Mending the Bear (4 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

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sort of knew where this was going.

like to hire you as private security to the vet as our way of compensation for
her injured ankle, and at the same time offer your services to other shifters
in the immediate area.”

have to babysit a vet?” Ian asked.

like to think of it as more her bodyguard. You’ll go there today and introduce
yourself. Hannah will fill you in on all the details of all the other
businesses that need your attention. You have anything to say before we call
this hearing over?”

stood. “Nope,” he said.

from cleaning
, things weren’t as bad as
he’d expected.


Barclay, someone’s here to see you.”

looked up from the paperwork she was filling in at her desk. She wasn’t
expecting anyone, but sometimes salesmen stopped by practices unannounced to
try and sell this and that.
Eve stood
and headed out to the front desk, stopping in her tracks as she did so. He had
his back toward her, but she immediately recognized the bear emblem on his
leather jacket.

was the asshole. The guy who’d driven by on the bike that afternoon and sprayed
her new hairdo and coat with mud. The guy who’d made her slip on the fish at
the supermarket.

was going to give him a piece of her mind, but then he turned around and all
her anger went out of the window. Her knees went weak, her heartbeat picked up
double time, and yes, she was pretty sure her pussy was doing cartwheels and
her ovaries were about to burst forth with a few bars of the Hallelujah

Barclay?” he asked.

his voice sounded like liquid sex.
Get a
grip. Get your act together. Do not go all soft and gooey just because this
guy’s cute. He ruined your hairdo. He has stubble, an earring, and obviously
rides a motorbike. Not your type. Repeat not your type.


Ian Mallory.” He put out his hand.

was reluctant to take it, not that she thought there was something wrong with
him, but if she made contact with him…

was staring at her. A look of impatience and frustration clearly washed over
him as he waited for her to take his hand.

slipped her hand into his, realizing she’d been right. The warmth and touch
sent shivers up and down her spine. Good shivers and not the sort she got while
watching a horror movie.

here for two reasons,” he began.

To torment me. To
drive me crazy. To make me realize I haven’t had sex in… Oh dear Lord, it’s
been so long I can’t even remember.
She hadn’t let go of his hand and she
wasn’t in any hurry to do so.

of all I’d like to apologize,” he said. The earring swung back and forth, back
and forth, as he spoke like it was hypnotizing her. “I’ve been told you hurt
your ankle when you slipped on the fish I threw around in the supermarket.”

“You also covered me in mud when you drove by
on your bike. I’d just had my hair cut and highlighted.”

had she mentioned that? The anger she’d felt had completely disappeared so this
had come out of nowhere, and as if a guy would be the least bit interested in
highlighted hair.

I’m sure I would have remembered seeing someone as…”

as what?” Eve asked. Yes, she’d gained some weight since she and Nick had gone
their separate ways. Was he going to say someone her size?

well dressed as yourself,” he finally said.

She knew that wasn’t what he really meant, but
kudos to him for coming up with that line. “Maybe you should open your eyes a
bit more when you’re on the road.”

maybe…” He stopped and clenched both his fists. If she was guessing correctly,
he wasn’t here of his own accord and the apologizing bit wasn’t his idea either.

second reason I’m here is from now on I’ll be your security guard.”

… wait a minute, I can’t afford private security.”

raised his hands. “You don’t have to because someone else is picking up the

Eve asked. She hoped this wasn’t one of those extortion rings she’d heard
about. Pay for them to look after her, or her business gets trashed.

Walsh. He’s a prominent businessman and friends with lots of people who own
businesses in this area.”

can vouch for Brady,” Chloe said. “He’s Sophie’s Spirit Guardian.”

guessed that was something like a godparent, but didn’t ask any questions. As
long as someone else was picking up the tab, having someone looking after the
place wasn’t that bad.

thought I’d introduce myself and to let you know you’ll be seeing me often. And
if you need any help or think someone’s lurking around, just give me a call.” He
pulled out a business card from his back jean pocket and handed it to her.

