McKenzie, Cooper - Daria's Heroes [Men Out of Uniform 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Daria's Heroes [Men Out of Uniform 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Daria nodded quickly. “I’m sure. Please fuck me, Roman. Make me

Roman brushed his lips over hers as he fit the head of his cock back at the entrance to her pussy. “Hold on tight, baby girl. This first time might be uncomfortable, but I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”

Daria wrapped her arms around his back as he slowly pushed deeper and deeper until he sheathed fully inside her.

Lifting his lips from hers, he pulled back far enough she could see his eyes. They looked nearly black with his arousal. “How you feeling?”

“Mmmm, full,” Daria said as she tried to move her hips against his. “Please. Move. Fuck me.”

“Please fuck me, who?”

“Roman. Please fuck me, Roman.”

He kissed her long and hard as her muscles became accustomed to his cock. Then he pushed up and back until he knelt between her legs with his thick length still fully embedded in her. Her back arched and her hips lifted with him until her ass cheeks were resting on his thighs. He reached up and grabbed a pillow and slid it under her back

“We’re going to take this nice and slow, sweet baby girl. Slow and easy,” Roman said.

He pushed her legs up so her thighs rested along her chest. “Hold them there and don’t move,” he ordered gently.

He did not move until she wrapped her hands around her legs. Only then did he slowly ease out until just the head of his cock remained inside her. Once again, the position he placed her in prevented her from fucking him back, so all she could do was lie there and accept what he gave her. After holding still for an endless three seconds, he slowly eased back in until he was buried full length again.

“Please,” she moaned as she released her legs and grabbed at his arms, needing him to move faster and ease the hunger squeezing tighter and tighter in her lower belly.

“Put your hands back,” Roman said without moving an inch. “You need to learn that when your Master tells you to do something or not do something, you follow his instructions to the letter. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Roman.”

Daria reluctantly turned his arms loose. Her insides shivered with pleasure when he smiled and said, “Good girl.”

Once her hands returned to her lower legs, he began to ease in and out at a snail’s pace. Daria began to pant as the muscles behind her clit and around her pussy drew tighter and tighter. She tried to again to shift her hips, hoping to entice him to lose control and move faster and harder.

But Roman would not be hurried. He seemed content to move slowly in and out of her pussy as he stared down at her, his own expression unreadable. Was he not happy? Had she done something wrong?

“Roman, please,” she begged.

Her orgasm circled her yet remained just beyond her reach as if taunting her. Wanting to move, needing just a little more, a little faster, a little harder, to reach the stars, she began to make whiney sounds with each gasping breath.

“Is my baby girl close?” Roman asked.

He leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her chest. This changed his angle of penetration so his cock now stroked over her clit with every movement. He slowly increased his pace until he was pistoning in and out of her.

Daria tried to follow his instructions, but needed to touch him, needed to feel his skin against hers to keep her grounded and under some small measure of control. Straightening her legs, she wrapped them around his waist as she reached up and slid her arms around his shoulders in an effort to pull him closer.

Though he kept fucking her, Roman resisted her efforts. His expression showed the effort he put forth to maintain some sort of sanity. When she dragged one hand across the nape of his neck, something changed. He began to move faster and harder.

“Let it loose. Come for me, baby girl,” he ground out between gritted teeth. “Come. Now.”

With those words, the orgasm that had hovered so close crashed over her like storm waves beating on the shore. She cried out as every muscle in her body clenched, and she gripped him tighter than before.

When her cries became too loud, he dropped his body down and covered her mouth with his own in an effort to muffle her.

Three more hard strokes and he roared into her mouth as his cock jerked within her. She felt the added heat of his semen filling the condom that separated them and smiled with a bone deep contentment she had never felt before.

Daria clung to him as her orgasm rolled back and forth through her nerves from fingertips to clit and back again.

Roman held himself deep inside her for several long minutes as he whispered words of praise and love, most of which Daria did not have enough functioning brain cells to decipher. His gentle, loving tone got through, and her heart filled with the knowledge that she had pleased him.

When he moved to pull from her, she tightened her hold, grunting a denial.

“Hush, baby girl. We have to get up. If Kelso isn’t here already, he will be soon, and Gage can’t lie his way out of a paper bag,” Roman said as he brushed several strands of hair out of her face. Then he leaned in and kissed her gently.

“But I don’t want to,” Daria whined.

That earned her a sharp smack on her left hip and a frown.

“No whining. Now let me go. I’ll get my shower, and once I’m done I’ll send Gage up. Maybe you can talk him into washing your back or something.” Roman’s expression eased, and he gave her a wink and a smile that screamed of sexy intentions.

“You won’t mind?” Daria reluctantly pulled her arms and legs from around them then sighed when he pulled from her.

“Of course not. You belong to Gage as much as you do to me. We will both want to spend time with you, alone and together. We’ll talk about this later, but understand you now have two men to see to your every need, want, and desire, both in bed and out.”

Roman left the bed and headed for the shower after another quick kiss.

Not sure her muscles would cooperate, Daria rolled onto her side and curled up. Her entire being relaxed, and, though she would love to go downstairs for a Pepsi, she felt no real desire to move. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift and enjoy the sexual satisfaction that continued to flow through her.

