Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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Her hand went to my cock. 

I nodded, heart leaping in glee, though I kept a somber face. “There’s a good lass.”

She knelt. At first she toyed with me, licking and kissing my shaft while her slender fingers cupped my sack. 

After a minute, I gripped a fistful of her hair and jerked it so she met my eyes. “This is not time for ye to tease me. Ye are my woman. I will teach you to mind so ye are safe.”

Wide-eyed, she didn’t pull away. Instead she let me plunder her mouth, my cock sliding in and out with forceful thrusts.

My hand gripped her hair harder and she moaned, sending delicious vibrations through me.

“Brenna,” I gasped. She would know I was undone. She could bring me to my knees as easily as I could order her to hers.

I pulled out of her mouth just as my cum erupted from my cock, painting her face and chest with spurts. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, accepting my seed.

“Oh love. Ye have earned yer spanking, and yer reward.”


Samuel found us twined together. I’d spanked and finger fucked her until her arse was berry red, and her cunt lips were plump and ripe for the touch. I slid my finger into her arsehole before I made her cum. Then I bound her arms behind her, lay on my back and made her bounce up and down on my cock, slapping her breasts until they were pink. Her cunny clenched with each playful slap. By the time Samuel walked in, she’d cum a dozen times, and I’d cum twice. I cradled her in my arms while she dozed, kissing her breasts to soothe them from the hurt I’d caused. Brenna slept with a smile on her face.

The scent of our lovemaking hung thick in the air. Samuel walked in and sighed.

“I see you found a way to keep busy while I was gone.”

I swirled my tongue around one of Brenna’s cherry tipped nipples. “Aye. Thought it best to see to her, in case Siebold demands retribution, and the pack backs him.” I nodded to Brenna’s red arse.

“I’m afraid it won’t be that easy.” Samuel seated himself on the dais, stroking one of Brenna’s smooth legs as he spoke. “Siebold is furious. He wants to make a public example.”

I lifted my head. “That’s not for him to decide. She is ours. We discipline her where we please.”

“If Brenna did what Siebold claims she did, I think it’s a good idea.

I snarled. Brenna jerked awake, and I laid a hand on her cheek, pressing her to my chest until her eyes fluttered closed again.

“What happened in the hallway?” Samuel asked. “Show me.”

I sent the impression of my memories through our shared link.

Samuel groaned when he realized how Brenna had challenged the bigger warrior. “I’d hoped Siebold was lying.”

“What was Siebold doing in our part of the cave?”

“He came to give news of the patrol. He heard splashing and thought I was there.”

I huffed my disbelief. “He was lurking, trying to start a fight.”

“Even if he was, Brenna made it worse by her actions.”

“She was defending me.”

“Aye, and you can defend yourself. If she’d backed down, you’d have gotten between her and Siebold, called for me or shifted to order him to leave. And that would be the end of it. Right now he’s telling the whole pack how the woman challenged him.”

“He wants the pack to agree with him, and force our hand. He wants her punished publicly, like one of the pack.” I shook my head in disgust at the bully’s actions.

“And she should be. If a female wolf behaved as she did, you’d drag her to the bonfire and spank her in front of everyone.  And then continue the lesson in private.”

“Brenna isnae a wolf.”

“No, but we want her to take her place in the pack. She’s either ours, or not.”

I paused for a moment to listen to my wolf, but it remained silent. Challenges and fights for rivalry were how a wolf found its place in the pack. Formal punishment was the way the pack protected the weak from the stronger, a way of limiting the plays for dominance that could so easily leave wolves crippled. A pack member who was so obviously weaker—like Brenna—could submit to public punishment as a way to placate the need for a show of submission.

As long as the lesson did no lasting damage to our beloved, the wolf wouldn’t protest. The pack would, though, if we didn’t make an example of her for challenging Siebold. If we refused, they might demand that Siebold be the one to beat her.

My wolf growled at that.
No one touches our mate but us.

