Melting Ms Frost (30 page)

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Authors: Kat Black

BOOK: Melting Ms Frost
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She moaned.

‘I like the sound of it too. The only thing that could possibly be better is if I had you tied up, unable to move, unable to disobey me. Don’t panic,’ he said at the look of horror that flashed across her face. ‘I’m not going to do it. Not yet. Not until you’re ready to appreciate the added –
it brings.’ He pressed his lips briefly against the fluttering artery in her neck. ‘The games I want to play with you will push your boundaries. It’s human nature to want to fight against things that make you feel uncomfortable so I expect to be hearing a lot of the word “no” from you.’ He gave her a wry smile. ‘But I’ll be looking to push you past that place of denial so we need a word we can use to signify your limits – the place where you’ll go no further. That word will simply be “stop”. And when I hear it, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll stop whatever we’re doing. Promise me you’ll use it if you need to. I can only get to know how to please you properly if you’re honest with yourself and with me. Do you understand, Annabel?’

She looked wary but nodded.

‘Good. Now put your palms flat on the mirror and let’s see how long you can leave them there.’

Again, she hesitated – no doubt fighting an internal battle over whether to accept his authoritative tone – before reaching forward and resting her hands on the mirror.

Sliding his hand up from her stomach to span her throat and frame her jaw, he told her to spread her legs wider. Even as she adjusted her stance, he took charge of himself, rocking his finger gently to push his way into her. God, she was wet. So ready.

‘I can’t wait to find out what those limits will be, Ms Frost. Just how far will you let me go, I wonder?’ Tilting her head back against his shoulder he turned her so he could look directly into her eyes. ‘Where will you make me stop?’ He kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth at the same moment he pushed a second finger into her down below, using both to tease her with slow, searching caresses that had helpless noises bubbling up from her throat again.

Running his hand over the arch of her neck and down her chest, he found her bra and hooked his fingers into the top of one cup, drawing it down to expose the full curve of her breast. Then he reached across and pulled the other cup down. He brushed his fingers lightly over the exposed peaks, felt them tighten as he plucked and teased until he had to break the kiss to look at her.

And what a sight she was, half naked. Her breasts with their hard pink tips thrust forward towards the mirror, her fair skin flushed.

‘You’re so beautiful, Annabel.’ He raised his hand to trail over the blushing heat of her upper chest. ‘I love that I can see the effect I have on you. That you light up like a neon sign for me, react with such abandon.’ Between her legs, he pushed the heel of his thumb against her, watched her hips undulate in response.

‘I’m going to make sure I’m buried deep inside you the first time I make you come for me, so I can feel every pulse of that unrestrained pleasure constricting around me, squeezing me tight.’

‘Yes,’ she panted, obviously liking the sound of that too. ‘Yes, do it.’ She took her hands off the mirror and reached back to grab him by the hip pockets, pulled him closer to urge him to hurry.

Her urgency was nearly his undoing. He clung onto his control by a thread. ‘Hands back on the mirror, Annabel.’

Caught up in her need, she didn’t seem to listen. ‘But I want—’

He stilled his movements. ‘Put your hands back on the mirror,’ he repeated more clearly, using the sound of his implacable tone to regain his own focus. ‘Don’t you remember what I said to you at The Hyde?’

That got him her attention in the form of a furious frown. ‘

‘After breakfast, in the hotel lift. Do you remember what I told you about taking my time to learn all your weak spots? About using them to drive you to the edge and keep you there for a long, long time?’

Her green eyes narrowed. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’

‘You know I would. So put your hands back on the mirror while we remind ourselves of what else I said.’

She struggled for a moment with her need to argue, but put her hands back in place. Every small capitulation was a gift. As a show of gratitude, he renewed his caresses between her legs, pressing here and rubbing there until she was panting and gyrating helplessly again.

‘That’s it. Are you remembering now that I promised to use two fingers to start with, like this?’ he asked, twisting and stroking deep inside her, gaze fixed on her face in the mirror, reading her every reaction. ‘And how I said that when I felt you start to melt around me, I’d add another?’ He withdrew his fingers to her entrance, circling as he added a third before pressing his way steadily back inside. ‘Jesus, you’re tight,’ he uttered as Annabel keened at the stretch to accommodate him. A sharp twinge seared through his groin as he imagined the mind-blowing sensation of pushing his swollen cock deep into that snug velvet vice. Crushing his pelvis against the curve of her backside in an attempt to appease the ache, he took a moment to re-gather his thoughts.

