Memoirs Of A Gigolo (9 page)

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Authors: Dranda Laster

BOOK: Memoirs Of A Gigolo
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I notice Campbell standing inside the door, and I screamed, “Campbell would you talk to your wife?” “I just want to see Janet, can I please see my daughter….?.”

Campbell said, “Donavan, just leave, and we’ll see you tomorrow at the court house,” and they shut the door. The tears welled in my eyes as I stood there in a dumbfounded. Why was this bitch doing this? I would take Janet and never let Joyce see her again.

I drove to Moms still shaken by this whole Joyce thing. “Juan son what’s going on you look upset?” “It’s Joyce mamma, she won’t let me see Janet, and I swear if I get her back…, she will never see her again.” Mom tried to calm me and said, “Juan you’re just upset, don’t let her get to you.” “This will all be over tomorrow.”

I felt vulnerable, and I knew this wasn’t what Valencia wanted.

“Momma that bitch refused let me see my daughter.” Mom snapped, “Juan you need to watch your mouth.” “I’m sorry Mom, but she’s taking this thing too far.” “I think it’s the money, Mack told me that Valencia left Janet a lot of money.” “I don’t know, but you have the right to see Janet, and she’s making a big mistake.” Mom replied, “I’m glad you came over. “I wanted you to know I’ll be prepared to take care of Janet.” “Oh, really mom, that’s such a relief, and it takes a load off my mind.” “I would do anything for you Son, and Janet is my only granddaughter,’ and I love her.”

“I love you too mom,” and I hugged her tight. Are we still on for dinner tonight?” Mom replied, “Yes, Juan I would do anything for you.” “I’ll pick you up at eight, and I won’t be late”



Was I really doing the right thing leaving Graham, Stephora thought? I hadn’t known Donavan that long, and now I’d left my husband to be with him.

I knew he’d called the house by now and has been told I’ve left. I was so tired of being one of his trophies, and never his wife. I’d stayed too long in this loveless marriage.

I had a few thousand dollars and my credit cards to get me through for a while. I thought while Donavan was gone I would take a trip, and do a little shopping.  We’re having dinner with his mom, and I wanted to look nice.

I took my jewelry from the safe it was mine after all. Graham controlled everything from the money I spent to the clothes I wore. I felt cheated out of life, but it was my decision to marry him. He was rich and powerful, and could give me the things I never had.

“Graham was wonderful when we first married.”  “He was always so attentive, and sweet.” She said reminiscing. He took me places I’d only dreamed of, and we always went in style. The private jets, exclusive hotels, and dining at the finest restaurants, always the best for me his princess.

Now I was walking into the unknown, but again I had chosen this too.  Donavan was handsome, smart, and one of the best lovers I’d ever had.

The money wasn’t important, but the fact that he was an escort bothered me. What about his daughter, and how she would fit into his life?

I knew he kept his personal life separate from his private life, but these things sometimes collided. I was wondering about things that didn’t concern me now. I slipped on my jeans and comfortable shoes and then went shopping.

I left moms and headed back to the hotel picking up a dozen roses along the way. I walked in, and there was a note that said “Gone shopping, be back in an hour. Great, I thought, that gives me enough time to shower, and get ready for dinner.

Clarissa one of my clients called while I was at moms and needed an escort. I couldn’t leave to go to Puerto-Rico now with everything that was going on. I didn’t need the money, and what about Stephora?

I called Nick to see if he had someone to fill in for me.

“Hey Nick are you back in L.A.?” I asked. “Yes,” he replied, “I got here early today, what up?” “I need someone for a client of mine, but they have to be on their game.”

“Donavan this is getting ridiculous,” Nick yelled. “You need to take care of this.” “I know Nick but I just need you to hold it down for a little while until I get things together.” “Ok Donavan but it’s your dime.” “Thanks again Nick.” I knew this was costing money, but some things were more important than money.

I heard Stephora walk in with all her bags. “Let me help you with some of that.” “Looks like you bought out Niemen’s, was there anything left, I smiled?” “Not much,” Stephora said, “But I wanted to make a good impression on your mother.” “I see you’ve already showered.” “How did things go with Mack?” “Things went ok I guess.” “What do you mean?” I replied, “It’s nothing for you to worry about though.” She snapped, “That’s very selfish of you, and I thought we were in this together?” “I’m sorry we are, but I just don’t know what the outcome will be.”

“Donavan are these for me?” she asked in surprise. “Yes, I’d forgotten all about them.” She sat down on my lap and kissed me.  Stephora you’re the best, and I don’t think I could do this without you.” I smacked her ass and said, “Now get ready, we don’t have much time.”

