Men of Mayhem (2 page)

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Authors: Anthology

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Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she reworded what she had said. “I mean you’re no longer the man I fell in love with all those years ago. You’re different—tame and gentle. You’re not you and I hate it.”

It took me a moment to catch up with what she was saying.
She likes the old me?
The man I used to be, the man who killed people without a thought. The man who made people’s lives miserable.
She misses him?

“You miss the man I used to be? The cold, heartless killer? You miss that?” I could feel the anger inside of me spiking, yet as she looked at me, she seemed unfazed by it. As if she’d wanted this all along. To see me fall off the deep end into unclear waters. I had left that man behind and for good reason. He had no place with a wife and child.

“I don’t just miss it, Zerro. That’s the man I fell in love with, the man I knew would forever set my body ablaze. It was always you, and even though you’re different now, in comparison to who you were then, I know that man is still in there somewhere. He’s lingering under the surface just waiting to burst free.”

I stared into her eyes as tension filled my body. I wanted to be angry with her, but how could I be? She fell in love with the darkest parts of me, the parts no one else understood.

“Bree…” I growled her name. She was pushing her boundaries. She would cause me to break, and in turn, I would break her. I would make the past and present collide in ways that would make her skin burn.

“I missed you.” She got up from her seat, crossing the room to stand before me. She was everything I had ever craved. Even after having Gia, and her body changing from a young woman to a more mature woman, she was just as beautiful, if not more. Her hair was as dark as coffee, her eyes a mix of the sun and chocolate. She smelled like heaven, and if I reached out and tasted her, I bet she would be the perfect mixture of sweet and sour.

“Show me.” I caved, allowing an old sinister part of me to show, to come back to life. I could feel my heart rate rising, my body growing warmer and more excited by the second as a sexy-as-hell smile pulled at her lips.

She reached to the back of her dress, and the sound of a zipper sliding down filled the air. I licked my lips in anticipation, watching the top of the dress fall from her shoulders as she shimmied out of it. It slipped from her body, leaving her exposed to the devil himself.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I murmured, my eyes lingering on her breasts. She had on a black lace bra that showed her perfectly puckered nipples. Goose bumps rose on her skin as she stood before me waiting to see what my next move would be.

“I want to be bad, Mr. King.” Her eyes lit up with darkness. She knew how much I desired her, how much I hungered for the dark and dangerous side of her. She was the match I needed to burn the whole fucking place to the ground.

“Drop to your knees,” I ordered, standing to undo my belt. I gripped the buckle tightly as I watched her slip to the ground so slowly it almost hurt. I walked around her, coming to a stop with her back to my front.

She didn’t move an inch as I traced my fingers over the bra straps on her shoulders. A shudder worked its way through me as I slipped them down, letting them hang off her arms. As I continued to undo my belt, I placed my gun, phone, handcuffs, badge, and wallet on the table behind me. I slipped from my pants, taking my underwear with them. I had no reason to be anything more than naked. Silence settled between us, but it wasn’t really silence I heard. I could hear her pulse racing, every swallow she took. I could feel the connection between us reforming, the love we shared growing.

“I’m going to fuck you. Not just any way…” I nipped at her earlobe, her breathing becoming choppy. “I’m going to spread you wide,” I whispered. “Then I’m going to find that sweet little bud that makes you scream and suck on it until it’s raw.” Her moan filled the air, as sex seemed to sweat from our pores. My fingers slipped down her back, tracing a path of fire on her flesh.

“Once I’m done making you come harder than you ever have, I’m going to drive my aching cock inside of you, and I won’t stop…” I growled, gripping the back of her panties as I pulled them tight against her mound. I knew what I was doing. I knew she wanted the hotness and danger back, and I would give her just that.

“Until everyone in the neighborhood knows my name. Until you beg me to stop because you can’t come even once more and then…” I pulled tighter, her face falling against the couch cushions and a soft whimper escaping her lips as she lifted with my pull.

“I’ll fucking start all over again.” With one tight pull, the barely there panties were gone, her juicy ass in its place. I slapped it once, causing the orb to grow red. She sighed heavily.

“Is this what you want?” I questioned, slipping one of my fingers down her ass crack and into her pussy.

She clenched around me, barely able to answer, “Yes.” I smiled, pleased with myself. I had always been able to bring her to release without really having to do much of anything.

“Good. Now bend for me,” I ordered, nudging her forward so she was at an angle with her ass in the air and her knees digging into the edge of the couch. Her heavy breathing surrounded me, causing my dick to rise.
Down boy. That sweet cunt will be ours soon.

“Please…” she begged, her eyes pleading with me to give her the release she so desperately needed. I smirked at her, feeling as wicked as ever.

“You come when I let you.” I settled into her, licking my way from her ass down to her throbbing clit. Every suck, every vibration against it caused her to moan out loud, her begging filling the room.

“Please, Alzerro…please,” she screamed, her legs wobbling as I sucked her clit into my mouth, and at the same time, I slipped two fingers into her slick pussy. She was beyond fucking ready for me, and this pleased me more than anything. I was capable of getting her to this point by offering both pain and pleasure.

“You want to come?” My words were filled with sex and desire. She pushed back against my mouth, which earned her a slap on her ass, her bottom growing redder.

