Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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“It says Max’s bitch at the back instead of Bride’s bitch,’’ she giggles and I snap my head to Max in fury.

“I cannot believe you,’’ I growl.

“Baby, I call ’um as I see ’um,’’ he winks.

“Fuck, yes! Another twenty quid please, lads,’’ Maverick chuckles proudly, taking another twenty quid from Lee and the other bloke sitting next to him.

Wondering who else ducked out for a quickie, I turn in my seat. That’s when I see a blushing Denny and a grinning Mason, who is currently adjusting his junk, walking towards us.

“Bro, something you want to tell us?’’ Max calls out grinning.

“What?’’ Mason asks, not bothering to look offended. He sits down next to Kayla, pulling Denny into his lap.

“You’re walking funny,’’ Max snickers.

“Well, yeah, some fucker took the office,’’ Mason growls, looking at Max with a pissed off expression.

I giggle, not able to hold it in. I don’t even know
I’m giggling. The look Mason throws Max’s and my way should embarrass me, knowing they all know what we got up to in the office, but it doesn’t.

“That still doesn’t explain the walking,’’ Max laughs, taking a sip of his drink, looking relaxed.

“That would be because I had to...’’

“Don’t even finish that sentence,’’ Denny giggles, smacking Mason on the arm.

“Let’s just say, outside wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be,’’ Mason grunts.

“Why didn’t you use the toilets?’’ Max asks.

“’Cause Adam
throwing up in the bloke’s and Malik beat me to the girl’s toilets,’’ Mason groans.

Everyone laughs and a moment later Malik and Harlow walk around the corner laughing. I’ve never seen Malik laugh. It’s a sight to see that’s for sure. He acts so broody all of the time; it’s nice to see him look carefree for a change.

“Took you long enough,’’ Max grunts, looking put out by their lack of presence.

“Says the person who couldn’t get his girl out of here quick enough,’’ Malik grunts, sitting down. When Malik tries to pull Harlow down on his lap she slaps his hand away, dragging an empty chair closer to him before taking a seat.

“So, what did you boys get up to? Myles won’t tell me,’’ Kayla asks, her words slurring slightly, wobbling to her seat.

The boys laugh. “Not a lot.’’

The comment has me more interested. I can tell by the looks they give each other that

“Come on...’’ I start, but then a male voice has me pausing.

“Ohhhh, we caught up to you hunk bunches.’’

I twist around in my chair, smiling when I see a good looking bloke basically skipping towards us. Already I can tell he’s gay and the fact he’s mentioned catching up to these ‘hunk bunches’ has me grinning. Did they pick him up or do they know him? That’s the million dollar question.

“Kevin,’’ Max shouts, bursting my ear drum. “I knew you missed me,’’ Max grins.

“Oh, you wish,’’ Kevin flirts, his eyes raking over the rest of the group before landing on Mason. He lets out a dramatic sigh. “You break my heart, sugar bunch.’’

“Sugar bunch?’’ I whisper to Max, who chuckles.

“He’s got a thing for Mason,’’ he answers, not caring who hears.

“Kevin,’’ Mason greets, smiling. “Where’s Mark?’’

“Left him in bed exhausted,’’ he winks. “Jealous?’’

“He should be. He left me still walking,’’ Denny laughs. Mason turns, scowling at her, but I can see amusement lighting up in his eyes.

“Oh, I like her. She’s feisty,’’ Kevin tells Mason before approaching Denny. “If I wasn’t gay I’d be totally all over you.’’

“And if you wasn’t gay and I wasn’t in love, I’d be all over you,’’ Denny winks.

“That’s my future wife you’re talking to,’’ Mason growls at Kevin, then narrows his eyes at Denny.

“Ohhh, it makes me hard when you talk to me in that rough tone,’’ Kevin flirts and the group laughs.

His attention zones in on the rest of the group. His eyes land on Kayla and he grins. “My, don’t you look like a fairy princess?’’ he gushes.

“Thanks?’’ she replies, blushing which makes me giggle. My giggle causes his attention to snap to me and my giggle stops short causing me to choke.