We got dressed and picked up Mom. Things were a bit tense at first, but mom seemed to come around. She said, “So tell me Stephora what you do in Miami?”

“I do a lot of volunteer work, but I haven’t worked in awhile.” You would have thought mom saw a ghost; by the way, she reacted.

“How do you take care of yourself?” “I’m recently separated and going through a divorce.” She said dropping her head. “How long have you and your husband been separated?” “Mom that’s enough…” I snapped, “That’s her personal business.”

“I’m sorry Stephora, if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable.” “You did know that Donavan recently lost his wife?” “Yes Mrs. Jacobs, I’m very aware.” “That’s Miss Jacobs, thanks.”

Stephora asked, “So you weren’t married when you had Donavan, am I right?” Mom became defensive, “No I wasn’t married, but I took care of him myself, and he never wanted for anything.” “I’m sorry, but its women like you that give us all a bad name. “They rely on a man to take care of them.” Stephora got upset and said, “Ms. Jacobs I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but you know nothing about my life.” I intervened and said, “Mom that’s enough I didn’t bring you here to insult Stephora.” “If I insulted you Stephora I’m sorry.” “Juan is going through something he’s not taking serious, and it could cost him his daughter.

Trying to keep the peace, Stephora said, “Ms. Jacobs I understand what Donavan is going through, and I don’t want to interfere.” “Mom there is something I want you to know.” “What’s that?” “I care for Stephora and I love you, but nothing will interfere with me getting my daughter.” “Let’s just have dinner, and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow.”

After dinner I dropped Mom off at home, and I took Stephora to Maxine’s, a little jazz club. We listened to the band, and barely spoke two words. I sipped my scotch and pretended not to notice the silence.

Stephora suddenly asked, “Donavan, why did you bring me here?” “I wanted you to come, because I wanted you by my side through this mess.” “I know my mother said some really nasty things, but she’s just concerned.”



Chapter 7


I’d overheard Donavan’s conversation with his mother-in-law, and things just got serious. I thought Donavan was a great guy, but he had the game fucked up. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

In my opinion this friendship or whatever with Stephora was the icing on the cake. I was a sucker for a good piece of ass like the next man. In my eyes Stephora was off limits, and nothing but trouble. In my eyes you fuck em, and send them home no strings attached.

I only met her husband that once, but I hear he’s a hard hitter. Stephora was his prized possession, and she was bought and paid for. I hope Donavan knew what he was doing.  “Damn this shit it’s not my problem, and needed to get back to L.A. I hadn’t been there in a while.

I spoke to one of my good friends who kept me up to date. In my mind there was no place like L.A, and I was ready to go home.

I checked my account to make sure my money was there. I was going to book a flight today, and get the hell out of Miami.

Donavan left for Chicago this afternoon and I was leaving in an hour. What I didn’t understand was why he was taking Stephora? Things were already heated with his in-laws, and the custody of his daughter was at stake.

I tried to talk to him about it last night, but he didn’t see the problem. It was his red wagon he could push it or pull it. I packed my bags, and headed back to L.A. I was going to put some time into my business.

Aaron picked me up, and started giving me the rundown on all the happenings. Aaron was one of the guys I hired as an escort. He was a fine ass Mexican, and was hung like a horse, and that was rare.

I thought he was gay, but he insisted he wasn’t. I didn’t care one way or the other, he was a money maker. I was letting him stay at my place while I was away.

I said, “Aaron I hope you kept the place up while I was gone.” “You know I did handsome.” “I had a couple of party’s but nothing major.” “There’s this guy you should check out he’s a hunk.” I laughed and said, “Not today I hope,’ I’m a bit jet-lagged.” “That’s alright but I’ll get on it tomorrow.” I want to get this thing up and running real soon.

“Have you heard any news about Jason death?” Aaron replied, “I haven’t heard anything lately, but word on the street is he was screwing with the wrong people.” “You know he was sleeping with that producer, and the rapper for a while, but they were cleared.” “There’s no telling about Jason, he was high maintenance.”

“I heard his family came from out of nowhere and cleared out everything.” “He had some nice shit too.” I just sat there and let him go on about Jason.

I knew this wasn’t an ordinary killing. It was more like a hit. Whoever it was, wanted him to know he was a dead man.


“There’s a party at Cliff’s tonight you want to come?” I groaned and said, “I don’t think so, and Cliff’s parties always last until morning.”

“Have you talked to Joan since you been back?” “No, and I’m not going to.” “She’s too needy, and I need my space.” “What the hell Nick, this is business and her money is green.” “You better get your head in the game.” I knew he was right, but I wasn’t ready for Joan.

I opened the door and things were just like I had left them. I was so glad to be home. I’d been gone too long. I dropped my luggage, and called Stacey my real-estate agent. I needed to purchase a piece of property I saw listed in the Santa Barbra area.  I would do business out of this house.