Mallory, Security Analyst Expert.

card bore the same bear emblem as his jacket. She noticed that his earring was
a bear, too.

will do that,” Eve said.

it’s okay with you, tomorrow I’d like to look over the building and see if
there’s anything that needs upgrading or changing for better security.”

no problem.”

five thirty p.m. good for you?”

with me.”

nodded. “Nice to meet you and I’ll see you tomorrow. And once again sorry about
the fish and the mud.”

there so long and admiring him, she’d almost forgotten about the incident. Eve
stood and watched as he turned and left. His pants were on the tight side, but
his cute butt filled them out so well.


hadn’t realized she was still staring until she heard Chloe saying her name.

you please call me Eve? And who exactly was that?”

a member of our … reading group,” Chloe said.

He doesn’t look the book type.”

just broken up with his girlfriend. Or I should say she broke up with him. He
found her with another guy and that’s the reason he went a little crazy.”

he’s single? I mean not that I’m interested or anything like that,” Eve said.

yeah, very single, but in my opinion he’d be a tough one to catch.”

always been up for a challenge.”

she’d said that out loud.

mean if I was thinking about dating, which I’m not.”

my advice if you change your mind, forget all about Ian and have me and Ash set
you up with one of the more reliable,
—book club

was trying to work out what Chloe was intending to say. In fact, she’d said
something beginning with ‘
’ twice now, but then the
bell over the door sounded and in walked a lady with two Dobermans and she
forgot all about it.

think these are Bo and Wes, your next two patients,” Chloe said.

these two should take her mind off that very gorgeous man.


she was one hot, curvy lady with shoulder-length, dark hair. She also had blue
eyes and the tiniest of moles just above the right side of her mouth. The mouth
that had the fullest, most kissable lips it had ever been his pleasure to see.

smacked himself on the side of the head before he had to resort to throw a
bucket of ice cold water over his head. He’d just been dumped, kicked up the
ass so to speak, by the love of his life, and here he was noticing everything
about this woman he’d just met.

Barclay was the exact opposite of Joanne, so why he’d found her so appealing
was beyond him.

got on his bike, started it up, and headed home. She’d said he’d covered her in
mud the day he’d gone on his rampage. How had he missed someone who looked like
her? He’d almost said ‘I would have noticed someone smoking hot like you’, but
had managed to come up with the more politically correct, ‘someone as well
dressed as you’.

whistled as he flew along on his bike. He often did that when he was trying to
focus on something besides what was rattling around in his head, which at the
moment were images of the lady vet. The black skirt, the red sweater, black
leggings, boots, all worn under the sterile white lab coat. Who would have
thought something so clinical looking as that could be so damn sexy?

cock suddenly rubbed against the seat of the bike. He had the mother of all
erections. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been hard while riding. Not even
images of Joanne’s naked body had caused this sort of reaction that was
borderline painful.

whistled louder, but it wasn’t doing him much good. In fact, in a situation
like this there was only one thing to do. He’d stop, shift, and go for a run.
That should get things back into prospective.

pushed down on the accelerator, turning the corner until he came to his
favorite spot to go for a nice long run. It was out of the way, so there was little
chance of humans being around and a place a bear could do serious thinking.

got off his bike, headed into the thickest part of woods, and took off his
jacket, then his sweater. Next he slipped off his jeans and boxers. He set them
down on the ground in a neat pile. Ian tried to just think of running with the
wind grazing his fur. He began to relax and slowly, inch by inch, his body
transformed into his Kodiak bear form.

raised his nose in the air. This was not only a popular place for bear shifters,
but bears, too. He guessed a few had passed this way in the last few hours.
They’d gone to his left which meant he’d go to the right. Real bears still
didn’t quite know what to do when they encountered one of their shifter
counterparts. Their odor was somehow different and it could lead to some
strange situations that Ian always tried to avoid. He picked up his pace as he
made his way through the thicker part of the wooded area. The sun was warm on
his back. So much different to all the rain they’d had during the previous couple
of weeks. During his last run, he’d gotten muddy, his coat weighed down with
the rain and dirt, but not today. He ran faster, knowing what was up ahead, but
somehow he was unable to turn around. It was almost as if he needed to feel the

tree, his and Joanne’s was up ahead. The one they’d chased one another around
while in their bear form. He stopped to look at it. They’d found it when they
were nine or ten. When they were fifteen, and it seemed obvious they were
destined to be mates, they come here and shifted back into human form and carved
their initials into its trunk, declaring their love for one another that would
last an eternity.

