Read Matched Online

Authors: Angela Graham,S.E. Hall

Matched (26 page)

BOOK: Matched
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How does she know that?

“What about clothes?” I ask, not knowing where she’s taking us and thinking our bathing suits might not be optimal attire for wild adventures. She may be wearing a wrap dress over her bikini, but Jasmine and I just have cutoffs on with ours.

clothes on; they’re fine. Focus, please. For God’s sake, you act like you’ve never snuck through the Seychelles forest before!” Emma chews us down to size.

“Um…” I raise my hand slowly. “We haven’t. Well, I haven’t. Jasmine?”

“Yeah, also a no.”

“I’ve got it all figured out, you fairies. Been wanting to explore since we got here.”
Well, that explains her random tree knowledge and planned meeting point.
“Just follow me and do what I say.” Emma’s all fired up, her excitement and anticipation for a taste of freedom barely restrained. “Court?”

“Huh?” He shakes off the thoughtful trance he’d entered.

“What is wrong with you?” she asks, scowling at him.

“I’m torn, darlin’. You’re so damn adorable right now, but I’m not sure about lettin’ you traipse around alone.”

me?” Venom drips from her words, and her eyes become slits.

“Nope,” he pops. “Not what I said. Forget it—go. Have fun. Gimme ten minutes to figure out how the hell I’m distractin’ them while you pull off this heist of yours, then hurry your asses outta here. If I whistle, you’re busted, so stop and play it off.”

“That’s better.” She smiles at him coyly.

“What if somebody—say, your
—asks where you are?”

Emma looks to Jasmine and me for answers, but gets none. “This is
plan, Indiemma Jones. Don’t look at us!” I laugh nervously, hoping she changes her mind.

Her mouth twists thoughtfully, the wheels in her head practically squeaking. “I got it! Say I started a really bad period and went to lie down, and they came to check on me!”

“Why’s it always the period thing?” he moans. Her seduction tactics are obviously wearing off.

“It’s our secret weapon. You men retreat immediately—have absolutely no clue what’s going on, and wouldn’t dare verify it even if you did. Do it—say that, okay?” she begs him. It’s obvious he’s still iffy, so she clinches it by placing a quick peck to his cheek. “Please?”

Finally, he nods, only a trace of uneasiness now lingering in his expression.

“Thank you, Court. This is definitely a point in your favor. Okay, ladies, I’ll nab our stuff. We wait ten, then mosey to the meeting spot one by one.”

Court stands and backs up, giving Emma one last, long regard. “Be careful.”

We all assure him, expecting him to leave, when he adds, “And Emma? I’ll let you use me all you want, but eventually it’ll take more than a kiss on the cheek. What I want is your time, darlin’—time
spent being ignored. I want back in.”

She’s just staring at him with her face lax, apparently stunned speechless by his outright awareness of being used. We watch in silence as he finally walks away, unsure what to say.

Court isn’t giving up. I may be Team Emma, but I’m sure rooting for the sweet, sexy cowboy.


Confessional: Callie Cole

“Yeah, I know I look like I just woke up—because I did. Not sure what’s going on, so I’m gonna hole up in here for a while. You’re welcome.

“Can’t eat breakfast. Well, I could…I just don’t want to. Skank and Slut are in the kitchen, acting…skanky and slutty, and my girls are nowhere to be found. Not that I can’t handle those two on my own, I just…again, don’t want to.

“I guess I could take a shower, but nope, I’d rather do this. Not gonna lie, I’m not real happy and kinda wanna bitch about it. Jasmine, Harlow, and Emma are obviously hiding out or doing whatever without me. Yeah, I realize I sound like a ten-year-old girl who didn’t get asked to sit at the cool-kid table at lunch, but it’s still shitty. The four of us are a team—we made a pact—and I wake up…no note, no invite.

