Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (42 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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But then my mind goes over everything I said and my eyes dilate when I realise what she wants me to repeat, what I let slip. Sweating with nerves, I step forward, smirking when I notice Lake’s body shudder and watch her eyes fill with desire.

Moving forward a step, so that I’m standing closer to her, our bodies barely touching, but close enough so that when she takes in a heavy breath and her chest swells, her chest brushes across my bare chest. It feels good, and my dick jumps to attention in my boxers.

Leaning down so that my lips are level with hers, I lightly brush a kiss across her lips before moving back a breath. Her eyes close, her breathing heavy and I smirk.

“I love you, Lake Miller,’’ I whisper, putting everything I am into those five words, hoping she can feel how much I mean every single one of them.

Her eyes slowly lift open and the desire, lust and sexual want is written all over her face. She wants me. And by the way her body noticeably trembles when I run my finger down her neck before palming my hand over her heart; I can tell she’s holding on by a thread.

“I love you, Lake Miller,’’ I repeat, bending down to run my lips across hers.

Her body moves like lightning and before I know it she’s wrapped around me, her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Her lips crash to mine and I groan the second I taste her in my mouth. Fuck! I’ve missed this. Missed

“Let’s just forget it happened,’’ she whispers against my mouth, rubbing her core against my stomach.

My nose crinkles, something Malik was telling me not so long ago coming to my mind. “Do you really mean that you’ll forget it, or is this some sort of trick and really you’re just waiting to strike?’’

She pulls back, sighing. “Yes, I really mean to forget it, okay?’’

“I’m puzzled. You used ‘okay’ in the same sentence and I’m pretty sure when a woman says it’s okay, it’s seriously

“Jesus, Max. Can we just back to get back to what we were doing?’’

“But, we’re good?’’

“Yeah, whatever,’’ she sighs loudly, not looking impressed at the sudden change of mood.

“Now I know you’re still pissed at me. Malik said, Mason told him that when a woman says, ‘whatever,’ it’s really them giving you the middle finger.’’

“For fuck’s sake, Max, since when do you listen to anything your brothers tell you? At one point or another, one of them has done something to you. I can name a few. Mason spiked your drink with laxative, Malik crumbled Viagra in your dinner and I’m not even going to go there with Myles turning you blue. Your pubic hair was still blue a week later,’’ she reminds me, looking pissed.

Christ, I don’t win.

“You have a really good point,’’ I point out, mulling it over in my mind.

“I do. Now kiss me and take me to bed before I walk out that door and never talk to you again.’’

“No need to be mean,’’ I comment before slamming my lips to hers. I squeeze her ass in my hands tightly, loving how good it feels. I stumble towards the stairs, nearly tripping over the leftover takeaway boxes.

Lake pulls away, grinning down at me. “Just out of curiosity, what was Myles’ fish called?’’

She got me. My mind is too focused on getting in her pants to even think of a name. “Shut up,’’ I smirk before claiming her lips once again.

The door to my room doesn’t even close before we’re ripping each other’s clothes off. Our desperation for each other is making everything feel more erotic. Each touch, each caress, and each taste of her skin makes the sparks between us intensify, blowing my mind as well as Lake’s.

The second her orgasm explodes around my dick, I release myself inside her. I’ve never cum so hard before, it’s never been that intense, but to be fair, it makes sense. I’ve never had sex with someone I’ve loved before. It’s just more proof of how much we belong together. I’ve slept with so many girls, and a few older women, but none, and I mean, not even one, comes close to how good it feels when I’m with Lake. I reckon just kissing her could get me off.

Breathing heavily, I roll us so we’re facing each other. My hand reaches out, moving the hair covering Lake’s face and chuckle at her flushed face.

“You’re beautiful,’’ I whisper, leaning forward and kissing her nose.

“So are you,’’ she smiles, her cheeks flushed from our activities.

“Pfttt,’’ I scoff. “I’m more of a ruggedly handsome or fit as fuck kind of lad. I am not fucking beautiful.’’

“On the outside maybe, but on the inside you are truly beautiful,’’ she whispers, her face serious. My breath catches in my throat and I find it hard to respond. I mean, how do you respond to something like that? What’s crazier is the fact she’s the only person on this earth that truly knows the real me. I hide parts from my brothers, not wanting to come across as a pussy.

Looking at Lake, and I mean really looking at her, it all hits me at once.

She’s my saving grace.

“One day, sweet boy, you will let someone inside that big heart of yours, inside your beautiful soul and when they do, they will own you,’’ Nan whispers, her breath coming in short and deep pants.

