Melody Snow Monroe (24 page)

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Authors: Animal Passions

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“Go faster.” She wanted to reach the highest plateau.

Kellum pinched her nipples. Pinpoints of pleasure skittered up her spine, and her creamy hole gushed. When Taryn drew her head downward and kissed her, it was like they had lit a rocket fuse.

Both began to glide in and out of her again, only this time their speed increased. They had yet to reach her back walls. To prompt them to go faster, she milked Taryn’s cock over and over again and squeezed her ass muscles as hard as she could.

When they both grunted in unison, she knew they, too, were close to exploding. Their breaths got shorter. Kellum grabbed a handful of her hair and hung on tight as his large cock finally reached the end. His balls banged against her ass. But it was when he lowered his hand and rubbed a finger over her clit that she exploded.

“Dear Lord in Heaven, I’m coming.” Her guttural cry bounced off the walls.

She wanted to ride Taryn, but his hands kept her steady as both men seemed to get lost in their own world. Not only were their cocks plunging and forging inward, but Kellum seemed completely obsessed with her clit.

Taryn dropped back his head and tightened his grip on her hips. He drove in once more and held still as he cannonballed his jism into her. Heat seared her. Knowing that both she and Taryn were about spent, Kellum drove in one last time and gripped her tight. His cock expanded to an epic proportion as his cum pummeled her back channel. The pulses stretched her over and over again. When he finally released his hold, his body seemed to melt into her.

Taryn lifted her one more time and placed her to the side. Kellum helped ease her to the bed.

No one said anything, at least not verbally. She wondered if the two men were even capable of thought. Her own mind was blank. Totally satisfied, she closed her eyes and tried to get her breathing to return to normal.


* * * *


Over the next few weeks, Lara spent a lot of time in the underground wandering around. She’d learned there was a section for shopping, one for manufacturing, which mostly consisted of a lot of greenhouses and factories, a technology area, a large section devoted to housing, several research facilities, two colleges, and even school yards. The Anterrans had kind of adopted the urban planning of New York City, with its sections, but made sure everything was as renewable as possible. So far, she liked what she saw.

Their oldest sister, Sella, ran a shoe store there, and as soon as they met, they bonded immediately.

Today, her men dropped her off at Sella’s as they wanted to shop for something. “Will you and Sella be okay? We shouldn’t be long.”

“Sure.” Sella was open and fun, and seemed really interested in sharing information.

They’d discussed Sella’s effort to become an entrepreneur, and Lara had explained how things worked on earth. The two worlds were more alike than she first thought.

As soon as Taryn and Kellum disappeared into the crowd, they picked up where they left off. “So, do you ever get the urge to leave Anterra and see what’s out there?” Lara asked.

Sella looked around. “I’ve always had the urge to travel and visit earth.”

“Why don’t you?”

She chuckled. “You know how hard it is to leave here. I need someone to take me.”

“I bet Taryn or Kellum would help you.”

She shook her head. “The hard part is getting back. Now that you’re here to stay, they’d never leave.”

That was probably true. Waiting for the alignment point to be in the right spot could take a week or more. “There are a lot of other shifters. Taryn said the men go to Spirit quite often.”

Sella leaned back. “That’s true.” She nodded to her assistant, Rein. “She could take over, but I hate to ask her.” She sat back up. “Two guys I’ve known forever, Malik and Cavon, go to Spirit regularly. I’m thinking about asking them to take me.”

That pleased Lara. She hoped it worked out for her. “When and if you decide to go, stop by and I’ll give you money.”

Sella’s eyes shone. “That would be amazing.”

“Oh, and you’ll need clothing. It can get really cold there.”

Just then Taryn and Kellum walked back in the store. “We’re ready to continue exploring.”

“I gotta go.” She stood. “Remember what I said.”

Sella hugged her good-bye.

Taryn wrapped an arm around his waist. “I see you’re really fitting into the lifestyle here.”

She laughed. “It helped once you showed me how to operate the elevator, the television, and turn on the water in the shower.”

Kellum kissed the top of his head. “Come on. You fit in better than that. Remember when we stopped by the school, they practically treated you like royalty.”

That was true. They thought getting to talk to a real earth person was cool. “I did enjoy being with the kids.” They’d asked if she’d like to come in a couple times a week and teach the children about earth. “I’m seriously considering taking them up on their offer.”

Kellum smiled. “I think you’d love it. You up for some lunch?”


Their parents had invited the whole family for an early dinner to meet her. Since they had to come underground for that, they’d decided to spend the day looking at the grocery stores, shops, and the local neighborhoods. Even after a few short weeks, she’d learned her way around. No longer did the locals stare when she walked by. Okay, they stared, but now when the women looked, it was with envy that she was with the two hottest men in Anterra.

They ate at a place that was basically one long salad bar. Everything was fresh and delicious.