“Maybe I’m being paranoid. It’s just weird that the first and only night Emma sleeps in our room, I wake up the next morning and they’re all missing. Yes, Oakley and I stayed up and talked about things, and yes, I saw Emma’s little looks. But I’m a good friend to Harlow and there is nothing going on. I hope Emma didn’t misinterpret and give Harlow the wrong idea.

“Do other people not talk in their rooms? Seems pretty natural to me—they are lying just a few feet away. I’m worrying over nothing, I’m sure.

“So, then where the hell are they? It’s kinda hard to hide in this house. Maybe they…hold up. Okay, never mind. Can you hear that? Getting very loud out there. Sounds like I’m not the only one searching for them. Gotta go.”

Chapter 18

“Emma, you couldn’t have packed our
tennis shoes
? Maybe a shirt?” I whine, trekking through the jungle in freakin’ flip-flops.

Aside from the overall icky feeling I have from swarming insects, poisonous shrubbery, and marshy ground that’s swallowing my feet more with each step, I keep looking behind us for cameramen; a sixth sense is plaguing me. I haven’t spied any so far, but my intuition’s itching—and
from the bugs. There’s something back there.

“Are, uh…there any bears, cougars, lions—
oh my
—in these woods?” I ask ignorantly, with the mortal fear the answer might just be yes.

Jasmine grows more agitated with each question. “She doesn’t know! She doesn’t even know where we’re going!” she screams at the back of our leader, who’s several feet ahead of us. “Emma, are we just gonna explore, or do you have an actual destination in mind?”

“Right here!” she calls back with glee, her arms spread out and face jubilant when we finally catch up. “Check that out!”

Wonderful, we’ve found a hunter’s house.
No doubt it’s filled with at least one strange native man and lots of guns. Good stuff.

“Emma, we’re
going in there!” I put my foot down. Yes, it sinks in the mud. “Have you not seen
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
? You got your fresh air and walk, so let’s turn around.”

She spins around and laughs. “It’s harmless! It’s part of the same property we’re staying at—a guest house. Saw the details in Adam’s stuff. Come on!”

She runs to the porch, trying the doorknob and peeking in windows before I can argue further.

“Well, whaddya think?” I ask Jasmine.

“We’re already here, and she says it’s fine.” Jasmine shrugs and starts walking her way. “If you don’t follow, you’ll be out here…by
,” she chides over her shoulder.

“Hold up!” I spring into action, plastering myself to her back in a flash.

“Wait…this isn’t right,” Emma complains, maneuvering her head to get a better view through the largest window. She rushes off the porch, jogging around the side of the house. Jasmine and I exchange a cynical glance, then follow her.

Sitting maybe an acre away is a mini version of the mansion we’re living in. “Now
is the guest house!” Emma boasts, looking back at us with a grin.

“Then what was
?” I point at the smaller structure.

“Dunno. Looks like someone’s been staying there. Come on!”

She’s taking off, and again I’m tempted to remove my flip-flops to get better traction—especially if I want any hope of keeping up with her. I’m over it the second I spot a couple bees covering the flowers around me, though.
Flops it is.

“If his photos are accurate, there should be…” Emma’s talking more to herself than us as we round the gorgeous mini mansion, our eyes bulging at the sight hidden in the back. “That!”

“Holy shit!” Jasmine gasps.

“Oh my God!” I exclaim. “Why is this all the way back here?”

My grin literally hurts my face as I take in the enormous pool, which is twice the size of the one we’ve been enjoying. There’s even a diving board, waterslide, and what looks like a little cave off to the side.

“I need a boost,” Emma grunts, already halfway up the fence.

Jasmine and I both grab a foot and push. She’s up and over in the next second, making the whole thing look way too easy.

“Okay, who’s next?” she giggles.

“You go,” I tell Jasmine, and as I start to give her a push, I hear a rustling behind me.

I whip around, and Jasmine shrieks as she’s forced to hold herself up.


Cruz saunters up like a laid-back bushman, smirking but with arched brows telling of other emotions.

“Cruz, heeey,” I reply hesitantly. “What’s up?” I rest my hand casually on one of the chain links behind me, going for blasé but more likely accomplishing awkward.