“And hair on a stick. My lord, you are beautiful, girl.’’

“Thanks,’’ I giggle.

“Watch it, I’ll start getting jealous,’’ Max teases.

“Why, she your girl?’’ Kevin asks. He actually looks shocked. Not that I can blame the guy. What stops me is the ‘your girl’ comment. I’m not sure what I am to Max, I wouldn’t put a label on it.

“Yes, but I love the attention you give me,’’ Max winks at Kevin, making the burly man blush.

“And you. My, you are tiny. Malik, stay calm, boy, I mean no offence,’’ Kevin warns Malik when he walks over to Harlow; reaching down to touch her stomach. I notice Malik’s body tighten when he does and it’s sweet. It’s blatantly obvious these guys know Kevin and know he’s gay, yet, Malik is still defensive when it comes to Harlow. It’s goddamn adorable. “You
pregnant. Congratulations, I love babies,’’ he gushes, causing Harlow’s face to light up.

“Do you plan to have your own someday?’’ she asks sweetly.

“I’d be up the duff already if I had the right equipment, sweet cheeks,’’ he smiles, though, it looks sad.

“Want some of Gavin’s speciality?’’ Maverick asks, his words also a slur. It could just be my hearing because a constant buzzing keeps ringing in my ears. Especially now they’ve turned the music up a notch.

I look around the darkly lit room and gasp when I see a half dressed woman on the stage, dancing.

“Holy crap.’’ I’m amazed that’s the only thing that has come out of my mouth. The woman dancing on stage is barely dressed. She’s got on some corset, laced knickers and to complete the hooker outfit, she’s paired it with thigh-high, leather boots.

“Oh my God, I want to have a go,’’ Denny laughs.

Everyone’s attention turns to the stage. We talk, laugh and listen to Kevin as he argues with Maverick about getting some male strippers in. Us girls all agree with him wholeheartedly.

It’s not until Myles drunkenly pulls out a slip of paper that everyone stops talking to hear him more clearly. It must be important because Kayla’s eyes soften, her eyes watering when she sees what he’s holding.

“Is that a copy of
list?’’ Kayla asks Myles.

“Yeah, babe. We can tick some of these bad boys off,’’ he chuckles.

“What list?’’ Denny asks, leaning over from Mason’s lap. She nearly topples over but Mason’s grip on her thighs stop her.

I’m pretty sure we’re all pretty much as wasted as each other at this point. The only two that seem to be sober is Harlow and Malik. But then, I’ve seen Malik consume the same amount of alcohol as us.

“Charlie wrote me a bucket list in her letter to me. Things she wanted me to do. Getting drunk was one of them.’’

“Name one you haven’t done?’’ Harlow asks, smiling softly.

“Tattoo,’’ Kayla grins.

“I want a tattoo. I’ve always wanted one,’’ Denny gushes.

Drunkenly, Maverick sits up grinning from ear to ear. “Want me to call my mate? He does mine.’’

“What now?’’ Denny grins mischievously, looking to Mason for his input.

“Yeah. When do you think I get the chance to have mine done when I’m busy running this place and looking after Max?’’

“Myles is sitting right there,’’ Max growls, pouting.

“Yeah, but he doesn’t need babysitting.’’

“Neither do I,’’ Max replies, outraged.

“Max, shut up. Maverick, call him. I want a tattoo,’’ Denny shrieks giddily.

“Babe, I don’t think you should get one whilst you’re drunk,’’ Mason comments, but he doesn’t seem too worried. He’s grinning like a mad fool watching Denny’s face light up.

“No...’’ she whines. “It’s a great idea. I’m so excited.’’

Maverick grabs his phone out, pulling it to his ear. After a few minutes of talking to someone he turns back to us and smiles.

“He’s coming with a mate of his. He needs the extra cash.’’

“Oh my God. Whoohooo. Best hen party ever,’’ Nay hoots.

Kennedy and Stace are over near the stage dancing in front of the stripper without a care in the world. Giggling, I get up and rush over to join them. Nay and Kayla are hot on my heels and we start dancing to the music blaring through the speakers.