She heard the shower turn on then turn off again a few minutes later. When Roman entered the room and began to dress, she opened her eyes and watched but made no effort to get up. She was too comfortable lying there with Gage’s scent on the pillow under her head and Roman’s on her body.

If she could have her way, she would lie here for the rest of the day, ignoring the world and all the worries it held beyond the walls of this room.

Once he was dressed, Roman leaned over the bed and kissed her cheek. “Take a nap, love. I’ll send Gage up in a while to wake you and help you with your shower.”

Daria took a deep breath and released it on a sigh as she snuggled deeper into Gage’s pillow. “’Kay.”

* * * *

Though he had no reason to feel resentment at being sent away to do his chores, Gage did. He wanted to be there, be a part of this first loving with their woman. He wanted to watch Daria come from Roman’s cock as he had done so many times over their years together.

After putting the groceries away, he started the coffeemaker and wondered whether Kelso would arrive with donuts or if he should throw together some kind of breakfast for them all. The half dozen pastries he bought suddenly did not look like enough. Once he had the kitchen put to rights, he carried the bags with Daria’s clothes and the extra condoms upstairs. He put the clothes bag on Daria’s bed and the condoms in the linen closet behind and under the stack of extra towels. With all the people he was sure would be visiting over the next few days, someone was bound to go snooping, and he did not want his Master embarrassed.

He stopped outside the closed bedroom door but did not open it. Intruding and blatant disobedience would earn him more than a few punishment strokes, and the last thing he needed was to be too sore to take care of Daria and Roman. Turning away from the door, he heaved a sad sigh.

The doorbell gonged when he was halfway down the stairs again, for which he said a silent thank-you to the universe. A visitor might give him something to do other than imagine what Master was doing to Daria, which he knew would only leave him horny.

Chapter 8

Roman came down the stairs and found a half dozen people in the kitchen talking, crying, and drinking coffee. All of them were family members in the sense that forty foster children over fifty years could form a family unit. The news had gotten out that Mrs. Stone was dead, and Kelso had probably had his wife, Maddie, tell people that this was the place to gather in this time of sorrow.

It took several minutes of greeting everyone before he reached the nearly empty coffeepot. After pouring himself the first of the dozen or so cups he usually needed to get through the day, he wandered around, trying to find Gage.

But Gage seemed to have disappeared. Before he could make a second pass through the downstairs on his hunt, Kelso grabbed his arm.

“We need to talk,” the older man said with a look that told Roman he would not like the topic of conversation.

“Sure, just let me find Gage and we’ll be right with you.”

“He and Maddie went to the store and then to get Daria’s car. He said we needed more coffee and cups and stuff and that she needed to drive Daria’s car home because he didn’t fit,” Kelso said.

Roman nodded and followed his mentor out onto the porch. “What’s up?”

“I’ve been getting a lot of questions I can’t answer,” Kelso said, staring hard across the lawn instead of looking at Roman.

“Already? It’s only eight o’clock in the morning,” Roman tried to joke, but Kelso did not crack a smile, telling him this was serious and probably not good. “About what?”

“Daria. You and Gage. And where exactly everyone is sleeping.”

Roman ground his back teeth as he considered his friend’s words as anger began to boil in his belly. Then he took a deep breath to push down the anger at the notion that anyone might think of Daria in a less-than-perfect light. Of all of Mrs. Stone’s kids, she was the one who gave and gave and gave, without question, without expectation of recompense, without thought of anything beyond giving aid where it was needed.

Once he had himself back under control, he looked at his friend. “Daria is an adult, and last night her entire world burnt to the ground. We have a guestroom, and she is welcome to use it for as long as she needs and wants to. Of all the things Mrs. Stone taught us, the biggest was that though we are a family from different mothers, we are family and family sticks together.”

Kelso opened his mouth to speak, but Roman cut him off. “You might also tell those who are concerned about Daria’s living arrangements that the woman needs more than a couch for a night or two. She needs a home and security. She’s also going to need a job until she finds out that she passed the EMT certification test she took last night, and we can get her hired on somewhere as an ambulance driver while she studies to be a paramedic.”

Turning away, Roman felt tears pressing at his eyes at the thought that his baby girl, Gage’s angel, their Daria, needed more than just him and Gage. She needed a life of her own. One to replace the life that had been so tragically taken from her. Would they be able to let her go when the time came? Would she want to leave them and be on her own?

“Don’t worry, little brother, it will all work out.” Kelso stepped closer and wrapped an arm around Roman’s shoulders. “We’re all going to miss Mrs. Stone, and we’ll help with whatever we need to in order to get Daria back on her feet.”

Roman nodded as he fought back the emotion. He was a Dom and always kept his emotions under control. Why now had that changed?

Kelso patted his shoulder before leaving him and going back into the house. Roman remained on the porch until Gage pulled into the driveway and parked. Maddie parked Daria’s little red car on the street.

“That’s a darling little car,” Maddie said as she climbed the steps to the porch.

“It’s too small,” Gage argued with a smile.

“For a Neanderthal like you, yeah, it’s too small, but for a normal-sized person it’s perfect,” Maddie returned without hesitation before going into the house.

Roman stopped Gage with a hand on his arm before he could follow Maddie inside. His man stood stiff and stared at the door as if upset about something.

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