I laugh. The thought of having a girlfriend, even at the age of eleven years old makes me want to gag. “No, Nan, don’t be stupid.’’

“Not stupid,’’ she smiles, reaching out for my hand. “Only a strong, determined woman will grab your attention long enough for you to really open your eyes and see her, and when that day comes, because it will, she will open your eyes to all the possibilities life has to offer. She will be your saving grace. And when you find her, you’ll never want to be without her.’’

My Nan died a few days later but that conversation always stayed with me. It haunted me. I was always scared deep down that she was right and that I’d get trapped just like my mother did with my dad. If that was what relationships were made of then I wanted no part in it.

“Are you okay?’’ Lake whispers, her voice scratchy with worry.

“Yeah, babe. I love you, I really do,’’ I tell her honestly, needing her to know.

“I love you too, Max Carter.’’ Her smile is infectious and I can’t help grabbing her hips, pulling her body flush against mine.

“You can never leave me again,’’ I warn her, kissing her lightly.

“Won’t ever be a problem again.’’

“I can’t live without you. It hurt too much.’’

“Ditto,’’ she whispers, her eyes watering. I pull her in for another kiss not pulling away until we’re both breathless.

“Now what? What happens now?’’ I ask, unsure of what comes next. After all, this is the first and last relationship I’ll ever be in. I don’t want to fuck it up by being... Well, by being me.

“Nothing, we just
. Be together. Be happy. Be us. But first thing’s first,’’ she says seriously. “We need to get Myles back for the blue dye palaver,’’ she chuckles, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips.

“Oh, you’re naughty,’’ I chuckle, rolling her onto her back and leaning above her.

“I’ve learned from the best,’’ she whispers seductively, causing my dick to harden.

“Let’s see what else I can teach you,’’ I smirk before leaning down, tasting her lips with mine. “Yep, let’s see what else I can teach you. We have a week’s worth of classes to catch up with.’’

“Anything you can do I can do better,’’ she smirks playfully.

I chuckle, a moan slipping from my lips when my cock slides into her wet folds. “Is that so?’’ I smirk confidently.



Arriving outside Maverick’s office, I sigh with disappointment when I see there is still someone waiting. We were meant to be finished interviewing for new tenants yesterday. We would have finished days ago if it wasn’t for Max interrogating every possible tenant.

And when I say interrogating, I mean that in the nicest possible way because what he’s doing would have the worst criminals crying.

With two coffees I carry on walking but stop short when I see a woman with a small little girl waiting patiently. I grin wide at the cuteness of the little girl. She has brown hair with tight curls. She has a cute button nose with rosy red lips but what has got me smiling is her eyes. They’re huge, round and sparkly. They’re bright blue, shining with so much innocence, so much love and faith that you can’t help but smile at her. She’s freaking adorable.

“Hey, would you like some paper and colouring pens?’’ I ask her gently, remembering the pack I found in Maverick’s desk. Apparently the older rugged Carter has a thing for adult colouring books. Go figure.

“My mommy swaid to not twalk to stwangers,’’ she whispers, making sure her mum doesn’t hear. Her mum is watching me and has given me a soft smile so I’m not too worried she’s going to drag her daughter away from me.

“Shall we ask Mummy then?’’

She nods her head before turning to her mum excitedly. “Can weee hav som pwens?’’

Her mum smiles at me. “Are you sure it’s okay?’’ Her voice is soft like a lullaby and I know ten minutes in her presence and reading to me, I’d be asleep. Her mum looks much like her daughter. Brown hair, curly, but has some blonde highlights in it, and they both have wide, round, blue eyes with thick, long, black lashes.

“Positive. You’re next right?’’ I ask, picturing the list of potential tenants in my head. I’m pretty sure she’s the only woman who’s on today’s list but Max has been guarding that piece of paper like it belongs to the government.

“Yeah,’’ she smiles, pulling the little girl onto her lap.

“I’ll go see if he’s finishing up. If he is I’ll set up the paper and pens inside.’’

“Thank you.’’

I nod my head and get up from my knees, walking into the office without knocking. If he doesn’t choose one person soon I’m going to strangle him.

Sitting behind the desk Max sits comfortably, wearing a suit. I have to admit that has been my favourite part because, boy, he looks fucking hot in a suit. He just didn’t need to be wearing one for interviews, or at all. But of course, he needed to ‘get into character’. His words, not mine.

“You can’t just walk in here, babe,’’ he scolds, rolling his eyes with annoyance.

The old chubby bloke with a beer belly hanging over his jeans eyes me like I’m his prey. I shudder, feeling revolted. He’s old enough to be my granddad.

