McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (6 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“Okay, but I have the option of whether or not to answer.”

Sinclair huffed a breath. “Now how am I supposed to get to know you if you won’t answer my questions? I’ve always answered your questions,” she pointed out, trying not to sound whiney.

Jackson’s expression went blank for a moment as he thought about her words. Then he nodded slowly. “You’re right, but if it has the potential to hurt someone else, I will not answer. That’s as good as I can offer.”

Sinclair nodded. “That’s fine. Thank you, Sir.”

* * * *

Two hours later, Jackson felt as if he was walking around emotionally naked. Sinclair proved to be a thoughtful, insightful interrogator. She also proved to be curious about more than just his life. Her questions about life as a fireman and a carpenter, which he admitted was his third job, proved she was curious about everything. Of all her questions, the only ones he refused to answer dealt directly with his ex-wife.

Finally, he’d had enough. Learning how her mind work turned him on as much as her body. Hell, everything about this woman flipped his switch.

Leaning over the counter, he looked deep in her eyes and said, “Go find an uncollared male sub with a talented mouth.” Only then did he wonder if she would be able to deal with what he had planned for the rest of the evening or if she’d turn him down and run.

He watched as Sinclair swallowed hard. She then licked at her lips, her eyes growing wide as she turned over his words.

When her face flushed a pretty pink, he knew she remembered their last conversation a month ago where they’d discussed playing with another man.

She surprised him when she didn’t refuse but leaned forward and whispered, “How do I do that?”

“Ask them.” Jackson looked at his watch. “You have five minutes. Starting now.”

She didn’t respond. She looked around and then turned back. “Where should I look, Sir?”

“I’ll show you,” Whitney offered then glanced at Master Taurus.

“You may show her, but you will not participate in the conversation,” he ordered.

“Yes, Master.”

* * * *

Sinclair followed Whitney away from the bar and toward an alcove where a group of people talked quietly. There were a half dozen females and four men. All were dressed in scanty, sexy clothes that made her feel overdressed. All were barefoot, and none wore collars.

Her stomach had knotted up with nerves as soon as the first couples came into the club and started playing. It now cramped even tighter. For a few seconds she wondered if she would throw up before she completed this errand she’d been sent on.

She remembered how excited Jackson had become when they both agreed that a threesome would definitely push the boundaries of their experiences, but might be interesting to try, if the right person came along. That was also when she’d admitted that she wasn’t sure she could handle another woman, as she wasn’t sure she could share him. She also remembered his description of how he and another man would share her until she was completely boneless.

“How do I do this?” she asked softly, hoping Whitney heard her once they were well away from the bar.

“If it was me, I would say something like, ‘my Master wants to know which of you has a talented tongue,’” Whitney returned just as quietly.

“Oh my God, can I really do this?”

Whitney touched her arm. “This is your first foray into the lifestyle. I’ve found that I can do anything Taurus tells me to do, as long as I know he’ll be there with me. Of course he’s never sent me to find another man. Just remember that Master Jackson has never taken another sub and he’s never talked about anyone. Ever.”

Sinclair looked into the other woman’s eyes and saw sympathy. “Thanks, I think. But I’m not sure what he’s trying to accomplish with this. Is he trying to scare me off? Or fulfill a shared fantasy?”

“That’s something only you and he can answer,” Whitney said as they entered the unspoken single submissives’ territory.

“Hi, Whitney, who’s your friend?” a blonde dressed in a barely-there black lace string bikini asked.

“This is Sinclair, and she has a question for the uncollared male submissives.”

Sinclair bit her lip as she nodded in response to greetings.

“So, what’s your question, honey?”

The question came from a huge, overly-muscled Latino male wearing only a pair of black knit short-shorts that drew the eye to an impressive bulge at the apex of his thighs. He made Jackson look like a wimp. He also did not look like a submissive so she turned her attention to the other men. Two of other three were dressed similarly and were equally large and muscled.

Balling up her hands, she swallowed hard in an attempt to keep from being sick. Then she swallowed again before looking over her shoulder toward the bar. Jackson was staring at her, his expression strangely blank.

Turning back, she cleared her throat and decided to go with Whitney’s suggestion. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to speak slowly and clearly. “My Master wishes to know which of you has a talented tongue.”

The men blinked and looked at one another before looking at her again.

“And just who is your Master, sweetness?” This question came from the smallest of the four, though he was still several inches taller than she was. He wore torn blue jeans shorts that looked like a stiff wind would rip them from his body. Of the four, he was the least intimidating, even though he probably knew more than her and Jackson combined. Looking into his eyes, she saw a gentleness there that the other men didn’t have. If she had to choose, this was the man she wanted sharing her body.

“Master Jackson.”

