Match Made in HeVan

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Authors: Lucy Kelly

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Match Made in HeVan


The Nephilim

Book Four 1/2


by Lucy Kelly


Mark of the Nephilim logo © Copyright 2012 by MvN

© Copyright February 2014 MvN


All cover art and logo © Copyright February 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Edited by Victoria Novack

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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A Note to my Readers:


Thank you for reading my books. As always, I really appreciate the support of my family. I did some research for this story and even though I tried to keep it light-hearted I did touch on some dark subjects. It’s true that in areas of the world where women are oppressed, as the oppression increases so does the rate of female suicide. When I write and I put in items from real life I make every attempt to be accurate. I hope you enjoy Malpha’s story and this won’t be the last you’ll see her!


Lucy Kelly



It didn’t take long for word to spread throughout the ship about the queen’s babies being ready to be born. The passageways cleared on the way to medical and then clogged up behind them as they passed.

They had been waiting for about an hour when Jennifer arrived with a cart of food. She’d made sandwiches and meat pies—food they could eat while being held in the hand. She couldn’t walk through the crowd, so the trays were passed around the room.

Malpha was eating something called a chocolate chip cookie. She was thinking the flavor of the chocolate, whatever it was, would go well with her brandy when
walked in.

She was sitting with a group of women. He hadn’t noticed her yet, so she took advantage and watched him covertly as he made his way over to the warriors at the door into the medical treatment rooms and spoke to them. He wasn’t as tall as the other Nephilim, but he was very manly. His hair was a burnished brown and his eyes a piercing blue. The way he carried himself told her he was aware of his body and his surroundings. Even more strangely, her breathing grew shallow and she knew her pulse was scrambling. This was the effect she thought Arjun and his brothers would have had on her. However, it was the stranger who was making her feel this way.

He turned in her direction. She looked away so he wouldn’t catch her staring. The next time she looked, she was surprised to see he was crossing the room to her. He caught her eye and she couldn’t turn away.

“Hello, I don’t believe we have met. I thought I had been introduced to all of the women on board the ship. And here, the most beautiful, has been in hiding. I am Ben of the KowLer,” he said with a short bow.

“And I am your bride, Malpha. Perhaps we should step into the hallway and speak privately,” she said in a soft voice. She was shocked to note her hand trembled slightly when he reached for it.

By the time they wove their way through the crowd and found a spot where they could speak, Malpha had made up her mind about what she wanted to do. She didn’t give him a chance to speak.

“Except for an overnight bag with a few basic necessities, all my things are on the shuttle, ready to go. Addie and her Ankida are going to be busy with their progeny for the next few days. It wouldn’t be right to interrupt their happiness. I suggest we contact the Bridge for a pilot and take this opportunity to leave,” she said.

Ben, King of all KowLer, couldn’t believe his luck. This beautiful woman was going to be his wife. Also, she didn’t seem to feel they needed a long formal courtship. He was slightly disconcerted with the way she seemed to make decisions for them. But as he was in agreement with her plan, he went along with it. There was time; she would learn.

“As you wish, my future queen,” said Ben. “We shall depart whenever you say.”

It didn’t take long to make the arrangements. Within the hour, they had slipped away to begin their new life together.

Chapter One


Malpha took a moment away from Ben to go into a bathing chamber on the ship. She was feeling a little overwhelmed and surprised at herself. When she’d acted as Regent, the temporary ruler of her home world, she had to make a great many decisions that impacted lives. She’d always taken time to reflect on all aspects of any situation before deciding. Now, for the first time, she’d made a decision in minutes
minutes after meeting Ben KowLer, King of the KowLer star system, her arranged husband. She planned to grab onto her future with both hands.

Now she was a little confused and worried. She and Ben had been sitting on the couch and he’d begun to kiss her. She felt sensations, rushes of heat and tingling throughout her body. She felt a growing wet feeling at the juncture of her legs and began to think she’d lost control of her bodily functions. She pulled away from Ben and went to the bathing chamber.

She pulled out her DRD, a data retrieval device. Hers was in the bracelet she wore on her left wrist. Pressing a small design on the surface of the bracelet caused a seam to open. A screen appeared, suspended in space in front of her, as well as a full-sized keyboard on the counter next to the bracelet. She quickly navigated to a medical database and entered her symptoms. Each of the possible illnesses her database listed was worse than the last. She didn’t understand how she could have contracted them so quickly. Really worried now, she decided to get some help.

Leaving the chamber, she asked Ben if she could make a private communication. Seeing that she was obviously upset, he showed her where the equipment she needed was and that she could use it with privacy. Sitting down in front of the console, Malpha thought for a moment, wondering who she could call. All the medicals would no doubt be busy since the queen had been in the midst of delivering her babies when she and Ben had left the ship. But perhaps Grace would be willing to help. She’d been so nice during that ‘girls’ night’ to which they’d treated her.

