Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (44 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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“Cool beans. We live here,’’ he grins, pointing to the door behind him using the same stiff action as me. “I’m CJ, this moody prick here is Liam, but call him Cole.’’

“Hey,’’ I wave dumbly at him, my heart picking up once again when I notice him watching me intently. I have to look away quickly, my cheeks heating when I still feel his gaze on me.

No one has ever made me feel so on edge like this before or stunned me to a blubbering mess. I can talk most people under the table. There’s never any awkwardness when I’m around to fill in the silence, but right now, I’m wishing Allie would help me out and say something witty or anything really, just to show we’re normal.

When CJ looks over to Allie, his eyes flash with something I don’t recognise. It’s gone almost instantly, but it was definitely there.

“Hey,’’ Allie whispers, and I watch nervously as she pushes her glasses up her nose and tucks in a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

Self-consciously I let out a snort mixed with a giggle as I eye my best friend. She’s a nervous and shy person normally, but this is because of CJ. Straight off the bat I can tell she likes this him already. She only ever cares about her appearance when she likes someone, it’s her tell. Any other time she doesn’t care what she looks like or what people think about her.

When her angry glare snaps to me, I straighten, instantly feeling bad for embarrassing her. Sometimes it’s hard to control my reactions to things. Once, I was being told off by the school principle, and I was that intimidated, I started laughing. Not because I found anything funny, but because the situation was so awkward, it was either laugh or cry.

“Well, should get going in,’’ I announce, smiling politely, my gaze flickering to Cole once more. He’s still staring intently at me with a scowl on his face, like he’s trying hard to reach into my soul. The look unnerves me so much I begin shifting on my feet.

“If you ever need anything; sugar, milk, bread, knock on the door downstairs. We never have shit in unless creature of the night here goes shopping,’’ CJ jokes. “I only have to think about doing something domestic and I break out in a rash.’’

Cole grunts not too pleased with his friend and I can’t help but smile. They remind me of Allie and me. They’re total opposites but fit.

CJ reminds me of myself, easy-going, fun, and the loud one of the group. His eyes are dark, and from the dim lighting in the hallway, I can’t tell if his are hazel or brown. His hair is jet black which compliments his tanned skin tone. It also makes his pearly whites stand out. They’re so freaking white; I’m debating whether it’s rude to ask him who his dentist is.

“We’ll remember that. But the same goes, if you need anything; sugar, milk,’’ I repeat, grinning. “Just knock the door. Allie has a thing about being stocked up on necessities in case of a zombie apocalypse.’’

“Willow,’’ Allie hisses under her breath.

“Oh crap. No. You can’t. Not yet anyway. We haven’t had time to do a food shop.’’

CJ throws his head back laughing. I watch, enjoying the sound and the look on his handsome face. When he gains his composure, his eyes flicker once again to Allie, a light sparking in them which intrigues me more. He doesn’t seem to hide it this time either. Turning to gauge Allie’s reaction I’m not surprised to find her blushing with her head down.

“Walking Dead marathons round yours then?’’ CJ smirks, his eyes still on Allie. Her head snaps up to that and I grin. She tries to make me watch the show but with all that blood and gore, my stomach couldn’t handle it. Plus, she can’t just watch one, she’ll watch reruns over and over.

The elevator dings announcing its stop on the floor and we all turn to the opening elevator. Logan and Jamie step out of the lift talking to each other in low voices. When they both look up the atmosphere in the hallway thickens. Tension radiates off all the lads and instinctively my eyes seek out Cole’s and I’m confused when I find his eyes narrowed dangerously on Logan.

Apart from Allie, I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t like Logan. Yes he had a few girlfriends or fuck buddies turn on him in the past, but I was never a witness to that. And to be fair, most of them expected more from him than he was willing to give. But he was always upfront from the very beginning.

Things go from bad to worse when Logan opens his mouth. “What the fuck are you doing here?’’ he growls.

What the lovin’ vodka.

“Logan,’’ I snap, furious at him for being so rude. “These are our neighbours, CJ and Liam.’’

Hoping he hears the clear warning in my voice, I pray he plays nice. I turn to my new neighbours, offering them an apologetic look. Cole seems to be looking at me with a mixture of disappointment and revulsion, while CJ is still got his eyes narrowed on Logan and Jamie. I can understand Jamie, the guy looks freaking shifty, but I don’t understand his hostility towards my best friend.

“I know who they are babe,’’ Logan assures me, a bite to his voice.

Babe? Who the ducking hell is he calling babe? It better not be me, that term of endearment grates on my nerves. It’s the pet name most lads use for their woman because they can’t be assed to just say her name.