“Are you giving him the flat?’’ I ask, not caring if I’m being rude.

“Just two more questions, babe,’’ he assures me, holding his hand up.

I roll my eyes and make work of getting the pens and paper ready while I listen to him address the old chubby bloke.

“Have you recently or in the past slept with a stripper?’’ Max asks and my eyes shoot to him. I shouldn’t be surprised over his questions. The other day I walked in to him asking if they got angry at walls or doors. Apparently, their security deposit doesn’t cover them punching walls and doors.

He also asked one lady if she was in a relationship, what the relationship was like and if she was planning on breaking up with said boyfriend any time soon.

They just keep getting more personal.

“I’ve had a stripper or two in my day,’’ the chubby man boasts and I have to bite back a disgusted grunt.

“What football team do you support?’’ Max asks after writing something down on his pad.

“West Ham,’’ the bloke grins, seeming proud. Max frowns, looking up disgusted.
he looks disgusted. Not when the old bloke admitted to sleeping with strippers and looking proud of it.

“Okay, we will get in touch in the next couple of days if you have been chosen. I will say, Mr Billingham, your chances are slim.’’

“Is it because I don’t have a job?’’


“Is it because I asked for free admission to the strip club?’’


“Is it because I do the occasional drug?’’ the chubby bloke asks again, looking confused. Why Max kept questioning him after he admitted to not having a job I’ll never know. Maverick doesn’t want someone unemployed, not wanting the hassle of chasing up rent.

“Nope. It’s because you have shit taste in football,’’ Max admits. “But we may be able to overlook that. We will be in touch.’’

Mr Billingham nods his head and walks out the door. As soon as it shuts behind him I whirl on Max.

“Because he supports West Ham?’’ I ask, biting my tongue.

“Babe,’’ is all he replies.

“Nope. You need to pick one. That lady yesterday was nice enough and she worked full time. She also had a hearing aid so she wouldn’t complain about noise.’’

“The walls are soundproof,’’ he deadpans. “And she smelt funny. Didn’t want her stinking the place out.’’

“What about Mr Lei? He seemed nice enough.’’

“He had shifty eyes, couldn’t trust him,’’ he shrugs.

“He was Chinese, Max.’’

“Can we just interview the next person?’’ he says.

“Yeah. And you better ask appropriate questions. She has her daughter with her,’’ I warn him. “I like her.’’

“Okay,’’ he says, waving his hands up at me, but I know him and the way his left eye is twitching... Well, that there is a sign he’s freaking lying.

I walk to the door and the woman pokes her head up and smiles at me. Holding her daughter’s hand she brings her into the room.

“She can sit over here and draw,’’ I smile, and take the little girl’s hand. She sits on the floor next to the coffee table and begins to draw. Once I’m happy she’s alright I move back over to the desk, wanting to keep an eye on Max.

“Name?’’ Max asks stiffly. I groan, looking up to the ceiling. He could at least be polite. He acts more like a copper interviewing a criminal than finding the right tenant.

“Teagan, and the little girl is my daughter, Faith,’’ she answers politely, even with Max’s snappy tone. Girl has patience. I would have bitten his head off by now.

Her name too... What a beautiful name. It suits her.

Max opens his mouth but I jump in first, placing my hand on his arm and stopping him from ruining Maverick’s chances of actually getting a tenant.

“I’ll ask the questions,’’ I smile tightly, giving Max a pointed look. He even has the front to pout like I’m taking his favourite toy away.

“I’m in charge,’’ he states smugly, shuffling the papers before straightening them on the desk. Sighing, I fall back in my chair and wave my hand at him, giving him the go ahead. “So, Teagan, it says here you are twenty-two, is that correct?’’

“Yes,’’ Teagan smiles.

“I’m going to ask you a series of questions and I need you to answer honestly. If you fail to do so you’re not only wasting my time but yours too.’’

I roll my eyes, wanting to smack him upside the back of his head. I send Teagan an apologetic smile. Poor woman is starting to look frightened, giving Max wary looks. Well, she’s either frightened or worried she’s brought her daughter around a crazy person.

“Max, you can’t expect her to answer...’’ I begin, but Max puts his hand in my face, shushing me.

Oh, no, no he didn’t just shush me. Turning in my seat I glare him down before addressing Teagan. “I’m so sorry, Teagan, he can get carried away. It’s the first time he’s been given any sort of responsibility. The last time he was given responsibility was when his brother asked him to watch over the house for a night. He nearly burnt the place down,’’ I deadpan.

“No, I didn’t. How was I supposed to know you weren’t meant to put tins in the microwave?’’ Max shouts aghast.