I hear Emma whispering, and peek back to see Jasmine has made it over. Both of them are watching us like nervous nellies. They’re safe behind a fence;
the lucky ones
. And who’d we think was gonna boost

Emma and her plans.

“Just thought I’d come out for a walk,” Cruz replies, his lip quirking up. “You know…check out the scenery, soak up some murky jungle air, make sure you girls don’t get yourselves killed. The usual.”

I smile now; he seems calm. “Well, as you can see, we’re good, so see ya around.” I punch his shoulder playfully, then turn and attempt to start climbing when large arms wrap around my middle and drag me back to the ground.

He holds me close. My back is pressed to his hard chest, his breath hitting the back of my ear. “Bad idea, sneaking around in the middle of nowhere. You know that, right?” he whispers, and I nod. Not because I agree, necessarily, but because I need him to release me. My entire body is beyond tense; goose bumps flaring over my arms and spreading across my neck where his breath caresses it.

“You want to swim before I drag you girls home?”

He’s actually giving us a choice?
My head bobs again, and when he doesn’t reply I peer over my shoulder to find him watching me, his eyes intense but musing. My mouth opens to speak, but words evade me.

“They’re not over there.”

Court emerges from the trees, stopping short when he spots us.

“Found them,” Cruz says, releasing me and shattering whatever it was going on between us.

The closer Court gets to us, the harder my eyes squint.
Is that a…

“Oh my God!” Emma howls, seeing the same thing, I’m sure. “Damn it, Cruz! What did you do?” Emma’s at the fence, clinging to it for a better look at the black eye Court’s sporting. It’s subtle, fresh, and just beginning to darken, but indeed a black eye.

“Nothing he didn’t deserve,” Cruz explains nonchalantly, scanning the fence line. He starts toward it and follows it around. “He knew he’d have it coming.”

“Are you all right?” Emma’s sympathetic eyes are focused on Court. “My brother’s a
sometimes!” She screams
in Cruz’s direction, then looks back at Court, an apologetic frown etched on her face. “He never shoulda hit you.”

“Would’ve been kicked out if he got caught doing it,” Jasmine reminds us.

Court moves to the fence, right in front of Emma. “I took the hit, and he’s right. I knew I’d have it comin’ for helpin’ you.” He tilts his head and touches his fingers to hers through the chain-link fence. “And seein’ the way you’re lookin’ at me right now, all worried? It’s totally worth it.”

Emma shoves off from her side of the fence, her concern morphing into repulsion. “The only way I’m looking at you right now is wondering if your other eye needs to match!”

“Whatever you say, darlin’.”

There’s a click and we all turn our heads to Cruz, who’s opening the gate to the fence and holding his arm out, grinning. “Feel free to climb, but this might be easier.”

He chuckles at my eye roll when I brush past him.

“You said you threw that damn thing away!” Cruz growls the moment Emma pulls off her dress to reveal the same teeny pink bikini she wore when she was with Wyatt.

“I lied,” she replies easily, ignoring the steam pouring from his ears.

Court, however, is mesmerized. He watches her strut around the pool, leaning down to sit on the edge and dip her toes in.

Cruz doesn’t miss his captivation, either. “Best stop staring or it’ll be a lot worse than one eye, cowboy.”

“Right,” Court grumbles, looking away and changing the subject. “So, anyone check for cameras?”

“I didn’t see any,” Jasmine says, looking pleased.

“Fabulous!” Emma squeals before diving in.

It doesn’t take long before we’re all splashing around in the pool, enjoying the slide and having a good time. Jasmine’s up on Court’s shoulders, demanding I play a round of chicken now that Callie’s not here and one of us actually stands a chance at winning.

But before I can respond, I feel something wriggle between my legs and lock around my thighs, and then I’m being shot up into the air. I panic and grasp for anything to hold onto, digging my fingers into Cruz’s head—the
wedged between my thighs.

BOOK: Matched
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