Maximum Risk (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Lowery

BOOK: Maximum Risk
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Quinn gripped her shoulder, startling her. “What?”

“There’s a cave ahead. We’ll rest there.”

Too tired and sore to refuse, she nodded.

Minutes later, they were inside a large cave with Quinn’s lantern for light. She sat against the wall while he laid out a sleeping bag. When he finished, he came to crouch in front of her.

“I’m fine. I just need a little rest.”

With him so close, she couldn’t concentrate. His scent wreaked havoc on her senses. Made her forget that a couple months ago she’d been engaged to another man and that was the reason her friends were gone.

Before those images could torment her, she pushed them back. Now wasn’t the time to break down.

“Lay down before you fall over.”

He unzipped the bag and she slid inside, half asleep before he finished zipping her in.

“Are we safe here?”

“Yes. You have my word.”

His soft promise was the last thing she heard before she drifted off into sleep.


Avery woke with a start. Her eyes flew open when a hand clamped over her mouth. She began to fight, to escape, but a deep voice near her ear spoke quietly, “Shhh. Don’t move.”

She went rigid, her heart pounding as her surroundings registered through sleep-induced fog. Quinn. Darkness. Cave.

Quinn spooning with her.

Questions raced through her head. When and how had that happened being in the forefront, but the sensation of his hard, muscled body pressed against hers overshadowed her questions. There was no intimacy in his touch, only alertness.

She shook her head to dislodge his hand. Almost inaudibly he said, “There’s someone outside.”

“One of them?” God, please let it be an animal and not one of her kidnappers.

“Maybe. I’m going to go check it out. Stay here.”

He started to roll away and she grabbed his arm. “No. Don’t go.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. Immediately she let go, but the twinge of fear remained. Being alone had never bothered her before.

In the darkness of the cave she couldn’t make out his face, but his warm breath feathered over her cheek, carrying the scent of coffee. His presence was powerful, wrapping around her like a warm blanket.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice a husky promise before he moved away from her.

Senses heightened, Avery lay still listening to Quinn’s nearly silent footsteps fade. Her heart beat frantically and her breaths became shallow.

More than anything she wished Quinn would return. What if he was wounded? Or dead? Her breath came faster. She had never counted on anyone for anything in her life, but she would kiss Quinn Wolff if he came back right now.

The air in the cave shifted. She went still, tried to slow her breathing. Seconds later Quinn whispered her name.

A sob built in her throat but she pushed it down, unwilling to let him see how his return affected her.

“Avery?” Concerned. Alert.

She tried to answer, but the words stuck in her throat. Seconds later his hand was on her shoulder.

“Are you all right?”

No. Avery pushed the sleeping bag down and sat up. Her hands found his chest, bulky with vest and equipment, but warm and alive. Needing to feel his heartbeat, she found the hem of his t-shirt and slipped her hands underneath. Hot, taut skin slid beneath her hands as they traveled over rippled abs and upward.

His breath caught when she opened her palm over his chest where his heart beat strong and steady.


She lifted up and pressed her lips to his, cutting him off. This was what she needed. Not talking. Not questions. To know she was alive, that he was alive, and she wasn’t alone. Reassurance that she was free of her captors.

In control.

His lips were warm, strong against hers. He hesitated, then he took over and the kiss no longer belonged to her. His lips moved over hers and stole her breath away. All her fears dissipated until there was only Quinn and the incredible way he was kissing her. Her hands dug into hard muscle, urging him closer. In response he tightened his arms around her.

He pulled away first. His chest heaved in synchrony with hers. In the darkness she couldn’t see his face to read his expression, but his erratic breathing told her he was as affected by the kiss as she was.

“I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand out from beneath his shirt. “I shouldn’t have—I just needed to know—”

Quinn’s fingers pressed to her mouth. “Don’t. I get it.”

Her head fell to his chest. “Thank you.” She stayed there for a moment listening to the strong beat of his heart while her breathing returned to normal. Quinn didn’t rush her or push her away, simply held her against his chest.

