handle? Anything that
hasn’t been amazing in the end?”

She fumed, body still tense. Her knuckles were white against the cushions. Even her
toes were coiled tightly against the sheet. But she finally mumbled, “No. Not yet.”

He growled a kiss into the center of her pussy. “Well then relax,
, and trust that we’ll do the same now.”

She wetted her lips. “Yes, Sir.”

,” Rebel soothed. “
Trés bien, ma belle

Rhett layered in an approving growl. “Breathtaking woman. You have no idea how much
you please us already. Ssshhh, sweetheart,”—he urged it as Rebel twisted in again
on the plug—“almost there. Push out to open yourself up. Take it in, girl. Take it

Brynna squirmed again. The cream from her pussy tremored down, blending with the shimmery
drops of the lube, sliding into her ass along with the plug. Though Rebel clenched
his jaw, pre-cum spurted at the tip of his cock. Like he could be blamed, with this
as a view?

“I—I can’t!” she cried.

Rhett leaned in. Bit her lower lip. “You can.”

“So tight. So full…”

“That’s the idea, peach.”

“I don’t know—”

“Yes, you do. Take it, Brynna. For me. For Reb. You please us so much with your trust.”

“Oh, God!”

“In.” Rebel declared it as the base of the plug fell flush against her body, the pink
acrylic so captivating beneath the blush of her pussy. “You did it,
. Damn. It’s so beautiful.”

Her relieved laugh blended into a tight wince. “Still tight. But…better. Kind of nice.”

“That’s honest.” Rebel pressed kisses to the insides of her thighs. “And equally as

Above him, Rhett played his lips over hers with just as much meaning. “Don’t hold
it back, sweetheart. We want to see all of it. Know exactly what you’re thinking.
Feeling. There’s no right or wrong. There’s only your sensations. Your pains…and your

As he drew out the last of it, Rebel withdrew the plug well past the taper, letting
it almost escaped her body, before sliding it all the way back in. No stopping this

A longer scream from their girl.

“First item covered,” she finally spat. “Can we get to number two now? That little
thing called my pleas—”

Rhett chuckled, watching the effect of his thumb in her pussy take hold. “Now what
were you saying, sweetheart?” he queried as her voice fizzled. “Something about…your

“Crap,” she gasped. Reb almost joined her, since he got to watch how her back hole
convulsed on the plug with new vigor.

,” he grated. “That’s it,
ma chatte
. Show me how much you want it.”

“Her cunt is dripping, too.” Rhett’s voice was hoarse with awe. “You can just keep
her lubed with this cream.”

“Great minds.” He grinned while dragging some of that gorgeous juice down, rolling
it around the base of the plug.

“Fuck. Brynna Monet, you are one
of an incredible sight.”

Her response was a groan in breathy, sexy spurts—as Reb withdrew then pushed in again.
And again. And again.

“That’s good.” Rhett started pumping a hand along the hump between his thighs. “Really,
really good.”

“Certainly is.” Rebel cast over a glance to clarify he wasn’t just referencing her

“Good.” Brynn echoed it in a high-pitched sob. “Mmmmm. Yeah.”

Rhett swung his gaze over to her. “Then why do you sound like somebody just ate your
last piece of cake, sweetheart?”

A little grimace dug into her forehead. “Because I—” She flung her head to one side.
“I need—ohhh, I don’t know what I need!”

Rhett leaned in, grabbing her scalp to realign her gaze up. “I know, little peach.
I know.” Without any other assurance, he swiveled back toward Rebel. “That’s it. No
more of that teasy-taunting-mamby-pamby bullshit.
Fuck her
with it, Moon. Ram her like you want to with your cock.”

“Shit.” Brynna gritted her teeth and rocked her head back. “Oh,

A slow grin lifted his lips. “What Double-Oh wants…”

On his first thrust in, she screamed.

On his second, she moaned.

On his third, she gasped. Snapped her head back up, gaping at them both, as Reb continued
stuffing in the pink plaything, over and over, learning quickly what angle dilated
her eyes the most, made her pussy seep the wettest, dug her heels deeper into the

And made her swear the filthiest.

Yeah…that was the best part of all.

“Fuck! Ohhhh, fuck me. So good…it’s so deep and so, so
Rebel. Rebel.
! Do it to me again. Please.

“Do what?” Wait. Rhett’s murmur, like a drill officer crossed with a Zen master…
was the best part. “You know what we need, peach. Total communication. Tell him exactly
what you want him to do, beautiful.”

“I—I want him to keep fucking me like this.”

“Like what?”

, damn it. Putting that plug into my ass, just like that. Oh, crap, just…like…ohhhh!
Please, don’t stop. Don’t stop!”

Rebel grinned. “Sounds like a
good plan to me.”

