MC Romance: Ride of Their Lives (BBW, Military Romance, Alpha Male) (Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: MC Romance: Ride of Their Lives (BBW, Military Romance, Alpha Male) (Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance Book 1)
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Emily groaned again as she mentally pleaded with her mind to end its dangerous train of thought. She repeatedly tapped her forehead on the carpet in an attempt to drive away the memory of his rigid muscles and toned abdomen.

“Geez!” he exhaled. She heard him re-activate the safety on his gun. “I thought you were getting attacked out here.”

“Nope. It’s just me.” She waved a hand in his general direction in an attempt to shoo Ben back into the bathroom. “Go away. Go back to what you were doing. I’m fine.”

Rather than return to the shower, Ben pulled the sheet from her legs in one swift motion. Emily, now free to move, remained in her position on the floor. There was no way she was moving before she heard that door close firmly behind him.

“I’m decent.” He informed.

“Just go.” She continued to wave him away.

“Emily,” she heard the bed groan as he sat down upon it, “I’m sorry that you had to see me naked.” He was laughing, she realized. The man was laughing!

She did not, however, know what he was apologizing for. As far as Emily was concerned, she had just witnessed the most delicious male form that she had ever laid eyes upon. It was not a moment that she would soon forget. She only remained on the floor, she convinced herself, in protection of his modesty.

Clearly that was something he had in short supply.

Emily flopped over and stared at the decorative bronze ceiling tiles. In her peripheral vision she could see that Ben was sitting casually on the bed with the sheet wrapped around his waist. His torso, however, remained bare.

Suddenly she sat up and stared at him in shock.

“What are you doing with a gun?” she demanded. It had only just occurred to her that he had burst into the room with a lethal looking handgun and a powerful stance as he had aimed for the kill.

“Why wouldn’t I have a gun?” He replied with nonchalance.

“Fair enough.” She sighed and chewed her lip. “Do I get one?”

“Do you have a license?” he asked.


“Have you ever shot a gun before?”

“No. But, you could teach me.” she said hopefully. A gun would make her feel much more prepared to face Casper.

“Where would I teach you?” He cocked his head at her like a parent who is humoring their child. “In this cabin? I don’t think so.” Ben shook his head. “No. You can’t have a gun. Unless you tell me where the evidence is hidden, then I might consider it.”

“Come on!” Emily found herself scooting across the floor as she begged. “How many do you have in that bag?”

“I have enough.” He stated this with a finality that informed Emily that their conversation about the weaponry was over. “May I finish my shower?”

“Yes.” Emily mumbled as he sauntered away. She found that the ability to hear the water running on the other side of the wall elicited a series of entirely inappropriate images to flash through her mind.


The first day, and the next, passed with relative speed, much to Emily’s surprise. Ben helped Emily to dye her blond hair a dark chestnut brown and chop the length to land just above her shoulders. The change was remarkable. In combination with stuffing her bra, and wearing heels beneath over-long pants to mask her height, Emily was able to leave the room for short durations to procure food.

On nearly all of these excursions Emily passed dangerously close to one of Casper’s henchmen. She reported her observations with dismay to Ben. He recorded a list of each of the men that she recognized as well as those she suspected to be in Casper’s employ.

The constant, but inconspicuous presence prevented Emily from attempting to retrieve her stolen items. However, she did not feel a sense of urgency to risk a hasty recovery due to the fact that the message that Ben had sent to his men had still gone unanswered. She prayed that somehow they received the SOS, but until the SEAL Team’s arrival there would be no alternative method of transportation with which to disembark the cruise ship.

There still remained ten days on the route that would take them south to Brazil before turning northward to dock, eventually, in New York. Emily had purposely chosen a path that did not lead directly to the United States. While those routes were much faster, she had known that they would have been the first that Casper would have checked after realizing that she had not traveled by air.

Emily and Ben had a surplus of time with which to get to know each other. Four days into their isolation, Emily could have said with a decent amount of certainty that she knew Ben better than she had known Casper, even though she had shared a long-distance relationship with the latter for nearly two years.

She was absolutely certain that Ben knew her better than her former lover. During their long conversations, as they attempted to keep boredom at bay, he had asked her many personal questions. It occurred to her that they were sharing information that she had never overtly discussed with any other man. He asked about her parents, her older brother, and even her favorite pet—a Siberian husky name Vera.

Ben’s insightful attitude, though she was certain that his attention to detail was what made him successful on dangerous missions, made Emily question the superficial relationships in which she had been involved. She began to realize that Casper had never asked about, nor offered, any information that would be considered too personal. That was how he had kept his seedy lifestyle from catching her attention.

Casper Lorenz had distracted Emily with glamour and entertainment, while Ben dove deep into her life with exceptional understanding.

Emily was also surprised to have Ben answer her questions with what she assumed was complete honesty. Other than the moments of paralyzing fear that gripped her when the criminals could be heard scouring the ship in the early morning hours, Emily could say that she was actually managing to enjoy herself for large portions of the day.

On the fourth day, holed up in the small cabin, Emily returned with their dinner and a deck of playing cards.

“Where did you get those?” Ben said with excitement. Talking had been great but they were in desperate need of some form of entertainment.

“I traded a beer for them to a teen who was hanging out near the restaurants.” Emily’s voice dripped with sarcasm. She laughed before clarifying. “I bought them in the gift shop. Don’t look at me like that. There were no thugs in sight and I paid cash.” She placed the tray of food down on the small breakfast table. “I almost brought some beer, but I knew you would give me a zero-fun lecture about maintaining focus at all times.” She ended with a tone that mimicked a statement he had made the day before about maintaining constant vigilance. As intended, he joined in her laughter.