“Yes, plea—” She didn’t even finish her sentence. I had pulled my fingers out of her and removed my mouth from her pussy. At the same time, she protested, a growl lingering on her lips.

“I want you to ride me,” I demanded, falling onto the couch next to her. She smiled, pleased that she was going to get a say on the matter. I gripped her hips, lifting her from her position and onto my awaiting erection. I was more than fucking ready for her.

She watched me between partly closed lids as she slid down every single inch of me. Her body molding to mine as if months and miles had never separated us. I stared deeply into her eyes, watching her hips grind into mine. She was exhilarating, a woman who at one point in time I felt I didn’t deserve.

“Fucking ride me, Bree…” I growled, fueling her as I wrapped my hand around her hair and pulled her face into my own. Our foreheads pressed against one another as I challenged her to give me every single piece of her.

Her lip quivered as I felt my balls aching. The need to come was so strong, I wasn’t sure I would last. With one last slam against me, she came. Her walls clenched so hard, I was afraid she had embedded herself on me. My own release soon followed, filling her to the brim with come.
She was mine.
She was more than that. Bree was my wife and mother of my child, and that was all that mattered.





When I woke
the next morning, my body was thoroughly worked over, a delicious soreness consuming me, reminding me of the previous night’s events the entire day. Zerro watched me, his stare lingering on every curve of my body, from the tips of my toes to the longest piece of hair on my head.

Every time I caught him looking at me, a zing of electricity shot through me. I hadn’t felt this way with him in what seemed like years. How one single look could lead to sex on the kitchen counter, or how one small innocent smile could have me against the wall, his cock driving into me at a pace that was almost painful—exactly what I had been longing for.

“When I first met you all those years ago, I knew you would be an enigma. The one thing that would cause my world to tilt a little bit more toward the light,” Zerro admitted gruffly as he settled into the chair at the computer desk, checking his emails to make sure he had no important work messages that needed his reply.

“Why is that?” I questioned, popping a cherry into my mouth. He stopped typing, his eyes lifting to mine. “Because when you came into my life, you were nothing but a debt. You gave yourself to me as payment, Bree. I never expected anything to come from our transaction, and that was my biggest downfall.”

I frowned. I hated thinking that I was one of his biggest downfalls.

“You think if you had expected something of me, it would be different?”

His eyes narrowed at me, frustration settling into his features. “I think if I had wanted something from you, things would be different. The fact that I didn’t expect you to be so defiant, the fact you didn’t give into me but held your ground, told me you were different, and that alone saved you from being something else.” When he said ‘something else,’ I felt myself drifting back to the moment when he shot and killed a room full of unarmed people—people who owed him a debt that needed to be settled, a debt that was paid in nothing but blood.
Could I have been that something else?

“Oh…” I plucked another cherry out of my dish. Water droplets fell from it as I watched Zerro’s eyes focus on one dangling cherry. I slowly lifted it and placed it into my mouth. My teeth sunk into the fruit, the cherry bursting as sweet juices assaulted my taste buds.

“Oh?” Zerro finally came back to life, having realized I hadn’t actually given him an answer.

“I meant it just seemed so strange for us to have made it so far. To have been two so very different people, yet the same side of a coin.” I could see the vein in his head throbbing, and if I was a betting woman, I would bet something else was throbbing too.

“Do you want to piss me off?” he growled, his eyes and voice growing dark. I could see his fist clenched against the desk, and for one second, I wondered if there was a chance I could push him too far or if I could unleash the beast within and be unable to control him.

“If you’re asking me, I would say you’re already there.” The words left my lips like a secret, my voice cool and calm. I could all but see Zerro losing his shit, the questions of his past beating against his exterior walls causing him to break down and answer them.

He was vulnerable, even weak, and every time I was able to bring the king to his knees, my blood would sing, my eyes would glaze over, and my hands would sweat. The power he placed on me always gave me a rush, as if he was my never-ending supply of a drug I desperately needed.

“Bree.” He sounded weak, as if he was losing his sense of reality…as if he could no longer resist my needs, my deepest desires, and my darkest cravings.

“You say my name like you need me. Like you want to slide into my wet cunt. But in the next second, you look at me as if you would rather bend me over and spank me until my come is running down my thighs.” I lusted for him, begging for one last wall to splinter. He knew I needed this. He knew his pain, his agony over the past, was not only his burden but mine as well.

He ran a hand through his dark hair, my lady bits clenching with a need I didn’t even understand. He raised his eyes to meet mine, and I could see the man who wrapped his hand around my throat as I came all over his cock. All he needed was one more push, one more thrust into the deep end, and he would be able to swim all on his own.

“I can’t tell you what I want more. To shove my cock in that filthy mouth of yours or slap your ass until it glows red for me.” His admission caused a fire to stir inside of me. He had no idea the power he held over me.

“Do both,” I blurted out, not thinking of the things that could take place from that one request. Truthfully, I wanted him in every single way I could have him. The whole reason I told my father to take Gia was so I could bring back to life the fire in our marriage. Without it, I felt we would burn out and our love would become a thing of the past.

He stood from his seat, the computer chair hitting the wall. It landed with a loud thud, causing one of the photos above the desk to sway, reminding me of the twisted game I was playing with Zerro.

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