Mating Season (3 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Mating Season
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Even now, the loss of her childhood friend, her first lover, was an ache that never quite faded away. But the loss of her unborn babes ignited pain and hatred so deep she nearly shook with the ferocity of her feelings. Other animals did not hold a grudge or dwell on the past, but her people were a mix. She wanted to change her skin and let her bear go on a killing rampage. If she could have, she would have slaughtered Tartok and Cikuq long ago.

Those males were wrong. Abominations. The females of her people had limited fertility, which made their young all the more precious. Breeding was the female's choice, and though some elected to take multiple mates and give their children more than one father, Shila had never wanted that. The part of her that was a woman was every bit as strong as the bear. She wanted a mate and children and a community every bit as much as she wanted the freedom to roam the wilderness and live by her instincts. Those sick males from the Suinnak clan had taken that from her.

"I escaped and managed to lose them through several breeding seasons,” she explained. “I don't know how they found me again this year. It's too early to breed children, but they mean to keep me confined so no other males can get to me."

Koll released a growl so bearlike it made her shiver. “If I see them, I'll kill them. I won't let them get you."

Shila had thought she was warm, but his promise and the ferocity behind it set off a blaze of heat from her breasts to the vee between her legs. “You would kill for me?"

"Yes.” He shifted in his seat and appeared to brace himself, as if he thought he'd said something wrong.

There was only one reason Shila knew for a male to protect a female so fiercely. “You want to mate with me?"

He chuffed out a laugh and then looked surprised at himself. His gaze, however, was nothing short of ravenous. Even if his erection hadn't tented his pants, the sudden blast of lust in his musky scent would have told Shila he wanted her. Reaching into his shirt, he drew out a strip of material and held it toward her.

She accepted it and looked at the soft ribbon. “It's pink."

Koll grunted and felt his cheeks mimic the color. “The men in my family have taken a lot of grief for that."


"Girly color,” he muttered.

Shila didn't see why. “It looks like a strip of lean meat.” Drawing it to her nose, she slid it across her upper lip as she inhaled. “And it smells like you."

Actually, it smelled quite good. Like heat and flesh and his own unique scent. He'd carried it close to his skin.

"You hungry?” he asked.

Still holding the ribbon, she returned her attention to the aroma of food. His home was mostly open, not sectioned off, although she could see closed doorways that must lead to other areas. Four long strides carried Koll to the fireplace where he fetched a plate of fish left to warm. Her stomach rumbled as he brought it closer and offered it to her.

Just as she reached for it, he drew the plate back. “Will you wear my ribbon?"

"Do I get the fish?” She bared her teeth. It was never wise to come between her and food, no matter what form she wore.

He chuffed again and handed it over.

Shila instantly dug in and rumbled in contentment as the flavor hit her tongue. He hadn't pickled or seasoned the fish as some of the clawless people were wont to do. The natural, unpolluted flavor of the meat was delicious.

She finished the whole fish in three bites. “More please."

Although Koll didn't say anything, she sensed he was pleased. He hurried to fix her another helping and didn't try to hold back the plate this time. Smart man. He got some for himself and sat to eat with her, proving he had just as hardy an appetite as she did.

After another few servings, Shila finished with a sigh and patted her belly. It always felt good to be full. Koll removed their dishes before he sat at the corner of the bed again, watching her intently. She realized he was still waiting for an answer. Would she wear his ribbon?

"What's it for?” she asked, dangling the thin strip of pink from her fingers.

His dark brows drew together. “You wear it in your hair when you go outside. It's to warn other males that you're taken. Your village doesn't share the custom?"

"No. Taken?"

"Mated,” he explained. He looked uncertain now. “If you accept the ribbon, then you agree to stay with me. Here. For the winter.” A beat of silence. “As my mate."

Shila was confused. “But it's not breeding season. I cannot conceive."

"No,” he agreed. “I'm drinking the brew to stop conception. The winter is to see if we suit."

Huh. Shila had never heard of a mating season separate from the breeding season. Then again, she didn't know much about the customs of the clawless. She did like the idea of the ribbon, though. It obviously eliminated fights between males over available females.