“Just because I think that focus is important doesn’t mean that I am incapable of having a good time.” Ben stood and snatched the cards from her hand. “What are we playing?”

“War.” Emily said with emphasis.

“All’s fair…” He sat at the table and began to deal.


Two hours later they sat cross-legged, facing each other, in the center of the bed. They were currently tied for total wins and had agreed that this final game would determine the champion.

As Emily placed another wild king over Ben’s final card she raise her hands in victory. She had just started cheering for herself and taunting Ben with her win when he grabbed the cards that lay between them and began to flip through them.

“You’re a cheater!” he accused. “You had five kings that round. You were re-using them.”

“You can’t prove it. Just like you can’t prove a thing about Casper.” Emily continued to cheer and tease him while laughing with raucous abandon.

“Like hell, I can’t.” Ben flung the cards toward the end of the bed and launched himself at her. She landed on her back amongst the pillows as he tickled her until she begged for mercy. “Admit it!” he demanded laughing nearly as hard as she was.

“OK. OK.” She gasped. “I cheated. I admit that I cheated. You win.”

“I win the argument or I win the game?” he paused with his hands hovering close to her rib cage, ready to strike again if she answered incorrectly.

As their gazes collided it was as if the air in the room was suddenly heavy with expectation. They both ceased their laughter and stared at each other for an endless moment. They were no longer touching, yet his body hovered provocatively above her own on the bed.

“Both.” The word eased past Emily’s lips in a breathy whisper. She watched as the pupils of his gray eyes contract at the same time as his breathing slowed to a shallow murmur. 

Emily’s heart hammered in her chest as she waited with aching anticipation for his mouth to meet her own.

It didn’t.

Instead, Ben raised a hand and gently threaded his fingers into the hair beneath her head. His gaze never left her own as his thumb stroked in tantalizing circles beneath her ear. The tender massaging motion sent rivulets of sensation to the furthest reaches of Emily’s body.

Their only point of contact was his hand at her neck, yet Emily felt as if his fingers had begun roaming freely over all of the most intimate regions of her body. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the pressure of his kneading fingers.

Her lips opened in pleasure and it was at that moment that Ben’s mouth captured her own. His mouth had retained a hint of the chocolate mint that had served as dessert following dinner and Emily found that the lingering taste had an erotic effect on her sensory perception.

She sighed against his lips and raised her hands to rest upon the firm muscles of Ben’s chest. The lightweight cotton shirt did nothing to mask the hard planes that lay beneath the fabric.

Emily could not resist the realization that she needed desperately to feel his body against her own. She curled her fingers into the shirt and tugged him forward until Ben’s frame covered hers entirely. He managed to maintain an intricate balance between holding the bulk of his weight supported above her and exerting an enticing amount of pressure that molded their bodies together from shoulder to toe.

His hands now had the freedom to explore the hypersensitive areas of Emily’s flesh that she had imagined only moments before. Ben grasped her waist with one hand before inching his fingers upward beneath the ribbed tank that she wore.

He released a guttural groan when she arched against him as his hand came to rest on her breast. The thin fabric of her bra did not prevent the heat of his hand from creating a glorious sensation against her sensitive skin. His thumb brushed her nipple and Emily gasped against his mouth with a rising level of need that was unlike any she had ever felt before.

She tugged at the waistline of his shirt and felt a smile cross his lips at her hurried behavior. She could tell that he was trying to take things slow but if he took any longer Emily was sure that she would die of frustration. The past days spent alone with this man had been a terrible test of willpower. Now that she was discovering that the reality was monumentally superior to what she had been imagining each night in her dreams, Emily found that her need to feel connected to this man was greater than she had once thought.

Ben shed his shirt as her demands became more exuberant. When her hands moved to the clasp of his jeans any pretense of control that he had left disappeared in an instant. Within seconds he had disrobed, not even breaking contact of the passionate kiss that still flowed between their hurried lips.

“Ben, please.”  She cried as his lips moved to her neck. Her clothes joined his in a jumbled heap on the floor. He pressed himself against her, this time nothing came between their bodies to prevent the satin feel of skin against skin.

At that moment, for Emily, time stopped. Ben’s mouth seemed to be everywhere as he patiently explored every inch of her throbbing body. His tongue traced lazy circles around her breast before moving in an indirect trail toward her navel. His breath brushed the inside of her thigh before coming to rest at the very center of her core.

Slow, pulsing waves began to roll through Emily’s body as she pleaded with Ben to hurry. He seemed perfectly content to take his time.

When she threw her head back and cried out his name, he finally joined her with an urgency that matched her own. Returning, once again, to gain entry to her mouth, Ben positioned the hot length of his erection against her. Emily’s eyes fluttered closed as she waited for the moment of connection, but opened them when he did not initiate contact.

At the instant that their gazes collided Ben entered her with an unhurried but constant pressure. Inch by tantalizing inch he pushed himself inside of her. He rolled to his back, pulling her to sit astride his hips and placed his hands on her thighs as he followed her motions. Emily rocked above him until her body clenched around his in a climax that carried them both to the brink of insanity.

The vulgarity that Emily uttered was swallowed by Ben’s ultimate kiss, a joining so powerful that she knew, without a doubt, that Ben had been sending a very obvious message. Something about the moment implied that he was claiming her as his own. Something, though Emily was not entirely sure what it was, said that in this moment they had shared much more than just primal instinct. 


Later that evening, Emily woke wrapped in the tight embrace of her lover. She was pleased to find that, despite their numerous repeat performances, her body still reacted with an intense longing for the Navy SEAL.

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