“Well then, saves me introducing you doesn’t it,’’ I smile widely, pushing two cases inside the door, trying to hide the fact I’m a little peeved off with him.

“You know him?’’ Cole asks, speaking for the first time. His voice is a deep rumble, the sound sending shiver all through my body. I’ve never felt anything like it and it catches me off guard. Unconsciously, I squeeze my thighs together, taking in a deep breath.

“Yes,’’ I answer softly, moving to let Allie scurry past to push the other two cases inside the door. Mean time I don’t move my gaze away from Coles, staring intently into the deepest blue of eyes I’ve ever seen. For some reason he doesn’t like my answer and I wish I knew why. He dismisses me and I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt, because it did, but when he turns his eyes back to Logan, they turn hard, cold even, but what has my back up is the fact Logan is smirking, like he just won some trophy I’m unaware of.

“We’ll be seeing you,’’ CJ winks, his eyes holding promise as he takes in Allie, who is currently hiding behind me in the doorway.

When they’re gone Logan turns his angry eyes to me, cutting me off before I even have chance to open my mouth.

“Stay away from them, they’re bad news.’’

Not taking his warning as a friendly gesture, but as an order, my back straightens. I hate being told what to do. Not because I’m rebellious, but because I’m a good judge of character and can make my own choices. I know the difference between right and wrong and something in my gut is telling me that CJ and Cole are harmless. Even if one looks like a giant beast that could crush me only using one hand.

“I’ll do no such thing. And before you go on, let me remind you that I’m my own person. I get that you’re going all big brother on me, wanting to protect me, but I can take care of myself.’’

His expression softens just a tad, but the hardness and anger is still there, lingering behind his eyes. It worries me some because I’ve never seen this side of him. He’s always been friendly, caring, and loyal, not once since we’ve been friends have I ever seen him that angry or determined before. It makes me want to ask what the story behind it is, but I never get involved in other people’s business.  It always gets messy when you insert yourself into someone else problems. Don’t get me wrong, I’d do anything for my friends, stick by them, but this is different. There’s obviously more going on them a simple group of lads disliking each other.

“Okay, Will. We have to go, but I’ll see you in the morning,’’ he smiles, and it doesn’t pass my notice that he doesn’t apologise.

“Yeah. Alec will be meeting me here around nine,’’ I remind him, not sure if I actually mentioned Alec coming or not. They haven’t met yet and I just hope he doesn’t act like he did with my neighbours with Alec. Having your best friend and boyfriend hating each other isn’t something I need in my life right now.

“Oh yeah,’’ he grunts, a frown appearing for a few seconds before smiling at me. “Can’t wait to meet him.’’

“Good,’’ I grin, glad he’s happy about meeting him. I move forward, giving him a friendly hug. No matter what just happened, it still doesn’t change the fact I’ve missed him like crazy. “I’ve missed you.’’

“Missed you too, Will,’’ he grins, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I close my eyes smiling, lovin’ the fact I’ve got my friend back.

His mate gives him a subtle nod, his phone in hand. Getting the drift, I smack Logan lightly on the shoulder. “Get going before your coach makes you go back in the morning,’’ I scold him.

“See you in the morning, babe’’ he winks, then looks over my shoulder. “Bye Allie,’’ he shouts in a too friendly tone. I roll my eyes and push him down the corridor. Once he and his friend are finally out of sight, Allie drags me backwards inside the flat.

“That was the weirdest encounter I’ve ever witnessed,’’ she admits quietly.

“Ha, mine too,’’ I laugh. “How fit are our neighbours though?’’ I grin giddily.

“I didn’t notice,’’ she says, shrugging it off, but I notice her cheeks turning pink once more. Instead of questioning her over it, I grab her arm excitedly, dragging her into the narrow kitchen ahead of us. It’s open up on the left hand side of us, looking out into the front room. There’s everything we need, cooker, washer, fridge freezer, sink etc. I open up some cupboards, most empty, some filled with dishes and plates before dragging Allie back out and into the front room. It’s spacious and filled with a few boxes I know holds some more of our books. I know I took the mick out of Allie earlier about all her books, but I’m also a huge fan of romance novels. Anything to do with bikers, the mob, or hell, even a hot cowboy, I’m reading that bad boy. Allie on the other hand prefers softer, lighter romance novels, sci-fiction and all that.

“Can’t wait to put my books on there,’’ she squeaks, clapping her hands as she eyes the already built bookshelf.

“Such a nerd,’’ I tease.

“Like you’re not planning on putting your books on there,’’ she giggles.

“Most of mine are signed paperbacks and just for show. I read on my kindle,’’ I remind her, winking.

