Men of Mathematics (18 page)

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Authors: E.T. Bell

BOOK: Men of Mathematics
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In connection with problems in combinatorial analysis and probability Pascal made extensive use of the arithmetical triangle in which the numbers in any row after the first two are obtained from
those in the preceding row by copying down the terminal 1's and adding together the successive pairs of numbers from left to right to give the new row; thus 5 = 1 + 4, 10 = 4 + 6, 10 =
6 +
4, 5 = 4 + 1. The numbers in the
row, after the 1, are the number of different selections of one thing, two things, three things, . . . that can be chosen from
distinct things. For example, 10 is the number of different pairs of things that can be selected from five distinct things. The numbers in the
row are also the coefficients in the expansion of (1 +
by the binomial theorem, thus for
= 4, (1 + x)
= 1 + 4
+ 4x
The triangle has numerous other interesting properties. Although it was known before the time of Pascal, it is usually named after him on account of the ingenious use he made of it in probabilities.

The theory which originated in a gamblers' dispute is now at the base of many enterprises which we consider more important than gambling, including all kinds of insurance, mathematical statistics and their application to biology and educational measurements, and much of modern theoretical physics. We no longer think of an electron being “at” a given place at a given instant, but we do calculate its probability of being in a given region. A little reflection will show that even the simplest measurements we make (when we attempt to measure anything accurately) are statistical in character.

The humble origin of this extremely useful mathematical theory is typical of many: some apparently trivial problem, first solved perhaps out of idle curiosity, leads to profound generalizations which, as in the case of the new statistical theory of the atom in the quantum theory, may cause us to revise our whole conception of the physical universe or, as has happened with the application of statistical methods to intelligence tests and the investigation of heredity, may induce us to modify our traditional beliefs regarding the “greatness and misery of man.” Neither Pascal nor Fermat of course foresaw what was to issue from their disreputable child. The whole fabric of mathematics is so closely interwoven that we cannot unravel and eliminate any particular thread which happens to offend our individual taste without danger of destroying the whole pattern.

Pascal however did make one application of probabilities (in the
which for his time was strictly practical. This was his famous “wager.” The “expectation” in a gamble is the value of the prize multiplied by the probability of winning the prize. According to Pascal
the value of eternal happiness is infinite. He reasoned that even if the probability of winning eternal happiness by leading a religious life is very small indeed, nevertheless, since the expectation is infinite
finite fraction of infinity is itself infinite) it will pay anyone to lead such a life. Anyhow, he took his own medicine. But just as if to show that he had not swallowed the bottle too, he jots down in another place in the
this thoroughly skeptical query, “Is probability probable?” “It is annoying,” as he says in another place, “to dwell upon such trifles; but there is a time for trifling.” Pascal's difficulty was that he did not always see clearly when he was trifling, as in his wager against God, or when, as in the clearing up of the Chevalier de Méré's gambling difficulties for him, he was being profound.

. Authorities differ on Pascal's age when this work was done, the estimate varying from fifteen to seventeen. The 1819 edition of Pascal's works contains a brief résumé of the statements of certain propositions on conics, but this is not the
essay which Leibniz saw.

On the Seashore


The method of Fluxions [the calculus] is the general key by help whereof the modern mathematicians unlock the secrets of Geometry, and consequently of Nature.

I do not frame hypotheses.

what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

Such was Isaac Newton's estimate of himself toward the close of his long life. Yet his successors capable of appreciating his work almost without exception have pointed to Newton as the supreme intellect that the human race has produced—“he who in genius surpassed the human kind.”

Isaac Newton, born on Christmas Day (“old style” of dating), 1642, the year of Galileo's death, came of a family of small but independent farmers, living in the manor house of the hamlet of Woolsthorpe, about eight miles south of Grantham in the county of Lincoln, England. His father, also named Isaac, died at the age of thirty seven before the birth of his son. Newton was a premature child. At birth he was so frail and puny that two women who had gone to a neighbor's to get “a tonic” for the infant expected to find him dead on their return. His mother said he was so undersized at birth that a quart mug could easily have contained all there was of him.

Not enough of Newton's ancestry is known to interest students of heredity. His father was described by neighbors as “a wild, extravagant, weak man”; his mother, Hannah Ayscough, was thrifty, industrious, and a capable manageress. After her husband's death Mrs. Newton was recommended as a prospective wife to an old bachelor as “an
extraordinary good woman.” The cautious bachelor, the Reverend Barnabas Smith, of the neighboring parish of North Witham, married the widow on this testimonial. Mrs. Smith left her three-year-old son to the care of his grandmother. By her second marriage she had three children, none of whom exhibited any remarkable ability. From the property of his mother's second marriage and his father's estate Newton ultimately acquired an income of about £80 a year, which of course meant much more in the seventeenth century than it would now. Newton was not one of the great mathematicians who had to contend with poverty.