they were eighteen, they’d come here to make love for the first time and it had
been the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to him.

walked to the tree. Nothing had changed as far as the tree was concerned. Their
initials, now somewhat faded were nevertheless still there. He rubbed his head
against them. Evidence of what they’d once had, what they’d once meant to one

tear dropped from his right eye. First time he’d ever cried in bear form. Maybe
she’d see reason, common sense would take over, and she’d come back to him.

now that she’d betrayed him and been with another shifter, would he want her

stood on his hind legs and rubbed himself high on the tree. If she and Max ever
came out here, they’d know Ian had been here, too. The dirty cougar would smell
his scent and hopefully he’d feel guilt and remorse for stealing another
shifter’s woman.

rubbed as high up on the bark his body would allow, and then went back on all
fours before taking off at lightning speed now thinking once again of the lady

just maybe he could make Joanne jealous, make her realize he wasn’t going to be
hanging around moping. Send her a message, that while he’d been as angry as
hell finding her doing the wild thing with Mad Max, he’d moved on. Moved on
with a sexy human.

had always had a jealous side to her. Once she’d almost ripped off the head of
another shifter who’d asked him to dance with her. So she’d definitely take the

turned and ran back to where he’d left his clothes.

the thought of cozying up to a human wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind,
being the lady vet was easy on the eyes and got his cock excited, it wouldn’t
be too much of a hardship for him. He was going to woo her, be seen around town
with her. Joanne would see what she was missing. She’d come begging back to him
and then be putty in his hands.

Goodbye Mr.


Chapter Six


wished she was a couple of inches taller. The latch on the damn window was so
high, it was just out of her reach and it had begun raining again. The water
splashed on the outside ledge, sending splashes onto her books.

climbed up onto the table and stretched out her arm, knowing the latch to close
it was within reach of her fingers. She grabbed it and slammed it shut, and
only then sensed someone was behind her. Everyone had gone home for the evening.

. She hoped no one
had broken in. Surely lightening couldn’t strike twice.

need a hand with closing that?”

was a deep voice, that sexy velvet one she’d heard just yesterday.

turned around to see if she’d been right. She sure had. She’d lost track of the
time and remembered he’d told her he’d drop by to check out the building.

in the more subdued lighting of the back offices, his face looked more chiseled
and the jawline stronger. The dimples in his cheeks cuter, almost bad boy
Really not my type.

needed to shut the window and I couldn’t do it without standing on this table,”
she said.

let me give you a hand to get down from there. I’d hate you to hurt your ankle

there a snippet of sarcasm in his voice, or was he just being nice? Hard to
tell at this point.

lifted his hand toward her. She wasn’t going to be rude and not take it. She
slipped hers into his. He got a firm grip as she stepped down, wobbled on her
still slightly sore ankle, and fell into his chest.

hoped he didn’t think she’d done that on purpose because she hadn’t. Well, not consciously.
But who knew how a lusty woman’s unconscious worked?

wrapped both arms around her, allowing her to get a whiff of his aftershave and
something she thought smelled animal like. Maybe he had a dog and that was the
odor she was detecting.

didn’t want to step back, step away from the comfort of his arms, but she knew
she had to or it would look like she’d done this intentionally and she didn’t
want him getting the wrong idea.

the way, how did you get in here?” she asked, bringing both her mind and
conversation back to the real world. “I’m pretty sure I locked all the doors.”

did, but I wanted to show you what can happen if someone knows how to pick
them. Just a few flicks here and there and a bad guy could be standing here
right now.”

mean like you?” She didn’t know why she said that because she didn’t think he
was bad, well, not unless being sexy was suddenly a crime.

think I’m bad?”

it sort of slipped out.”

