Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin! (27 page)

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Authors: E. B. Hood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
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As I ran, the howls of undead wolves filled the air.

Chapter 27 Hiding



I chased after Michael and Clyde, putting Ezra and Alice out of my mind.

I couldn’t feel for Ezra or our loss of Charlotte, not now. I had to keep my mind on the here and now; I could save Michael, but not Charlotte. Clyde and Michael’s path split; I followed Michael’s.

I looked up and noticed a rocky outcrop on a side of the hill. I noticed a bat or two fly into a crack in the side of the rock. I yelled out, “Michael follow me.” I changed directions and as I did Michael fell into step without a word. I came to the rocks and started climbing. I looked back and saw Michael having difficulty, for he still only had one hand. I offered, “Need help?”

Michael looked at me defensively, “I got it.”

We scaled the side of the cliff until we reached the crack I had noticed. I slid inside then reached out and pulled Michael in. Within minutes the sun came out and the death dogs caught up with us. Michael worked his way back into the small cave to stay away from the sun, but I went to the edge to look down. There, twelve undead dogs growled at me; they were trying to climb up, but they just fell back down.  I walked back into the cave to check on Michael.

I sat down next to him, “Thank goodness dogs can’t climb.”

Michael leaned back against the stone wall, “That is the second time you have saved me. I thought for sure I was going to die. I am sure glad you saw this cave, but we will be lucky if we can hold on here all day.”

He was right; those death dogs sure would make it easy for someone to find us. I reassured him, “I don’t think Alex will chase us down. He has spent too much time making all those protection spells at his camp.”

He nodded, “True, but I wasn’t worried about him. I was thinking he might send the werewolves out to hunt us.”

“I hadn’t thought about that,” I admitted.

We sat quietly for a moment, and then I couldn’t help myself. Life is too short I thought as I crawled up on Michael’s lap. His look was surprised as I took his face into my hands. Looking into his eyes I waited for just a second… then I kissed him.

It was like nothing I felt before, Michael knew how to kiss. Soft but hard and his taste was out of this world. Even with one hand he knew how to touch me. His hand knew every little magical spot as it explored my dress. I reached up and started to work loose the straps on my dress, but this brought a pause to Michael.

He pulled my face away; I wanted to force my lips back with his, but I also didn’t want to overpower him. He looked into my eyes, “I think we need to talk first.”

“About?” my voice sounded breathless.

“Well, what do you see when you look at me?”

I was a little disappointed he wanted to talk. I answered impatiently, “You’re sweet, kind and beautiful.”

He chuckled as I tried to kiss him again. “Is that all you see in me? What do you know of me?”

He was frustrating me with these questions. I had dreamed of being with him for so long I couldn’t hide my irritation from him, “I am trying to get to know you right now.”

His face was serious, “Look, if we don’t talk before we make love, I’m afraid of what might happen afterwards. I mean you don’t take betrayal lightly, and I don’t want to be on the other end of your anger.”

“Ok, what is it that I need to know before we can be together?” I tried not to sound impatient and disappointed, but I was.

His eyes were full of pleading, “I want you. There is nothing more that I want right now. You are beautiful and wonderful. I would like to take you right here in this cave, but you are kind of immature. If you don’t understand who I am now, I am afraid you’ll hold it against me.”

“I’m immature?  How’s that?”

Michael quickly tried to defend himself, “Not in all things.”

I was angry now, “So, what things am I immature in?”

“Well,” he paused as he searched for the right words. “Tell me what you know of my life?”

“How is that supposed to tell me how I am immature?”

Michael was stern, “Answer the question.”

I tried to stare him down. After a minute I gave in, “Ok, but I can’t believe you missed out on sex for this.”

Michael smiled, “Neither can I, but in the long run this might be safer. Please answer the question.”

I let out a huff, “Fine, I’ll tell you what I know. You were turned in 1969 at the age of nineteen. Shortly after you fell in love with a human; you were with her for a couple of years. You tried to change her into a vampire, but it failed and she never rose. You were heartbroken… then if I remember right Alice made you Lea.”

Michael nodded, “It wasn’t just Lea. I had been a vampire for twelve years and in that time I proved to be useful to the Whites. Vampires, especially young vampires are killed often. The Whites, like most clans, are always making new vampires and if they survive to be at least twenty, then Ezra will train them. He won’t train them younger because they’re not powerful enough and most likely will be killed by hunters anyway. They brought me five girls that summer; Lea is all that’s left. I have been with her for ten years.”

I hadn’t realized all that, but I wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell me. I asked, “Are you in love with Lea?”

Michael shook his head, I felt myself relax. Michael started to explain again, “No, not in the way you mean. She’s in love with me, but you knew that. It’s just… well; I have spent ten years with her. We share the same room…”

It hit me, and I interrupted his rambling, “Have you slept with her?”

“Yes, I have had sex with her.”

I asked, “Just once?”

Michael gave me a duh look, “Many times. It is not uncommon for me to have sex with her or Charlotte for that matter.”

I was stunned into silence; it took me a moment to realize my hands were balled into tight fists. Michael was looking upon me with weary eyes. He did not speak; he sat quietly as I composed myself. I still sat upon his lap, but I did not move. I waited until the shock and anger washed over me. Then I asked, “Ezra… does Ezra know about this?”

He was careful with his words, “Of course. He and Charlotte have been together for centuries, but not always exclusive. You have to understand, Charlotte meant a lot to me.”

I mocked him, “Oh I can see that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I got up off of him, and, as I turned my back to him, I said, “Nothing, I meant nothing by it.”

Michael waited a minute before he spoke. With a kind voice, he said, “This is the immaturity I was talking about. I have been a vampire for twenty-one years. I have had my heart broken and my fair share of crushes. I have been with many women and living with other vampires; well, it is part of what we are. You know… blood, sex and rock and roll.”