Explaining why she kissed him would ruin the peace she felt inside, so she kept quiet and trusted that he did get it. Even if he didn’t and was appeasing her she’d take it. Only for a minute. Then she would go back to relying on herself. For now, she took comfort in the warmth of his body and tried not to think about how she’d almost come undone during his absence. All it did was make her feel more out of control and that was not a place she was comfortable in.

Finally, she pulled away, the darkness not as daunting with Quinn’s presence. “Did you find anything outside?”

“Nothing to worry about. Why don’t you get some rest. We can’t move until morning.”

Avery slid down into the sleeping bag. “Why can’t we leave until morning?”

“Not safe.”

His tone indicated he wasn’t going to tell her anymore, so she let it drop. She knew who was out there. The man who hated her for what she brought to his village. His family. The one who smelled like apricots.

She sensed more than heard Quinn move away, and immediately missed the heat of his body. Ridiculous, because she never relied on anyone for comfort. He made it much too easy.

Avery pulled the sleeping bag up to her ears, using it instead of Quinn to ease her tension. Her captor was right outside the door. It was only a matter of time before they discovered the cave.

“We’re safe here.”

Quinn’s deep voice echoed softly through the darkness. The man was incredibly perceptive. Disconcerted, she dug further into her sleeping bag.

Exhaustion pulled her eyelids down. Unable to fight her body’s demands, she slipped into sleep.


Quinn leaned his back against the wall and scrubbed a hand down his face. He was a fucking idiot. What was he doing kissing Avery? His charge. After all she’d been through he had the audacity to let the kiss get out of hand.

How the hell had that happened? Never, in his four years with Wolff Securities had he crossed that line. Hell, it was his damn rule. Then, a gorgeous redhead came along and wiped out the rule as if it never existed.

Christ, he needed his head examined. If his brothers found out he’d kissed Avery they would kick his ass and pull him from this mission. Then kick his ass again.

He glanced over to where she slept, her soft breathing filling the cave. Her sweet taste was branded on his lips. Imprinted in his mind.

Damn it.

He turned on his mic.

“What the hell?” Kell’s voice immediately came through his headset.

“Got a problem. Army is right outside the door. Gonna be holed up for a while.”

“Can’t read your location.”

“We’re in a cave.” He gave his location, leaving out the part where he kissed his charge. That could never happen again. Despite what his body wanted. “I’ll let you know when we’re clear to move.”

“Copy that. Watch your back, brother.”

Quinn clicked off and leaned back against the wall to keep watch over Avery while she slept.

It was his job to protect her. Not sleep with her.

Chapter Three

Quinn packed up their stuff the next morning. Avery didn’t feel very rested; her dreams had been filled with images she’d rather not remember.

When they were ready to leave she asked, “Is it safe?”

“For now.”

She followed him out into the morning sun, nerves on end. The Ibuprofen helped numb the pain in her feet and Quinn had wrapped her feet in fresh bandages, but walking was still difficult. Neither of them mentioned the kiss. A good thing, because she didn’t want to discuss it. She’d been out of line and shouldn’t have done it.

Especially after breaking off her engagement with Tim recently. Funny how that never crossed her mind while she kissed Quinn. Or after. Tim had been the furthest thing from her mind when he should have been the first. They’d been engaged for a year. She should feel some guilt, some remorse.

Instead, she felt cheated because Tim had never kissed her the way Quinn did.

God, she was a mess.

Maybe when she got home, back to her life, she’d be able to think more clearly. Because right now she couldn’t.

Suddenly Quinn turned, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, he scanned the horizon.

“What is it?” She searched, seeing nothing but trees, rocks and mountains. “Did they find us?”

“What the hell are you doing here?”

With a frown, Avery followed his gaze and saw a man wearing camouflage similar to Quinn’s striding toward them. He had a gun strapped across his broad chest and a shit-eating grin stretched across his face.

Obviously Quinn knew him, but he wasn’t happy to see him. Cautiously she shifted closer to Quinn.

“Thought maybe you’d need some backup,” the man said as he approached. “Since you decided to insert without any.”

There was no censure in his tone, but Avery sensed it was there. She glanced at Quinn, who scowled.