As a child Newton was not robust and was forced to shun the rough games of boys his own age. Instead of amusing himself in the usual way, Newton invented his own diversions, in which his genius first showed up. It is sometimes said that Newton was not precocious. This may be true so far as mathematics is concerned, but if it is so in other respects a new definition of precocity is required. The unsurpassed experimental genius which Newton was to exhibit as an explorer in the mysteries of light is certainly evident in the ingenuity of his boyish amusements. Kites with lanterns to scare the credulous villagers at night, perfectly constructed mechanical toys which he made entirely by himself and which worked—waterwheels, a mill that ground wheat into snowy flour, with a greedy mouse (who devoured most of the profits) as both miller and motive power, workboxes and toys for his many little girl friends, drawings, sundials, and a wooden clock (that went) for himself—such were some of the things with which this “un-precocious” boy sought to divert the interests of his playmates into “more philosophical” channels. In addition to these more noticeable evidences of talent far above the ordinary, Newton read extensively and jotted down all manner of mysterious recipes and out-of-the-way observations in his notebook. To rate such a boy as merely the normal, wholesome lad he appeared to his village friends is to miss the obvious.

The earliest part of Newton's education was received in the common village schools of his vicinity. A maternal uncle, the Reverend William Ayscough, seems to have been the first to recognize that Newton was something unusual. A Cambridge graduate himself, Ayscough finally persuaded Newton's mother to send her son to Cambridge instead of keeping him at home, as she had planned, to help
her manage the farm on her return to Woolsthorpe after her husband's death when Newton was fifteen.

Before this, however, Newton had crossed his Rubicon on his own initiative. On his uncle's advice he had been sent to the Grantham Grammar School. While there, in the lowest form but one, he was tormented by the school bully who one day kicked Newton in the stomach, causing him much physical pain and mental anguish. Encouraged by one of the schoolmasters, Newton challenged the bully to a fair fight, thrashed him, and, as a final mark of humiliation, rubbed his enemy's cowardly nose on the wall of the church. Up till this young Newton had shown no great interest in his lessons. He now set out to prove his head as good as his fists and quickly rose to the distinction of top boy in the school. The Headmaster and Uncle Ayscough agreed that Newton was good enough for Cambridge, but the decisive die was thrown when Ayscough caught his nephew reading under a hedge when he was supposed to be helping a farmhand to do the marketing.

While at the Grantham Grammar School, and subsequently while preparing for Cambridge, Newton lodged with a Mr. Clarke, the village apothecary. In the apothecary's attic Newton found a parcel of old books, which he devoured, and in the house generally, Clarke's stepdaughter, Miss Storey, with whom he fell in love and to whom he became engaged before leaving Woolsthorpe for Cambridge in June, 1661, at the age of nineteen. But although Newton cherished a warm affection for his first and only sweetheart all her life, absence and growing absorption in his work thrust romance into the background, and Newton never married. Miss Storey became Mrs. Vincent.

*  *  *

Before going on to Newton's student career at Trinity College we may take a short look at the England of his times and some of the scientific knowledge to which the young man fell heir. The bullheaded and bigoted Scottish Stuarts had undertaken to rule England according to the divine rights they claimed were vested in them, with the not uncommon result that mere human beings resented the assumption of celestial authority and rebelled against the sublime conceit, the stupidity, and the incompetence of their rulers. Newton grew up in an atmosphere of civil war—political and religious—in which Puritans and Royalists alike impartially looted whatever was needed to keep their ragged armies fighting. Charles I (born in 1600, be
headed in 1649) had done everything in his power to suppress Parliament; but in spite of his ruthless extortions and the villainously able backing of his own Star Chamber through its brilliant perversions of the law and common justice, he was no match for the dour Puritans under Oliver Cromwell, who in his turn was to back his butcheries and his roughshod march over Parliament by an appeal to the divine justice of his holy cause.

All this brutality and holy hypocrisy had a most salutary effect on young Newton's character: he grew up with a fierce hatred of tyranny, subterfuge, and oppression, and when King James later sought to meddle repressively in University affairs, the mathematician and natural philosopher did not need to learn that a resolute show of backbone and a united front on the part of those whose liberties are endangered is the most effective defense against a coalition of unscrupulous politicians; he knew it by observation and by instinct.

To Newton is attributed the saying “If I have seen a little farther than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” He had. Among the tallest of these giants were Descartes, Kepler, and Galileo. From Descartes, Newton inherited analytic geometry, which he found difficult at first; from Kepler, three fundamental laws of planetary motion, discovered empirically after twenty two years of inhuman calculation; while from Galileo he acquired the first two of the three laws of motion which were to be the cornerstone of his own dynamics. But bricks do not make a building; Newton was the architect of dynamics and celestial mechanics.

As Kepler's laws were to play the rôle of hero in Newton's development of his law of universal gravitation they may be stated here.

The planets move round the Sun in ellipses; the Sun is at one focus of these ellipses.

S, S' are the foci, P any position of a planet in its orbit, SP + S'P is always equal to AA', the major axis of the ellipse: fig.,
page 94

The line joining the Sun and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

The square of the time for one complete revolution of each planet is proportional to the cube of its mean [or
distance from the Sun.

These laws can be proved in a page or two by means of the calculus applied to Newton's law of universal gravitation:

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