I knew he was right; what had I expected? I was afraid to ask, but I had to know. I squeaked, “Alice?” He was quiet and I knew my answer. My voice was broken, “Alice, really even Alice.”

“She is strange, but she has needs of a woman.”

My voice was hollow, “I don’t know you, but I didn’t need to. I just needed a distraction, and you can’t even be that.”

Michael’s voice pleaded, “Melabeth I knew you needed to understand this, but there’s more. I care about you… no I love you. I have wanted you from the first day I met you. I was hoping in time, maybe you would come to understand me.”

I didn’t answer, I walked away. I walked into the sun and to the opening of the cave. There the twelve death dogs circled and growled. The clouds were building in the sky, and it was partly overcast. I thought about Carrie, Charlotte, David and Michael, and I felt nothing. A strange hollow feeling came over me and for the first time since I entered these woods my path seemed clear.

I was going to wait until the werewolves came to me. They could throw bombs into the cave killing us both. Alex could send a fire element into the cave or something along that line. I was going to wait, but not anymore. I didn’t need the distraction after all. All this time chasing Michael, now that I caught him I didn’t want him. I’ll never understand why he ruined our moment? I’m not as immature as he thinks; I just wanted that glorious body of his.

I looked upon the undead wolves while trying to formulate a plan, other than waiting here to die. I watched the monsters turning in circles growling and something stirred in me. I felt a hunger; I was hungry, I used so much of my power. These undead wolves did not smell good; their blood was polluted with death. The hunger to devour the wolves washed over me.

I wasn’t sure I understood, but I felt as if I could feed upon these creatures. I slowly stepped to the very edge. My second sight could see Michael moving up from behind me. He came to a stop just right outside the beam of light that came in the cave entrance. He was concerned, “What are you doing? You don’t have to jump off a cliff for me.”

I laughed darkly then with contempt, “As if, as if you, or anyone else was worth my
.” Michael started to speak, but I cut him off, “Bye, Michael. We’ll talk later.”

Then I jumped.

I was not afraid as I headed toward the white teeth below. I felt nothing, empty of emotion, but I was aware of everything. I came in fast, sliding between the biting teeth and landing in a crouch on the ground. I quickly slid under one of the large dogs then pulled him to the ground. With his body on top of me the other undead dogs were having a hard time finding me. I bit into the animal’s hairy chest and the blood entered my mouth.

The world stopped or slowed down. I felt the spirit that inhabited this creature slide down my throat. In a matter of a single gulp of nasty dead blood, I tore the remaining spirit and then devoured it. I felt my strength return as the undead wolf became a human corpse.

I came up off the ground fighting, clawing, kicking and biting.

After about the third kill, my strength became unreal; it was like drinking too much coffee. I was sliced and bitten more than once and every time it happened the sun’s rays would set my blood on fire. Somehow I was able to put out the small fires and heal; lucky for me that I healed much faster than normal vampires. For not only were there cuts and bites to heal, but I had to heal burns as well.

I couldn’t flash or fly, but I was still fast and for reasons I didn’t understand, I felt stronger. No matter what I did to the undead dogs, tear their heads off, cut them wide open, it didn’t matter for they would not die. They would not die that is until I fed from them. After I did I would feel their power flow into me as they fell to the ground dead.

Then I understood. I had fed upon weak ghosts upon the island. These wolves were raised from the dead using necromancy. In doing so they used a piece of the soul to help power the corpse. It was the main difference between wizards animating objects, their objects were animated through magic alone.

I now knew that I could feed from the dead. I was no longer hungry, and I fought with a new found strength. I fought each dog off, and then I would flip one on its back and bite it.  I would slide under others to bite them underneath. The dead animals showed no fear, but they also showed no intelligence as I used the same method on each one of them.

I had kicked one away as I killed the second to last wolf. Now the last one was charging me. It was going my way, and, at last, I was down to just one. I side stepped the attacking wolf, and, at the same time, I brought my shoulder into its side. This sent the dog sliding against the ground.

As it tried to get to its feet, I ran up to the creature and grabbed its neck. That’s when I noticed my hands. My fingers wrapped all the way around the large wolf’s neck. I also had the strength to hold the dog with one arm. The wolf’s strong legs were sliding my feet around until they became solidly planted against the cliff wall. There the wolf pushed forward, but neither I, nor the mountain would move.

I was still in shock as I lifted my free hand and took in the sight. The palm of my hand was as big as my whole face. My fingers were at least eight inches long; the whole thing reminded me of a cartoon, like my hand had been smashed. Only my hand was not flat; it was huge and elongated. That’s not where it ended; my nails were black and four or five inches long and razor sharp.

“What is this?” I said to myself.

The wolf snapping at my face awoke me from my concern. I pushed the wolf back and with one quick slice of my large claws I cut its nose and lower jaw. The stupid animal still came at me like it could bite me. I bit the wolf, killing the last of the undead wolves. I was now surrounded by the bodies of shifters.

I walked away from the cliff and toward the forest. I glanced back to see Michael standing at the edge of the cave. He looked at me with fear in his eyes as he slowly retreated back into the cave. He would be safe; I was no longer worried about him.

I walked through the forest with no real emotion. The sky was still partly overcast and the sun was hiding behind a dark cloud. It didn’t take long before it showed itself, I wished it hadn’t. For the shadows of the forest all traveled towards me. As I moved they followed, even the small plants bent away from me as I passed by. The forest animals scurried away, and the forest went quiet; not even the bugs made a noise. A dark cloud formed around me as I headed through the forest back to Alex, The Smith brothers and my revenge.

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