Rhett added his smile. “You’re perfect, sweetheart. Open so wide like this for us…giving
everything you have to us.”

Despite the steady thrusts Reb kept giving, she blinked up at Rhett as if emerging
from a thick fog. “Amazing,” she rasped. “I’ve never felt this good before…so deep

Rhett angled back toward her. Brushed strands of hair off her gleaming forehead before
penetrating a deep gaze into her eyes. “Welcome to learning the wonders of deep anal,

Her lips turned up like a kid who’d tasted candy for the first time. “So
is what all the fuss is about.”

Rhett laughed softly. Rebel probably should’ve joined him but the grin splitting his
face wouldn’t acquiesce by an inch. Without faltering his pace, he stared long and
hard at her. Vowed to seal the memory of her face, just like this, on his mind forever.
He needed to remember the gift she’d given him, far beyond her submission. The gift
of her awe. Her wonder. Her total focus on the moment itself. In her awkwardness,
she was dazzling. In her openness, she exploded
mind. Her newness had let him experience it all as brand-new, too.

But in many ways, hadn’t it felt like this on the plane ride, too?

Would it always be this way with her?

No. There’s no
here, man. You don’t know even know how to do second dates, let alone

In a nutshell, he had to treasure every last moment of this.

With fucking gusto.

Harder and harder he pumped the plug. Tighter and tighter her body closed around it.
Her whimpers began again in earnest, as her body pitched and rolled beneath him.

,” he gritted.

“No shit.” Rhett’s teeth were locked just as tight.

Tu me rends fou, ma belle
. You’re so close, aren’t you? You need to come for me, don’t you?”

She panted hard. Licked her lips in frantic swipes. “Yes. Oh yes, I need to—I want
—it’s gripping me from the inside, and I don’t know how to process—”

“Ssshhh.” Rhett kissed her hard, quelling her sudden and obvious distress, but that
didn’t stop the tears it loosened. He dragged up, looking once more to Reb. Good fucking
chance their stares were mirrors, filled with the same conclusion. Brynn didn’t know
how to process the next step. And why should she? Prior to a minute ago, anal had
probably been good but not awesome for her, a necessity to be tolerated, not a pleasure
to be celebrated.

It was going to be damn fun to open her mind.

He openly questioned Rhett with his gaze while sliding the plug deep in her ass again.
Didn’t mind lingering over the view, either. He and Rhett Lorimer Lange had traveled
across the world and back with each other, but the last hour had taken them farther
than all those miles combined. This…was a different galaxy. They’d landed in such
a different place than what he’d imagined or expected, especially after their bitter
fight in the kitchen and the setback of this morning. Yet here they were, in a connection
despite dysfunction, a bond so twisted and strange and weird, making as much sense
as borrowing steak knives from Edward Scissorhands. But did it matter? Their cuts
were theirs and no one else’s. Who cared who’d plunged the hilt or dealt the pain?
He’d eagerly bleed for this man.

The pledge deepened his dedication to the next task.

“Leave the plug right there. Then take your cock and give her the orgasm she’s worked
so hard for.”

He extended a rubber fresh from the packet—again, seemingly from thin air and again,
nothing Reb cared to question—which got rolled on fast, despite fingers that burned
beneath the heat of the man’s stare. This was crazy. How many times had they been
bare-assed together, in locker rooms and barracks and even tanks, boats, and planes?
But nude wasn’t naked. Right now, for the very first time, he was truly naked for
Rhett Lange.

And never wanted to be covered up again.

And sure as hell refused to be ashamed about it anymore.

The resolution lifted him off his haunches. Reb widened the brace of his knees on
the mattress, lending his posture even more power—forcing Rhett to get naked, too.
He didn’t give a crap if the guy kept every stitch of his clothes on but damn it,
Rhett was going to bare his spiritual nads, even if it had to happen thread by thread.

Bleed with me, Double-Oh. Goddammit…please.

“Oh…wow.” The assertion burst from the gorgeous redhead sprawled beneath him. With
honeyed heat in her eyes, Brynn added, “Dear God, Rebel. You’re—”

“Beautiful.” The interjection was a fusion of misery and ecstasy from Rhett’s throat.
And it should have been enough. But if Rebel was the kind to settle for enough, he’d
still be sitting on that rotting porch between Father and the hooch, staring at the
gators slicing through the swamp slime. So he went for it. Pushed his fucking luck.

Fisted the base of his shaft, making it leap like a thing alive.

Touch me.

Rhett hissed softly. Swallowed deeply.

Damn you, Lange. Just do it. Just once. Please…
Touch me.

For an instant, the risk was worth it. For that one perfect moment, the man cast off
the shutters on his gaze—and let Reb see his truth. His desire. His blood.

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