Not our mate,
I reminded the wolf. Brenna shifted in my arms and I forgot my argument. Liquid brown eyes held mine. I had a feeling she’d been faking sleep all this time, to have us speak plainly.

Tipping her back, I held her gaze. “Do ye ken what ye did to Siebold, and why ye must answer for it?”

She gulped and nodded.

“I appreciate ye trying to defend me, lass, but ye could’ve been killed, standing yer ground with a wolf like that. You’re only dominant if you’re strong enough to back it. If Siebold had gotten ye alone--”

I clasped her closer, shuddering at what the sadistic warrior would do to prove his dominance. “A public punishment may be for the best.”

Samuel leaned closer and caught Brenna’s chin. “You will be punished, and then it is over. The pack will see you submit to us, and to the pack structure. It will help them accept you.”

Flushing, Brenna looked down.

“Ye live with us, ye lives by our rules. The sooner ye learn, the easier life will be.”


The day of Brenna’s punishment dawned with me between her legs, teasing her plump folds until their honey coated my fingers. I lapped it up, bringing her to the brink of arousal again and again, but never letting her go over. The pleasure flooding her senses would make the pain easier to bear.

Samuel entered the room. “It is time.”

When we stepped out of the cave, the whole pack had assembled to watch. Almost forty wolves sat in the clearing, lounging against the rocks or crouching near the fire. Those in warrior form held weapons. No one took their eyes off our woman.

“Come, Brenna,” I ordered. Our beloved hesitated at the mouth of the cave, but then stepped boldly into the clearing. She wore a simple white shift and her silver torc. Her hair was braided and her feet were bare.

The wolves stared at her, eyes shining gold and predatory in the morning light. Her head started to drift up to face her audience. I quickly shoved it down. “Eyes.”

I heard a frustrated huff of breath before she obeyed.

We’d walked halfway across the clearing before Siebold stepped in our path.

“Do you see her insolence? Your woman is unruly. She does not know her place in the pack.” The Viking faced Samuel, who sat on the far side of the clearing on the great stone he used as a throne. “An Alpha who cannot control one woman is weak.”

Samuel stood and stretched, rolling his neck and cracking bone. His muscles worked in his shoulders. He finished by tossing his gold mane back. He looked anything but weak. He ignored the belligerent warrior. Every word, every movement we’d crafted like a ritual, a dance. A display of Samuel’s power.

“Is this true, Daegan? Did our woman challenge Siebold for dominance?  Even though she is weaker than him, and wouldn’t survive a fair fight?”

“She looked him in the eye, Alpha, and struck him.” I smirked a little. Siebold couldn’t be proud of taking a blow from such a slight adversary. Sure enough he flushed, and snapped his teeth in annoyance.

“She challenged me. Let her fight, or submit to formal punishment.”

Samuel beckoned, and Siebold stepped aside. I brought Brenna to the Alpha’s side. He wound her braid around his wrist, leashing her. “Poor little love, weakest in the pack.”

“She knew the rules,” Siebold muttered. “She stepped out of line.”

“Perhaps. Or perhaps she knew we protected her.” Samuel stared the Viking down. “To challenge her is to challenge us.”

“That’s right, Siebold,” I taunted. “Do ye want to go in the pit and fight him?”

“If you win you would be Alpha.” Samuel had planned this beforehand. If Siebold was making a play for dominance over him, he wanted to know. We would make Siebold admit it.

For a few tense seconds it seemed Siebold would challenge for Alpha. But the bully backed down. “I do not wish to be Alpha,” he sneered. The whole pack could smell the lie in his scent. “But rules are rules. If you cannot control your woman and tame her, perhaps you should give her to me.”

Samuel’s roar cut off my snarl. “Think carefully before you challenge for our woman. To become Alpha, you need only challenge me. To take her, you have to defeat both Daegan and me.”

“And me,” Wulfgar added, and Fergus echoed the same sentiment. The little wolf wasn’t dominant to Siebold, but he’d made it clear that he would fight for our woman all the same.