“Still don’t know how you do that. I can’t imagine not being able to turn a page,’’ she sighs.

“You still can, you just press the screen instead of an actual page,’’ I grin.

She shakes her head, and I know there’s no use trying to talk her into buying a kindle. I tried to lend her mine once and she complained she couldn’t get into the book, it didn’t feel right.

We move back down the hall, passing the front door and the entry to the kitchen before stopping in front of the first bedroom on the left.

A bed is already set up, the bed just needing to be made in the far corner. A desk is near the door, with another bookshelf. There’s a wardrobe and a chest of drawers but not much else.

“This is my room,’’ Allie grins, turning to me. I grin back and move out, moving to the next door on the left which is a bathroom.

“Wow!’’ I comment, impressed at the size of the tub. It’s also got a shower built inside and I can’t wait to test that beauty out. I love baths, but showers? You can’t beat a good shower.

Moving out and into the hallway once more, we come to the last door, the door to my room. Opening it, I grin at the same furniture that’s in Allie’s room, already set up in mine. Her dad really did go all out, refusing to let my mum pay for any of the furniture. He nominated her as the house warming gift buyer, which she did, buying us bed sheets, towels, and an emergency bank account with a low amount of funds. She had it put in mine and Allie’s name and under no circumstances can we break into it unless it’s for an emergency.

My bed room is slightly bigger than Allie’s, but not by much and it’s only because mine has a built in wardrobe. Because of my clothes and shoes obsession, Allie made it clear I was to have this room, otherwise I’d only put my stuff in her wardrobe anyway.

“I love it,’’ I gush, and jump up and down on my new bed.

“It’s freaking amazing,’’ she giggles, jumping up on my bed with me. Together we jump up and down holding hands, falling into a heap of laughter on the soft mattress.

“Welcome to Whittall University,’’ I grin, feeling like my life is just about to begin.



Alec is right on time for the first time since I’ve known him. Usually I have to give him a time an hour earlier to meet because otherwise I’d be waiting around for ages for him to turn up.

It’s why I’m in so much of a rush, tripping over boxes and stubbing my toe as I make my way to the front door. I’m actually running late for the first time ever. Had Allie not woke me up, I’d still be asleep.

Allie and I decided to toast our new apartment with a bottle of wine and what was supposed to be one glass, turned into a whole bottle. Which is the reason why I’m currently half an hour behind, kind of hung-over and a little pissed at Alec for choosing today of all days to be on time. It doesn’t matter that it was me that mentioned having one more knowing I’m not a big drinker, or the fact it was me that forgot to set her alarm.

Go figure.

Managing to make it to the door whilst hoping on one foot, I fling the door open, not looking up.

“You’re early,’’ I tease Alec, trying to cover up my grimace.

“You said nine,’’ a voice that doesn’t belong to Alec, but to Logan says.

I look up grinning ear to ear when I see my best friend again. “Hey. Sorry, I thought you were Alec. I told
eight. He’s always late,’’ I tell him, rolling my eyes playfully.

Logan grunts, looking displeased at my admission. I wave him off and move forward, pulling him into a hug.

Pulling back, Logan’s looking down at me with a huge grin on his face. I groan when I realise that I’m wearing my blue moon and stars pyjama’s.

“They were the only pair that I could find last night,’’ I defend which makes him laugh. “Let me go change.’’

“By all means, don’t let me stop you,’’ he flirts. This isn’t new; this is just in his nature. Playfully rolling my eyes I punch him in the shoulder before rushing down the hall to my room.

I don’t waste any time as soon as the door shuts behind me, in getting changed. I’ve just pulled my top off, braless, when the door to my room flies open. Screaming, I rush over to my bed, grabbing the dirty shirt that I had on yesterday from the end of my bed and cover myself up.

“Logan,’’ I scold, once I’m somewhat descent.

“Sorry,’’ he grins, not looking sorry one bit as his eyes slowly rake my body up and down, seeming pleased with himself.

“What are you doing in here?’’ I hiss out, embarrassed he just saw me naked.

“Come to see if you wanted me to make a cuppa for ya while I wait,’’ he grins.

“What the fuck?’’ Alec rumbles, standing in the doorway with a thunderous expression upon his handsome face. His blue eyes narrow on Logan and he looks like he’s ready to start a fight.

“It’s not what you think,’’ I rush out to assure him, clutching my top tighter to my bare chest.

“And what is it that you think I’m thinking?’’ he bites out, a tick in his jaw.

“Chill mate. It’s my bad. I walked in to see if she wanted a cuppa, I should have knocked first,’’ Logan explains to Alec before turning back to me. “I’ll let you get changed.’’