I could be and that’s the point I’m trying to make. What would you do if a man
broke in here and was standing right here looking you straight in the eye with
the intention of harming you?”

made it sound so sinister and she began to tremble, but strangely it wasn’t
from fear, but anticipation of what he was going to do. He took another step
toward her.

if he wanted to…

He stopped mid-sentence. “Kiss you.”

Before she could ask him why
would man
want to break in her vet practice and kiss her,
his lips were already on hers. Should she push him away? Did she want to push
him away? Right now the answer was a definite no. This felt too damn good, his
minty breath tickling her lower lip, his muscular arms wrapped around her like
he was going to keep her safe and warm.

She ran her fingers through his hair. His
gorgeous, thick locks. Was there nothing about this man that wasn’t pretty

Her stomach flipped, her pussy pulled, and
it made her remember her new rule. No falling for another good-looking guy who
would break her heart. Her husband had certainly done that.

She pulled away with him looking her in
the eye.

“I don’t think I could say there was anything
criminal about a guy who wanted to break his way in here and kiss you,” he

She tidied her hair with her hands and bit
her lip, hoping the kiss hadn’t smeared her pink lip gloss all around her

“You’re saying that I should get better
security?” she asked.

“You should, but don’t worry too much
because I’m going to be around a lot watching all the businesses and making
sure everyone’s okay, including you.”

The thought they’d she be seeing more of
him scared and excited her. Would she be able to control herself? She’d let him
kiss her. She would never have believed she’d give in so easily and to a man
less than forty-eight hours ago she was ready to kill for ruining her day.

“Did you relock the front door? Because
I’m parked out back and that’s the way I go out.”

“I sure did, but if you want to continue
parking out there, then I suggest more lighting so no one can lurk in the
bushes. Or I can lock up with you each night and escort you to your car.”

“I’ll call an electrician and have more
lights installed, and maybe get the bush by the window removed.”

“I can do that for you and I have a buddy
who does electrical work. I’ll give him a call in the morning. Now, if you want
to grab your stuff, I’ll see you to your car.”

She had to get one thing clear.

“About that kiss,” she began.

“What about it? Don’t tell me you want a
goodnight kiss, too.”


Ian armed the security system and then put
his hand on the small of Eve’s back as they headed out into the parking lot. He
never thought he’d say this about a human, but she was fun to tease, and a
pleasure to kiss. He almost couldn’t stop a grin from breaking out on his face
when he’d asked if she wanted him to kiss her again.

“I was about to say that I don’t usually
do that sort of thing,” she said, finally responding to his remark about
wanting a goodnight kiss.

“You don’t kiss men?”

“That’s not what I meant and I think you
know it.”

Yeah, lots of fun to tease and he liked

“How about women?” he asked, loving every
minute he was spending with her.

“And I didn’t mean that, either. Yes, I
kiss men, but not ones I don’t know.”

“I introduced myself to you the other

“Are you like this with everyone? Wait, on
second thoughts, I shouldn’t be asking you questions because you ask questions
back and we’re going around in circles.”

“Guilty,” he said, raising his palm.
part of my charm.”

“You really think a lot of yourself, don’t

Ian grinned, knowing she’d fallen into her
own trap “Oops, another question. How about I ask you one?”

“Sure, go ahead,” Eve said.

“How about grabbing something to eat with
me at the Starlight Café?”

Since he and Joanne had broken up, one
thing he’d hated the most was eating by himself.

“Hannah’s restaurant?” Eve asked.

“That’s the one.”

Eve looked at her watch. He was expecting
her to say no, but she didn’t.

“I am hungry and actually feel too tired
to cook when I get home, so yes, I’d love to try out Hannah’s place.”

“My motorbike awaits you,” he said,
stepping aside to show her the second love of his life. Well now that Joanne
was gone, it had inched up a notch.

“Me get on a bike, no, no way,” Eve said.

“You don’t like motorcycles?”

“I can’t stand them. Danger traps. Had a
buddy at school who lost her leg when she rode on the back of her boyfriend’s
cycle. He flipped it on its side while showing off.”

