Melody (THE LOGAN FAMILY) (4 page)

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Lucas took her hand, and they found a perfect spot on the dance floor in between two couples. Everything screamed
Lucas’s attention, the low, seductive lights and the fantastic dinner. He pulled Melody close before she realized it. It had been so long since she’d been this close to any man. Sometimes she had to remind herself that having fun at her age was allowed. She chuckled at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” Lucas whispered. His breath hit a spot on Melody’s top lip that seemed to warm her entire body.

“Nothing.” She chuckled again.

“Something’s making you laugh.” His powerful dark eyes shimmered with the lights above them as they enjoyed a charismatic slow dance. Lucas’s moves were so graceful that Melody wondered if he’d taken lessons. His black hair appeared blue underneath the luminous lights. The more Melody spent time with Lucas, the more she remembered the good old days.

She laughed. The couples next to them glanced at her. They eventually went back to their own charismatic moments.

“Now what’s so funny?” Lucas laughed. “I don’t think it’s a good sign when a woman laughs while we’re dancing. What, do I have a piece of bread or something in my teeth?”

She laughed. “No!”

“What then?” Lucas grinned. “Is something hanging out of my nose?”

“Oh man, that’s gross.” Melody guffawed. “I was just thinking, that’s all. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do while dancing. Let the mood take you away?”

He smirked. “I suppose so. So that’s all, huh? You sure you weren’t laughing at me?”

She nodded. “Since we’re dancing, I might as well ask you something. Do you have a girlfriend, Lucas?”

“Come on, Mel, you know me and girls. I haven’t changed that much.” He walled his eyes.

“And what does that mean?”

“You know how picky I am with women. I can’t help it. I’m picky with everything.” She grinned. “I can’t even decide on what pair of socks to wear in the mornings without regretting the decision. You think I could be fulfilled with one girlfriend?”

“Ahh, I see.” She raised an eyebrow. “So, it’s not that you can’t find one; it’s just that you have so many.” She laughed.

“I date, yes.” He shrugged. “We
in our twenties, Mel. This is the age to have fun. I haven’t been with a lot of women if that’s what you’re thinking. But if you want to know if there is someone special in my life, then the answer is no.” Melody smiled.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I’m not too good when it comes to relationships. I kind of got other things on my mind.”

Lucas grinned. “I remember how you and Craig used to break up and get back together, like what, every damn weekend back in high school.”

“You remember all that?”

“Of course.” He winked. “I probably kept up with your relationship better than you guys did.” He grinned. “I always thought about you, Melody. And it wasn’t just about friendship.”

She stopped dancing. “Lucas, did you have a crush on me back then?”

“Well kind of, yeah.” He twirled her around. “Are you surprised?”

“Of course! I mean the most handsome and wealthiest boy in the school liked me?” She laughed. “I wish those bitches who used to give me trouble back then knew this. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Duh, because you were with Craig. Then by the time it was all over, school was over and we’d all split ways. Anyway, I knew you didn’t feel the same about me so…”

“Unbelievable.” She sighed. “Lucas, I wish you’d said something back then!”

“Why?” He laughed. “Would you have dumped Craig or something?”

“No, but it would have been nice to know. I mean, that was my awkward stage. That’s definitely the time to tell a girl you’re interested in her.”

He laughed. “You’re something else, Mel. And I’ve missed you constantly all this time. It seems like fate just being here like this, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Melody glanced at the table. Sarah sat in Keith’s lap while he fondled her backside. She wondered how far they’d go in public.

Lucas exhaled. “May I ask why you left school? I never had the courage to back then.”

She ran her hand down his arm. “So much was happening. I had too many problems. I couldn’t deal with Aunt Lucia going crazy by the second. I missed being apart from Sarah all those years. No one in the school seemed to be able to stand me but you, Craig and Aileen. I felt so alone. I wanted to cut out everything that made me unhappy. School just made everything more difficult. I couldn’t handle it. I just needed space.”