“Stand down, Viking,” Wulfgar ordered.

Siebold’s gaze sank to the ground, and for a moment I thought Samuel’s plan had worked. We’d placated the stupid warrior. A quick punishment for our woman, and all would be well.

I should’ve known better. As Siebold slunk away, he said, “Next time we deliver meat to her sisters, I will sample one of them.”

Brenna’s head snapped up and she flew at the Viking before Samuel or I could stop her.

“Brenna,” my voice cracked across the clearing, but it was too late She snatched up a stick, a thick tree branch that lay near the bonfire for kindling, and went after Siebold.

Shock made him pause, and saved Brenna’s life. The large blond hunched and growled, his wolf coming over him.

It was over in a flash, but I’d never forget the bone-chilling sight of my mate facing the large golden animal with nothing but her anger and a stick.

Wulfgar’s hand clasped on Siebold’s scruff, and hauled him back. I caught Brenna and pulled her to my side.

“Kneel,” I ordered her furiously, and forced her down. I kept a hand on her head, as a reminder to lower her gaze. I could only imagine her furious expression, but she stayed down, a picture of submission, at least. I hoped it would be enough to placate the pack.

The warriors all waited to see what their Alpha would do. Disobedience like that couldn’t go unchecked. The rules were in place to keep the Berserkers from tearing each other apart.

I cursed under my breath.

You see,
Siebold whined through the pack bonds.
You see, Alpha?

“I do see. Brenna.”

Brenna flinched under my hand, but didn’t look up.

“You must trust your mates to defend you. You are the weakest among us and cannot fight for dominance. You will be punished in front of the pack to learn your place.”

A slight slump of her shoulders told me she understood. I warred between wanting to comfort her and wanting to set her over my knee and blister her behind in view of everyone.

Siebold whined happily. Wulfgar yanked him back as if he were a naughty pup.

“Siebold,” Samuel addressed the golden wolf. “You will not touch her sisters. We promised we would keep them safe.”

“Why not, Alpha?” a warrior asked. “They are so young, and ripe for the taking. Why do we suffer when these women might help us?”

Another warrior added, “We could just take one…the eldest. The blonde. She will be enough to warm us all through the winter.”

A grunt from Siebold, who’d changed back into man form and prowled forward, keeping the fire between us. “I know the blonde. Sweet bitch, she bathes naked in the forest stream. Flaunting herself in front of us…she’s practically asking for it.”

This time, I noted how Siebold directed his taunts, and kept a hand on Brenna. It didn’t matter. With a swift motion, she leaned forward, grabbed up the great stick, and thrust it into the fire.

Not just into the fire—at the cooking pot. The tripod shuddered and the pot tipped, spilling broth onto the hissing fire. Steam rose as the pot rolled towards the scowling Siebold. The warrior leapt out of the way, but not fast enough to escape the hot liquid. He yowled.

This time I hauled our beloved out of the clearing, away from the pack. “Are ye mad, lass?” I’d never guess, in a hundred years, that our woman would behave as she did. It seemed her sweet submissive self went only so far as our chambers.

This was serious. Siebold was mad enough to shift and try to destroy her. Already Wulfgar and Fergus were pushing through warriors to stand between me and the Viking. The wolves were restless, shifting, whining, wondering if there would be a fight.

A sound rolled across the clearing that I didn’t expect. Seated on his throne, Samuel was laughing. His chuckle echoed over the clearing. Wulfgar laughed too, and Siebold turned on the great warrior with fury.

“Change,” Samuel ordered. Siebold’s body jerked from man to beast, forced to obey the Alpha’s command. Shrieking human turned into whimpering wolf, easily subdued by Wulfgar and a few others. One or two other wolves in the pack were caught unawares by the Alpha’s command and shifted into their animal form. They shuffled out of sight, ashamed. The rest of the pack quieted, on edge, waiting at the Alpha’s word.

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