Men of Mayhem (44 page)

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The next morning, Madison sat in the Genoa Java Shop, scouring the paper for the latest news on Andrea. So far there was nothing new. It’s all she could think about since she’d heard the news.

She shuddered as visons of that unlucky bride popped in her head. Andrea seemed like every other bride who’d walked through the front door of Bells and Bows. As the weeks and months went by things began to change and so did the bride. During her last fitting a short time ago, it finally dawned on her what was wrong. Makeup had managed to cover some of the bruises on her face but nothing could hide the marks on her body where she’d been hit. After many tears, hugs, and pleas to get help, Andrea had finally agreed to call off the wedding to her abuser and go to the police.

Madison stayed with the battered bride-to-be the whole time, and after that traumatic day was done, dropped her off at her parents’ house. Andrea had been hiding it from everyone. Her father had not been pleased about his daughter marrying into that family, but once he found out what had happened, the fiancé was not to show his face around his girl again or risk a shotgun.

It seemed like forever since she’d taken over her mother’s bridal store, Bells and Bows. As a youngster she could bustle a cathedral length train before she learned how to drive. Somewhere along the way, something changed. Maybe it wasn’t becoming bored. Maybe it was the frustration of planning everyone else’s wedding and not her own. Madison had become ‘new best friend,’ ‘substitute sister,’ or ‘fairy godmother’ to everyone who needed one. Maybe it was her disappointment in watching people screw up their lives with the wrong person and not being able to do anything about it.

They all walked in dancing on clouds, but then a year later, the bride or groom would be back with a new person to walk down the aisle with. Was nothing sacred anymore? Marriage should be forever, not a reason to put on a pretty dress and have a party. A sigh escaped her lips and she took another bite of the moist cake. Yes, she’d gotten the cake.

Her thoughts turned to the man she’d met yesterday. Steph never did explain her reason for not liking him. Hell, Steph could get any man she wanted with a smile and a wink. Her friend’s golden blonde hair somehow always seemed to look unkempt and gorgeous at the same time while Madison’s was thick, brown, and hard to control.

Enjoying another taste of her cake, she tried to chase the melancholy away. At least she had the ball tomorrow night to look forward to.

The snowflake ball was usually held in the banquet room of a local hotel but this year it would be at Firenza’s. She’d been dying to see the place. It took all she had not to hug the attractive young woman who’d personally dropped off an invitation to the shop on Monday. Apparently they wanted to make sure other local business owners would be in attendance.

Firenza’s was a new conference center out on the lake. The place was a historic mansion, a former mob hangout, typical of most places in her small hometown. Due to its close proximity to Chicago, Lake Genoa was also home to the rich and wealthy no matter how they earned their cash. This beautiful estate had been completely refurbished to hold events of all kinds. It’d been on her to-do list to contact the owner about cross promoting but she hadn’t had the chance. Finally a smile began to form as she pictured the gown she’d be wearing in her mind. It was one of her creations. Designing dresses was a passion, and some day a line of dresses with her name on them would be a dream come true.

Inhaling the sweet yet bitter fragrance of her mocha latte, she closed her eyes and savored the richness of her chocolate layer cake. The man had been right. It was worth the guilt.



The food was divine, the décor amazing, and the staff had been more than accommodating. So far, Madison loved every minute of the snowflake ball. In the summertime, visitors would’ve been able to stop by on their boats. A long dock was available on the lake for that purpose.

What an amazing night it had been. The only thing that would have made it better was someone to share it with. Her heart still ached after witnessing the older couple holding hands across the table from her. They were obviously reminiscing about old times and sneaked kisses when they thought no one was looking. If only she’d be that lucky someday.

She retouched her lipstick in the mirror and left the ladies’ room. Music echoed from the ballroom. With a smile on her face, Madison hurried to the sound. Surveying the ballroom, only one man stood out. His face was in the shadows but she recognized him. It was the man from the coffee shop. Heck, she’d even hung around there yesterday hoping he might show up.

For some reason, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. There was something special about him, which drew her to find out more. He was tall, broad shouldered, with a slender waist, and the designer suit he wore fit to perfection. He watched her equally as closely. Even from across the room, his gaze sent a shiver down her spine.

“Would you care for a dance?” the voice behind her asked. She twirled around to find an older man waiting patiently for her response.

“Sure, I’d love to.” She graced the elderly gentlemen with a smile and joined him in a waltz. As he spun her around the dance floor, Madison searched for the mysterious man, but he was gone.