“Yeah, I remember your Aunt Lucia. The one who took care of you. I keep forgetting you and Sarah were raised apart after your parents died. She went with an uncle, right?” Melody nodded. “Your aunt had mental problems or something, didn’t she? I think Aileen said that back then.”

“Yes. Seems like Sarah got the best end of all the deals. She got the decent upbringing while I was stuck in that hole with Aunt Lucia. She got the ability to get any man’s attention. She got the looks. She had and still has…
.” She looked at Lucas. “I know that sounds spiteful but, it’s the truth, isn’t it? Lucas, I love her more than anything, but at times I can’t help feeling inferior when it comes to her.”

“What?” Lucas grinned. “Mel, you gotta be kidding me. Sarah’s beautiful but she doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

She scoffed. “Come on, Lucas, you don’t have to be polite.”

He pulled her away. He looked her in the eyes. “Melody, you’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I mean that.” She knew he did. Something about Lucas told her he never lied. “Stop comparing yourself to Sarah.”

She scoffed. “It’s not easy, believe me.”

“Sarah loves you a lot, you know?” She nodded. “She just wants you to be happy. That’s why we were talking about the job at Caper. We weren’t doing it to hurt you, Mel.”

“I know. It’s just that…” Lucas moved away again. Her arms glided from his body. “What?” She chuckled. He wrapped his hand underneath her hair, pulled her close and passionately kissed her. Normally public displays of affection embarrassed Melody. But tonight, she’d have it no other way. She pushed him away out of reflex. She enjoyed his kiss a little too much. It had been way too soon.

Lucas wiped lipstick from his mouth. “What, you didn’t want that, Mel?” he whispered almost as if he were begging for more.

“I wanted it too much, Lucas. That’s the problem. I told you I’m not good in relationships and I meant it.”

He nodded. “I forgot how fragile you always were. I need to take my time.”

“I don’t like how you said, ‘fragile,’ Lucas. I’m not some vase that’s about to tip over and break. And I don’t like how people think they gotta protect me all the time. I get enough of that from Sarah. I don’t need it from you.”

“I…” He sighed. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Melody. God, I mean, I don’t know if you’re going through something, but look, I’m on your side.” He took her hand. “Don’t think that everything I say is some notch against the person you are.”

“I’m sorry.” She rubbed her face. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“A lot of people care about you, Melody.” He stepped back. “You just need to let them, okay?” He kissed her cheek.

“I’m sorry.” She sobbed against his chest.

“It’s…Jesus, Melody, are you okay?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know what’s wrong. My emotions are just high today.” She looked at the table. Sarah had gone somewhere, probably the ladies room. Keith gazed at Melody. She had the feeling he’d been watching the entire time. He held up his glass in a salute before taking a final sip.

“What’s wrong, Mel?” Lucas looked at Keith. “Melody, are you sure you’re okay? Did something happen to you today? I know we haven’t been around each other in years, but you could talk to me then, and you can now.” She looked at him. “Whenever you need a friend, I’m here for you. But I gotta tell you, I want to be much more than that already.”

“I just need things to be taken slowly, Lucas. Okay?” she whispered.

“I understand.” He pulled her close. They began to dance. again “I’d never pressure you, Melody. Just remember that I want you to lean on me. Lean on me any time you need to.”

She pulled him closer. “If it will always feel like this then I’m willing.”

Lucas smiled.

Melody and Sarah were home before they knew it. Melody enjoyed the night ride. She thought of his kiss every time she looked at Lucas. He grinned whenever he caught her stare, proving he’d been thinking about it, too. Melody wondered if she were crazy giving up on passion so easily. Sarah and Keith cuddled on the way to the front porch. Melody couldn’t believe she’d hidden her distaste for Keith.

“I have never been so happy to see a porch light in my life!” Sarah leaned against the door. Keith pulled her close. Melody couldn’t believe they weren’t raw from all the kissing they’d done. Sarah moaned as Keith ran his hand under her dress. Once again Lucas took her attention from the moment.