As if one mind directed them, the four men looked toward the bar. A moment later they glanced at her before huddling for a whispered conversation.

Sinclair could feel the seconds ticking past way too fast. She wanted to scream for them to hurry up so she didn’t get in trouble for taking too long, but that wouldn’t go over well either.

A drop of sweat ran down the back of her head under her hair. Lifting one hand, she rubbed at her stomach where the pain cramped the worst. Finally the huddle broke up, and the four turned to smile down at her.

Latin man took the lead. “We’re all equally talented, so you’ll have to choose which man you want.”

Oh, shit. Shit, shit, fuck, damn, damn, shit.

Her face glowing red, Sinclair met each man’s eyes before making her choice.

“You,” she said, holding a hand out.

* * * *

Jackson watched as Sinclair approached the four uncollared males and felt something hot and painful stab through his chest near the area of his heart. It took every ounce of strength to keep from jumping over the bar and racing after her to stop her. All at once, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to go through with the scene he’d been imagining for more than a month.

They hadn’t spent time alone in weeks, and now that they could, he wanted to bring another man into their relationship. What was he, completely insane? All he wanted was to get his beautiful sunshine alone and naked. He didn’t need any help in putting a smile on his woman’s face.

Jenna watched him and leaned over the bar. “Blank your expression,” she ordered softly.


“Relax your face. Blank your expression. Do not let her see you frowning. If she does she’s going to freak. If you really want to go through with this you have to get in control of yourself and this situation. Blank your expression.”

Jackson nodded and concentrated on relaxing all the muscles of his face. Just as he did, Sinclair glanced over her shoulder at him. She looked scared and lost, but he did not call her back. He couldn’t. He was the dominant and wanted her to have this new experience that had turned them both on the few times they’d talked about it.

A long few seconds later she turned back to the men. He took a deep breath and kept his expression passive as the men lifted their heads to look in his direction. They then huddled and talked amongst themselves before turning back to his woman. He had to grab the counter a moment later when she held out her hand to one of the men and he took it.

“Feels like hell, doesn’t it?” Taurus asked. His tone was so low that even Jenna didn’t hear him.


“Realizing you’ve fallen in love when you least expect.”

Jackson shot his boss and friend a frown then walked over to the board that held the keys to the private playrooms on the second floor. “Boss, I hate to do this, but—”

“You’re taking the rest of the night off,” Taurus finished his sentence.

Jackson watched as Sinclair and her choice turned back in his direction. When he saw they were holding hands, he sucked a breath as another sharp pain shot through his chest.

“I don’t know about the rest of the night, but I certainly won’t be back in fifteen minutes like I’m supposed to. I’ve got a woman who needs some serious attention.”

“I’ve been there. Go on and enjoy. Mason can fill in,” Taurus said with an understanding chuckle before turning away to fill a drink order.

As the two subs approached, Jackson saw Sinclair’s entire body was tight with tension. Didn’t she want this? Or was she going along with this because he’d asked it of her? Just how submissive was his sunshine? Looking in her eyes he saw heat and arousal, but also saw fear. The man whose hand she held was not the cause of either. He was.

But what was she afraid of?

As they approached, he stepped out from behind the bar, but moved no further. They stopped three feet away and the man dropped his head so his gaze was on Jackson’s feet and not his face. Sinclair tilted her head back so she met his gaze squarely.

“Master, this is Toby and he says he has a talented mouth,” Sinclair said softly. Her voice was tight with tension.

“Is that true, Toby?”

Jackson took a step forward and lifted a hand to Sinclair’s shoulder. She flinched at his touch, but stilled as he slid his hand around the back of her neck.

“Not to brag, Master J, but I’ve had no complaints so far.”

Using the hand behind her neck, he pulled Sinclair toward him until her front was pressed full length against his. By the widening of her eyes, he knew she could feel the erection filling the front of his leathers. “Uh-huh. Go get two beers and a white wine while I talk to my girl.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Chapter 7

Sinclair didn’t hear the other man walk away, but knew he did when Jackson dropped his hands to cover her ass, pulled her up on her toes and kissed her. Though she wasn’t sure, she had a feeling she knew exactly what he was planning for their evening.

“Did you remember our conversation about having a third join us?” he asked softly when he finally released her lips.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.
Yep, just what you thought.

“Would you like that to happen tonight? Or would prefer just the two of us go upstairs and play?”

Sinclair blinked and looked deep into the blue eyes she often dreamt about. He looked excited but wary at the same time. How could she deny him? He’d already taken them this far into the fantasy that had turned them both on. Though she would rather go home to her own bed and snuggle with him, she would brave it out.

“Whatever you prefer,” she finally said, dropping her gaze to his throat.

She jumped when he popped her left ass cheek. Looking up, she found him frowning down at her.

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