Alec stands silently, seething, keeping his eyes locked on me. I give Logan a grateful smile and want to slap him when he winks at me before walking out. I’m just happy Alec didn’t see him.

When Logan leaves, Alec’s jaw tightens before he turns, slamming the door shut, running his fingers roughly through his chestnut hair. He takes a few deep breaths before turning back to me looking unpleased. I don’t know what to say. His anger is warranted, but it’s not like I’m happy about Logan seeing my tatas either.

“What?’’ I ask, throwing my top on the bed, not caring about my nudity in front of him. Kneeling on the floor, I rummage through my cases until I come across a fresh pair of underwear and an outfit. I keep it simple, knowing after breakfast Allie and I need to go grab some things from the supermarket and unpack all of our boxes.

Alec stands by the door, watching me change into a simple t-shirt and leggings, brushing my hair and putting on minimal makeup. I’d already showered and brushed my teeth before I heard the door knock, hence the reason I was still wearing my pyjamas. I didn’t want to open the door just wearing a towel, so I threw them back on.

“Do I need to be worried?’’ He asks once I’m finished. It’s not the first time he’s stressed out over this. No matter how many times I explain that Logan and I are just friends, he doesn’t buy it.

“No. I told you, we’re just friends,’’ I smile, walking up to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lean up on my tip toes and kiss him good morning, loving the feel of his soft lips. “Hmmmm,’’ I mumble dreamily, a small smile on my face as I pull away.

“I don’t like it. I don’t like him, but for you I’ll try Willow,’’ he says, leaning in to kiss me back. It’s all I can ask for really. He’s always had a hard time with my close friendship with Logan, always getting annoyed with the million texts he would send. I did explain that Logan was just excited about me starting university this term, because until I came to the open evening, Logan and I only text a few times a week, but then it turned into everyday. But being a typical boy, Alec would just grunt, and make me put my phone on silent.

“Thank you, Al,’’ I smile, genuinely thankful to him for willing to try. I’m also happy to avoid the headache it would come with if they argued constantly. “Let me go see if Allie’s ready and we’ll go out for breakfast.’’

He nods, looking back at the bedroom door with a hard jaw. He’s thinking about having to go out there and play nice, it’s written across his face.

“Don’t be long,’’ he warns, kissing me once more before leaving the room.

Grabbing my warm cardigan, I sprits on some perfume before stepping into my boots. Reaching out for my phone that is still on charge, I go in search for my handbag amongst the mess on my floor.

I don’t bother knocking on Allie’s door when I leave my room. I just walk right in, shocked when I find her sitting in her bed reading a book, still wearing her pyjamas.

“Why aren’t you ready?’’ I squeak, hating the thought of having to wait with Alec and Logan alone while we wait for her to get ready.

She looks up from her book, giving me a dry look before answering. “As much as I love my food, I’m going to have to pass.’’

“There’s no food in,’’ I remind her, looking at her quizzically. She loves her food, so I hope my bait works and she decides to come. She won’t go long without something to eat anyway, so I have high hopes.

“Do I have to come?’’ she moans, sulking.

“Yep,’’ I say, popping the P. “Alec and Logan haven’t gotten off to a great start,’’ I wince. “I need you there, please,’’ I plead.

She scoffs, but when she sees me giving her my puppy dog eyes, her shoulders slump, giving in. When she sees me grinning, she scowls unhappily, knowing she just got played.

“Give me ten minutes,’’ she says jumping out of bed. I rush over to her excitedly, jumping into her arms, hugging her.

“Thank you, thank you. Love you roomie,’’ I gush happily, kissing her face.

“Gooo,’’ she giggles, pushing me out of the door.


“I’ll drive. That way you can sit up front with me and tell me everything that I’ve missed back home,’’ Logan declares, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walk to the car park. The movement pushes Alec out of the way and I notice him glare at Logan from the corner of my eye. Ready to decline Logan’s offer, not wanting Alec to feel pushed out, I’m stopped when Allie asks Alec something about practice, easing the tension between the two. And that is why I love my best friend. She knows Alec well enough to know that anything to do with football takes up all of his attention.

Taking advantage of Allie’s diversion, I elbow Logan in the stomach. He grunts in pain, but still manages to give me a dirty looking smirk.

We all jump in the car, Alec not happy about sitting up back with Allie while I’m up front with Logan. We fill the car with conversation about life back home, not that I had much to share.

When we finally arrive at our destination, I may have done a happy dance in my head. The tension in the car was stifling. Now I’m a girl who can ease the most awkwardness of situations, but even I have to admit, the tension in the car was strained, making me feel uncomfortable.