“Hello Stacy, this is Nickolas Greene,” I said. “I’m back in town and I’m looking to purchase a house.” Stacy replied sweetly, “It’s good to hear from you Nick, where is this property?” “Santa Barbra, not too far from Oprah,” I laughed.

“Nick, are you serious?” “You damn right I am.” “You know the property’s their range in the millions.” “Yes, and I know you can get me a deal.” Stacy laughed and said, “You know it, and I’ll get right on it.”  “You do that, talk to you later.” I hung up the phone, and grabbed a shower to just relax. I was starved so I ordered Chinese and watched a movie.

The next day I called Donavan and explained my plans. I knew he would be wrapped up in this custody thing, but I called anyway. “Donavan I’m going to need you to fly to L.A as soon as you can.” “Nick is it possible for you to handle things there for the time being?” “If its money you need I’ll have it in your account by Monday.” “I just can’t leave Chicago right now,” he said. I knew that would be his answer, but I thought I would keep him informed. 

I replied, “That’s fine, but as soon as you can get away I’ll need you here.”  I really didn’t need him to get things started, but we were partners on paper.

I had a decorators come in and change my house into fantastic office space. I would have all my clients patched through to the service. In a few weeks business was booming, and I even had the down payment for my new home.

I had more clients than I could deal with. Aaron was interviewing at least five guys a week, and I already had fifteen on the payroll. I had taken myself out of the equation altogether except on special occasions. I needed to expand so I set up offices in three other major cities. I spent most of my time between Las Vegas and L.A. 

Tonight I was giving a party at the M.G.M Grand in Las Vegas, and it was a black tie event. Everybody that was anybody had invites, and Donavan was flying in for the occasion.


I hadn’t spoken to him in a few months, but I kept him informed on the investment. Tonight was special so I had Brock, my stylist flown in to do my fittings. I had two luxury suites booked on the top floor for the after party. I had thought of everything. Lots of money was spent, but it was for the business. I heard a knock at the door, it was Brock, and of course he brought his annoying assistant Brad.

I asked, “Hey Brock, did you bring the things I asked for?” “Yes, and then some.” “I brought Armani and Cavalli so don’t get your shorts in a bunch.” “This place is extraordinary.” “It must have cost a fortune.” “Brad, I’m not in the mood tonight so don’t start.” He hung his head and replied, “Nick, don’t pay me no mind, I was just saying…” “Well don’t,” I snapped.  “Just do what you were brought here to do, and that’s to assist.”

“Guys let’s not start this shit tonight.”  “Nick you look good…, and if that’s what woman pay top dollar for, its money well spent.” “Alright Brad enough is enough, and I need you to find me some black onyx cufflinks.” I passed a jewelry store down stairs. My black American Express card is in my case. “Brock you are over the top,” and I laughed.

“Nothing but the best for the best,’ and you do pay me well.”

“Who the hell is it now,” I yelled when I heard the door. “Hey Brock, get that while I slip on my robe.” “I guess I’m the maid now.” “Just get the damn door,” I snapped.

“Who is it?” “It’s a Mr. Donavan he says he’s your partner.” “Stop clowning around and let him in.” I said, “Donavan I’ll be right out, make yourself at home.” He replied, “Alright take your time, I’ll help myself to the bar.” I slipped on my pants and reentered the room.

“Hey you two,” I said when I entered the room. By the expression on my face they knew I was shocked. “I didn’t think you would mind if I brought Stephora.” “No, no… Why would I care?” “I would have put on a shirt if I knew a lady was present.” “Don’t worry about me Nick its nothing I haven’t seen before,” she blushed.


Why the hell he had brought her? I thought. I knew Joan would be there and a few others that knew Graham. What hell was he thinking… this wasn’t the place? “Nick, don’t look so shocked.” “Stephora and I are planning to get married after the divorce.”

I replied, “Hey, that’s great Donavan, so I guess congratulations are in order?” “Thanks Nick, I’m sure you meant that?” “I did… it’s just that it came as a shock.” “Let’s propose a toast.” “I have champagne in the fridge.”

Brock grabbed the bottle and joined us. He said, “All right don’t mind if I do” I popped the bottle and raised my glass, “To the happy couple,” I said. I told them, “I reserved a room for you down the hall.” “The card is on the table.” “I hope it’s as luxurious as this one?” “I wouldn’t have it any other way, and besides it half your money.” “I see you’re in the middle of dressing so we will see you downstairs.” “OK, just let me know if you two need anything.”

Brad walks in as they walked out. “I found the cufflinks, and who was that fine man…?.” I said, “Don’t worry about that, just hand me those cufflinks.”