"I'm not one of your villagers,” she pointed out, already thinking over the possibilities.

A jerk of Koll's shoulder was his only response.

"Tartok and Cikuq are still after me.” Actually, that was a good reason for her to stay here, since the two males would never think to look for her in a clawless village. But she thought it only fair to warn Koll. “They are very dangerous."

"So am I,” Koll said, throwing back his shoulders. His tone held no boastfulness, merely fact. “I am strong and skilled in battle, and I know how to defend what's mine. I can protect you."

His confidence was appealing. Despite knowing what he'd be up against if the brothers tracked her here, Shila couldn't help but believe him. He was willing to fight for her, and he'd already proven he could provide food and shelter. She also couldn't deny the arousal he inspired in her body. Although the bear only mated to create young, the part of her that was woman enjoyed pleasure for pleasure's sake.

"I would be with you alone?” she asked, just to be sure. “I would not sleep with other males?"

He gave her that delicious growl again. The sound of it bubbling out of his broad chest made her stomach flutter.

"You'd be mine,” he announced. “Mine for the whole winter. I'll deal with any male who so much as touches you."

Oh yes. Koll was strong and virile and very much to her taste. Still, a female could never be too discerning.

"Take off your clothes. I wish to inspect you before I decide.” She wanted to get a better look at him.

His eyes blazed, and his scent intensified until she thought it would soak into her pores. Although a flush shot up from his neck, he didn't look the least bit shy. He bent over to yank off his boots and socks, never once breaking eye contact. Then he stood and drew off his shirt and undershirt to reveal his brawny chest.

Shila's heart pounded in excitement as she watched the shift of muscles in his arms and abs. He was a spectacular male, built to excite and attract women from all peoples and races. Just looking at him had moisture pooling between her legs.

"More,” she demanded. It was her right to look over his entire body if he wanted her to consider him as a mate.

A muscle ticked in Koll's jaw as he opened his fly and sprang his erection. One push sent his pants to the floor with a muffled thud. He stepped free, revealing muscular legs toned to perfection.

Forsaking the blanket, Shila got up and walked closer to examine him. Her skin immediately heated, though she had no problem with nudity. It was his return scrutiny that warmed her. She noticed his gaze immediately landed on her bare breasts before sliding down to her mons. The sudden gush of precum that flowed from the tip of his hard cock assured her he liked what he saw.

She circled behind him to see if his backside matched his front. His buttocks were firm and nicely defined, promising to flex forever once he began to rut. She was tempted to give each globe a good squeeze. Instead, she stood so close she felt his body heat pouring off him.

He remained still, though his breathing deepened until Shila saw his sides moving with every inhalation. When he glanced at her over his shoulder, she came around front again and grabbed his jutting cock. Koll groaned, and more moisture spilled out of his slit.

"Big and powerful.” She slid her hand down the flushed shaft and reached for his balls, which were already tight. “Very good."

Shila stretched up to reach his lips and teased the side of his mouth with hers. His full bottom lip was perfect for nibbling. She scraped her teeth over it before tugging it out for a soothing lick. Mmm. He tasted good too.

Her inspection complete, she announced her decision. “I approve. I will winter with you.” As if there'd really been any doubt.

To show respect for his custom, she wrapped the ribbon around her head and tried to knot it at her temple. The slippery material slid loose and started to fall.

Koll caught it instantly, demonstrating great speed and dexterity for all his bulk. Instead of placing it around her head, he gently pulled out a lock of her hair and tied the pink ribbon near the top so the ends dangled down like colored stripes. Stepping back, he just looked at her for a moment before touching her cheek with something close to reverence. His expression made her heart turn over.

Shila returned the gesture before closing the distance so she could nuzzle him. He followed her lead at first, giving her glancing kisses that made her crave more, but she felt the sexual aggression building in his body. That was okay. The same tension mounted in hers.