Needing air, I jump out of the car, ready to make my way over to Alec. Logan intervenes before I can reach him, pulling me into his chest with a grin on his face.

“Um,’’ I say, worried about Alec flying off the handle, knowing he has a short fuse. Logan’s actions are friendly, but I know it may not seem like that to Alec. I’m not naive.

“Alec? Its okay isn’t it if I sit by my girl? I haven’t seen her for so long. We’ve got so much shit to catch up on.’’

Alec looks at me briefly before staring at Logan. “No, go ahead. Who am I to get in between
?’’ he replies dryly.

Entering the cafe we grab one of the empty tables, sitting down. Logan takes a seat next to me whilst Alec sits in front of me, Allie next to him. She doesn’t look too pleased about sitting in front of Logan. There is no winning in this situation.

Today is really not happening. Nothing is going right. Wanting to just get on with it, I grab the menu, scanning it.

“I think I’m going to have...’’ I start, still thinking it over.

“Big breakfast, extra bacon,’’ Alec and Logan chuckle simultaneously.

“Piss off,’’ I laugh, flipping them both off, hating how well they know me.

“Want a coffee or a cup of tea?’’ Alec grins.

“Coffee. Definitely coffee,’’ I sigh dreamily.

“I’ll get it. What about you Allie, what do you want?’’ Alec asks her and I love that he always includes her, never making her feel like a third wheel.

“I’ll have the same as Willow, but no mushrooms,’’ she answers, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

“I’ll get these, my treat,’’ Logan steps in.

Surprisingly it’s Allie’s who’s head snaps up first, an incredulous look upon her face.

When Alec opens his mouth, I know it’s not going to be pleasant. Not wanting an argument to start I cut in.

“Nope. It’s Alec’s turn to buy me and Allie brekkie,’’ I chuckle.

“He lost a bet,’’ Allie states smugly.

“Technically it wasn’t really a loss. I’d buy you brekkie either way,’’ he chuckles, some tension easing from his body.

“We know,’’ I giggle, reaching over for his hand, taking it in mine.

“I’ll come an’ order with you,’’ Logan tells him, pushing his chair back a little too quickly.

Once they’re out of earshot, Allie turns to me with wide eyes, pushing her glasses up her nose.

“What the hell did I miss this morning? And why is Logan acting like that for?’’ she asks confused, her eyes looking over her shoulder at the two lads standing at the counter ordering.

“Long story,’’ I sigh, feeling a headache coming. “And Logan seems normal to me. But I can tell there’s some tension between the two of them. I don’t why though. I’m with Alec, and I’d never look at Logan in an intimate or romantic way,’’ I tell her, which is the truth. Logan may be good looking, but I don’t lust after him. I don’t have a secret crush, or harbour any feelings for him. I’ve never seen him as anything but like a big brother.

“I dunno. Logan does seem to be acting stranger than normal and that’s saying a lot coming from me because I think he’s a weirdo normally.’’

I roll my eyes. She won’t bad mouth him in front of me, she never has. She does steer conversation away from him, and always avoids seeing him. But she’s managed to keep her dislike for him from affecting me. Sometimes I do wish I knew what made them fall out. I’ve always wondered.

“He’s probably just looking out for me,’’ I tell her.

“Logan only ever looks out for himself,’’ she mutters.

I don’t get a chance to reply to her comment or ask her what she meant because Alec and Logan arrive back at the table, drinks in hand.

“My hero,’’ I gush, smiling widely up at Alec as he hands me my coffee. Immediately I breathe in the coffee, the aroma relaxing me.

“You break my heart,’’ Logan teases good-naturally to which I just roll my eyes before turning back to Alec.

“How is your room?’’ I ask. He’s staying in Kings Hall on the university grounds and I know he wasn’t looking forward to sharing a room.

“Ahh, I stayed there my first year here. It’s fucking small,’’ Logan comments, sitting back in his seat, blowing on his drink.

“Nah, I like it,’’ Alec answers, his eyes narrowing slightly on Logan.

“Really?’’ Logan asks, his voice doubtful. “Wait until you get a place of your own, you can have as many chicks over as you want,’’ he smirks, winking at Alec.

“Helloooo,’’ I snap, clicking my fingers in his face, feeling offended.

Alec doesn’t look happy either with his comment and answers straight away. “Happy with Willow.’’

“Oh yeah. Sorry. Who wouldn’t be happy with my Will,’’ he grins, looking down at me, hand on my shoulder.

“No offence, but she’s not your Will,’’ Alec bites out.

“Okay, I’m actually Allie’s, Will. So let’s drop it,’’ I plead, trying to keep my tone light, hating this is getting off to a bad start.

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