Maybe Never (Maybe #2) (25 page)

BOOK: Maybe Never (Maybe #2)
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I feel the water falling down my face, and I’m taken back to the cliffs we were just on. Killian thrusts into me, but each thrust isn’t about sexual need; it’s all pure emotion. Each thrust is Killian giving a little of himself to me. Each touch is him sharing his pain and love until I’m feeling everything he is feeling, the love and the pain until I’m not sure which one is a stronger emotion.

“I love you,” he whispers against my ear.

“I love you, too.”

But this, whatever we are making, is more than love. It’s trust.

Killian moves faster, and I match his rhythm until we are coming together, each screaming the other’s name, connected in a way we have never been before. We’re connected in a way that can never be broken.

Killian hesitantly turns the water off. His moves are slow, as if he’s afraid the connection will be broken, but nothing can break the connection we just had.

I step out of the shower and begin to dry off. I hand him a towel, which he wraps around his waist before wrapping his arms around me.

He stares at us in the mirror. “God, I could take you again right now.”

I laugh. “I know. I feel the same way, like I can never get enough of you.”

He nods. “We should at least try. All night if we have to.”

I bite my lip. “Okay, but first, we should eat. Then, we should do that again and again.”

I watch him walk out of the bathroom. I finish drying off and then meet him in the bedroom. He’s already dressed when I get there. I walk over to grab my clothes out of the bag, but he puts a hand on my arm, stopping me.

“Don’t get dressed.”

“How will we go get food if I don’t get dressed?”

“I want you to stay here, naked. I saw a pizza place across the street. I’ll bring back some pizzas.”

I smile.

“You stay naked. I’ll be right back.” He leans over and softly kisses me on the lips, and then he leaves me alone in our room.

I sigh, not sure about what I should do now. I walk back to the bathroom and gather our wet clothes. I take them back to the small closet and begin hanging them to dry. We really need to get more clothes tomorrow. I hang up Killian’s jacket, but it keeps falling off the hanger. I pick it up again, and that’s when I feel something stiff in the pocket. I reach my hand into the pocket and pull out a note and an envelope that I assume contains some cash. I read the note quickly that Granddad wrote but learn nothing new other then he was saving his own skin.

I flip the envelope over and am shocked to see my name on it. I carry the envelope with me as I take a seat on the bed. I don’t know what this envelope contains, but whatever it is, it is something that Killian was hiding from me. It’s the same feeling I got when I opened Tristan’s bag of cocaine.

I shiver and decide to climb under the covers, but the covers don’t stop my shivers. My shivers won’t stop until I open the envelope, so with shaking hands, I do. I open the envelope and pull out the thick piece of paper it contains. I unfold it until it’s a flat piece of paper.

Then, I look at the handwritten words my father wrote me. I read word after word. My eyes skim faster than my mind can even read. This is what Killian was keeping from me. In this one piece of paper, I learn everything I need to know about my grandfather, my father, and even Killian.

My body shakes, and my cheeks turn red. I was wrong when I thought the connection Killian and I shared couldn’t be broken. It was just broken with one lie and one secret.

I fold the paper back up and put it back in the envelope and I tuck the envelope with my passport for later. I turn off the lights before I climb back into bed just before I hear Killian fumbling at the door. I close my eyes and pretend to sleep as Killian walks in and flicks on the lights.

I hear him walk over to me.

“Princess,” he says, kissing my cheek.

“Mmhmm,” I moan but keep my eyes closed.

“You should eat.”

“Too sleepy,” I moan.

He sighs. I hear him take off his clothes. The lights flicker back off, and then he climbs into bed. His arms go around me, and somehow, that motion still relaxes me, even after knowing that he lied to me.

“Sleep sounds good.” He softly kisses me on the neck. “We can eat and fuck later.”

I pull his arms around me tighter.

“When I was getting the food though, I thought about what you asked me earlier. About what I see for our future. When I was standing in line, they were selling these little Claddagh rings that represent love, loyalty, and friendship. I realized then what I wanted. You. Just you. I want to be married to you. I want to have those kids you told me you wanted. Nothing else matters.”

I try to keep my breathing normal as a tear falls down my cheek.

“I know it’s too soon to be thinking like that. And I’m not going to officially ask you to marry me. Not until we have a lot more answers, but I just wanted you to know that. I see my future, and I’m married to you. What do you think? Could you see yourself married to me someday after all of this is over? Would you marry me if things were different?”


I feel his lips curl up into a smile. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He holds me tighter, and then his breathing slows as he drifts to sleep.

But more tears fall down my cheeks. Because that
doesn’t mean yes. That
wasn’t me hesitating to answer him. It was me deceiving him. Because a future where we are married and living happily ever after will never happen.


I wake up and reach across to touch Kinsley after not having her again like we talked about last night. I’m feeling desperate to have her, but my hand comes up empty. I sit up and look around the room, but I don’t see her. I get out of bed and check the bathroom, but she isn’t in there either. If she went exploring again without me, I’m going to kill her. She doesn’t understand that it’s just not safe for her to go out by herself.