“Dani is going to have my hide if you get as much as a scratch on this mission. Where’s Kell?”

“He’s our backup.” The man’s soft brown eyes landed on her and his grin widened. He held out a hand. “Hi. I’m Ryan Wolff.”

Quinn’s brother? They didn’t look much alike except for the height and build. But where Quinn was solid and strong, Ryan was lean. She placed her hand in his, uncertain as to what was happening. “Avery Marks.”

He winked. “Yeah, I kinda figured that.”

She pulled her hand away. “You work with Quinn?”

Ryan nodded. “Family business and all that. Although my big brother here likes to think he runs the company.” He clapped a hand on Quinn’s shoulder.

Quinn’s scowl darkened. “It’s my company.”

“So you keep telling us.” Ryan turned his attention to her. “You ready to get off this mountain?”

She nodded.

“Forget your spare hat again, bro?” He said to Quinn whose scowl darkened. “That red hair of yours is going to be a beacon to the baddies. Here, try this.” Ryan took his camo hat off and handed it to her. “Put your hair inside.”

Liking him already, Avery twisted her hair on top of her head and tucked it inside the hat. He adjusted the chinstrap and ticked the floppy brim with a forefinger. “Better,” he said, and then turned to Quinn. “Savat is on standby.”

Quinn cocked his head as if listening for something. Then his gaze snapped to Ryan. “Tangos moving in. Kell needs a hand. Get her somewhere safe.”

Ryan nodded, putting an arm around Avery. “Copy that.”

“Who’s Kell?” she asked.

“Our brother.” Ryan answered because Quinn was already sprinting in the opposite direction. Ryan led her toward an outcrop of trees.

She looked back to see Quinn melt into the trees and her heart missed a beat. What if he didn’t come back? The army he faced was strong and they wanted her back. They would stop at nothing to get her.

As she ran for cover with Quinn’s brother, the burden on her shoulders grew heavier. She’d done this. Her friends were dead because of her. And now, she endangered the lives of the men who came to rescue her.


From his perch behind a rocky ledge, Quinn looked through high-powered binoculars at the small army charging up the mountain.

“They’re blocking the roads,” his brother, Kell, commented from where he lay prone on the ground beside Quinn.

“We’ll hole up until nightfall.” He lowered the field glasses. It was easier to move at night under the cover of darkness than in the middle of the day. Unclipping his satellite phone, he punched in a number. “Chris, I need Bailey to draw up topographical maps and find us somewhere to hunker down.”

“On it.” Chris hung up. Quinn knew by the time they got back to Ryan and Avery, Bailey would have provided somewhere untraceable they could take cover until it was safe to move. Their sister, back home in Michigan, was a brilliant mastermind when it came to cartography. Chris would ward off her questions as to why they asked her to do this for a mission because Bailey would be a dog with a bone until she found out. Quinn had never involved her in a mission before, but if his suspicions were true about the army hunting Avery then they needed to be hidden as deeply as possible. The IPA was one of the deadliest terrorist organizations in the world and would know every nook and cranny of this mountain.

They backed slowly down the ledge and made their way back. When they rounded the rocky furrow Quinn stopped short. Avery was asleep on Ryan’s shoulder, his arm circling her, holding her while she slept. Her pale face against the black vest made her appear frail and vulnerable. The bandages on her feet were red with blood.

Quinn cursed. Her feet were his fault. He should have carried her instead of let her walk. Ryan glanced up and frowned at him. Why the hell did it bother him seeing Avery in his brother’s arms? It was really no surprise. Women had always fallen for Ryan’s good looks and easy manner. But his brother had never played the field. Dani was his high school sweetheart and Ryan’s eyes had never strayed. No matter how many women had tried to draw him away.

So why did he feel the sudden urge to snatch Avery away and hold her himself?

Fucking ridiculous.

Kell’s phone vibrated. He turned to him and said, “Where?”

Kell drew a finger across the screen of the high-tech phone where Bailey had just sent the map images. Kell was the best at reading them. “There’s a cave a half klick up the mountain.”

“They’ll search every cave.”

Kell shook his head in awe. “Not this one.”

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