Sweat is rolling down my body and I’m dying of thirst, but I’m too drunk to care. My head is spinning, or the room is, but it’s nothing to how freeing I feel. Nothing seems real. Everything feels and looks light, like it’s floating in the air. And when two hands slide around my waist, I know it’s Max straight away. I decide to tease him by grinding my ass into his groin and a deep growl vibrates from my neck down my back.

Wrapping my hands around his neck I dance as seductively as I can. We’ve been trying to get the dancers to teach us some moves but the grumpy doorman kept moving us back. Even when Denny joined us they kept telling us to keep back. You’d think with her connections they’d let us dance on the stage. But noooo...

The hands on my hips push me a way a little before turning me around. Coming face to face with Max I’m hit with the beauty before me. He’s so fucking gorgeous it’s a crime.

“You having a good time?’’ he grins, moving his body closer to mine.

“Yes. You?’’ I ask, my eyes fluttered closed.

“Better now,’’ he rasps, close to my ear. “So, when are we going out on a date?’’

I pull away frowning, my body stumbling a little. “You don’t want to go out with me,’’ I tell him seriously.

“Why not?’’ he asks in a teasing tone.


“Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t,’’ he demands, moving closer so that his mouth is hovering over mine.

For a second I forget what he asked me from having his lips so close, yet, somehow I manage to answer.

“Because I’m a murderer. I murdered my brother,’’ I tell him truthfully. The words are a huge slur and I’m not sure if he made out what I said. I don’t get chance to look at his reaction because I’m being pulled away.

“Look at my badass tattoo,’’ Denny gushes and lifts her shirt a little. Underneath her right boob is a heart lock on a chain with the words, ‘
one love,’
scrolled next to the chain. It’s beautiful.

“That’s gorgeous,’’ I gush, bubbly. I’ve never had a tattoo and I honestly believe I’d pass out before the needle even pierced the skin.

“Mason has got one on his ribs too. His is a key on a chain with the word, ‘
written next to it.’’

“Getting matching tattoos,’’ I tease, rolling my eyes. “Whatever next... Marriage?’’

She giggles just as Kayla comes dancing over to us. I haven’t seen her in a while since I’ve been lost in my own mind and dancing.

“Hey,’’ I slur happily, rushing over to her and hugging her. “I love you. You’re a good friend.’’

“I love you too but you’re hurting my tattoo,’’ she giggles, swaying slightly.

“You got a tattoo, too?’’ I sing.

“Yeah,’’ she grins and pulls her top down revealing her collarbone. On it is, ‘
never a victim, forever a fighter,’
scrolled in beautiful italic writing and birds flying up onto her shoulder. It’s truly beautiful and it brings tears to my eyes.

“It’s beautiful,’’ I tell her, wishing I had half of her strength.

“Guys, I have the best plan. I just spoke to Jill and...’’

“Hold up,’’ I laugh, holding my hand up to stop Denny. “Who’s Jill?’’

“The dancer,’’ she waves me off. “Anyway, she said if we go around to the side of the curtain over there, that she’ll unlock the door for us.’’

“And why would she do that?’’ Kayla laughs.

“So we can go on stage,’’ Denny says, giving Kayla a duh look.

“I’m not stripping,’’ Kayla shrieks, but then quietens her voice when she notices people are listening. “I cannot take my clothes off.’’

I can’t believe we’re actually talking about this. I just listen. I’m not stripping but I’m up for riding along with them.

“I’m not stripping either,’’ Denny says looking offended. “I’m just going to try on the outfit and walk onto the stage. By then I’m hoping Mason will carry me off the stage and take me home,’’ she giggles.

“What if he doesn’t?’’ I laugh.

“Then he’s getting one hell of a show,’’ she giggles then runs off leaving me and Kayla with our mouths hanging open.

Warm hands circle my waist again and I grin. “Miss me?’’

“Fuck yeah,’’ he slurs, a slight edge to his voice. “What will it take for you to open up to me?’’

“Why?’’ I flirt, turning around.

“Because I want you. I want you to agree to go on a date with me. What will it take?’’ Max grins. “I’m even willing to dry hump Mason’s leg.’’

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