I walk back to the bedroom to put clothes on to go find her. When I see a note written on a napkin lying next to the bed, I pick it up to read it.

Maybe…never. I read my father’s letter that you hid from me. I’m sorry, but I can’t be with you. I can’t be with someone that lies and hides so many things from me. I’m going home. I’ll face whatever charges the FBI have for me, but I’m done running. I’m sorry that I no longer love you. I hope you can find happiness with the FBI.


“Fuck!” I scream when I finish reading the note. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

I crumble the napkin and throw it onto the floor. I grab my clothes and quickly put them on. Then, I run out the door and out onto the street. I have to find her. I don’t know what the hell she is doing.

How can she not love me anymore when I was inside her last night? How can love disappear so quickly?

I run a block down the street before I realize this is useless. She’s not just wandering down the main street of Galway.

I run back to the bed-and-breakfast. I ring the damn little bell at the entrance and wait for the owner to come downstairs.

“The lady I was traveling with, have you seen her this morning?”

The owner looks at me for a second. “Yes, she was down rather early, around six. I hadn’t even put breakfast out yet, and she was already out the door. I figured she had an early sightseeing day.”

“Thanks,” I say before running up the stairs to our bedroom.

I look through the bag and find most of the money along with her passport are gone. “Fuck!”

I go to the closet and grab my jacket. I feel inside and find that the envelope her dad wrote her and the note her grandfather wrote is gone. She really did find it. She knows the truth. And she is turning herself into the FBI because of it. She just doesn’t realize that going home isn’t safe either. The men that were working with her father and grandfather are dangerous and they are in Las Vegas. They will kill her. The FBI won’t be able to protect her.

I pace back and forth in the room. I pick the napkin off the floor and reread it, but none of it makes any more sense than the first time I read it. I’m still just as lost as I was before. The only thing I can read from the note is that she doesn’t care about me anymore. She doesn’t love me.

So, instead, I do the only thing I can do. I take my cell phone out of my pocket, and I call Agent Hayes.


“Hayes, I need…”

“You are in a lot of trouble Byrne. Bisson is furious. Just tell us where you are. Come home and then we can straighten everything out. Their is a protocol you have to follow if you think a witness is in danger. This isn’t it. If she really is in danger she should be in witness protection.”

“I know Hayes. I just couldn’t leave her with you. I don’t trust anyone but myself right now. But listen! I need you to see if a Megan Slade or Erin Buffet has booked any flights out of Ireland today. And then I need you to assemble a team to pick her up if she did.”

“What is happening?”

“I think Kinsley is turning herself in to the FBI. I think she’s had enough of the running.”


“I’m going after her. Just tell me where she is headed, and I’ll be on a flight to go after her. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes. I’ll text you.”

I grab a cab to the Dublin Airport, and I’m an hour away before Agent Hayes texts me, saying that she’s on a flight to New York and then has a connecting flight to Las Vegas. I text back, saying that I’m taking the next flight and I will be wherever she is going soon. I just hope that we get to her before her grandfather’s men. She’s turning herself in to the FBI, but that won’t stop his men from trying to get to her first. She’s in danger, and I have to protect her. I promised I would.


The flight to New York takes forever, and it feels longer than forever when I don’t know what the hell is going on. I run off the flight and am surprised to find Agent Hayes standing just inside the terminal. I figured he would have been with Kinsley.

“Did you get her?”


“No? Why the hell not?”

“Killian Byrne, you are under arrest,” a man says from behind me.

Then, I’m surrounded by agents who grab ahold of me, and handcuffs go around my wrist.

“I’m sorry,” Agent Hayes says.

Then, he walks away, leaving me to be arrested.

I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry that I failed to protect Kinsley Felton. I failed her father. I failed Kinsley. I failed the FBI. And I failed myself. And I don’t know who else is going to have to pay for that mistake.

And, now that I’m being arrested, I won’t even have a chance to fix my mistake.


I wipe a tear from my eye at the thought of never seeing Killian again. I hate that I broke his heart, but it was the only way to protect him. What I hate worse is that I lied to him, I’m not going to turn myself in. I’m doing the only thing I can do after reading my father’s letter. I’m making things right and fixing my family’s mistakes.

“Boarding group three can now board,” the gate agent says over the speakers.

I stand from the blue seat that I’m sitting on in the terminal with my plane ticket and bag in my hand. I wait in a short line until I reach the gate agent. I hand her my ticket, which she scans, and then hands back.

“Have a good flight to Cancún,” she says.

I nod and force my legs to move forward. I force my body to move toward what has been my destiny all along. I force my legs to board a plane to Mexico.

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Maybe Never
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Maybe Never
is the second book in a three book series.

Maybe Alway
s (Maybe 3) will release July/August.

Join my mailing list to receive updates on my new releases. In the meantime, here are a few other books of mine,
Aligned: Volume 1
Volume 2
, to read for free.

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