Before long, it neared midnight and her feet screamed to get off the dance floor. After the kindly older man, she was soon in the arms of a few of the chamber of commerce members, the high school’s head librarian, and a young college kid. The dances were fun and energetic but there was no spark, no fire. No one even close to her age. Had all the thirty-something, interesting men already married? She was too old to pout, but right now, Madison rested her fist on her chin and let her lower lip jut out.





Roman had studied the crowd in attendance since they’d stepped through the door. Unfortunately, anyone matching the description of the owner of Bells and Bows was nowhere to be found. He focused again on the gorgeous woman in the green gown. Whenever she twirled by on the dance floor it took all his will not to step out and ask for the next.

Damn, he was restless and horny. Yesterday he’d ditched Arlo, leaving him to search a new area for leads on Andrea. It was early when he stopped by the coffee shop hoping to spot the beauty from the day before. The place was full of people talking, actually talking. Not sitting around staring in silence at the screens of their phones and tablets.

He chuckled to himself as he caught sight of the woman sitting by herself enjoying her cake, a look of pure joy on her face. Had she come back looking for him too? As fate would have it, he received a call that couldn’t wait and he left before she spotted him. Folding his arms across his chest, he scowled. There was no way things would work out between them anyway. They were from two different worlds. Hers was a world of lake picnics and dances, his was the underworld.

A loud growl sounded from his lips every time a man asked the woman he wanted for a dance. At least she didn’t appear to be here with a date. She’d changed partners too many times for that. Finally, after too many dances for his liking, she found a table to rest. A beauty like that shouldn’t be sitting alone. He smirked as she eased her foot out of a shoe and sighed with relief. The exhale puffed her breasts up and he bit back the urge to lick his lips. Too much work and too little play lately had kept him out of the company of women for way too long. Not to mention his father’s insistence that if he didn’t find a wife soon, the family would arrange one. To hell with tradition. There’s no way he would agree to that.

His gaze returned to the one he was interested in. A heart shaped face, long neck, and an elegant stance. The glamourous gown fit her curves to perfection and outshone the other women. Only Valentina’s designer dress came in a close second. Her skin appeared porcelain next to the vivid coloring of the dress and complemented her deep brown hair. Roman swore and slammed the rest of his brandy in one sip. What the hell was he doing thinking about porcelain skin and complementing colors? Hell, if the men heard him talking like that, they’d have him committed to the loony bin.

“Everything seems to be going well.” Valentina stepped to his side as quietly as a ninja. Maybe he should add her to the list of enforcers. No one would hear her coming. Yeah, considering his sis for a hitman? Maybe he did need to see a shrink.

“Great turn out, but I can’t seem to find the woman I’m looking for.”

Valentina lifted a shoulder and gave the group the once over. “I’m sure any number of them would like you to ‘look them over.’” Her eyebrows wiggled.

She was a royal pain in the ass at times but he wouldn’t trade her for the world. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then who are you looking for?”

“The woman I told you to give the invite to.”

Her face was blank.

“You know, the older bridal shop owner. I was told she was around sixty with blonde hair.”

“Oh, Romeo, sometimes you are so clueless.” She looped her arm through his and led him to the tables along the dance floor.

Yes, she was damn lucky to be his sister because no one dared talk to him like that. If anyone had, they’d be at the bottom of a lake right now sporting some cement shoes. What the hell? Valentina dragged him toward the table with the stunning young lady in the green dress.

“Hello, I’m so glad you came,” Valentina shouted above the loud music.

The woman slipped her shoe back on and got to her feet. “I wouldn’t miss it. I’ve gone every year for as long as I can remember, but this location is by far my favorite.” She waved a graceful hand at their surroundings. “Thank you so much for the personal invitation.”

“You are most welcome. The boss wanted to make sure all the local business owners would be in attendance. Giving good references is the best kind of advertising.”

Romeo almost fell over backward. Had their information been wrong? The woman he’d followed with his eyes all night was the one he’d been searching for. His moment of glee suddenly shot down by the thought that she might be next on Diego’s hit list.

“I agree. Being in the wedding business, I can’t help but think what a wonderful place this would be for a reception.”

“And your dress. I love it. Is it from your store?” Valentina reached out to touch the fabric. “It’s fabulous. I must know the name of the designer.”

“I designed it myself.”

He could give a shit about their talk of dresses and designers and chose to concentrate on her spectacular smile. Her full lips were magnificent.

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