We decide on the Armani tux, and I must say it was fabulous. I looked like a million bucks, and some change.

The paparazzi were there, so I stopped for a few poses on the red carpet. I made my rounds making sure everything was in order. Kim and her husband made an appearance along with a few other celebrities’. It was a party for the rich and famous. Who knew a boy from the wrong side of the tracks could pull this one off.

“Nick, this is magnificent party,” was what I heard all night. I still couldn’t get over Donavan or Stephora. I was going to have a talk with him as soon as I got a chance.  He had to know that you couldn’t live a double life, and not be found out. She had to be misleading him in some way. I had to find out what he was thinking.

I couldn’t think about that now. I needed to make my guests feel welcome. Everyone had a terrific time, and the D.J was awesome. He had better be; I paid him a lot of money, and he came highly recommended.

Aaron walked up and said, “Nick this party is off the chain, and did you happen to see Joan?” I frowned and replied, “No, I haven’t seen her…”

“Well she’s here with some French model, and he is fine…” “I’ve seen him in a couple of high-end magazines.” I rolled my eyes and said, “Who cares Aaron, I’m sure she paid him a lot of money.” He answered, “That should be your money Nick, and why the hell are you here alone…?” “All work and no play will make Nick a dull boy…” I laughed, “I have everything I need, and sex is overrated.” “You live in that brand new house alone.”  That’s the way I like it,’ “Who do you think your fooling Nick?” “Aaron, you don’t get it, being an escort and being in love just don’t mix.”

“Well somebody better tell your partner, because he seems happily in love.” “Believe me Aaron that’s going to be short lived.” “He’s in love with a woman he will never really have.” I looked up at him and said, “Aaron you need to mingle, and stay out of my business.” “Thank you, but I have some business of my own…” “I met someone here at the party, and he’s willing to pay top dollar.” “Yeah, and who might that be?” “He claims to be a prince, and he’s willing to pay me a hundred thousand dollars.”

“What the hell Aaron…!” I screamed. “You will refuse his offer.” “If it’s who I think it is he’s very dangerous” “You said he was at this party, where?” I was off my guard. Why hadn’t I seen him? Aaron replied, “Don’t look now, because he’s coming in our direction.”

The Prince said, “Nickolas Green… it’s been a long time.” “Not long enough for me,” I scoffed. I felt violated just standing in his presence. He smiled, “I didn’t get my invite, so I invited myself.” “I knew you wouldn’t mind.” “This beautiful man standing next to you must work for you?” “Yes, and he’s unavailable…” “His medical records show something that concerns me.” Aaron never said a word he just stood there.

“What about you?” “Are your documents in order?” he asked. He smirked, “I wouldn’t be with you for all the money in your kingdom.” “You might not have a choice if that’s what I desire.” ‘Oh, really…?” “You and I have a friend in common who might want to take my place.” He asked, “Who might that be?” I grinned from ear to ear and said, “An Agent Gregory, sound familiar?”  The look on his face let me further know that the name was familiar to him.

“I understand Nick, but I’ll see you again lover.” “I don’t think so,” and I motion to security to have him removed. “Nick this isn’t over.” “Maybe not, but these gentlemen will see you out.”

“Nick what was that all about?” Aaron asked. “I’ll explain sometimes, but right now I need bourbon.” I walked to the bar and ordered a double shot to calm my nerves. I knew I better give Agent Gregory a call, and it had to be soon... The party started to dwindle down, so I decided to take it upstairs to my suite.

Donovan walked up and said, “Nick this must have cost us a fortune.” “Donavan my man, it takes money to make money.”

“That’s what you keep telling me,” he laughed. “It’s true and business couldn’t be better.” “I’m planning on moving to L.A soon as soon as I get everything straight back in Chicago.”

I asked, “How are things going with the custody case?” “Everything is going well, and in my favor, right now, that is,” he said looking pretty worried.

“This Stephora thing, what’s going on?” I asked. “You know Graham will never let her go without a fight.” Donovan looked serious and replied, “I love her Nick, and he’s just stepped into the ring with a fighter.” I said, “OK, you’re a fighter, but what about the business?” “Do you honestly think she’s going to want you to sell yourself to the highest bidder?” He replied, “I’ve told her what I do for a living, and it’s not a problem.”

“Sooo…, you think that’s going to stand when you two get married?” “Yes and why wouldn’t it?”

“I haven’t lied about anything.” “Can I be blunt?” I asked. “Sure, haven’t you always been?”

“You’re making a big mistake, and deep down you know it.” “You’re on the rebound from your first wife’s death.” “I’m sorry to inform you but I’m getting out of the business after I’m married.” He said sarcastically.

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