The communications officer must have seen the panic she tried to hide in her eyes because he told her it would only be a few minutes before he connected her to Lady Grace. After some minutes, the screen cleared and Grace’s face appeared on the small screen.

“Malpha? Where are you?” she asked.

“I left with King Ben KowLer. We’re on our way down to his planet to be married. But Grace, I think there may be a medical problem with joining our two races.”

“Why do you think that? BianCa and Thors haven’t reported any issues. Have you contacted a medical?”

“I felt the medicals would all be busy with the queen’s birth, that’s why I contacted you. Perhaps you could help me with my worries. The medical database listed a great many diseases but I feel fine now,” explained Malpha, running a hand through her long, dark brown hair.

Grace could see that Malpha was upset. Whenever they had been together in the past few days, she’d always been very self-contained. Almost too much so.

“Why don’t you run your symptoms by me?” she asked.

“Well, there were hot flashes throughout my body, tingling, and a tight feeling in my breasts, a dizzy feeling in my head and weakness in all my limbs, to start with. Then I began to excrete some type of fluid. It wasn’t urine, I checked. I can see from your face that you recognize my symptoms. Is it serious?” she asked worriedly.

“What were you doing when you started having these symptoms?” Grace asked.

“I was merely sitting on the couch with Ben. We kissed,” she explained.

Grace swallowed hard. She didn’t want Malpha to think she was laughing at her; it was a serious situation. “Um yes, yes, I can tell you what that means. Malpha, didn’t your mother ever tell you about

“No, we never really spoke of it. What does
have to do with my illness?”

“You’re not ill. You’re aroused…sexually. Or at least you were, when you kissed King Ben on the couch. You aren’t feeling the same things now, are you?”

“No, the sensations have ceased,” said Malpha. “Is that what all those things are?”

“Yes, it’s your body’s way of preparing you to join with a man. The excretions you mentioned are particularly helpful. Listen, I have some educational material I can send you. I’ll send them over and you can download them to your DRD; they’ll really help.”

“Thank you, Grace. Would you send them soon?” asked Malpha.

“I’ll send them over right away. We’re leaving orbit as soon as Addie has the babies so I’ll get right on that,” promised Grace.

Disconnecting the transmission, Grace took a deep breath and then chuckled a little. She couldn’t help but giggle as she chose a bunch of erotic romances from her eBook library to send to Malpha. She sent the ones with the hottest sex scenes so she’d have a good idea of what to expect and also to empower her. She tried to make sure all of the stories included strong female characters while having different types of sexual relationships. It would be up to Malpha and Ben to discover what turned them on the most. She added a quick note explaining that while the stories might be fiction, the sex wasn’t; people really did do all of the things described in the stories.

Back on the King’s shuttle, Malpha waited patiently for the transmission from Grace to arrive. While she waited, she took advantage of the time to download information about the new world she was joining. Twenty minutes later, she had received and downloaded the stories to her DRD. She got up to return to King Ben.

King Ben KowLer sat in the lounging area of his stateroom and wondered what he’d done wrong. He could still remember the feel of Malpha’s breast in his hand, how her nipple had tightened into a hard little bud with his caresses. Then she had pulled away and excused herself. He sat there worried that he had insulted her when she finally came back into the room.

“I apologize for my abrupt departure. There was something I needed to understand. Grace has provided me with the proper documents to educate me. After I’ve read them, I would like to resume kissing you. When did you wish to be married?” she asked in a stilted voice. She was concerned that he might have changed his mind and no longer wanted her.

Ben could tell Malpha was upset. The fact she wanted to kiss him again was a good sign, though. Perhaps she was angry that he’d attempted to bed her without marrying her first. Some cultures viewed that as a terrible insult, which included some provinces on his planet. Shaking himself from his thoughts, he answered her.

“I would like to be married as soon as possible. Is that agreeable with you?”

“Yes. If you will show me to my quarters, I have some reading to do,” she said.

“Of course, right this way. We’ll plan the joining ceremony after we land and you’ve gotten settled in the palace,” he said with a smile as he led her out of the lounge and down the corridor.

Now that he had touched her, his need for her only increased every time she was near. KowLer men, when they found the one, went into a frenzy of need that lasted until they had impregnated their chosen mate. He hoped Malpha would agree to be with child very soon. If not, they would be spending a long time in the bedroom. On second thought, that might not be too bad. He’d like to keep her in his bed for a prolonged time. He thanked the Gods she didn’t notice as he adjusted the fit of his leathers as they stood in front of her door. He knew he would be in a perpetual state of readiness, half hard at all times until he’d had her the first ten times or so.

After she’d gone into her cabin, he made his way back to his own and headed to the bathing chamber. A warm shower, some soap and his own fist, would have to do for now to alleviate his symptoms.

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