When she nipped his chin, he stopped playing and staked his claim. She would have said he mauled her, except her newfound mate had a great deal of skill. Crushing her to him, he took her mouth and demanded entry. He let his hands roam wildly over her body, but he was very deliberate with the stroke of his tongue. He set a rhythm that mimicked a cock sliding in and out of a wet pussy.

Shila groaned and clutched those marvelous butt cheeks she'd ogled and massaged the hard muscles inside each globe. His mind must have been similarly fixated because he caught her hips and dragged her closer. The hard length of his erection stood like a naked promise between them. Then he slid his big hands up her sides and around the front to knead her breasts. His calluses chafed her nipples and turned them into achy pebbles.

Need knotted inside her lower belly and made her nether lips swell and pout. She yanked her head back to break from his kiss. “Take me,” she demanded. “Now."

She left no room for misunderstanding. Wrapping her hand around the head of his cock, she gave it a squeeze and pulled him toward the bed. When she reached the edge, she let go and climbed forward on all fours.

Koll was on her in a heartbeat. He clutched her breasts to hold her in place and used his knee to shove her thighs wider. His skin was scalding where it touched hers. Shila yelped in mingled pleasure and surprise when he pinched her nipples and then wedged the head of his massive erection inside her with one hard shove.

Desperate, she squirmed beneath him, but he only pushed her head toward the mattress and locked one hand around her hip. He fed the rest of his endless shaft into her with excruciating slowness. She was glad. It had been a long time since she'd taken a lover. The stretch and burn were almost too much.

She moaned long and low by the time he hilted and his balls smacked her damp skin. His cock was a tremendous presence in her body.

"Hurting?” he asked.

Shila was beyond forming words, so she shoved back to show she was fine.

That was all the invitation Koll seemed to need. Using his weight to further pin her, he drew back his hips. Just the friction of withdrawal was enough to torture her intimate nerve endings. She flooded with cream until she was sure she'd overflow. His return thrust made her cry out in pleasure as he stroked even deeper.

He humped her in a quickening rhythm, accompanied by a chorus of grunts. Each thrust slid the head of his enormous cock over the perfect spot, triggering mini-orgasms that made her contract around his shaft. Although it had been a while, her body knew where it was headed and was impatient to get there.

"More. Faster!” Reaching for his flank, Shila urged him on and wound up raking his thigh with her nails.

Koll bellowed. He used just the right force then, pounding her until her whole body jiggled with the impact. She felt him glide one palm down the center of her body until his hand was lodged between her thighs. Rather than finger her clit, he set one knuckle lightly against the straining bud and let the back and forth rocking of her body produce the friction.

When her sheath clutched at his invading cock, she thought she was already coming. But that was just the prelude. The next in-stroke made everything inside her pull up tight before she shattered into a million brilliant pieces. Ecstasy rocked through her body, making her latch on to him where they were joined and milk him fiercely.

Koll bucked, releasing a loud roar as his hot seed splashed against her womb. The way he ground against her buttocks dragged out the flutters of pleasure until he was at last spent. He collapsed on top of her.

Shila was strong enough that his weight was no problem, although her muscles felt a little shaky at that moment. With a shove, she sent him rolling to his side and turned to look at him. The glow of pleasure that still tingled through her body made her smile as she brushed the hair out of his eyes.

"You are very good,” she announced with pride. She'd chosen well. “I'll enjoy this winter."

His teeth flashed as he returned her smile—tentative at first, but then full and happy.

She looked down at his cock, which now glistened with their combined juices. It barely seemed to flag.


His grin disappeared. “When you're ready."

Anticipation had Shila aroused in seconds. She swung her leg over and came up straddling his lap backward.

"Now,” she ordered. “I like coming. I want you to make me climax as many times as you can."

His growl of assent seemed to vibrate right down to his cock as he positioned her over the head and yanked her down. Oh yes. She'd picked the perfect mate.

By nightfall Shila was a very satisfied woman. Koll was a vigorous lover, and after several rounds in bed, he'd heated a bath and made love to her in there. She'd especially enjoyed the experience since she adored the water as both woman and bear. Thanks to her people's quick healing, she was only a little sore, and the tenderness between her legs made her feel smug and well-serviced.

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