Max Lucado (23 page)

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Authors: Facing Your Giants

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BOOK: Max Lucado
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Facing Your Giants
is also available in Spanish
and Portuguese

You are not alone: 87 percent of workers don't find meaning in their work and 80 percent believe their talents are not used. And there are consequences—whether or not we realize it, our resulting attitude impacts our health, our relationships, our families and our fundamental sense of happiness. But best-selling author Max Lucado has a cure. We are all unique individuals, created in God's image, with our own gifts, strengths and passions. In his winsome, encouraging voice, Max will give readers practical tools for exploring and identifying our own uniqueness, motivation to put our uniqueness to work, and perspective to redefine our concept of work. It's never too late to uncover your strengths, dis-cover God's will or redirect your career, and cure the otherwise hopeless prognosis of a common life.

Available in Spanish

Scientists assure us we can't live without water. But survival with-out God? We sip, we taste, but we often go without a drink from the Lord's well. And we pay the price. We shrink and hearts harden. This life-giving book leads us to the four nutrients need-ed by every soul. Come to the cross and know your sins are pardoned and your death is defeated. Receive Christ's energy and believe you can do all things through the One who gives you strength. Receive his Lordship, knowing you belong to Him and that He looks out for you. Receive His love and feel confident nothing can separate you from it.

For an audio/visual presentation and to learn more about
Come Thirsty,

Available in Large Print and Spanish editions

Holiness in the filth of sheep manure and sweat. Divinity entering the world on the floor of a stable, through the womb of a teenager, and in the presence of a mere carpenter. God had come near! Travel back in time and relive Christ the Son of God becoming man.

In this stunning work, Max Lucado views the Savior who walked among us through a distinctly human lens. He speaks plainly to those of us who prefer to keep Jesus otherworldly, distant, and predictable: “Don't do it. For heaven's sake, don't. Let him into the mire and muck of our world. For only if we let him in can he pull us out.”

Through vivid word pictures, come with Max as he brings to life the most important event in history . . . when
God Came Near

No wonder we get so weary—we're worn out from carrying excess spiritual baggage. Wouldn't it be nice to lose some of those bags? That's the invitation of Max Lucado. With the twenty-third Psalm as our guide, we learn to release some of the burdens we were never intended to bear. Learn to lighten your load, as Max embraces what it really means to say, “The Lord is my Shepherd.”

Available in Large Print and Spanish editions

In this compelling quest for the Messiah, best-selling author Max Lucado invites readers to meet the blue-collar Jew whose claim altered a world and whose promise has never been equaled. Readers will come to know Jesus the Christ in a brand-new way as Lucado brings them full circle to the foot of the cross and the man who sacrificed his life on it.

In his best-selling book
Just Like Jesus
, Max Lucado explains that God loves you just the way you are . . . but he refuses to leave you that way. Why? Because our ultimate goal should be a life that is just like Jesus. And with determination, faith, and God's help, we can all change for the better, no matter how long the bad habits have settled in.

There is a plague of biblical proportions taking place in Africa right now, but we can beat this crisis, if we each do our part. Step ONE is signing the ONE petition, to join the ONE Campaign.

The ONE Campaign is a new effort to rally Americans—ONE by ONE—to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. We are engaging Americans everywhere we gather—in churches and synagogues, on the internet and college campuses, at community meetings and concerts. To learn more about The ONE Campaign, go to and sign the online petition.

“Use your uniqueness to take great risks for God! If you're great with kids, volunteer at the orphanage. If you have a head for business, start a soup kitchen. If God bent you toward medicine, dedicate a day or a decade to AIDS patients. The only mistake is not to risk making one.”

—Max Lucado,
Cure for the Common Life

ONE Voice can make a difference.
Let God work through you; join the ONE Campaign now!

This campaign is brought to you by

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