“Luke, you and Melody want some time alone?” Keith looked at them. “I know we sure as hell could use some.” He grinned.

“Keith, I need to speak to you for a minute.” Sarah unlocked the door. Keith followed her inside the house.

“So, still tense?” Lucas held Melody close. The wind slightly blew his hair out of place. He easily fixed it with a gentle sweep of the hand. He had the most beautiful hair Melody had ever seen. She hadn’t forgotten that in all these years.

They heard Sarah and Keith bumping against the door. It hadn’t been difficult to imagine what they were doing. “I had a very nice time, Lucas. I’m glad I decided to take Sarah up on the offer.”

He felt her hair. “I meant what I said, Mel. Whenever you need anything, I’m just a phone call away.”

She smiled. “And I got the number.”

“Use it.” He kissed her cheek, and she wondered why he stopped there. Funny how she wanted more now opposed to when they were in the restaurant. “Uh, I couldn’t help sensing something, Mel.” He shifted. “You don’t like Keith, do you?”

She turned away. “Why would you say that? I hardly know the guy.”

“Keith, stop! “Sarah laughed from inside.

Melody walled her eyes. “Lucas, has Keith mentioned Sarah to you a lot? I mean, at work do you two talk?”

He scratched his forehead. “Keith’s a good friend of mine. But he’s very private. He doesn’t let people get too close to him.”

“Do you know why?”

Lucas moved back. “How come I get the feeling you’re doing a little detective work on my man in there?”

“I was just wondering. A girl has the right to know about her sister’s boyfriend, doesn’t she?” She swung her purse around. He pulled her close once more.

“You are so beautiful, Melody.” Lucas gently pushed her against the door. Melody eagerly awaited the kiss. Keith opened the door before they got the chance to enjoy it. Lucas rubbed Melody’s cheek. She nuzzled against him.

Keith stared at them. “Well, I guess Sarah and I aren’t the only ones falling prey to passion tonight.” He dug in his pockets. Just looking at Keith infuriated Melody.

“Well, I guess we’d better go then, huh?” Lucas whispered.

“Are you talking to me?” Keith grinned. “You’re looking at her but are you talking to me? Come on, let’s go, man. I think we both need to let the ladies have a little rest and relaxation.”

Melody didn’t know what the hell Keith meant by that line, but she’d do her best to ignore him.

Lucas held her. “If you want to do this, we can take it slow, okay?” Melody nodded. “I don’t want this to end, okay? I really want us to spend time together like we used to.”

“I know.” Melody kissed him. The action seemed to surprise Lucas

“Thanks again for the lovely evening, Lucas.”

“Shh.” He held his finger to her lips. “Don’t ever thank me for allowing me to spend time with you. Besides, the loveliest thing about this evening was you.” He looked back as he stepped off the porch. “Good night, Melody.”

“Good night, Lucas.”

Keith grinned and followed Lucas to the car.

Melody leaned against the door when she got inside. She couldn’t explain the hold Lucas had on her already. She couldn’t wait to see him again. She’d find any excuse just to get another sample of the excitement they shared tonight.

Sarah guffawed. “Oh yeah, baby!” she teased.

“Oh yeah, what?” Melody ripped off her shoes.

“You know what!” Sarah laughed. “Now tell me I was right! Tell me you had a wonderful time tonight.”

She shrugged. “Okay you were right. Lucas is even more terrific.”

“Told you.” Sarah headed to the kitchen. “You want a snack? I’m dying for an ice cream float.”

“Sarah, we just had a five-course meal and you’re still hungry? I’m beginning to wonder.” Melody rested on the arm of the couch to rub her feet.

“Wonder what?”

“Well, with the signs I’m seeing…are you pregnant?” Melody laughed.

Sarah popped into the room. “Girl, don’t even play like that. If I was pregnant, it was because a pig flew somewhere around here.”

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