Once they were done, they walked her to a shop. “We thought you might like to pick out a dress for tonight.”

She had wondered if the skirt she was wearing would be appropriate. “That’s so thoughtful.”

Not all the women went topless all the time. For more dressy occasions the women wore dresses. Both men insisted she try on half the store. Not only did she purchase a fabulous full-length, silky dress for this evening, but the men told her she should get a few more items. When she left, she’d exchanged her skirt for the wonderful new dress.

Finally, it was time for the grand event. They took the tram to the residential section and disembarked. Even though they were still underground, she was impressed with how bright it was. All of the shrubbery and trees made it look like something out of the fifties or sixties. Someday, she’d ask how they got the trees to grow so well.

They led her to a two-story home bordered by trees. With the dark red wood color, white trim and large pillars, it looked quite expansive. It wasn’t yet dark out, so the solar tubes cast a wonderful warm glow to this part of town.

“It’s big.”

“We have a large family.”

“I love it. It almost reminds me of a farm home with that porch.”

“We like it, too.”

“Any final words of advice?” She balled her fists in her skirt.

“Relax. My family doesn’t bite,” Kellum said.

“But I’m different. Are you really sure they’re happy that you want to live with someone from another reality?”

Taryn rubbed her bare arm. “Ecstatic. Both of my parents were convinced we’d never settle down. You know Mom is thrilled.”

Kellum lifted her hands in his. “I never dreamed I’d find a woman I could love as much as you. They’re happy for me.”

“That’s so sweet.” Every day since she’d arrived, she told them how much being with them meant to her.

Taryn nuzzled her neck. “But I love you more.”

She rolled her eyes and focused on Kellum. “Is he always like this?”

“I’m afraid so, kitten. You’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Henla warned me about your dad. He used to be in charge of the military here.”

“That’s true, but he’s mellowed in his old age.”

While Taryn claimed his dad didn’t shift anymore, she wouldn’t put it past him to start now in order to show who was in charge.

As soon as they got inside, their mother, Elena, and their father, Jacor, greeted them so warmly she felt at home.

She was introduced to so many relatives that she lost track after the first few. They pummeled her with questions about earth and what she liked the most about Anterra.

“Hey, let’s give Lara a break here,” Taryn said. “She’s not going anywhere. You’ll have plenty of time to ask your questions.”

She appreciated that she didn’t have to give a discourse on the human race all in one night.

“Everyone, come take a seat at the table,” Elena announced.

Dinner was a vast affair with six courses, all of them delicious. When the meal finished, Elena insisted that she, Henla, and Sella clean up.

“I’d like to help.” Lara didn’t want to seem like a mooch. After all, she hoped to be part of the family someday.

“Nonsense. Enjoy my boys. I know they are often out patrolling. Go.”

She’d tried. As soon as she entered the living room, both Taryn and Kellum jumped up. Taryn held up his hand for her to stop.

“I did some research on this custom of yours, and I apologize if we get it wrong.”

She had no idea which custom he was referring to. “Okay.”

Both men got down on one knee. Out of the corner of her eye, all three women came out of the kitchen, all sporting big grins.

Taryn cleared his throat. “In our culture, when two men share a woman, it means they are married.”

Holy shit
. “I didn’t know.”

Kellum’s face paled. “Are you sorry you made love to both of us at the same time?”

Heat raced up her face. “Shouldn’t we be discussing this at a different time?” With her eyes she motioned to their mom.

Both men let out a big laugh. “We have no secrets here. Sex is not something to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed.”

Kellum nudged Taryn. “What my older brother is trying to say is that we love you and want to be bound with you for life.” They both stood and came over to her. “We made this ring. Anterrans don’t wear wedding rings, but I know you do.”

They’d made a ring out of grass and woven it together. Tears brimmed her lashes. “That’s probably the best marriage proposal any woman on earth could ever hope for.”

Both men grinned. “Then you’ll be ours forever?”

She nodded. “Forever.”

The entire family clapped. Several rounds of hugs went around.

Throughout the rest of the evening, either Taryn or Kellum would lean over and whisper all the things they planned on doing with her when they got home, and she couldn’t wait.

Her only regret was that her two best friends, Amy and Krista, couldn’t be here with her to share in the most important day of her life. She could only hope she’d see them sooner rather than later.







Unlike most other authors, I started writing late in life. Writing stories in high school and college was not for me. Only after I graduated did I fall in love with romance novels. For the next twenty years, I read voraciously. It got to a point where my book-buying habits cost as much as my groceries. At that point, my husband suggested I write a book. Hey, it looked easy, right? All the stories started in the same spot (hero and heroine at odds) and ended the same way (happily ever after). Only it was anything but easy. Eleven years and fifteen completed romantic suspenses later, I finally published. I never would have gotten that far had it not been for two local Chapters whose generous members shared their amazing wealth of knowledge



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