“I can assure you I never show off while
I’m on my bike. Well, at least not while I have a passenger.”

“No, you just cover people with mud.”

“Okay, the other day I was a little
reckless, but I can assure you I’ll be the best biker in the world when you’re
on the back of it.”

Eve shook her head. “I’d rather walk there

The image of her doing just that, made his
cock twitch. She didn’t like bikes and that was a major problem. How would he
ride by Joanne with Eve clinging to him, without her getting onto the bike?

He’d have to slowly sweet talk her into
taking a spin with him.

“How about I follow you there in my car?” Eve

That was better than nothing. “Okay, I’ll
see you at Hannah’s.”

Ian zipped up his jacket and climbed on
his bike while watching Eve get into her car and start the ignition. He started
his own, gave a few revs, and the pulled out of the lot.

He checked his mirror and could see her
behind him. He’d get her on the bike and soon. He could imagine her arms
wrapped tightly around him, her head resting on his back as they rode along

Just for making
Joanne jealous, of course. There was no way he was getting back into the dating

The strip mall housing the Starlight Café
along with the craft store, run by the two cougar shifters came into view. What
was it with cougars wanting to run stores with their siblings?

He pulled into the lot, turned off the
bike, got off, and knocked out the kick stand just as Eve turned into the spot
behind him.

“Do you eat here often?” Eve asked him as
he opened the door for her.

“A couple of times a week. The food is
some of the best around.”

The place was busier than he’d expected.
He immediately recognized a few fellow shifters. Aiden and Charlotte Renner and
their daughter
sat at table by the window and
waved to him as he led Eve inside. He waved back.

Hannah walked out to greet them. “Hi Ian,
and nice to see you again, Eve. How’s the ankle?”

“Feeling a lot better,” Eve said.

“Good to hear, and table for two?”

Ian nodded as Hannah led them over to a
table at the back of the café. She placed the menus down in front of them. “I
know you’ll want a beer,” she said to Ian. “How about you, Eve?”

“Ice tea sounds good.”

“Chicken Cesar salad is the special of the
day.” She left and Ian opened up the menu.

“The salad sounds good,” Eve said.

“If you’re a rabbit.” He already knew what
he wanted and closed the menu. Hannah returned with their drinks.

“Have you decided on anything yet?” she

“The chicken Cesar salad for me,” Eve said.

“Meatloaf sandwich for me, and I’ll have
the sweet potato fries,” said Ian. “And I’m guessing Eve will be trying one or

He winked at her. Hannah winked at Eve.
“It’s amazing how many couples have their first date in my café. Well, that’s
assuming this is your first one.”

“It’s not a date,” Eve said.

He was slightly irritated at the speed at
which she’d jumped in there and corrected Hannah. What was so bad about going
on a date with him? Hannah smiled and walked away.

“Are you saying you wouldn’t date me or
what?” Ian asked.

“I’m not in the market for dating. I’ve
been divorced for less than a year and this is
time,” Eve said.

He could understand that. If it wasn’t
that he was doing this to try and win back his mate, he certainly wouldn’t be
going on a date.

“And if you were, how would I fare?” he

“I was right. You do have an inflated

“Better than have a deflated one.”

She laughed, almost choking on her iced
tea she’d just
through a straw. “You would
fare every well.”

“Good, glad to hear that. I was worried
that maybe it was the whole motorcycle thing.”

“Yes, that’s an issue. I mean if we

“And sex?” he asked.

This time she did actually choke on her
tea. Ian reached around the table and patted her back.

“Sorry, I should have phrased that better
for more clarity. At what point when you’re dating do you have sex with a guy?”

Hannah chose that moment to bring their
meals to the table.

“There you go guys, and let me know if you
need anything else.”

Eve waited until Hannah was out of earshot
to respond to him. “Do you always ask your dinner companions about their sex

“Makes for interesting conversation, don’t
you think? And the answer is what?” Ian asked, picking up his sandwich and
raising his left eyebrow.

“Three,” said Eve. “Has to be at least
three dates until I’ll get horizontal with anyone. How about you?”

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