‘Do you recall me saying how I’d finger-fuck you slow and easy?’ He followed the words with matching actions, unable to move at any other pace while her body adjusted around him. He kept up a gentle rhythm that had her knees trembling, had her leaning back against him for support.

When he was sure she was ready for more, he wrapped an arm tight around her middle, bracing her as he said, ‘And then fast and hard.’

‘Oh, God,’ she cried out, head snapping back up from his shoulder and her hands curling into claws on the mirror as she trembled and shook under the pressure of his increased pace.

The sight of her on the verge of falling apart was too much. Pulling his fingers from her, he walked around and dragged her hands from the mirror. ‘About having you squirming against my mouth?’

Encircling her with his arms, he scooped her up against him, arching her backwards over his hold and latching onto her upturned breast. He hummed in pleasure at the taste, the feel of her hard nipple against his tongue; he swapped to the other side eager to get the flavour of that one too.

Then his mouth and hands were making their way swiftly down her body, he could feel her skin twitch and her stomach muscles tighten in their path. When he was on one knee before her, his face level with her groin, he looked up the long line of her torso and smiled at her dazed expression.

‘Hands on the mirror,’ he said, waiting until she obeyed before hooking his fingers in the sides of her briefs and tugging them down to her knees.

Dropping his gaze back down, he reached one arm between her legs to splay his hand against her buttocks and jerk that glorious blaze of colour forward to meet his open mouth. Annabel’s startled cry snapped his attention back up to her face, drowned out his growl as her lush wet heat hit him hard. She was like cinnamon and spice. He used his free hand to tug her underwear the rest of the way down and off over each shoe, then raised it to join the other, using his arms to push her thighs wider. Another rumble sounded deep in his throat as she opened to him. Tightening his grip, kneading the firm roundness of her arse, he held her fast against his mouth as he delved into every part of her as though he’d devour the rich taste of her desire for him down to the very last drop.

He lost himself in the pleasure of it all, in the sight of her swaying and trembling above him, beautiful in her abandon, features transformed into an expression of sweet agony as she watched the scene in the mirror, her nipples hard little exclamation points of her arousal. He wasn’t sure how long it was before she started chanting
God, yes. God, yes.
Then, when his ravenous pace showed no signs of slowing, the plea changed to
God, no. God, no.

He wanted to listen, to back off and savour her, to re-tighten the leash on his control that seemed to be slipping so badly, but he couldn’t get enough of her. Sliding one hand from her arse, he pushed two fingers inside her, curling them forward as he pumped to stimulate the ultra-sensitive bundle of nerves with every pass.

Eventually, her words started running together in an incoherent stream. Aidan felt her start to shake, adjusted his grip to hold her up. Her hands landed on his shoulders, pressing hard.

‘Aidan,’ she panted, eyelids heavy as she looked down at him. ‘God, I’m going to come.’ One knee buckled. ‘I’m going to fall.’

He managed to tear his face away from her before she tipped over the edge. ‘No you’re not.’ He surged upright again, hands grasping his half unbuttoned shirt and ripping it off over his head. ‘You’re going to stay on your feet for me, Annabel.’ He speared his hands into her hair, forcing her pleasure-dazed eyes to look up at him. ‘I’m going to fuck you right now. Right here in front of the mirror.’ He toed off his shoes as he spoke. ‘So I can see everything. So you can watch as well as feel me take you for the first time.’

Annabel had never been in such a state. Could barely keep her balance with the force of desire swirling though her. With the force of Aidan’s passion battering her senses.

She was so unsteady that she was grateful when he told her to put her hands back on the mirror as he walked around behind her again. She’d known from the start that the man had a dangerously wicked mouth – she just hadn’t appreciated how wicked. She watched his reflection as he made short work of stripping off the rest of his clothes.