Teagan laughs. “Faith, sweetie, it’s okay. He’s just playing.’’

“Otway,’’ she smiles.

“Look, Mav put
in charge,’’ he tells me again, still looking smug.

“You’re not the president,’’ I snap.

His eyes sparkle and I want to slap myself for stroking his ego. “I’d make a great prez, right T?’’

“Teagan,’’ she corrects politely.

“Just ask your precious questions, Max. Teagan, I apologise in advance.’’

She smiles softly in return, not seeming too worried about Max’s strange behaviour. If it wasn’t for her constant fidgeting I’d never guess she was nervous at all.

“Miss. T, first question is do you work? Can you afford the rent on time each month?’’ Max asks and from the corner of my eye I notice him pick something up. I shake my head when I look to find him sliding a pair of black glasses up his nose. He doesn’t seem to feel my stare or he’s choosing to ignore me. He just sits patiently, waiting for Teagan to answer.

“Yes, I work at the local doctor’s surgery and at a bakery in town.’’

“Oh, you a doctor?’’

“No,’’ she smiles. “Just a receptionist.’’

Watching Max struggle to see the paper in front of him, his eyes squinting down at the page, I shake my head. Smirking, and feeling slightly annoyed still, I rip them from his face.

“Hey,’’ he snaps.

“You don’t wear glasses,’’ I growl, wondering why I couldn’t choose to love someone sane.

“I wanted to look serious,’’ he frowns, looking pissed.

“Just get on with the interview, Mum is going to be here soon.’’

“Well, I would if you’d stop interrupting and undermining me in front of a potential tenant,’’ he hisses. “How is she going to take me seriously, huh, Lake?’’ he remarks sarcastically.

“Yeah because wearing glasses and asking ridiculous questions, that’s
going to get people to take you seriously,’’ I roll my eyes.

“Are we really having our first fight?’’ he smirks, doing a three sixty with the heated conversation.

I can’t help but smile. As much as he frustrates me I can’t help but smile back at him.

“Just do your interview,’’ I tell him, hiding my amused smile.

“Do you have a boyfriend?’’ Max asks.

“No.’’ Her eyes dart between me and Max and I’m pretty certain she’s thinking he’s trying to pick her up. If only that were the case, he might actually seem sane then for all his random, stupid questions.

Max harrumphs in the back of his throat, acting like he doesn’t believe her. “Can I see a picture of an ex?’’

“Max?’’ I gasp, not having seen that question on any of his questionnaire sheets before.

“What?’’ he asks affronted, acting like it’s a legitimate question to be asking when taking on a tenant. “I need to make sure she doesn’t date shifty looking men.’’

“You thought Lee was shifty,’’ I remind him.

“He was bald and had the bushiest eyebrows I’ve ever seen in my life. I think his hair stopped growing on his head so it could concentrate on his eyebrows,’’ he says looking disgusted. “I’ll even bet he has to use de-tangle spray to get a comb through um.’’

“You’re ridiculous,’’ I groan and turn to Teagan. She’s watching us silently, looking curious and confused and I honestly don’t blame her. If he’s going off a new set of questions I pray for her sanity for when she leaves this room.

“No, I don’t have an ex,’’ she chokes out, looking uncomfortable, shifting in her chair.

Max raises his eyebrows, turning his head to the little girl drawing quietly in the corner. When she doesn’t explain any further, he has the audacity to look disappointed in her.

“Are you on Facebook, Miss. T?’’

“It’s Teagan and I have an account, yes. But I don’t really use it much.’’

“So are you one of those chicks who stalk people’s pages?’’ he asks accusingly, sitting forward in his chair.

“No, I just like playing the games on there now and again,’’ she shrugs. I’m just glad she hasn’t bolted. I’ve got high hopes for this one and I’m not letting Max run her away.

“Are you a health fanatic?’’

“With all due respect, what does that have to do with renting the flat?’’ she asks politely and I want to high five the chick right there.

Max looks confronted, uncomfortable for a second before putting his game face back on. “Well, let’s say we become friends. Friends cook for each other. I don’t want to turn up one night and boom, out of nowhere, with no warning, you present me with a salad or, heaven forbid, something veggie,’’ he groans.

“Um.... okayyyy,’’ she says, her eyes scrunched up in confusion.

“Now! This is where we need you to be honest. I’m going to ask you a few personal questions,’’ he starts and both Teagan and I look at him with a ‘really’ look, but he ignores us, carrying on. “But if you knew the sh- stuff we’ve dealt with you’d totally understand my reasons for asking,’’ he tells her before leaning in and whispering, “Just so you know, me and my bros have experience in these kind of cases.’’

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