Naked, he was breathtaking. A picture of masculine power tempered by lean elegance – his musculature defined and strong without being bunched and heavy, his tall frame well proportioned with those broad shoulders and chest tapering to lean hips and long legs.

The rip of a condom packet brought her eyes back up to mid-height. To where a fine line of dark hair trailed down from his navel and his hands were busy smoothing the latex sheath over the length of an equally powerful and well proportioned erection. It seemed there were no half-measures where Aidan Flynn was concerned.

His head came up, those eyes caught her looking, and with a wolfish grin he was moving towards her again. Coming close behind, he pressed all that bare skin to hers, his hard contours a solid wall for her softer curves to yield against, the heat of his flesh warming her so that she couldn’t help but melt back into him, leaving only her very fingertips touching the mirror, feeling the hottest, hardest part of him nestle between her buttock cheeks.

He unhooked her bra, snagging the straps and sliding them down her outstretched arms, letting the garment drop to the floor when he pulled her hands from the mirror. Grasping her by the wrists, he guided them up and back behind his neck.

‘I want you to link your fingers together, Annabel, and keep them there,’ he ordered, as he caressed his way back along the underside of her upraised arms and to her breasts, so prominently offered by her new position which left her arched taut as a bow into his touch.

‘Stunning,’ he said into her ear as he cupped and squeezed, thumbs circling the outline of her areolae, brushing with the lightness of a feather but the zap of electricity across the puckered tips of her nipples. ‘Are you squirming from pleasure, Ms Frost, or from discomfort at being on display for me? So exposed, so accessible?’ His fingers plucked, thumbs and forefingers tightening on her nipples, just enough pressure to make them tingle when he released them and the blood came rushing back.

‘Both,’ she said, shakily.

‘Good.’ Flashing one of his gorgeous smiles in recognition of her honesty, he pressed a kiss to the hollow beneath her ear and swept his hands down to spread her legs wider. Bending at the knees, he let his erection slip into the space he’d created. Rocking his pelvis slowly back and forward so that he rubbed along the length of her cleft, he slid a hand between her thighs to guide the blunt tip of him into her entrance.

‘Watch,’ he commanded.

He entered her slowly with a strained string of curses while they both watched, wide-eyed and slack-mouthed, his fingers holding her parted to provide an unimpeded view of their joining.

He slid in deep to the sound of their combined groans, reaching places even his insistent fingers hadn’t, filling her. Once he was seated as far as he could go, he pulled out again, every bit as slowly, dragging himself over every nerve ending his explorations had brought to life. He paused at her entrance and pushed back in again, his teeth scraping her earlobe.

‘Jesus. It looks like I’m fucking fire,’ he breathed in awe, the fingertips of one hand moving to brush over the bright patch of her pubic hair and down into her slick folds. ‘Feels like it too. You’re so hot, Annabel, so hot and tight around me I can barely stand it.’

He found her clitoris, scissored his fingers either side and squeezed. His other hand captured her breast, his fingers creating a corresponding sensation as they pinched and rolled her nipple. She undulated under the double assault, unable to keep still.

‘Have you ever watched yourself being fucked before?’

She shook her head. She never had. And she didn’t know if she could take the sight of it now. It felt almost unbearably exposing, overpoweringly intense.

It seemed that Aidan was similarly affected. For a moment his eyes closed, his jaw clenched as he continued to slide smoothly in and out. It was too much and too little at the same time. She needed it faster, this slow torture was going to kill her. She thrust her hips back onto him.

His eyelids flew open, the pale grey of his irises almost completely flooded by the black of his pupils. ‘Don’t move,’ he croaked.

‘I have to. I want to,’ Annabel insisted, rocking her hips again.

‘Not tonight.’ His fingers dug into her hips to still her. ‘I’m too close.’

That was all she needed to hear. Knowing he was already at the edge of his impressive control made her want to push to see him lose it. For her. Because of her. Taking her hands from around his neck, she reached down to grasp him by the hips to pull him deeper inside.

‘Then let go.’ She dug her nails into the hard muscles of his backside and rolled her hips, dared to tempt him, shock him with a dose of the dirty talk he so liked to give out. ‘I want to watch you come inside me now.’

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